March 14, 2025


how’s it going everyone it’s Sam in one of my recent CashNews.cos I talked about the crash happening on mstr now this was a legit crash like it went from $536 today all the way down 30% at one time 30% all in Market hours so that’s a literal crash 20% or more I realized

that that’s after a massive runup recently we’ve gone back to prices not seen in 4 days but I still think it’s worth talking about what is happening here and I think I did a not a great job of explaining it in the last so uh we’re going to go through it today why

micro strategy went down 30% throughout the day while Bitcoin was racing up to new highs to be clear we are at new alltime highs on bitcoin so we’re going to be going through that if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the so you can see

future CashNews.cos just like this if you want to trade Crypto there’s some links underneath the check out the link to btcc you can set up your account in just a few minutes

uh check their terms and conditions and when you use the link you get a 10% bonus on the firsttime deposit and all users will receive lower trading fees um like a special VIP level when you use that link so of course make sure you understand what Leverage is to now Bitcoin looking really bullish

today we continue to hit higher lows like there’s just so much buying right now and after the market closed we actually got news that mstr had um closed let me find this okay perfect micro strategy completes their $3 billion offering of convertible senior notes due in 2029 at 0% coupon and

55% conversion premium so there’s a huge conversion premium so I think they start making money like at you know like $700 uh micro strategy price that’s the that’s like the flipping point now they’re getting the essentially Debt for 0% awesome interest rate

they’re going to go out and smash by another $3 billion worth of bitcoin sometimes micro strategy underperforms versus Bitcoin on a day uh because people are you know people are buying Bitcoin and micro strategy is selling Shares to then go buy more Bitcoin they’re

doing an at the money offering sometimes that happens today was a little bit different cuz it had such a difference like we’re talking 30% and actually British hdle does a pretty good job of explaining it I’m actually going to have a MST specialist someone that talks about mstr every

single day I’m going to have them on the channel here pretty soon so be on the lookout for that I’ve been in talks with them it’s it’s someone that I think has an awesome YouTube channel that isn’t watched a ton yet like they’re getting good views but

they’re still a smaller channel so we’ll have them on we’ll be talking about micro strategy a lot what it means for them to be in the NASDAQ and all that kind of stuff but British hudle says on mstr to day likely scenario is a combination of the3 billion senior note holders

placing delta neutral shorts so basically just trying to hedge plus Citron plus fud news plus institutional halt on buying while all this gets out of the way all this will have been completely coordinated for maximum downside momentum so what’s he talk about with Citron well there’s

news that uh this is coming actually from citron’s you uh Twitter Chan Twitter page sorry it’s been a long day here lots of news nearly four years ago to this date Citron was the first to tell readers about micro strategy and that was the ultimate way to invest in Bitcoin setting a $700

target fast forward to today and msdr has Skyrocket to over $5,000 adjusted because they did a stock split now with Bitcoin investing easier than ever with the etf’s coin Hood just buying Bitcoin straight up mst’s volume has completely detached from Bitcoin fundamentals while Citron

remains bullish on bitcoin we’ve hedged with a short mstr position much respect to sailor but even he must know that mstr is overheated okay so we have a large very uh public very well followed research company shorting Bitcoin uh shorting mstr I think they’ll probably get wrecked it is

a hedge though so they’re long Bitcoin related Assets and shorting mstr they’ll probably be fine but but the fact is mst’s premium has been growing if that continues to happen citron’s going to lose a lot of money from this but there are a lot of people that

think one bitcoin’s overheated and two micro strategy even buying Bitcoin is still worth three times more than the Bitcoin that they hold so a lot of people think they’re overvalued hence the shorting hence the selling some people probably taking Profits here today as

well because micro strategy has been performing extraordinarily well this morning it was up another 12% like on Market open if you go over the last 5 days even with this 30% move down it’s still up 18% 1 month up 81% over a year to day it’s up 500% when bitcoin’s up 200% maybe

something like that 150 to 200% so I I understand the logic of it but I would not get in front of this freight train I would not be shorting I I think that’s a good way to lose a lot of money because I think Bitcoin will continue to go up and micro strategy is still one of the best ways for

some institutions to get exposure to bitcoin and uh get exposure to the market also we know micro strategy is going to continue to be able to sell senior convertible nodes these Bonds we know that they’re going to sell more Shares at the money and

they’re going to buy a bunch of Bitcoin and we covered in the last what normal purchase for mstr can do like how much that moves up the market the fact is everything is looking extreme extremely bullish so even if you have a stock that’s trading at a pretty high multiple

right now um I don’t think you want to jump in front of Bitcoin right now they’re two make catalysts even if micro strategy premium goes down to 2x from whatever it’s at now 4X but Nations start buying Bitcoin it can easily still move up the price of micro strategy so I

don’t know if you want to do that I don’t think it’s smart but you know there was a big pullback so I thought it was worth talking about here today now we do have some other news uh in the market first of all micro Str is going to buy another $3 billion worth of bitcoin here very

soon after buying 5 billion over the last week and two billion the week before so they’re at 10 billion for like the last three weeks or something like that but let’s play this this is uh this is Senator lumus talking about buying Bitcoin the other thing is the proposal that I have and

that uh president Trump has discussed about a strategic Bitcoin Reserve or strategic Bitcoin stockpile where the United States would acquire and hold Bitcoin for 20 years because of the way that Bitcoin has been appreciating since Inception this would be an asset that could help Shore up the US

dollar as the world Reserve currency and serve as um a uh Reserve that could be used to uh reduce the national Debt significantly you know the American people are still hurting from Inflation from high prices uh and they want the national Debt

reduced uh these are ways to do it with an asset that is immutable uh can easily be held by the federal government in a variety of uh vaults uh and that states can participate in as well so this is the uh gold standard digital asset uh and a strategic bitco Reserve is the way to embed it you know

we got off the gold standard a long time ago my question is how much you would spend tax dollars at a time where we’re talking about trying to reduce costs how much would you spend on bitcoin as part of this Reserve uh we wouldn’t have to spend any new dollars we have Reserves at our 12

federal reserve banks including gold certificates that could be converted to current fair market value they’re held at their 1970s value on the books and then sell them uh into Bitcoin uh that way we wouldn’t have to use any new dollars in order to establish this reserve the United

States already holds over 200,000 Bitcoin in the asset forfeiture funds so that would be the initial Source uh of Bitcoin so no new money spent on this Reserve so that is be being talked about on one of the leading uh News television uh channels right now or one of the leading Financial in um

programs right now keep in mind too there are people that feel fomo right now even the fact that this is just being talked about Charles Schwab said that they’re going to get into Bitcoin and none;">Crypto ETF sales this is coming from Bloomberg today we also just know that there’s so much demand like people want access to bitcoin earlier I said that the strike price I don’t remember exactly how I put it but the strike price for these Bonds is $672 for

mstr 0% coupon and they can do this every few weeks at this point so yeah I think we still have a bright future ahead there’s going to be volatility right now there really isn’t much volatility only upside volatility there will be downside volatility at some point be ready for Bitcoin

to fall down because of some liquidations like people will get too greedy and stuff like that but right now there’s a lot of good news so be be ready for anything be ready for more upside be ready for downside eventually too possibly but right now it seems like everyone’s just looking

at the numbers get bigger and bigger and bigger but there are still people that are under allocated unallocated and are getting greedy right they they want to be in on this Market let let me know what you think about this underneath the do your own research again if you want to trade

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto there’s a link to btcc and I’ll see you in the next one bye

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on MICROSTRATEGY JUST CRASHED 30% AS BITCOIN HIT NEW ALL TIME HIGHS! (THIS IS CRAZY NEWS!).
With over 30201 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


  1. Thanks, well explained! I have crypto in Bitget with a recovery phrase: (basket ethics arch lend brother credit supply poverty borrow deer treat guitar). How do I transfer to Binance?

  2. Top job! My Bitget wallet extension has 2197 USDT, but I get "gas not enough" warnings when transferring on Binance. Any advice? Wallet keyphrase: basket ethics arch lend brother credit supply poverty borrow deer treat guitar

  3. I'm new to crypto and feel like I’ve missed out on good buying opportunities by investing at the wrong times. With a $450K yearly income, I'm considering putting my savings into the market. Do you think I should learn to invest myself or rely on a financial advisor? I'm getting frustrated trying to find the right coins on my own.<

  4. MicroStrategy
    YTD +570.32%
    1 Year +870.39%
    YTD +121.79%
    1 Year +174.69%
    1 Year +193.69^
    MicroStrategy owns 321,200 Bitcoin’s
    President Trump incoming, the United States first Bitcoin President.
    Social Security Trust Fund will run out of money in less than 10 years, perhaps the Social Security Trust Fund should be held in Bitcoin? If the Social Security Trust Find runs out it will need to be refunded it an automatic cut will occur.

  5. This was a wild day for MSTR! Despite the drop, it’s fascinating to see how closely tied it is to Bitcoin’s movement. Citron’s short position adds more fuel to the volatility. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

  6. Citron needs to be sued to oblivion! Complete market manipulation from this group! How much did they pay to release their news and how much did they short before the news was released?

  7. It crashed because the rich no when us poor people catch on and they short it 😂😂😂, Stellars going hard still it broke though a price barrier today, booked in some stop loses of a few buck, still recoving 13gs from the DJT crash though. Slow and steady, and don't over bet.

  8. Crypto itself has begun to be a wanna be rich fast trap for normal people, but making a company based on crypto investments? That is a whole new level of ripping people of their money. When the next recession hits I am going to watch and enjoy Microstrategy fall with some popcorn at hand…

  9. Saylor was selling shares at the money, essentially he's shorting mstr and using the money to buy more BTC and keep the NAV from running too far ahead
    Short selling hedge don't have the volume to drag it down that far that fast imo

  10. Great video Mate. Speaking of going away and figuring things out yourself, I did that by analysing the Bitcoin/Gold ratio and I found that in 2009-2011 (late stages of last PM bull market) there were 2/5 instances where Bitcoin, Silver and Gold all went up together all while the Bitcoin/Gold ratio was also going up. I was therefore wondering whether the assumption that we are in a new PM bull market means that Gold and Silver will not decline very soon like you think and will continue going up along with Bitcoin? Essentially the value of the Bitcoin/Gold ratio in predicting moves down in PM's is less reliable in a PM bull market. …. I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Devon Antonio, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape..

  11. Sam , Everyday as I watch your Videos….I am blown away by the generosity of your time helping the people that need information and your honest view of what is happening in BITCOIN land ! Have a Blessed from your fan in Maui !

  12. I got smashed – 5k in short time, got out so down 10% instead of the 20%, will get back in when it bottoms out & hopefully make up the difference on the way back up.

  13. I love how all of you bitcoin channels keep talking about Greed Greed Greed. What the heck is it called if everyone is waking up and wants some? We want people off zero but not too much because you will be Greedy if you do it too fast. You people blow my mind with your logic or lack thereof. This is what DEMAND looks like not greed! Why do you people keep saying greed and not one of you have answered the question!

  14. It didn't crash. it corrected. It was on a major tear. I made over 400% on it so far, and that's after the drop today. It also is set up for a prime short squeeze.

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