October 21, 2024
MicroStrategy Outperforms S&P 500 After Adopting Bitcoin | Biggest Story in Corporate Finance! 📊

MicroStrategy Outperforms S&P 500 After Adopting Bitcoin | Biggest Story in Corporate Finance! 📊 #Finance

Dylan first of all it it’s been a while great seeing you my man great seeing you too Charles happy to be here yeah let’s talk about this because Larry think I he I mean he is like you know they say when people become Believers when they’re non-believers and they become

Believers they’re become staunch Believers like he’s bought into this big time yeah absolutely I mean the the reality here is that Bitcoin it’s a trillion and a half today this is a Trill this is aund trillion dollar idea this is a hundred trillion dollar technology money itself

is the biggest total addressable Market in the world and Bonds stocks Real Estate have all sort of been monetized in a world where the dollar the Euro the Yen can’t can’t work as a store of value uh so Bitcoin Wall Street is starting to understand that

this is not just a speculative asset to punt around this is something that should be in every core Portfolio in every retirement account in every pension and every young Investor’s Portfolio and every corporate Balance Sheet so this is still

early days for Bitcoin and you know it’s great to see people like Larry Vin waking up yeah let’s talk about that corporate side of it we’re going to put up a a chart of micro strategies since the adoption of Bitcoin uh in August of 2020 just it’s been an absolute monster and

you know every time I see it go up I think about Michael sailor and the slings and arrows that he took you say though that now the whole Corporate Finance part of this story is the biggest

part of the story and that very few understand it so help us understand this part that Michael sailor picked up early on but still so few don’t know or understand well I have to give you Credit and you know you’ve had Michael on a few times and have done a great job

covering the story over the years uh so big props there um but yeah on micro strategy right this m micro strategy and and the Bitcoin strategy they adopted in August of 2020 has outperformed 500 out of 500 S&P 500 uh stocks since since that time right it’s outperformed everything on the

planet including Nvidia right so is the biggest story in corporate Finance how A1 billion NASDAQ business intelligence company just changed their unit of account and has

become a$ 36 billion market cap in four years right and so this idea that delution is is the scariest thing in the world Sailor and micro strategies Playbook flipping it on its head where shareholders cheer every time new stock is issued new convertible Debt is issued to buy

additional Bitcoin it it started as a a defensive protective strategy to head against the covid stimulus and has since turned into an offensive strategy where Bitcoin and the volatility that so many people for so many years said was something to avoid at all costs micro strategy and sailor are

leveraging that volatility to their advantage right right they have the lowest they have the lowest cost of Capital out of anybody in the planet borrowing billions of dollars for 82 basis points wow right so this is really not understood um it’s still early days remarkably so

and I think saor and micro strategy continue chugging on from here hey I got less than a minute to go uh ethereum you know people still talk about that not much though about the other none;">Cryptocurrencies it’s are there other areas in this space that should be explored or is it really just a Bitcoin world for me it’s there’s Bitcoin and everything else uh you know the other things are Tech bets Venture bets you know you can kind of think of them yeah I

would say you know Venture you know more more or less money is an entirely different asset class and I think you know just the performance or the inflows of you know the Bitcoin ETFs compared to

the ethereum ETFs uh paints a clear picture I think a lot of institutional allocators kind of see the same thing right um there’s there’s you know n plus1 smart contract platform

competitors the moat that was perceived to be there for the ethereums the Salas people are increasingly starting to realize that that moat doesn’t really exist versus Bitcoin right we’re comparing Bitcoin to Gold we’re comparing Bitcoin to the bond market to Real

Estate and I think more and more investors realize that in terms of digital Assets digital Capital it’s a class of its own it certainly is hey you too my man it’s been far too long thanks a lot Dylan appreciate it Charles thanks

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on MicroStrategy Outperforms S&P 500 After Adopting Bitcoin | Biggest Story in Corporate Finance! 📊.
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