October 3, 2024
Middle Class to RICH 💸 which is best JOB or BUSINESS? Middle-Class Trap to Financial Freedom SeeKen

Middle Class to RICH 💸 which is best JOB or BUSINESS? Middle-Class Trap to Financial Freedom SeeKen #Finance

"Hey friends, I have an interesting question for you." "What do you think is the best way to escape middle-class traps?" "Option A: Business or Option B: Job?” "If you had asked me this question a few years ago, four or five years ago,” "So I would

have answered with my eyes closed, "In business, I used to think very black and white back then,” "I used to think that business is the best and a job is completely useless, "After trying out many different businesses over the past several years, "I understood that if I

didn’t have my YouTube channel SeeKen, "So, whatever business I am doing "In that, I face a lot of trouble, "Because I have incurred a lot of losses even now "I have made a lot of mistakes, because of this channel "Because of this, everything was somewhat maintained,

"If this channel didn’t exist, then I would have been in a lot more trouble, really, "Financially, I don’t even know what my condition would be,” "So, I hope you don’t think like my inner self, in black and white, and think, So please don’t think because

your middle-class trap to get out of or to become rich," Choosing the best path depends on many important factors,” what all important factors are? "In today’s CashNews.co, the ones who will be telling you, are bringing the help of a very amazing book, this is what it is, plus by

the end of the CashNews.co "I am genuinely going to give you my own opinion as well, according to me, what is the best, what is the best option for you’ll, there’s also a gift from me for you all, so make sure to watch till the end of the CashNews.co," now let’s start

"There are two friends.” "The first friend is Prem "Prem belongs to a lower-middle-class background and he has to do something big in life." "He doesn’t understand how he should do it." "So, his most intelligent, clever friend, Amar, goes to him."

Amar was street smart guy "Plus, he reads books, and keeps watching book summaries." "And overall, he is doing quite well in his life." "He goes to Prem and says, ‘Hey Prem, did you hear the news?’" "Byju’s founder’s Net

Worth has gone to zero, buddy." "Lately, I had been thinking that I would definitely do business. "I am also watching all the episodes of Shark Tank." "And I felt like I have learned a lot about business." "Now, the best way for me is to do

business." "Now I see that even with so many intelligent people and so much funding," "If their condition becomes like this, then what could happen to me?" "So, can I do business?" "Well, you’ve hit the nail on the head." "The situation is

quite bad, not just for Byju’s, if you see. "India has one of the largest ecosystems for startups." "But the trend is showing that around 80 to 90 percent of startups… "will fail, and this is according to a study by IBM." "Plus, I recently watched a

CashNews.co by SeeKen." "In that CashNews.co, I learned how the startup’s bad time is going on." "Fundamentally, there are a lot of problems going on in the startup, buddy." "Since my studies are also going to end soon, should I go for a job?" "For me

"Even there, things aren’t going so well." I had read in a study that even 32.8 percent of people from prestigious colleges like IIT Bombay…” "Don’t find jobs, and the same thing happens with IIT Kanpur, Madras, Delhi." "Meaning, as many smart people as

there are studying in such big colleges…" "Even they are struggling to get placements, so what you mean is…" "We can’t achieve anything." "No job, no business. Everyone is struggling." "Why can’t it happen? Come on, let me inject a

little positivity into you." "Look, generally, there are two most popular ways to get out of the middle class: job and business." And to be honest, by using both, you can rise up, and many people do.” "Indeed, they do rise." "I’ll help you navigate using both

paths, to get out of this middle-class trap." "I’ll give you the most adorable example." "First, let me tell you about the advantages of a job." "Whenever someone becomes overly smart in our society…" "Or engages in bullying, who comes to settle

everything?" "Police, yes, exactly." "Whenever the police come, even the big, overly smart people are there." "Those people quiet down." "They speak respectfully and show respect." "To the police, but tell me, who is it that is not even afraid of

the police? Lawyers." "Now tell me, who do lawyers respect the most?" "Judges, and you know, the judges who are…" "They respect the judges of the High Court." like the judge from the local court "They will respect the judge of the High Court more, and

the High Court judge." "They will respect the judge of the Supreme Court more, and the judges of the Supreme Court. "There’s also a position in this, the Chief Justice of India." you can say that in a job, our "Dhananjay Yashwant" is like the Chief Justice of

India. this is one of the most prestigious job most powerful job big politicians, businessmen none of them can disrespect this person you can consider this as one of the most powerful job "And when there is power, with power comes the ability to suppress money whenever one wants."

"If you know, then let me explain it to you by giving you his example." "If our CJI, Dhananjay Yashwant ji, were to be talked about in today’s time… "Then let me tell you about his early career from 1982 to 1998." "He first pursued his law studies in Delhi

university. "Then, for some time, he shifted to the US." "He worked at a law firm there." "Then he returned to India." "After that, he became a senior advocate." in Bombay high court till 1998, then in 1998 "Then he became the Additional Solicitor

General of India." "Then from 2000 to 2013, he served as a judge of the Bombay High Court." "Then he served as a Director at the Maharashtra Judicial Academy." "Then from 2013 to 2016, he served as the Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court." "After that,

from 2016 to 2022, he became a judge of the Supreme Court." "And from 2022 until now, he is the 50th…" "Chief Justice of India. See, this is his entire career." "Through jobs, and today, he is at this position." "Big people come to him and address him

as ‘Your Honor’ and respect him." "This happened through job after job." "Now let’s talk about the second path, another star individual." "For this, let’s go international." "Look at Elon Musk’s life." "He immigrated

from Canada in 1990." "Then he took a $28,000 Loan and created Zip2." "Which he sold for $2 million in 1999." "Then he created PayPal with $10 million." "Which he sold for $1.65 billion in 2002." "Then he created SpaceX, invested in

Tesla Motors," "Worked on that." "Then SolarCity in 2006, after which in 2008," "he faced a tough time where he was on the brink of bankruptcy." "he invested all his last safety funds there." "Then things started to turn around, and today Elon

Musk’s Net Worth is…" "19,310 crore." "In fact, in 2017, he became the world’s richest person." "Here I wanted to show you a rough thing." "By giving both big examples, I wanted to show you how both can be used."

"By doing so, you can reach significant positions in society." "You can break free from the middle-class trap." "But the thing to understand is, if you visually compare both, if you see ‘you versus’ both…" "So, the growth of both, job and

business, is like that." "If you look at the growth of one, it’s linear." "The other, on the other hand, if you look at the growth, it’s up and down." "The image also reflects this." "Elon Musk had a good time. Then came a bad time."

"Then came a good time." "Then came a bad time, and his life has been going through such waves." "But one thing here, if you" "If you stay consistent in business, then you get exponential growth." The meaning of this is that the growth won’t always

remain the same. Plus, along with this, you should pay attention to one more thing. The differences between a job and a business are important to understand. So that you can decide correctly which field you want to go into. The work in a job usually involves following instructions. you need to

complete the tasks assigned to you, but in business you have to take all the decisions You have to move forward in the right direction and handle many things in business. When it comes to Income, in a job, there is a steady Income. The growth is limited, while in

business, there is variable Income. Sometimes, it might be a lot, and sometimes, perhaps there’s nothing at all. When it comes to risk, it’s lower in a job and higher in business. When it comes to skills, in a job, specific skills are required. In business, you need

broad-level skills. Such lifestyle benefits, security, and tax differences also exist What you can see in the image and understanding all these things is very important. Before you decide which field to go into. Now, whichever side appeals to you more, That side you can select, but along with it,

understanding this aspect is also important. WHICH PATCH WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY? let me tell you a story of Janine, Janine was living a perfect life she was a topper in her school Good marks have led to her getting a good job as well. she got married as well if you see her life all around was going

perfect she was quiet successful But still, deep down, she was very unhappy. that point of time she realized one thing "An ideal successful life doesn’t guarantee happiness." "And the life she was living with her job wasn’t pleasing her at all." yeah buddy Amar!

"The fair-skinned people have a lot of fat." "They get everything, yet they keep crying." Alright, let me do one thing. with you "I share a research from Time Job, in which it was found that even in India…" "More than sixty percent of people also hate their

current job." "A study found that two-thirds of workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.” "Two out of every three people are unhappy with their job, and a survey was conducted.” "Thirty-two thousand workers, more than half of whom were Gen Z.” "They are also saying

that they do not feel secure in their jobs." "Now you might feel that there is no happiness in the job." "If you feel like that, then stop." let me tell you a story this is a story about Alice "Alice was a person who used to work." "She quit her job and

started working on her dream." her dream was? Tuscan inspired Italian deli cafe, means she wanted to start a business "by opening a café and she worked really hard with great effort." "She invested money, took risks, and started a business, and the business became

successful." "She started earning a lot of money, and her dreams also started coming true." "Still, Alice felt very miserable." "The business sounded good to her." "But the daily tasks, like managing her staff," "Keeping the inventory absolutely

accurate, all these things were draining her enjoyment." "Then she realized that the dream she had of opening a cafe was…" "In reality, the dream was indeed correct, and it had become a source of much distress for her." "Buddy Amar, you’re telling so many

stories." "You’ve negated me already, so what should I do?" "There is no happiness in these two." "Look, don’t misunderstand me again." "Now, whatever I’m telling you…" "The book" The book is called "Designing Your

Life." The author talks about a concept in it. which is called Way Finding, the thing is Many people believe that if they get a job, they will be happy. Many times people think that if they start a business, they will be happy. But where will you find happiness? Or you can’t find out by

looking at others whether they have started a business. "He became successful." "If he became successful, then I should do it too." "No, you should understand this concept." The author refers to it as Way Finding Way finding is an Ancient art of Figuring out Where are

you? Right now, where are you in your life, and where are you going? where is your destination And do you think that when you reach your destination, you will enjoy it? And to track this, you need to track your enjoyment. The author in this book suggests that I should create a Good Time Journal.

Good Time Journal What is a journal that records all your movements? You should put that movement in the journal when your energy level is high. Plus, start noting down all the things that drain your energy too. And if you do this Good Time Journal for just two weeks. So, you’ll start getting

a lot of hints about what you need to do in your life. More jobs would be right for you, or more business And to look at these clues more closely, you’ll need to use the method of A, E, I, O, U. From which "A" comes. for Activities, which activities are you doing? were they

structured or unstructured? how do you feel after doing that then comes Environment try to find which environment suits you the best in which environment you feel stressed And in which environment you don’t feel any stress at all. third interaction Now see which thing you enjoy using more. Do

you prefer talking to people more? Or do you enjoy working with machines more? Do you prefer formal Do you prefer working formally or informally? then comes Objects from “O”. Which objects do you use that you like? And which things don’t you like? Users, whenever you were fully Engage,

were you alone or with people on time? Again, when you keep all these things in mind, you will start seeing. That’s when you’ll begin to see when you enjoy the most specifically. When your energy level is at its highest. keeping these 5 things in mind By doing this, the author says that

you will start to see a clearer picture. The author Shares an example of what is more appropriate for you. Michael’s story Michael was an engineer who had worked hard to become an engineer. he hate’s his job he wanted to change his job his family suggested him That they should

pursue an MBA and shift towards a financial career. But the authors of this book advised against it. The institute said, "You should first reflect." Towards those moments that make you feel good. Moment Of Joy and then focus on Towards his work, now when he did this exercise, Michael

realized that… Solving the problems of complex engineering is enjoyable. But the administrative tasks he has It means dealing with difficult people, dealing with them. He didn’t like them at all. Then he realized. Their passion lies in the technical engineering field. So, instead, he

went to business school for a Ph.D. in Engineering He became a high-level engineer who focused solely on problem-solving. The lack of administrative tasks and this aspect energized him. It also instilled happiness and made him a good engineer. Similarly, when you use Way Finding, you will be able

to gain clarity. Which job you should do, and along with that an important thing is… whatever you do business or job I want to achieve financial freedom by using either of the paths. To end the middle-class trap. If you want to become rich, you’ll need an exceptional toolkit. Toolkit

means your skills that are required. For success, whether it’s a job or a business. Some common skills that are usually very important for moving forward in life. The first one is problem-solving. critical thinking meaning whatever Identifying and analyzing the problems that arise in

day-to-day life. To understand the reasons behind it and derive related solutions. Whether it’s a person from a job or from a business. If one learns this skill, they can earn a lot of money. And if we look at the example of Elon Musk on top of this, when he had to build electric cars. Then

he used problem-solving and critical thinking. The first principle, which is very famous for them, they started questioning everything. Started questioning why electric cars are expensive, expensive. They found out it’s expensive because batteries are very expensive to make. why battery

making is so expensive? When they researched it, they found out a lot of things, which is why. Then what did they do? They built their own factory. As soon as they started making batteries and used the first principle. They were able to make cheap cars by making cheap batteries. Your critical

thinking should be good like this. Critical thinking one of the most interesting book called You’ll find the summary of "Thinking, Fast and Slow" on Seeken. Make sure to watch it once. The next skill that is very important to move forward using any path. Strong work ethic Many

people misunderstand and think that they will start a business. So those people will sit back and earn passive Income comfortably. That’s not how it works. To start a business, you need a very strong work ethic. And even when talking about jobs, a strong work ethic is needed

there too. It means a person who consistently puts in effort over time to achieve a single goal. This thing, whether it’s business or a job. The one who masters this skill will surely succeed. Today or tomorrow, they will keep moving forward. And for this, dedication, willpower, power,

reliability, and strong work ethic are needed. "I suggest a very good book to you, which is ‘Can’t Hurt Me’." by David Goggins "You’ll also find its summary on the Seeken channel." "Go and see it." "Your work ethic will become stronger

because of it." "I have had enough, and the last skill is." Communication, see unless you want to become an engineer. Or someone wants to go into a field where they don’t have to talk at all. Leave aside, wherever you want to move forward. There, you will definitely need

communication skills. You should be able to handle people and communicate effectively with your boss atleast All those things will happen only when your communication skills are good. And in communication skills, what is most important, as Jordan Peterson says. that is how to articulate your

thoughts as accurately as "You can portray your thoughts in words." "You can tell people, your communication skills could be as good." "And on communication, I think one of the best books is." "How to Win Friends and Influence People," which every person

should read at least once. If you don’t want to read it, its summary is also available on the Seeken channel. go and see it, Alright Buddy, whatever you’ve told me, it’s all been really fantastic, I’ll definitely check it out. I start by applying these things one by one. To

be honest, from all the things you’ve told, I’ve gained a bit of clarity. I understand that what others are doing may not be necessary. I have to do the same. "I have to do what will give me the most happiness." "Because when I am happy, only then I can work well in

it." "I will be able to progress in that field. "Exactly "You’ve got it right. Now, aside from the story, if you direct wants to ask for my opinion on what to do." "What’s more important?" "So, according to me, see, there’s no scene like

outside India." "Many times, you will see that not everyone in the US studies well." "Even if someone drops out, they don’t have as much responsibility on them." Because more often than not, the people who… They are living their own lives without depending on

their parents. But in India, all the people who study and progress. Somewhere or the other, there are high expectations from parents and many people. So, I would suggest this only if you have clarity. If you exactly know which business to do and why you want to do it. How will you do the business?

How will you bring in Profit? The more clarity you have. The higher the probability, the more likely you are to do business well. But if you’re confused, if there’s no clarity within you. According to me, a very big indication is whether you should do business or should

you do a job. Your clarity is an indication that you should start with a job first. Starting with a job doesn’t mean that you have to work a job for the rest of your life. like rich dad poor dad author Robert Kiyosaki says, "Mind your own business and work for yourself." "Learn

how business actually operates and then” "You can start your own business tomorrow and still" "So this is my simple opinion." "If you have more responsibility on you, if you have…" "If there is no clarity, if you don’t know how the business

works?" Exactly, "So, it’s better to." "Choose a job path, learn from it, go there, work for a while." "This will bring about one thing, and your discipline will come, because to be honest." I haven’t done any jobs "So bringing things to realization

also brings discipline, which can often be very difficult." "For someone who has never done a job, who has never worked." "He cannot create a routine." "I have also faced this thing personally as a problem." "So, that’s why I would suggest to you."

"If you’re coming into this category of things, then first get a job." "And if you have absolute clarity, you’re 100 percent surety, then you must do this." "You have identified a market gap." "You have come up with a fantastic solution to a

problem." "You have tried and tested it." "Many people are liking it, and people are ready to pay for it." "When you start a business, your probability of becoming successful is higher." "Alright. And along with that, remember this quote for sure." of

“Henry ford”, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right "Now let’s move on to the gift." "If you want all the things I have mentioned in this CashNews.co that you should get in a PDF format "Get it comfortably so that you can go through it

at ease, revise it." the contents of this book "So, I have made the free PDF ready for you guys, the link is in the description, go and get it for free." "Our book has a community, which I would request you to join." "Be sure to be a part of it. There’s nothing

to do to become a part." "Click on the link that is showing the PDF." "When you go there, it will automatically ask you for your details." "By entering your name and other details, you can become a member of our community." become a community member "There

are many free resources available there, including numerous books." "Conversations continue to be uploaded there, so being part of the community is also essential." "And look, one important thing is this." "The books I have talked about in this CashNews.co."

"We have discussed about book summaries." through story "YouTube believes that this CashNews.co will be the most helpful for you guys." "So go ahead, try to judge once by watching this CashNews.co." "Is what YouTube recommended truly for you or not?"

"For now, that’s all. Thanks for watching!"

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on Middle Class to RICH 💸 which is best JOB or BUSINESS? Middle-Class Trap to Financial Freedom SeeKen.
With over 777356 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

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31 thoughts on “Middle Class to RICH 💸 which is best JOB or BUSINESS? Middle-Class Trap to Financial Freedom SeeKen #Finance

  1. The secret book …………….. Par sir pleas vidio banaiye na pleas please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much sir for this amezing video ❤

  2. Bhai second generation businessman par bhi ek video bana do taki mere jaise logo ko bhi kuch madad mil sake jinke baap ka business hai hamare andar clarity bahut magar business ke utar chadao se der bhi lagta hai

  3. Sir🙏Main bhi middle class family se hun lekin thodi paise hai mere pass kaise koi business mein invest karun aur kaunsa business karun,bass yahi samajh nahin araha,so plz bhaiya help me.

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