February 12, 2025
My Favorite Professional Finance YouTubers

My Favorite Professional Finance YouTubers #Finance

ladies and gentlemen welcome to the plane bagel i’m your host richard coffin one of the most common questions i get on the channel is what resources i would offer for anyone looking to learn more about #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance or investing and given that i’ve already put out a CashNews.co on my top five favorite investing books i figured i would do the youtuber version my top five favorite color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance youtubers that i actually watch from time to time i’ve been with the channel for a while you know that in the past i’ve been hard on the youtube #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance community only because i think that there’s room for improvement when it comes to how certain bits of information are presented when it comes to stock research selling courses and over-promising things i think there’s a lot of issues

in the space that need to be worked out but outside of that i’ve always highlighted that there are great creators in the space and so i wanted to put out something positive you know take a break from uh from tearing others down though it’s never been my intention for the channel but uh

so i wanted to to highlight some creators i think do a really good job now if you notice before we hop into it the first is that i want to focus on creators with some sort of academic or professional background that’s not to say that people who don’t have those things can’t be

successful and great Finance youtubers the second note kind of on the same point is that this is my own personal list of top youtubers i probably haven’t stumbled upon

all the great youtubers in the space and because you know these are channels i watch myself it’s going to focus on different types of content might not necessarily encompass the whole none;">Finance youtube space you know i don’t have anyone here that’s a stock picker that Shares research because that’s not the content i personally consume and finally all the channels i highlight here are going to be smaller than my own channel

mostly because i just want to highlight channels that might be harder to stumble upon than your gram stefans or whatever and you know i also don’t want my list to be incentivized to just talk about big creators like graham stefan because when you mention graham steffen and other big

Finance creators like graham stefan the youtube algorithm likes it and the youtube gods dictate that your CashNews.co will do well when you mention gram stefan in your

CashNews.co so um i’m not gonna do that to you guys with all those notes out of the way make sure to smash the like button hit subscribe and let’s get into the top five favorite none;">Finance youtubers of me of the plain bagel going to no particular order the first youtuber i want to mention today is patrick boyle god bless this man patrick boyle is an ex-hedge fund manager and professor who started his channel to post course content for his students online

and eventually branched into covering more kind of recent economic and corporate events and providing some perspective on these situations and one reason why i really like his channel is that his CashNews.cos are not only well researched but they provide a lot of perspective on these events you

know given that he has a history of working in the investment field he’s able to contextualize things in a really nice way his more recent stuff has talked a lot about the war in ukraine and even the twitter purchased by elon musk or or the non-purchase of twitter uh whatever have you but

some of his older CashNews.cos have talked a lot about historical events and you know explaining things even like what a ponzi scheme was and what that origin of that thing is now obviously as a hedge fund manager he does lose some points there given that he was the bad guy behind the gamestop

fiasco and all that stuff uh but while i can’t guarantee that he doesn’t run his channel off of the tears of retail investors i do think he puts out good content and probably my favorite thing about his channel is patrick’s dry humor the man does not change his demeanor whether

he’s making fun of the latest Crypto scheme or talking about the crippling effects of Inflation and that’s the kind of stuff i appreciate you know some people

might not like that i find it entertaining so the channel itself won’t teach you how to invest and admittedly not a lot of the channels i cover today will do that uh because that’s not the content i look for if you want to learn about more recent events you know get that kind of

well-rounded perspective on different things he does a really good job for that kind of content now next up on my list is how money works this is a channel that i think out of the top five i highlight today probably has the youtube game down the best if you will you know i know for example with my

own channel like not all my content is is the most attention grabbing and that’s okay you know that’s that’s what we are we’re called the plain bagel uh it’s on brand but i genuinely feel like with how money works all those CashNews.cos cover really interesting ideas

you know one that i recently found really interesting was why do squatters rights exist it’s that kind of content where you know you might not think to research yourself but when you see a CashNews.co explaining it and that has done the research for you it’s hard to not want to learn

more but does cover kind of things like hustle culture you know side gigs and things like that those kind of topics that float around the personal Finance space and at times

can really incentivize people to be reckless with their money or you know just convince people that you can make wealth out of thin air and he kind of you know tackles that stuff with well researched papers and statistics and things like that uh to you know show people what the reality is when it

comes to managing money now mostly for full disclosure that i technically know how many works like the creator we’ve been in contact for a few years now and he’s even referenced my own channel in a few of his CashNews.cos but in truth i talk to a lot of science creators many of them do

an excellent job and i just you know can’t fit them all into a CashNews.co of my you know top five that i watch and the thing i like about how many works but stuff that i find genuinely interesting very entertaining it does a really good job on that front exploring really interesting ideas

and providing the research in in time statistics to support different ideas so if you’re looking for that kind of interesting content again not a channel that will teach you how to invest but does cover a lot of really broad subjects in a really well done way now perhaps how many works is in

your style you’re not really looking for that entertainment you just want that information you want that education on Finance and investing as if you’re going to

school and learning about Finance yourself well boy oh boy do i have the exact channel for you because third on our list is aswath de moderin asloth is an nyu stern school of

business professor that’s quite literally uploaded university courses onto his youtube channel these are presentations that he’s given in class and at times has filmed kind of separately to give education on these you know subject matters now i won’t pretend that i watch as

well’s content regularly because i don’t you know i love Finance and investing i’m not a psychopath this stuff can be dense it’s essentially like

taking a university course with you know a powerpoint presentation and whatnot but it’s just such a good resource this is basically free university grade education on youtube you know there’s courses on there about Valuations about corporate

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance Accounting rules all the things you could ever want if you wanted to maybe analyze stocks yourself or just want to learn about you know how stocks work and how

the market works now you probably won’t go here to watch the more recent uploads as they come up but i highly suggest you go to the playlists because that’s where everything is actually divided into sort of their own courses and really the first three there are some of the most

fundamental and the best overviews of the different subjects and even though this is stuff that you know i myself went to university for these topic matters it’s something that i’ve referenced in the past when trying to you know refresh on different subjects so if you’re really

wanting to learn about investment analysis before you buy a course before you buy anything i highly recommend you just check out this channel first and go through a few of the playlists to see if it works for you it’s free university-grade content very hard to beat out there fourth on our

list sticking with the sort of academic theme if you will is money in macro this is an economics channel run by dr yuri shasfort who’s actually someone we’ve had on the channel for a podcast interview and someone who since kind of stumbling upon his content has just continued to put out

really high quality stuff now economics is unfortunately one of those subject matters that there are a lot of people out there who have very strong opinions uh without kind of the the academic or professional background to support those ideas you know things can get very political and a lot of

concepts will at times be grossly oversimplified you know people take very complicated topics and just boil it down to a single thing like everything is jerome powell’s fault which you know an important topic an important factor but just kind of grossly oversimplified and really dumbed down

to a point where it loses a lot of its important detail and nuance and even you know with my own channel i don’t have that formal economics background even though i have some education in that front uh which is why i really like dr yuri shasport’s you know information the stuff he puts

out because he has that background to really know those nuances and to highlight them when discussing a certain topic that might lead you to believe that this content’s going to be like as wealth’s own content where it’s just like a lecture if you will but it’s actually

quite very well done it’s very entertaining they’re very interesting ideas that are explored one CashNews.co we had was the origins of central banks and how it’s actually a bit more sketchy than you might believe and you know in a recent CashNews.co he talked about

Inflation and did a physical example explaining you know the basket of goods and how that stuff is calculated so he’s done a really good job of not only covering academic things but making it interesting and you know a pleasure to watch highly recommend if you’re

looking to learn more about kind of broader economic subjects finally last but not least the only other canadian Finance youtuber on this list is ben felix formally common

sense investing ben is actually another Portfolio manager in the ottawa region we’ve actually met up for coffee before and we apply very different kind of Investment Strategies he is through and through a passive investor all this content is talking about

passive investing and things like that but you know even if you’re an active investor and someone who wants to focus on that type of strategy he covers a lot of research reports and one thing i like about his content is his CashNews.cos have like on average three research reports that will be

referenced in the CashNews.co and yes a lot of them are family and french and those kind of older reports there’s a lot of new stuff in there as well where it will just explain what academics found about different investing strategies it’s definitely the type of content that focuses on

that education and information over entertainment but lo and behold that can be a good thing in the world of Finance and investing you know it’s not always about just

finding the latest strategy to earn millions of dollars in passive Income uh you know without leaving your couch sometimes it’s good to have a down-to-earth kind of grounded presentation of research in the investment field so if you’re someone who’s more

interested in that sort of academic side of things if you want to learn more about the actual research done by academics on investing he’s kind of channel for you there’s a lot of great stuff there so those are my top five favorite investing channels as i mentioned this is by no means a

comprehensive list of all the best Finance youtubers out there these are just people that i personally watch and because i work in the field because you know my full-time day

job is researching stocks there’s just certain type of content i’m not going to watch personally doesn’t mean that people that were excluded from this list are necessarily bad youtubers that’s not the case it’s just that this is the stuff i’ve actually watched

and the stuff that i enjoy consuming so it’s the stuff i want to share when talking about this CashNews.co so thank you for joining me today if you did like this CashNews.co please do make sure to like and subscribe i know i joked about it earlier but it does actually tremendously help the

channel and let me know in the comments down below if there’s any creator that you think i’ve missed whether they be big or small i actually haven’t done a very good job of networking within kind of the #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance youtube space so there are likely a lot of creators i haven’t stumbled upon yet and i love meeting other people in the area so for sure let me know who you think deserves a spot on this list and i’ll be sure to check them out and

share them if i think they do a really good job because even though you know i would love you guys to just only watch the plane bagel you will learn a lot by watching a collection of different youtubers in the text-decoration: none;">Finance space including the plain bagel though subscribe and hit the like button or else anyway as always thank you for joining me today and until next time be safe out there

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on My Favorite Professional Finance YouTubers.
With over 266026 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

24 thoughts on “My Favorite Professional Finance YouTubers #Finance

  1. Ben Felix is needlessly conservative, is awfully loose with semantics, and can excuse away anything that contradicts his beliefs. He will literally tell you the market is efficient except when it isn't and when it isn't no one can detect that except when they can but it's all ok because it's in line with a model that he read about.

  2. Ben Felix is needlessly conservative, is awfully loose with semantics, and can excuse away anything that contradicts his beliefs. He will literally tell you the market is efficient except when it isn't and when it isn't no one can detect that except when they can but it's all ok because it's in line with a model that he read about.

  3. I literally planed to watch 40 videos from how money works but didn't know if it was worth it. Now I know I won't be wasting my time (and it shows exactly what you said that it has interesting content lol)

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  5. Thank you so much for making this. I'm someone who has grown up with essentially no financial example to follow from my parents. They have been okay and do survive and live within their means. But they do not live the financial life I want for myself and my future family. One of my deepest passions is to learn, and now, I'm looking to learn about money and finances and make a change in my life in this domain. So, the channels you have shared here will be huge in directing that in a quality way, which is why I'm very grateful you have shared this video. All the best!

  6. The thing I most dislike about Patrick’s channel is his juvenile humour. His sarcastic “schtick” becomes very tedious very quickly. The guy is as smart as a Saville Row suite but as funny as a car crash.

  7. You forgot to mention eurodollar university. Its not so much about investing but more about macro economy and the eurodollar system. Its also a contrarian view to most mainstream economists and it goes into depth about the monetary system we have.

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