March 15, 2025
National Fertilizer Ltd Recruitment 2024 | Accounts Assistant | B Com Jobs |Finance Jobs

National Fertilizer Ltd Recruitment 2024 | Accounts Assistant | B Com Jobs |Finance Jobs #Finance

Hello friends welcome to Finance McQ friends today we will discuss the vacancies released by national fertilizers limited so let’s start the friends

National fertilizer is a government of India undertaking and the registered office is in uttar Pradesh NFL has five gas based ammonia UA plant which is in nangal and bnda unit in Punjab panipat unit in harana and two plants at vijayapur District Guna in madhya Pradesh so they have released the

vacancy for different plantwise here and if there is a common vacancy then the more likely chances are it will be for their head office that is in uttar Pradesh so for batinda unit the vacancy code is mentioned here the name of the post is accounts assistant it’s W3 vacancy the pay scale will

be in the range of 23,000 to 56,500 there are total three vacancy out of which one vacancy is for unreserve category candidate and rest is for Reserve category candidate then for pip unit there is also accounts assistant vacancy the pay scale is same across all plants so here pay level will be 23,

to 56,500 one vacancy is there and it is for Reserve category candidate only then in marketing division there is a vacancy for accounts assistant pay scale is same 23,000 to 56,500 there are total toal four vacancies out of which two are for unreserved category candidate and rest are all for

Reserve category candidate and again in the corporate office there is a vacancy for accounts Assistant two vacancies are there and both are for unreserved category candidate now pay and P so friends here apart from the basic pay you will be paid all other benefits of the company like industrial

dearness allowance H allowance and all PKS and pisit as per the company rules now let’s talk about the minimum eligibility criteria as on the cut off date so for accounts assistant the minimum age asked is 18 years and the maximum age asked is 30 years and this 30 years for unreserved

category candidate and not for everyone here the qualification asked is full-time regular threeyear bcom degree with minimum 50% mark from government recognized Institute or college so here the regular bcom graduation should be there distance education will not be eligible if you have did your

regular bcom that is by going to college then you are eligible and cut off date mentioned for this eligibility and age criteria qualification criteria is 30th September 2024 and there is no experience asked and here they have mentioned some additional information regarding education qualification

that minimum percentage of marks is necessary to apply for this vacancy so you should be having 50% or more in bcom than only eligible and here they mention candidate possessing higher or technical professional qualification in the relevant field will be considered eligible for the above post so if

you are also mcom graduate then also you are eligible now one question came you say that I did bcom Regular but mcom distance so whether I’m eligible the answer is yes so bcom should be regular and apart from that you are having higher qualification then also you are eligible for this post

Now application fee for accounts assistant is R 200 plus Bank charges application procedure that is how to apply you have to apply through website of the company by visiting career section then stepbystep process is mentioned you can check them I’ll provide the notification Link in the

description so that you can download and check the stepbystep process of filling up the application form then which documents required Etc is also mentioned now selection procedure very important friends your selection will be based on offline omr based examination that is basically you have to

circle the correct answer the objective questions it is not computer based it is offline paper based omr test and the test center for omr test will be these following cities as mentioned on your screen so select the city which is closer to your home now they have mentioned the pattern also so your

exam will be in two parts discipline related and aptitude related and medium of test will be Hindi and English so it will be of 2 hours that is 120 minutes and the total questions ask will be 150 questions and each question will have one correct marks out of which 100 questions will be mix of

course curriculum so basically 100 question will be from your technical syllabus and 50 questions will be from English quantitative aptitude reasoning and Jour knowledge Etc so 23d weightage is given to technical syllabus and one third weightage is non-technical syllabus especially the reasoning

want general knowledge Etc we at Finance McQ will help you to prepare your two3 technical syllabus that is your related to your course and for the nontechnical part you can visit PSU exam

prep website there you can practice for reasoning topic for your examination and final selection final selection will be based on your omr test only and there will not be any interview so that’s a good thing for this non-executive post there is never an interview selection is directly based

on your performance in the written test and candidate need to score minimum 50% marks that is 75 or more out of 150 marks to make yourself eligible for the Merit list so if you score less than 75 then you will not be considered and if you score more than 75 marks then you will be eligible for

getting into the Merit list so Merit list will be based on the highest person who scored the highest will get the job in that respective category now appointment and placement they have mentioned that they have mentioned selected cand candidate will be initially posted in that unit of NFL which

they are applying for but however they can be posted in any office location of the NFL also at that point of time depending upon the requirement General instruction they have mentioned only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply they have not specified that you should be from that state only then

you can eligible if you are from any different state then Al so you can apply for a particular location so there is no restriction in applying for that and in case you are facing any issue while filling up the application form you can contact them At The Mention email address or helpline number on

a working day to resolve any of your doubt or query now important dates friends online applications already started from 9th October last date of submission of online application is 8th November 2024 and in case you feel that you made any error in the online application then you can correct your

online application on 10th November and on 11th November the online application for edit or correction will be closed so by this date your online application will be completed and apart from that admit card and all other details they will intimate you through website of the company so that’s

all friend if you are graduate through a regular mode then you are eligible there is no experience as so all my bcom friends they should definitely give it a try you will get a good package and also you will get a good exposure working in a government company which will add to your resume for your

future opportunities so do give it a thank you so much for watching this till the end

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