October 21, 2024
Overnight Finance Crash Update | Did I sell my OVN!?

Overnight Finance Crash Update | Did I sell my OVN!? #Finance

all righty welcome back I’m going to give you an update on ovn uh someone said you sold all your ovn and you dumped on everyone else there’s been a couple little hecklers want to be really clear here I don’t get paid by ovn I’ve got nothing to do with ovn I’ve

just enjoyed it as a position I like it as a project I like their product and I don’t mind the team getting paid and there were some unlocks and the team got paid and I don’t really have anything against that in fact I think overnight should get paid really well because they developed

an awesome product the people who scream the loudest and get upset the most and sell and emotionally sell are the ones that contribute to a lot of this Panic selling so I’m going to be very transparent with what I did with my ovn uh did I sell it did I dump it right when ovn was crashing we

did a CashNews.co on it literally right away and someone said I’m not going to lie I respect you after this CashNews.co everyone else refused to comment but you just showed why you are legit now I will join the uig congrats on joining the uig cuz we talk about this stuff all the time this

Mike Biddle who commented on our YouTube channel four times four months ago being a massive fan said this channel changed his life 3 months ago um commenting on something around Aerodrome and how much he loves it and then today of course says hopefully you will lose respect to me after finding out

oven is headed to zero and he said nothing about it kind of did talk about it it’s a small cap like this stuff swings widely uh he has posted all over Reddit I I don’t have Reddit and I don’t post on Reddit so someone’s pretending to be me uh just unsubscribe from his

channel see you and the monotone voice was always suspect peace but this Mike bid is a representation of so much of the Crypto market and this is why prices string widely because of guys like

Mike bidd that’s this is why prices swing so widely because they’re like so emotionally charged so just to be transparent here’s what I’ve done with my ovn um I’ve done nothing I haven’t done nothing nothing has fundamentally shifted in ovn uh we’re up

around 28% today so that’s kind of awesome uh let’s see what’s going on here yeah super super nice obviously I think we all know by now why ovn crashed there was token unlocks which people have been talking about for a while and the team got paid which all the power to them there

was some leverage stuff on extra five people started getting liquidated or Panic selling like Mr Mike Biddle further crashing the price and to me when nothing fundamentally changes I’m always ready to kind of move more Capital now when something is small cap like ovn

I’m a little more cautious because people like Mike bidd are EX ex emotional they got some issues and they point the finger right away at anyone they can and they go from like love to hate love to hate and that also involves their Portfolio they Panic sell they’re a fan

of some project and the Project’s paying them and they’re in a Yield Farm on Aerodrome and they’re loving it and then the day it’s not going their way they Panic sell they freak out and this is the exact thing we want to change in

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto it’s why we have the uig it’s why I have this YouTube channel now the guys like Mike bidle which represent a large portion of the

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto Market are just representations of gamblers not investors and so just again being really transparent I like ovn I like the product I don’t get paid by the team I don’t know the team again I like their product I

like what they’re doing I like the price over the last 24 hours I like the Yields I’m still getting over on aerod Drome and I don’t just jump ship overnight because something’s not going my way and I think the bigger the market gets the more sophisticated

the investor gets the less mik bidd will’ll see in the market they’ll go I don’t know what they’re going to go do but hopefully they leave or hopefully they they learn to invest and not Gamble and again we’ve been in ovn probably for the last 6 7 months we had a

leverage position it’s all house money by now anyways it’s not a massive position compared to my entire Portfolio which is just reaching around 700k which is super cool and I’m cool just being where I’m at now now I want to make this clear if I sold all this

dumped all of this didn’t talk about it and then you know didn’t post on YouTube yeah you could probably lose a little respect for me or anyone who does that which a lot of people do I I would I would actually feel bad about that I’d be like that’s actually the wrong thing

to do nothing wrong with me selling or nothing wrong with someone else selling say hey I made a mistake but if they don’t talk about it and if they just take care of themselves in their ship and don’t give an f about anyone else then yeah that’s a bit of a problem I’m always

super super transparent now YouTube is not my full-time job so sometimes these CashNews.cos about a week behind or they’re in schedule for a week so you’re not always getting real time updates on YouTube I want to use YouTube more for educational purposes how to think about investing I

think it’s very unfair on YouTube to say hey you should do exactly this because by the time you watch it maybe the strategy has changed and it’s impossible to do YouTube as a full-time thing plus people watch a CashNews.co 3 months later and they could get easily confused which is again

why we built the uig cuz it’s real time a team of eight people real time updating on the Markets positions research Etc but I hope this CashNews.co helps in some way shape perform so as

of October 17th at 12: p.m. afternoon haven’t touched anything haven’t done anything and I’m really curious to see how this plays out if people smarted up and remain investors or if they just keep Panic selling and a lot of good projects have been ruined because people like Mike

bidd or whatever his name is really hope that helps if you want to add to this conversation use the comments below and with that said happy Yield farming I’m going to keep chugging along and keep stacking my Portfolio and with that said we’ll talk to

you soon peace

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on Overnight Finance Crash Update | Did I sell my OVN!?.
With over 2749 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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39 thoughts on “Overnight Finance Crash Update | Did I sell my OVN!? #Finance

  1. OVN will go to 0 like all other useless coins/tokens.
    The market will crash soon enough and the alt coin market will be dead. Stable investments and the likes of BTC , ETH maybe SOL , XRP , BNB will be the last ones standing

  2. RIP.
    I wrote a month ago in a portfolio review that OVN is a scam.

    Look at their tokenomics. The team has 25% of the emission and a lock for 6-12 months. This is a complete scam. In half a year, they will dump the rest of their tokens and go make a new project with a lock for 6 months =). Good luck. PS, Every Thursday, two wallets are sold on the market OVN for $500k, throughout the year.
    Just think about it. The team drew 25% of the entire emission of OVN tokens.
    And you bought them for 40-50 dollars per OVN. And they drew 250,000 tokens for themselves.
    The team simply took your money. You bought the drawn unsecured tokens, and the real money went to the team. And you were left with useless crap.

  3. Loved the video, very insightful! Just a question on a different topic: I have an OKX wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (reflect away desk echo avocado usage basket unusual jazz million affair abstract). What steps should I take to transfer them to Binance?

  4. I bought more. Days ago, right before it crashed. Oh well. (I was putzing around on Harvest finance, and accidentally invested $300 instead of withdrawing $30.)

    Hey man, don't feed the trolls.

  5. Overnight had a very timely AMA and addressed the OVN price drop, they've been active, I don't see an issue. Lucas – you provide an amazing amount of free content with so many great perspectives, thank you. Hard as it might be, ignore the haters. YOU are appreciated.

  6. Im guessing that-unlike a publically traded stock-there is no way to know when these unlock dates are approaching?
    Also, what percentage of the total market cap of OVN do you think got sold?

  7. Before I watched Lucas’ videos, I never heard of the overnight coin. After watching a few sessions, I built a small $400 LP right before the tank. I was amazed at the time I got into OVN. My “good” luck! 😅 After it’s almost halved at around $22, I added another $400. Then it nosedived as we all knew… I added $100 at $12.5 and then $50 at $11.9-ish. I mean I tried to pile up yet still have a sense of fear. This is not for the faint hearted. The price came back a bit – but still a long way from where I entered. I will wait patiently and enjoy the high reward along the way. Just pray it won’t pull the rug. 😊

  8. great video lucas, dont mind the haters, keep on doing what you are doing! Biddle up because the price is gonna skyrocket again because people will realize that this is a great entry point to get in to ovn!

  9. I love your commentary.
    I only had about $K in the project, so the "crash" took my yield and after the bounce I'm only down $60.
    The fundementals were sound and the unlocking makes sense, so I didn't panick and run.
    I may be wrong, but I still believe that this is a pool worth being in especially if there is going to be a "Bull Run" due to the Bitcoin halving.
    If this last point should not be a consideration, please let me know.

    Thank you for your clear and concise channel.

  10. Would have loved to know more about your knowledge of it about to be unlocked in UIG… Everyone in the discussion section was wondering wth all day… nothing said there. Maybe, you know… drop in once in awhile to those discussions homie!

  11. For folks that are new, don't chase yields. OVN pools should have been only a small percentage of your portfolio. Stick to blue chip pools if you don't understand the risks of yield farming.

  12. Did you check what is the remaining OBN treasury budget.
    The initial budget was 440 000 OVN.
    If the remaining budget is 50%, the runway is 23 weeks because the project bribes 9 000 OVN per week.
    220 000 / 9 000 = 24 weeks around 6 months.

  13. Hi Lucas! Long time viewer! Just want to express my appreciation and gratitude for all your DEFI knowledge and genuinely real point of view. I also was in OVN position and did nothing as I have been closely following your strategy of taking profits in stables and I am not worried in the slightest! Thank you for all you do! Hope you and your family are well!

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