October 13, 2024
Overnight Finance OVN Drops 50%!? AM I WRECKED!?

Overnight Finance OVN Drops 50%!? AM I WRECKED!? #Finance

all right so let’s talk about overnight Finance I’m making this CashNews.co kind of off the cuff usually YouTube is about a week behind I did have people on YouTube where

was it here being like no CashNews.co about ovn speaks volumes uh just to be clear here in the uig instantly we go live we talk about what’s changing I’m going to go through some of these comments to just show the level of investor we have in the uig but YouTube is not my full-time gig

CashNews.cos are usually a week behind so I thought woke up this morning seems like people want a CashNews.co on ovn on YouTube and I’m going to do my best to kind of off the cuff share my thoughts Community is not really worried about it and it’s just amazing the level of investor we

have in the ovn like uh my old D gen ways would have lost a bunch of money in ovn but since applying the uig strategy of actually taking Profit I actually made back my initial a while ago playing with house money doesn’t sting and that’s most people in the uig

we’ve been in this since March and earning between 200 to 400% return so I’m going to talk through our strategy here what I see a lot of especially on like just YouTube of of people just they’re chasing Yields I always ask the question why are you in something

what is it about the project that attracts you I have made so much money on ovn haven’t sold any positions I want to be clear here I’m still in this I’m still really happy with the returns and all of this is house money so I’m going to talk through all that cuz I think this

will be really really helpful and if you want more info on overnight Finance itself we do have a few CashNews.cos on it and we’ve been posting about it inside the underdog investor

groups since about March and actually early in March we took on 3x leverage so when ovn went from you know 22 $30 up to at one point it was almost a hundred it was just around $97 we took on three leverage sold somewhere around here and I’m pretty sure I got CashNews.cos on this all over

YouTube but we took five grand turned it into around $35,000 took out our initial the rest has been house money and just remember if you’re making 300% you get 100% Roi every months so as long as you are taking Profit and you’re stacking that into maybe other projects

or stable coins you can buy back cheaper yesterday I saw on just some YouTube comments on YouTube people just freaking out about ovn being like Oh my god what happened all that tells me is you’re Overexposed to a small cap project overnight

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance is extremely small cap it should never be more than 5 or 10% of your Portfolio if you’re sweating overnight text-decoration: none;">Finance just just take it as a reminder cuz we all make mistakes as investors but take it as a reminder write it down small cap Never more than 5 or 10% of my Portfolio so even as it fluctuates it’s not a big deal plus if you look at vfat here uh

this was around this was worth around $20,000 now it’s worth around $115,000 because if ovn drops by 50% my pool doesn’t drop by 50% it drops by around 25% because I’m paired with a stable coin which is why with small cap stuff I do like pairing with a stable coin because the

price is so volatile I typically don’t like to just hold it because the price moves so fast I see this as it’s an awesome project it’s an awesome team they’re still building Cool Stuff nothing has fundamentally changed I don’t try and time

href="https://cashnews.co/markets" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets and try to speculate on when to get in when to get out I want to get into an awesome project I want 100% Roi as fast as I can I want to pull out the initial and then make that work for

me somewhere else and all of this becomes house money all of this is house money so don’t have to worry or stress about it plus at 200% it means every 6 months I’ve 100% Roi that investment and I’ll get into that stuff a little bit deeper here uh Twitter not too much going on

they’re still kind of posting and talking about overnight I know there’s a lot of token unlocks there was a lot of selling the whole Market was kind of going down and then everyone Panic sold I think we went to around $16 and then bounced back up to 20 something again I don’t

really care for all that to me that’s all noise and I I don’t get I’m not an emotional investor when I see on YouTube people commenting without much thought it’s like I ignore it because I don’t like to react I like to wait 24 hours I like to get data I don’t I

don’t I don’t I don’t try to make assumptions it’s like we’ve got to slow down and if you have a diversified Portfolio with stable sitting on the sidelines because we’re taking Profit this stuff will never bother you again right

when this was going on I’m like oh let’s go live and let’s just talk through it and I was just like this is why our community is awesome I’m still in one ovn pool on Aerodrome I’ve taken consistent Profit the whole time in both pools I use rewards to

build up my R Bitcoin and E bags for the last couple months the drop doesn’t hurt as bad when you earn fees like that yes I believe most people are overly stressed because they earn ovn just for Cash Flow nothing else the lp presents one of the best Yields

out there for a full range and here I read comments and found one uig member mentioning oven will tank because a team will sell the member mentioned this is the power of community cautious about the pool that he’d like to buy at around $17 that’s why I joined this community because of

that mindset I unstaked my tokens from the pool ovn dropped bought some around 21 staked it all an extra I’ll be buying more at 17 that is an investor not a gambler when I see YouTube comments no CashNews.co about ovn speaks volume well uh at Morad 1 uh YouTube is is not my full-time gig and

again YouTube CashNews.cos are usually a week behind so hopefully this CashNews.co helps you in some way shape or form but my question to you would be why are you in it what about the project excites you so many people I think are in projects and invested in Assets that they have

no idea why they’re invested in it unless they’re just chasing Yields if you’re chasing Yields when Markets move and when things shift you

freak out because all you were in it for in the first place was was for the Yield you don’t even understand the project I spent over 10 hours researching over Finance

before I even invested a drop and when I saw what they were building and the momentum in March it’s like let’s take on some leverage so you are taking on more risk for more reward let’s ride the price up let’s pull out the initial now I’m risk-free and I can just keep

enjoying 200 to 300% returns Cash Flowing my Portfolio not really caring what the fluctuation and price is doing but I always ask people why are you in it look at your Portfolio look at everything you’re in why are you in it can you tell me

within 30 seconds why you’re in it and what your plan is for it if you can’t you’re gambling if you have any small caps which ovn is that’s more than 5 or 10% of your Portfolio you’re gambling also remember if you’re doing 300% in 4 months

you’ve got an 100% Roi maybe you are in something just for the Cash Flow fine but what are you doing with the fees where are you investing them so you’re protected from the volatility of that small cap so maybe you’re in a position you know 10% of your

Portfolio is an ovn USD plus you’re claiming it you’re taking those claims you’re lending it within 3 months you’ve 100% R wide you’ve got you know you put $2,000 in ovn and now you have $2,000 in stable sitting on the sidelines you’re lending it

for 10% something happens in the Markets you’ve got dry powder to deploy now of course if ovn went to $0 like of course that sucks like we don’t want that but you’re less

emotional about it or or if you’re in a BTC eth pool or a eth usdc pool we’re in all of these soie eth I love my sui eth position my sui eth position has been in range since I got into it and it’s making 312 per. that means every 4 months I’ve 100% Roi there is no investment

vehicle in the world that can do what defi can do for you but again most people are gambling they’re getting into stuff not knowing why they’re getting into it then they’re freaking out when things are shifting they’re selling it all the wrong times they have no strategy for

the fees and they’re 100% invested in high-risk Assets because they’re chasing Yields because they’re greedy and they’re happy when the none;">Markets are green yay then the Markets go red and they they just they just freak on anyone that they can freak on then they get super emotional they make all the wrong decision

it’s like when are we going to learn that gambling doesn’t work if I’m making 100% on eth I’m stoked on that and then it comes down to what are you doing with your fees so to me again claim my fees I got a CashNews.co coming out that kind of walks through those whole process

if I had 100K to invest how could I potentially do it I take those fees I lend them out or I bull my Bull Run bags with it so I’ll buy more Bitcoin Etc and that’s how the game is won but I will ask you this is a great moment look through your whole Portfolio why are you

in everything have you spent a few hours researching at least a few hours while you’re in what you’re in what’s your plan if it starts moving what’s your plan what’s your plan with the fees what’s your whole Portfolio allocation are you in way

too many risky Assets and and you know most of your Portfolio is in Risky Assets small cap midcap stuff okay why are you okay with it are you okay with the volatility of it can you stomach the volatility are you making enough in fees that you can

stack it so that if there is volatility you can still come out on top it’s like these are all things we have to think through and I think uh many people especially on YouTube which is why I try not to share Portfolios too much on YouTube they’re getting into stuff

without any thought or any Rhyme or Reason highly highly recommend uh check out inside the uig check out in our D5 Frameworks section section just review like go through it again in the do your own research part text-decoration: none;">Crypto asset Risk Assessment ovn would would be pretty high in the Risk Assessment and then fresh it up on the Liquidity pool entry criteria you can also download the worksheet and kind of go through it our entry

criteria so before you actually enter a position you go through a checklist and ensure that this is something you actually want to enter it fits your investor profile your investor goals and you understand the risk so you can allocated accordingly in your Portfolio this will take

you 1 hour max but that 1 hour is going to save you so much time so much money in so much stress down the road because you’re just going to understand your Portfolio is built this way on purpose you’re really good with it you’re certain you’re confident with

your Portfolio and whatever happens in the Markets you’re good highly recommend you review it we also have a YouTube CashNews.co I recommend you out this CashNews.co

here where is it here it is Yield farming strategies we use for Crypto passive Income and we kind of I kind of walk you through all the things you can do how

you can build your Portfolio and how you can ensure that you’re maximizing the upside you’re maximizing the Profitability and you’re stacking your chips so when Market’s correct which we’ve kind of seen of last week you can seize

opportunities and you can move faster than most because you’re clear-headed you know what you’re doing you know your strategies highly recommend you check out this CashNews.co in fact I will post it somewhere up here it’ll pop up you can click on it you can check it out with that

said I really hope this is helpful no more gambling investing no more emotional responses to the Markets you’re cool you’re clear you’re like oh right I’ve thought

through this and I’m good I could tell right away when someone’s gambling cuz they get hyper emotional and I’m like you you’ve been you’re gambling I have a little book and every time I’ve made a mistake as an investor I would write down the mistake and then

write down the lesson from it and then I would just never repeat that lesson so if you’ve been caught if you 100% of your Portfolio is in a small cap ovn you don’t know why you’re in it and now you’re freaking out we’ve all made that mistake just write

it down and never repeat I will not Chase Yield I will not have more than 10% of my Portfolio in a small cap project I will do at least 30 to 60 Minutes of research before project I will join the uig the uig is like an Insurance policy we do so

much research and there’s a whole community that can check your thinking one mistake can cost you thousands of dollar I’m like we designed the uig to be less than $100 a month and it’s like an Insurance policy for your

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto defi Portfolio anyways I’m going to end it there I know this CashNews.co was off the cuff I didn’t have much time to prepare stuff usually we a week ahead on YouTube so I really really hope

this CashNews.co was valuable and with that said I appreciate you a ton keep investing keep Yield farming get the best of both worlds Yield Farm take those fees stack for the Bull Run leave some Stables on the side with Market’s correct you can redeploy rinse

and repeat and you can build some awesome wealth if you play this game right like subscribe check out some other CashNews.cos with that said we’ll see you in the next peace

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on Overnight Finance OVN Drops 50%!? AM I WRECKED!?.
With over 3116 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

20 thoughts on “Overnight Finance OVN Drops 50%!? AM I WRECKED!? #Finance

  1. Thanks a lot for your insights. I’m not an emotional trader. However, I just wish I could get a clue why OVN dropped significantly overnight? How in the earth would we know if its future is still bright? Anything wrong with its smart contracts? … at the moment it seems very difficult to fathom.

  2. I don't understand how my OVN/USD+ pool is down 50% right now. I thought it would only be down 25% due to the stability of the USD+ coin. Any idea? Is it because once the ovn drops in value, the pool auto balances 50/50, then ovn drops again? So technically you're not protected by the stable coin because it has to match ovn 50/50 anyways?

  3. Market crashes should not bother us, especially when you're heavily invested in Stablecoins. My strategies relies on stable pairs' yields, then reinvest/redeploy it to some higher risk higher return pairs, and with that, I got no worries its already yield on yield.. with regards to OVN, I'm stackin more due to the fact that it's a great project and team, plus, the limited supply of 1M should remind us, that, where still on the very early stage.. we're good. Great video buddy.

  4. Good video. But what I would really like to know is WHY DID IT DROP LIKE A ROCK IN 2 DAYS?!?!
    It didn't happen for no reason. What causes these moves, and how do you know it isn't a secular change in the underlying asset?

  5. Hey crypto labs ! I have a question about vfat if you could help me, when you rebalance your positions, let’s say it has earned X total amount of money, does that money get totalled up with the position? Or will it disappear when you rebalance, like what you earned will be lost after you rebalance, ?

  6. Thanks for sharing such valuable information! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?

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