March 15, 2025
Personal Finance YouTubers Have Bigger Problems Than Just FTX

Personal Finance YouTubers Have Bigger Problems Than Just FTX #Finance

welcome back we continue to follow the collapse of FTX we have some breaking news on the FDX Crypto story just crossing that FTX Founders Sam bankman freed has been hit with a class

action lawsuit what it means for Market Liquidity Sam bankman Freed’s Alameda research is closing as we know FTX filed through bankruptcy and the Alameda was one of the biggest market makers in this guy John Ray who did the Enron stuff never in my career have I ever seen such

a complete failure of corporate controls in such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information has occurred here what happened at FTX I think is is again just a harbinger of things to come um John Carney SBF is this guy going to jail what’s going to happen to him because a couple

weeks ago now the world’s largest Crypto exchange FTX collapsed due to Borderland fraudulent management and investment practices the collapse was the largest example of such collapse

albeit just one of many instances of fraud in the Crypto Community The Fallout from FTX will take months if not years to resolve lawyers have to decide whether the exchange can operate and

then there’s the issue of all the customers who just want their money back I think it is very important that everybody with Investments even non-Crypto

Investments understands what happened to this company and I will do my best to give you everything that you need to know about this collapse so far because it is rapidly evolving and circumstances may have changed significantly when you watch this investors will lose

billions in this collapse and that by itself is terrible but I think it highlights a much larger issue which is the personal Finance influencers that are directly responsible

for directing hundreds of thousands of their viewers to make Investments that will harm their long term Financial well-being there’s me Kevin Graham Stefan Andre Jacob Jeremy from Financial education all these guys got paid Millions by FTA I am not just talking about FTX

either yeah sure this is one incident and maybe nobody could have seen it coming but it’s just the tip of the iceberg and people are going to keep losing their money because of bad advice they received on the internet so it’s time that people like Graham Stefan Andre dick meet Kevin and

the dozens of other influencers in the personal Finance space recognize the harm that they could be doing to Their audience I don’t want to start YouTube b for anything

here I think these guys could do a lot of good for Their audience if they reverse some of the really bad practices they have started making in recent months bad practices that are probably going to blow up in their face in more ways than just this FTX disaster their reputations have just been going

down the toilet people who promoted absolute garbage companies like FTX us and block 5 for millions of dollars today we’re finally seeing the results as both of those companies are basically bankrupt so it’s time to learn how money Works to understand what went wrong with FTX and

understand how you can personally tell when someone you think you can trust on the Internet is telling you to do something that is not in your best interest a big part of understanding the difference between a scam and a legit product is being able to think critically and today’s sponsor

brilliant can help you do that brilliant is a learning platform helping you develop your knowledge in math science statistics and fun areas like Finance and logic brilliant

offers an interactive way to learn it doesn’t just give you a lesson and expect you to retain what it told you it regularly tests your knowledge to help you actually learn the subject if you don’t understand a subject brilliant has you covered they’re easy to understand

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style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and Brilliant helps you do that no matter if you want to learn from your computer or your phone brilliant makes the learning experience fun and easy to get started for free go to forward slash how

many works or click the link in the description and the first 200 of you will get 20 off Brilliance annual premium subscription FTX was a Crypto exchange platform that also released and

promoted its own Cryptocurrency ftt both the ftt token and the FTX platform itself were heavily marketed through big budget campaigns involving sports stadiums traditional celebrities and

Finance influencers a lot of focus was put on the founder and CEO of the company Sam bankman freed or SBF he had marketed himself as a generous billionaire that drove a

regular old car and War dagged clothes and apparently people thought that was unusual enough to make a big deal about it forgetting that most billionaires in the world were dagged clothes and make a big deal about driving an old car it really isn’t that remarkable anyway behind FTX and the

ftt token was Alameda research a supposedly quantitative-based hedge fund that would trade Cryptocurrencies as far as analysts can tell now their quantitative trading strategy was to buy up a

bunch of different Cryptocurrencies and hope they would shoot up in price so bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off for them the person put in charge of managing this hedge fund

was a 20 28 year old Caroline Ellison who had just two years industry experience working at Jane Street Ellison famously said in an interview that her trading strategy didn’t require much math very little math a quantitative hedge fund without math is like McDonald’s without the burgers

it just doesn’t really make sense due to the crash in the prices of most Cryptocurrencies in 2022 Alameda research began losing large amounts of cash which was replaced with large

Loans given by FTX using their own tokens as collateral this is roughly the same as a company using its own stock as collateral for a margin Loan and there is a good reason why businesses are not normally allowed to do this its share price will naturally decrease

which undermines the value of the collateral the Loan was secured against in the first place but if you are Sam bankman freed and you control both the lender and the borrower you don’t need to care about business conventions eventually this house of cards came crashing down

as ftx’s primary competitor binance raised down some of the platform’s ability to honor withdrawals a doubt that was very well founded because most of their custom summer deposits were being used to save the sinking Alameda hedge fund as of today FTX is still close to withdrawals and is

starting the process of chapter 11 bankruptcy which is a reorganization of the business to try and get Creditors their money back in this case some of those Creditors are people who have deposited money on FTX to trade and are now unable to withdraw that’s

the best two-minute summary I can give and if you want a more technical explanation I highly recommend Patrick Boyle’s 26 minute analysis he is Real World Experience running an actual hedge fund that hasn’t lost billions of dollars so its insights are truly Second To None one of the

biggest issues this collapse highlighted is personal Finance influencers and the role they played in promoting FTX to Their audience that watch them because they valued their

advice for those who haven’t been following the stories too closely the space is basically divided into two camps with the influencers who took the sponsorship on one side claiming that if BlackRock and Stephen Curry could fall for FTX then they should be allowed to as well on the other side

there are people like coffeezilla calling them out for costing their audiences billions of dollars while personally Profiting millions of dollars from advertising Revenue I have made it pretty clear in the past that I am not a fan of traditional

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance influencers because it is impossible to give appropriate Financial advice to such a broad audience especially when most of the bigger names in the space have no background in

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance Graham and meet Kevin are ex Real Estate agents Andre dick was a magician and none of this is to get keeping talking about

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance on the internet everybody should have the right to share their opinions but if you pay close attention you will notice that more qualified creators Like Richard at the plain bagel who is an investment analyst and has a

CFA and Ben Felix who is a Portfolio manager avoid making Financial recommendations because they know they can’t do it to an audience of that size without doing more harm than good this means that their content is less exciting than hearing about how to use the 2023 recession

to get rich or how to safely invest ten thousand dollars and I think the choice to not give Wild speculative advice is why their audience is significantly smaller than these more exciting characters even incredibly generic advice like investing in a broad Market stock Portfolio is

a terrible move for someone who is close to retirement or living paycheck to paycheck if you ever consult with a real financial planner you will see that they spend 90 percent of their time listening to you about your Current financial situation and objectives and 10 of their time making

recommendations Financial influencers have no way of listening to their millions of subscribers individual needs so they spend a hundred percent of their time making recommendations this whole problem gets so much worse though when these guys start taking paid sponsorships For Better or Worse

people look to these influencers because they think they can help them improve their financial situation so when they start recommending investment products that they were paid to promote it causes two major problems the first is that it undermines their credibility you wouldn’t listen to a

food critic sponsored by McDonald’s and you shouldn’t listen to a Finance influencer sponsored by a color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto exchange it would be very very hard for these influencers to say anything bad about Crypto in general because they would risk losing

sponsorship deals which by most reports were running half a million dollars a year that I’m genuinely asking you to forgive me because I [ __ ] up I am not even going to say that I am personally above this temptation I’ve been approached by many

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto exchanges offering me way more money than my other sponsors do for an ad spot and I do need sponsors to keep even this modest Channel going which is why this next point is so important people like Tom Brady Steph Curry and

Matt Damon have more leeway to lend their name to Finance companies because nobody is paying attention to Tom Brady for his financial advice that means it’s a lot

easier to tell when he is being paid money to appear in an ad the same goes for sports stadiums and ironically even the largest financial firm in the world BlackRock so far the biggest defense that Financial influencers have presented is that the world’s largest asset manager was also an

investor in FTX so if they didn’t know how would anybody know BlackRock did invest in FTX and in fact so did a lot of big names such as Sequoia tiger Global and Toma Bravo I am not going to say too much about the quality of due diligence that these investors conducted but typically speaking

due diligence for these minority Equity positions tends to be far less involved than when you’re seeking majority Equity furthermore blackrock’s Venture arm invests into many companies like this knowing very well that many of these companies fail

venture Capital is a risky business and it’s why VC funds tend to have much larger Portfolios than buyout funds they make many gambles with the hope that a couple do incredibly well a few more do okay and the remainder fail so investing in FTX was by no means

an endorsement of its success but rather a gamble on its future the personal Finance influencers who were stung by this really do deserve the backlash they are receiving and

I hope that it will make them seriously reconsider what advice they give in the future and who they work with as sponsors I know none of them have offered to compensate any of their viewers out of the piles of money they have made from sponsorship deals but maybe that’s asking too much so

here’s something much more reasonable to ask something that will make sure they are never in a situation like this ever again I want to know tell me don’t accept sponsorships from any company that offers investing products or Services now I’m not saying you shouldn’t partner

with anything money such as a company that offers your viewers way to save money with coupons or even an app that helps your users put together a budget what I am saying is no stock Brokerages no text-decoration: none;">Crypto platforms no trading Bots and nothing where there’s an implied assumption that investing your money in X investment can generate y return I know sponsors are crucial to running a channel but there are plenty of great sponsors to work with that have a simple

product that doesn’t have to sell people on the chance of turning their money into more money they do offer less lucrative deals because people are more willing to spend money on things that they think will make them money but come on guys you are rich enough and this would be a great way to

show your audience that you have their best interest in mind I don’t think anybody should reasonably advocate for these guys to be completely canceled over this one incident but if this becomes a pattern then it’s going to do more damage to Their audience and their reputation now if you

haven’t already seen it you should probably go and watch the I did over a year ago on all the other problems with these personal Finance personalities a

special thanks again to brilliant for making it possible for everybody to keep on learning how money Works what does Matt Damon say on that Bitcoin commercial fortune favors the brave my dad said he listened to Matt Damon and lost all his body yeah yes everyone did but they were Brave in doing


Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Personal Finance YouTubers Have Bigger Problems Than Just FTX.
With over 438125 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

34 thoughts on “Personal Finance YouTubers Have Bigger Problems Than Just FTX #Finance

  1. Turns out that investors will be getting their money back with some interest. FTX invested in Anthropic an AI company and Solana that increased in value enough that the trustees where able to recover all the dollar value lost with enough left to pay an actual return though it hasn't been established the total return as this is written.

  2. What makes it really sad is, that a lot of people who go for the crypto-scams actually know it is a scam, but still buy it and recommend it in order to profit from it.

    YT makes billions with ads for all this disgusting scammers and YT is happy to take the money because "free market, bro".

    But, the rule is simply: if an investment offers you a high return of capital the risk HAS TO BE high as well – and if the return is crazy-high, it is a scam 100% of times. Visit a casino, bet on red. The odds are 48% (the casino always wins!), but at least it is "fair" for a ROI of 100%. Go into crypto and you will loose for sure sooner or later (unless you are a scammer).

  3. Finfluencers are doing Gods work, making sure dumb people do not have too much money. I am happy for them, they made millions and do mot have to do no jail time, it was brilliant!
    Anyways, go buy crypto, doge to the moon by 2024! Or get some crypto eggs or whatever from Logan Paul, it's so simple ez miney 🤑🤑💎💎

  4. Bad ones that I used to watch before I realized: Graham, Nate O’Brien (started shady partnerships), guy with turban last name Sikh I forgot the name but he always screamed bELOw, Our Rich Journey (keep saying they retired multi millionaires yet work on YT full time to make money).

  5. No idea how you can do a video talking about selfish, corrupt financial "influencers" who have made more money off sponsorships, shilling and clickbait than through their supposed investment strategies without mentioning Graham Stephen, the OG King of shills. I have no idea how he hasn't been pulled off the platform. They got the "here in my garage" guy, Dan Lok has been exposed, but they can't get Graham?

    Anyway, as for the other "financial influencers", I absolutely think these people should be held responsible. They make piles of cash shilling for products without knowing or caring whether they're legit or not, and they don't care if their audience gets hurt because of it. They'll SAY they care, but they don't. They care about one thing and one thing alone, making themselves as rich as possible. As such, I'd have no sympathy whatsoever if they were all sued into oblivion, their channels deleted, and their reputations destroyed. They don't care about us, so why should we care about them?

  6. I love watching The Plane Bagel. I don't watch it for my personal finance but because I find the information very interesting.

    I did listen to one person when it came to my personal investing and I am really happy with the advice that I have gotten. That person was Warren Buffet saying that if you don't know what you are doing invest in a cheap fee S&P 500 index like for example Vanguard.

  7. If you look at the tech influencer scene many of them try and get away from tech sponsors where they can to minimise conflicts of interest or to take tech sponsorships outside of their niche. LTT is a perfect example of this where most of their sponsors aren't directly linked and they have a process where the department that deals with sponsorships doesn't deal with editorial work. They also take into account veiwer feedback and have dumped sponsors based on it.

  8. Great video. This is a hard trap to avoid for some creators especially when there are no real consequences for promoting products that harm your viewers. You can definitely make a lot more money when you don’t consider the real people who will follow the recommendations and lose money.

  9. Honestly I been watching Graham for awhile now I never felt like he pushed to make people recklessly spend in ftx some personal responsibility has to be made for the viewer he never said anything loaded statements like “you can get 2000% return if you sign up today” most of the time it’s just a promotional boost of like 10-20$ if they use his link but I wouldn’t say he was giving bad advice

  10. I'm thinking of starting a financial advice YouTube channel, but it's only going to have 3 videos:
    1. All crypto is a scam, don't invest in crypto.
    2. Don't invest in a company run by anyone under 40, younger people don't know shit about anything.
    3. Watch the DiCaprio-McConaughey lunch scene from Wolf Of Wall Street, it will tell you everything about investing you really need to know.

  11. Financial Planner here, You are dead on. Graham Steven and Kevin drive me nuts. I stay away from "finance" tube in general. All they make me do is yell "that's bullshit" at the screen.

  12. With all due respect I find the idea of calling out influencers for ftx a bit stupid. Next what? Are we going to call out the marketing employees of FTX? If people don't have a basic understanding of what 'Influencer' means it's on them. As a society we have taken junk foods bcoz of celebrities, voted morons to public offices and what not.. who are we going to curse?

    I mean what are proposing next? Asking models to conduct clinical trials before endorsing a beauty product which might cause allergies.

    I know these influencers are stupid but it's high time we also start calling out the stupid viewers as well.

  13. A good rule to live by is that the more the returns of a business opportunity improve on the normal return for a similar business, the more speculative it is. That's not to say that it's something that you shouldn't ever put your money into, but realize that the bigger the gap the more risk you're taking on, either that it fails or that it's an outright scam.

    It's also worth realizing that if you put away a few bucks every paycheck into a conservative set of index funds, bonds and REITs, you can do very well for yourself over the course of many years with relatively little risk. The risk comes from putting it all into a smaller number of businesses and from not being in the market long enough.

  14. I think adults should be responsible for their own outcomes – yes YouTubers got greedy and recommended things they shouldn't have but as an adult the buck ends with you. Why follow through on something you don't know about because a random guy on the internet is saying, "trust me."

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