February 12, 2025


hello guys and welcome to Crypto dealers my name is Andy and today we will talk about pink sale text-decoration: none;">Finance a step-by-step tutorial tutorial how to participate in presets and how to make good money in the best case guys okay so first of all um you go to pinksail.text-decoration: none;">Finance this will take you here then um you go to launchpads and then Launchpad list okay so um here you can see we are on the binance mainnet Via C minute and most of the presets are on the binance margin here okay you will click here connect first step

whatever kind of wallet you’re using the most commonly used is metamask and if you don’t know how to set up metamask I have a tutorial on my channel I will link it in the description and also guys um if you want to trade the current fluctuations in the

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency market like the price goes up and down you know so I’m a couple of thousands of dollars bonus for for example buy bit and femax down in the description um use my link to

support this channel appreciate it and yes guys so let’s go um you simply click connect then this will connect you to your meta mask okay so as you can see here we have all filtered by first of all we go to in progress okay because we want to see what’s on pre-sale right now okay guys

so Next Step The Next Step would be how do you know what could be and a good investment so first of all as you can see you can hear on the right side you always see um as I mean of course we’re on the binance smart chain so you invest BNB okay so first of all you want to see on the right side

here you will see how much money do they want to raise for example this project monstrous 20 BNB guys okay and you see the progress right now they have uh 0.133 BNB so what could be a good indication that a project could be it’s always you know guys I’m not a financial advisor I’m

just here to show those kinds of projects and opportunities always do your own research but listen guys so you can see the progress a good indication that a pro uh that a project could be successful is if they are able to raise much more than what they were looking for for example this one here is

right now a good example they were looking for 50 BNB they have 306 that means 153.48 BNB so this could be a good indication but you know if the preset just started of course you don’t know um if it’s going to be successful but you see here the timer ends in three hours 35 minutes um so

of course you should give the project on time because this one ends in eight days no one invested in it so you have to give those projects some time I mean it could also be guys you know if there is a project that doesn’t raise much during the preset if you do a good marketing so it could be

successful in the future but as of right now we don’t know anything you know Crypto is like yeah um high risk reward but this could be a good indication that you pick a good project as

you can see here so what’s also important um that the project has been audited and kyc that means that they know your customer that’s what it means let me show you guys for example this project here Seafood that means your investment should be safe they have been audited and kyc so this

is important always look that the project has been audited and kyc that’s important for example if you then click on view let me show you guys here you see the all the information about project here you see the links and how does it work so once you connected your metamask for example you can

click here for example um one and say you want to invest one B and B okay so then once this countdown ends the pre-sale is over yeah guys so and then you should follow those projects on for example Twitter telegram or whatever they offer and once pre-sale stops They will announce on their social

social media channels um how you get your tokens for example they could announce on um let’s say on telegram or the telegram Channel okay a token allocation will be in three days that means for the for let’s say for one BNB that you have investment that you have invested in three days

you will get your um allocated tokens okay you will also see the contract address there so they will automatically send them usually the tokens to your metamask and you simply import them at the token address then you see those tokens in your meta mask yeah so that’s actually uh a

step-by-step guide pretty simple guys as mentioned before if you don’t know how to set up metamask um check the link in the description and or just search for it on my channel and yes guys that’s actually how it works pretty simple I would say so guys if you like this CashNews.co please

give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you have any questions put them down in the comments and see you

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on PINKSALE FINANCE PRESALE TUTORIAL – EASY STEP BY STEP GUIDE.
With over 22663 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


  1. this is awesome, so basically during this presale people can buy but "Not" sell making price only go up until it reaches the deadline and is posted to other dexs to go up more?? Love it..

  2. i bought the token scorp (scorpion ) from this platform. insted of the token they sent in my wallet the bnb that i bought them. i very disappointment. they kept my bnb and they were playing for save.

  3. Good day sir
    I have a question, if i buy a presale on pinksale when 5million tokens of a coin is equal to 1BNB (1bnb = 5,000,000)
    But before launch it has reduced from 5 million to 2.5 million (1bnb = 2,500,000)
    does this mean my money has been doubled?

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