February 21, 2025
Raoul Pal – Expect a 100% Blow-off Top Cycle! This Will Be Way Bigger Than 2017

Raoul Pal – Expect a 100% Blow-off Top Cycle! This Will Be Way Bigger Than 2017 #Finance

I went back to look at these same periods in the election years and all of this basically the market Goes Bananas all the way until it kind of increases the odds for me of a larger 2017 style year end rally next year as opposed the stunted cycle now it depends because the FED trumps all if

they removed Liquidity earlier in the cycle it’s game over so there’s this balance here but I think there’s the potential for the blowoff cycle top because it allows other people to come in real Vision founder and CEO Raul pal has very high expectations for the

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency and digital Assets space pal the proponent of the popular banana Zone meme recently shared beliefs that the 2024 and 2025

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto bull market will have similar characteristics to the 2016/2017 blowoff Top Cycle rather than the stunted Bull Run of 2021 a blowoff top is a sharp and dramatic rise in

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto asset prices it is typically characterized by extreme Euphoria speculation and a wild Mania phase that has investors taking a lot of risks the 2017 #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency Bull Run is considered a blowoff top due to its rapid and euphoric rise bitcoin’s price surged from around $1,000 in early 2017 to nearly $20,000 by December representing a nearly 20-fold increase other

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies also experience similar explosive growth with the total market cap of Cryptocurrencies skyrocketing in

contrast the 2021 Bull Run is considered stunted because despite significant price increases and widespread Market excitement there were some limiting factors including the Chinese mining ban regulatory pressure in the United States and a rise in concerns about the environmental impact of Bitcoin

mining these led to Sharp Corrections and price fluctuations that generally stunted the cycle fortunately many of these concerns have been laid to rest while China has not officially lifted its none;">Cryptocurrency mining ban experts and analysts have noted a subtle shift in rhetoric indicating that China acknowledges the global economic significance of Cryptocurrencies in

addition the US has just elected its first pro Crypto president and prominent investors like pal are certain that only great days lie ahead for the

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency market in a recent discussion with re Mando and OSF co-founders of canary Labs on the real Vision YouTube channel pal delves into his expectations for the rest of the bull market highlighting how long he expects

the bull run to last and why this will be a blowoff Top Cycle instead of a stunted one like the 2021 cycle as we bring you clips from the discussion please take a little time to like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this thanks for

the support and enjoy the CashNews.co yeah I mean look seasonally it happens almost whoever wins the election um you know using the everything code cycle we’re in the peak kind of um Debt refi cycle so you need Liquidity to come in I actually did the math in

global MC investor over the weekend China’s added 8 trillion dollar of Liquidity via both um State sector and vm2 I mean people don’t realize so Liquidity is back um so yeah everything was in place and then we’ve got this other thing which

we’ll talk about how the cycle plays out but we’ve taken the big overhang off which is like who’s allowed to do what and you know that is a big deal and there has to be a reating not just on Liquidity but a potential reating of the sector so it’s it’s

a big deal how long do you think it takes for that to show through in Markets like is there like a lag time well you know I don’t know because you know traditional

href="https://cashnews.co/markets" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets they tend to sort of forward price it as soon as it gets to the news then you get you know a corrected period but because the flows won’t come until the new year right we

don’t even have a new government in so really the flows don’t come until later because you actually need to see the regulat it’s not like Goldman Sachs oh great Trump’s in we we’re all free to do what we want they won’t they will have to wait until we’re

given you regulation Etc so it kind of increases the odds for me of a larger 2017 style year end rally next year as opposed to the stunted cycle now it depends because the FED trumps all if they removed Liquidity earlier in the cycle it’s game over so there’s this

balance here but I think there’s the potential for the blowoff cycle top because it allows other people to come in every time the we get to this point in the cycle Bitcoin dominance collapses um risk taking and now with the new government risk- taking is going to be rising um also the other

thing that I found the M main driver of SS versus Bitcoin so I the inverse of dominance is actually driven by the ism survey business cycle makes sense because if the business cycle starts going more positive because it’s been very lackluster what we tend to find is that um um risk taking

increases because people’s disposable Income goes up their businesses earn a bit more money everybody feels a little bit better and that drives the same as small caps versus large cap outperformance it’s basically the same trade um you see it in Credit

Markets as well it’s all the same trade so that’s it’s perfectly set up for that now all of our forward looking indicators suggests that um the ism from here starts climbing

above 50 50 is the really big signal for the alt also if we go back to 2020 it was exactly this time that eth started properly outperforming um it’s again the the same point in the cycle and if you play through a write a uh thread on this yesterday is eth is where institutions will build

whether it’s on layer ones or layer 2os but that’s where defi is that’s where institutions are not going to get fired for it’s the kind of Microsoft of the space so I do think as regulation frees up eth is going to get a lot more activ people yet um so I think it’s a

good and they’ve built they’ve built it for scale but the layer twoos you know if there’s not much activity going on then the price doesn’t do well but if you can start bringing the financial institutions onto this space eth is the most likely candidate for first Bitcoin

takes off then altcoin season begins and all hell breaks loose with meme coins entering a Mania phase followed by other digital Assets like nfts though Bitcoin has repeatedly notched new all-time highs this week altcoin salana cardano Avalanche and sui are stealing the show cardano

is up by over 80% in the past week and suie by about 60% pal believes meme coins are next with Dogecoin already leading the pack a recent tweet from the real Vision CEO reads we are very close to being in the last chance to add Zone in color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto the next step should be the memes breaking out and after that there is nothing to do but wait to take lifestyle chips off the table here is Dogecoin leading the breakout here is whiff about to break out and smoking chickenfish will follow suit in a

follow followup tweet pal adds many memes will absolutely explode in this cycle I am not a meme Trader I have little Alpha here but please don’t go over your ski tips in meme risk less than 10% of your Portfolio I don’t want you to this up another huge indication of the

bull run and what’s coming is the performance of Crypto related stocks like coinbase and micro strategy this week here is a tweet from Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric balunis about the insane

performance of both stocks Bitcoin Mania is taking over the Stock Market too as coinbase and micro strategy are both in the top five most traded stocks today something I’ve never seen only Tesla and Nvidia have higher trading volumes both are up an absurd 18% today feels like

a craze at least for the moment let’s return to Pal’s conversation with Mando and OSF as they discuss coinbase altcoin season and how long the bull run will last I put coinbase as a trade idea I mean it’s already been it’s up 240% in our GMI Portfolio and

our macro insiders Portfolio but I put it on the real Vision platform yesterday or day before yesterday because it’s so obvious right it’s it’s it’s the tollkeeper to all activity for anybody in the largest um economy in the world if you just scroll down

Arthur there just show the chart the chart is I know OB you’re not a chart guy but that’s a gigantic inverse head and shoulders this is going to La La Land squared yeah I I agree this is the thing that I’ve I i’ I am bullish on e as an ecosystem what I found difficult is

just that eth itself just because of the changes that were made earlier this year just like you need massive scale for that burn to come back whereas coinbase you’re going to see every major US institution pick coinbase as either a custody partner or to tokenize on base there’s

somewhere between Black Rock and JP Morgan that’s the position of power they have in this new emerging economy I mean I mean what a position to be in so it’s currently a $66 billion Market I think this bull market the whole Space will end up being 10 to 15 trillion so how much is

coinbase worth in that I mean it would not surprise me if coinbase was worth $500 billion yeah that’s crazy that $66 billion that’s insane it’s so cheap mental isn’t it yeah yeah considering the size of the market that’s already there it’s a$2 and a half trillion

dollar market now so if the market goes 5x this probably goes 10x yeah feels but you know that doesn’t sound stupid so I mean that’s a hell of a trade for people people don’t want to trade um text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies themselves I went back to look at these same periods in the election years and all of this basically the market Goes Bananas all the way until and then somewhere March April there’s taxi and everyone’s going to have to pay Uncle Sam and uh

Majesty or his majesty and they have to start selling a bunch of stuff that seems to happen every time um where you get that that a pull back and then it’s going to depend on global Liquidity if it’s still strong then we end up with a strong pump into the end of the

year if not we kind of get a something more like last time but yeah I mean I’m just think it’s now it’s banana Zone all the way through till pal is predicting a continuation of the banana Zone till at least tax season in March then a brief cooling off period before prices pick up

sharply again however he counsels us to be cautious so we can make the best of the immense opportunity we’ve been presented with another tweet from him reads the banana zone is that crucial phase where number go up and the best move is often to do nothing if you’ve already made your

core allocations Bitcoin ethereum salana you’re set got a bit more appetite for risk sure play around with newer chains like soie or even some meme coins but here’s the key keep 90% of your stack in solid top tier Assets that’s your safety net the real danger

overtrading chasing breakouts or using leverage this is where Portfolios implode we have one job to protect our coins don’t get reckless in defi don’t hand over your Assets and save that speculative energy for the 10% feed your inner dgen but do it

smartly please share your thoughts on R Pal’s predictions for Bitcoin ethereum and other Crypto currencies in the comment section below also ensure you like this CashNews.co subscribe to

the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and immensely contributes to the Channel’s growth thanks for watching

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on Raoul Pal – Expect a 100% Blow-off Top Cycle! This Will Be Way Bigger Than 2017.
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34 thoughts on “Raoul Pal – Expect a 100% Blow-off Top Cycle! This Will Be Way Bigger Than 2017 #Finance

  1. Thank you for the insights! Got a 10% profit in just one week from your last tip, OMG!!! Im looking into $XAI80Z, ETH, and SOL. What’s your advice? $XAI80Z seems to have potential, but your opinion matters.

  2. Thank you for the insights! Got a 10% profit in just one week from your last tip, OMG!!! Im looking into $XAI80Z, ETH, and SOL. What’s your advice? $XAI80Z seems to have potential, but your opinion matters.

  3. You say the Fed rules all.
    Then explain this.
    When the Fed reduces interest rates this will dramatically reduce the interest payments. Interest is money being injected into the economy.
    Remove these payments and the economy slows down.
    Less Government spending equals less money to pump assets.

  4. The more important question for me is do we have a big correction during summer 2025? or is it mostly up only through end of next year? I'm having trouble seeing a path of up only for a year straight…

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