March 14, 2025
Raoul Pal – This Banana Zone Strategy Will Unlock 50x Gains IMMEDIATELY!

Raoul Pal – This Banana Zone Strategy Will Unlock 50x Gains IMMEDIATELY! #Finance

zoom out remove the noise if tomorrow is not going to be more digital than today then start worrying you can also worry at some point about the big cycle so 2026 is likely to be a down year will that happen I don’t know most likely now you can either Hold On Through The downam Years

and keep adding and increasing the value of your Portfolio or you can unload some risk the time for lifestyle chips are somewhere between December and March we will obviously get more volatility in the space expect 30% pullbacks frequently maybe 35% these will happen maybe Bitcoin

goes to 100,000 and then pulls back to 70,000 and goes up don’t freak out about it it’s really normal it’s been an exciting couple of weeks for Cryptocurrency investors

Bitcoin the world’s largest Cryptocurrency by market cap has breached the $99,000 level for the first time and investors are looking forward to the inevitable rise to six digits though

they has been a bit of retracement with Bitcoin currently trading above $98,000 per coin experts believe this is only the beginning of the bull run and much lies ahead for the Cryptocurrency

market in the coming weeks and months for real Vision founder and CEO Raul Paul investors need to know how to navigate this phase of the bull market which he describes as the banana zone so they don’t miss the opportunity or in his words this up pal has a few simple rules for navigating the

bananas his topmost and most popular rules are no fomo no leverage fill your main bags with top Cryptocurrencies avoid over diversification self- custody your coins and limit your dgen bags to

only about 10% of your Portfolio according to the former Goldman Sachs executive taking these precautions and zooming out when things get murky will help you enjoy the full opportunity the text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency industry presents pal believes the Cryptocurrency market is on track to grow from just over $3 trillion today to about 12 to5 trillion next year and

50 to 100 trillion by 2030 it’s a monster lifetime opportunity for all investors across the globe in a recent update on his Raul pal the journeyman YouTube channel pal presents more rules for staying ahead in the banana Zone and taking full advantage of the digital

Assets space in the pal talks about having a long-term time Horizon preparing for a down year and taking some lifestyle chips to Achieve Personal goals we will bring you clips from Pal’s but before we do please take a little time to like this subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and immensely contributes to the Channel’s growth thanks for the support and enjoy the the other key thing the actual real hack to

all of this is just hold for a long time Horizon just holding means you don’t do anything it’s it’s very difficult to make mistakes you’re self- custody um you’re not trading you’re not trying to scalp anything you just hold it and guess what over time

bitcoin’s done about 150% a year including three kind of 70 80% draw downs and by doing nothing you just compound the returns over time I like to add to my bags into the big cyclical sell-offs that once every 4year um down cycle I like to add and that and then your your Holdings compound and

you make more and more money each time but just have a longer term time Horizon for sure look at the hourly charts it’s fun I’ve got them up all of the time but I don’t trade them I just hold I barely do anything I make a couple of asset allocation switches in the entire cycle and

that’s it and Magic happens and it stops you up so try your absolute best not to do anything with your main Holdings also zoom out this space is all about noise it’s called fud fear uncertainty and doubt you will find that somebody somewhere is trying to scare you telling you it’s

a scam telling you it’s going to clap telling you something is going to happen the Chinese are going to do something the Russians are going to do something something’s going to go to war you know all of these things are going to come across your screens every day and they will make you

feel insecure remember this is noise this is an adoption of technology and if tomorrow is going to be more digital than today we will use blockchain rails for proof for social proof consensus proof of value of transferring Assets of holding Assets everything in a

digital world is going to require blockchain rails it’ll be Equity Markets Bond text-decoration: none;">Markets currency Markets it’ll be art it’ll be tickets it’ll be anything any contract is better on the blockchain because you don’t need a

trusted third party party because the consensus mechanism allows everybody to trust it so over time the adoption of Bitcoin is huge in fact it’s still growing at twice the speed of the internet where back when the internet was in its early days so something that grows at that speed also goes

up in price so zoom out remove the noise if tomorrow is not going to be more digital than today then start worrying you can also worry at some point about the big Cycles so 2026 is likely to be a down year will that happen I don’t know most likely now you can either hold on through the down

years and keep adding and increasing the value of your Portfolio or you can unload some risk and we’ll talk about some of that don’t forget on Route make sure you take some lifestyle chips off as well this is a really important concept um I’ve got another on this but lifestyle chips are the ability to take off some Profits in things that really matter to you so if the market turn around you don’t time the top properly or whatever you’re trying to do you know you’ve paid off a mortgage or you bought the

car or you’ve bought the holiday you’ve done whatever it is that you need for your own life and you’re going to hate selling out when you have to to take some lifestyle chips off but at the end of it your future self will thank you massively so make sure you think about that the

time for lifestyle chips are somewhere between December and March we will obviously get more volatility in the space expect 30% pullbacks frequently maybe 35% these will happen maybe Bitcoin goes to 100,000 and then pulls back to 70,000 and goes up don’t freak out about it it’s really

normal but remember to take some lifestyle chips off at some point Pal’s concept of taking lifestyle chips off the table refers to the idea of cashing out some investment gains to improve your current quality of life rather than constantly reinvesting everything for the future he believes

it’s important to occasional realize some of your financial gains to fund meaningful life experiences such as traveling buying something special or securing a particular quality of life for yourself or your family while he strongly advocates for long-term investing and compounding wealth pal

also encourages not being overly Frugal or neglecting your current well-being for the sake of future wealth he highlights that Markets are uncertain and locking in some gains can protect

against potential downturns for this this cycle pal suggests that investors with urgent needs can take some lifestyle chips between December and March when he expects a significant pullback during tax season pal says taking some Profits off the table before the pullbacks begin will

make you feel more at ease through the rest of the cycle here are more clips from the and the other thing is buy the dip if you can so if it does sell off 35% you got a bit of extra cash buy it if it’s not the end of the cycle if it is the end of the cycle then you wait till it

goes down 70% or so and then you Pile in as much of your Savings as you can on top of your existing Holdings and let the magic compound over time let me tell you a little bit about that because I’ve learned that the hard way so the mistake there was I bought Bitcoin at $200

back in 2013 amazing I then rode it all the way down 85% because I knew it was a long-term bet it then went back up in 2017 and it was trading about 2 ,000 and there was some fud the the forking of Bitcoin into um two different Bitcoin blockchains and I was like I don’t really understand

what’s going on and so I sold out so it was the fud that got me and um I then had sold out but I was pleased I’ve made 10 times more money great trade I thought you know I’d done it well it then went up another 10x in the last five months of the year which was unbelievable I never

never seen anything like it I missed that but I was fine because I’d taken money off the table I’d taken my lifestyle chips out so I felt pretty comfortable the market then Falls all the way until 2019 so that was the down year of 2018 and 2019 I started looking at it again and really

in 2020 um during the pandemic when it fell 50% is when I got back in I think I averaged in about 6 and a half thousand and I’m still long to this day okay so that looks pretty good I bought it cheap I sold it expensive I bought it back cheap but when I looked at it and I bought a lot more at

the end the Second Time Around in 2020 when I go back and look at if I just held my original bet which was much smaller I’d have made five times the money from trading it you see that’s the issue here now had I listened to myself and bought the big sell-offs and added doubled up my

position every four years when we had the down cycle i’ have 25x my position and again you can only do this in the very top tokens mainly Bitcoin but maybe salana ethereum but really in Bitcoin that’s where you can do this very long term because Bitcoin is much more secure as an asset

over time in terms of its adoption and acceptance at large then you can diversify out into riskier stuff but buying the dip would have made me a fortune the fud cost me money trading cost me money I didn’t do the hold you see so there there’s a number of ways you can up you can lose

your tokens that’s when an exchange goes down or you start using Defi and you put your money for a Yield into some stupid which is what people did in Tera Luna and again I did not do that um or block fire or Celsius or all of these things everybody lost money because they

parted with their tokens story in the wrong exchange OG’s remember Mount gaws they still have been paid out that was I don’t know 10 years ago so that’s why I don’t like to keep things on Exchange hold on let the gains compound I’ve also screwed up by having this big

Diversified bag where I thought you know all of my tokens will go up and I tried to asset allocate that’s screwed up and I’ve got a wallet of Shame like most of you have and that failed a lot of people have got wallets of Shame from The nft Craze in 2021 and many of you will end up with

a wallet of Shame from the mean coin craze so in mean coins keep it to a small waiting please it’s great fun get involved but if you’ve got too big a waiting you risk losing everything and then you up with rule number one which is don’t lose control of your token salana has

reached a remarkable Milestone hitting an all-time high of $263 according to coin gecko this new Peak comes over 3 years after its previous record and highlights the token’s dramatic recovery and growth the journey to this Milestone hasn’t been smooth smooth in late 2022 sana’s

price plunged to single digits during the Fallout of the FTX exchange collapse reflecting significant Market uncertainty 2023 presented additional challenges as the SEC labeled salana a potential security heightening regulatory fears despite these setbacks salana demonstrated resilience

experiencing a year of explosive growth that allowed it to reclaim its position as a top performing Cryptocurrency Sal an’s Resurgence makes it one of the few major

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto Assets to reach a new record high during this Market cycle for perspective 2 years ago salana traded at just under $12 the current price reflects an appreciation of over

2,000% underscoring its exceptional performance and the growing confidence in its ecosystem pal has been predicting this moment for quite some time and believes there’s more to come for the layer one token one of his recent tweets reads salana has been quite the ride so far from the low to

new all-time highs plenty more to go in a follow-up post pal adds that sui and Dogecoin will be the next tokens to reach all-time highs in the great banana rotation do you agree with this prediction please share your thoughts comments and observations in the comments section below also ensure you

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