March 14, 2025
Rexas finance more red flags

Rexas finance more red flags #Finance

hi all how you doing hope you’re doing great wherever you are in the world so I thought I’d do another Rex’s Finance um since as the other one’s

quite popular but also if you’re still sat on the fence and thinking uh I believe in this project and all of that then I just want to um go over a few other Red Flags uh that kind of point out that this isn’t a legit project okay so if you weren’t convinced our already hopefully

you will be after this okay so I’ve looked at um I did a quick search and I found these uh these PR websites okay so what they do is they list articles on them about whatever you want to write about okay so these are like paid for articles that appear on loads and loads of different websites

okay you can probably pay to have them put on like a th000 websites or something like that you know pay like $1,000 and get your article listed in a thousand different places the whole object of that is to create like um uh links to your website and boost your um uh boost your exposure basically

now what they cleverly do okay is they create different articles with different keywords so if you have a look at this you can see so this is on times now news and uh if you look at the uh article it says two-year price outlook for rexus

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance how high can rexus go by 2026 and it’s got here both retail and whale investors have noticed significant momentum blah blah blah blah blah okay so you you can see you can read it okay now if you have a look

at it when it was updated updated November the 18th 2024 so yesterday at uh 2336 okay so pretty close to the end of the day on the 18th now here’s another article uh the future of rexus finan 2025 price prediction okay and then you got your Spiel okay and then if you have a look at the update

2024 2342 so this is like uh only a few minutes after oh British summertime IST I’m not sure IST International uh time something like that uh and then if you hav’t look at another one this one was created on 1140 on the 8 18th of November so 11:40 p.m. IST what was the other one so this

is 2 minutes you know 2 minutes difference between these two so it looks like people have created these articles and then uploaded them within a couple of minutes okay and I suspect that um these PR websites are getting articles about rexus bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance probably every day and they’re going to be different articles written you can see that they are different differently worded if you look over this um you know it’s got different you know that’s only sort of less than two

lines there you can see that’s like sort of Two and a Half lines here this is uh well maybe the lines are shorter okay but you can see these different things in 12.9 million uh $6.2 million you know the don’t have these in there they’ve got some dates and uh and price prediction

or objective say different things um now will it have different uh over different text okay so if you sort of go down you can see there’s different text in there uh Rex Finance fact to

raise $6.5 million um we around $6.7 million raised so again they’re slightly changing the numbers okay so you see they’re $6.7 million as opposed to 6.5 so I think they’re just slightly changing the numbers just to make it different okay that’s one thing that you’re

supposed to do with articles try to change the wording around to make things different here this one has raised $6.2 million but you see the Articles uh are uploaded you know with about six minutes between them so that’s a bit fish okay that’s a bit odd surely the the amount raised

would be pretty much the same because you got one on IST and the other on IST which are like two minutes apart there’s no way they can have raised um you know a different amount 6 .7 million as opposed to 6.2 6.5 so that’s $200,000 different in two minutes you know so that is really

fishy okay for a kickoff um now other things that they mention is it’s like it’s like they kind of give the impression that it’s trusted by coin market cap because you got if you look at Rex’s text-decoration: none;">Finance Rex’s Finance is on here and people going say oh wow kin Market app it’s a really huge website it’s really trusted people go there for

their data and that kind of thing so we must trust this it’s on there okay this is just it says here this is just a preview page okay it’s just a preview page so lots of people can get their um their coin on here okay but it means nothing okay I’m not exactly sure how you get your

coin on here you know you probably have to pay something or or what or but the point is it it doesn’t mean it’s a trusted coin because it’s it’s on here with a preview page that is meaningless okay it is absolutely meaningless um so it’s just uh another element that uh

doesn’t give any trust to it in my opinion again you’ve got these audits um again they’re meaningless there plenty of projects that have Audits and still pull a rug from under you okay I’m not saying this is going to pull a rug completely okay you know it might launch a

token but the likelihood is it’s going to crash okay they’re going to take your uh the Liquidity out of it uh you know you haven’t have to look at retic none;">Finance and look how that’s fallen and this is going to do the same kind of thing again you know featured in times of India Economic Times you know a lot of these sites are just well all of these sites pretty much are PR um articles okay they’re just paid for

articles that you can you know you write an article and you can just get them uh put on there if you pay enough money or if you own all the if you own the media sites okay so we don’t know exactly who is behind Rex’s #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance okay because we don’t know who the team is okay it doesn’t say who the team is on there so those are a few extra red flags that I’ve already gone over I’ve already compared it to things like retic

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance you haven’t watched my other and you’re still thinking about getting into rexus text-decoration: none;">Finance go and watch that uh I’ll leave a a link in the description uh this is definitely a scam in my opinion um these articles are probably created just using an AI or something like that you know you put in a few things and AI will just um create these uh

that’s what I think um or you can just you know you can just get some software that can write these a lot of these articles you either use AI or you can just use um um like a dictionary and just change words over and stuff but I think this is these articles are written a bit more uh Sav Savvy

uh than than doing that kind of thing but they probably AI written okay uh because all they want to do is just get a much content in there and make it look genuine I mean look how bad this is how badly this is written here this is just like there’s hardly any spaces or anything look how full

it is okay it’s it’s really difficult to read this when it’s like a solid wall of text it doesn’t look right now the other thing that other people have commented on and that I also comment on is how can you give a price prediction when it’s still in pre-sale you know

it’s still in pre-sale um Anything could happen and anything will likely happen so them giving like a um how high can rexus go by 2026 is not even gone through pre-sale it can just completely dive to nothing very easily so them sort of giving any kind of figure is just ludicrous um you know

there supposedly a Finance company rexus Finance you know no

company would advertise themselves like this where they’re putting out um how high their their coin can go no proper legitimate Finance Company would predict future um basically

predicting future earnings that’s what that’s what you’re doing when you’re predicting uh how how your coing will go you’re predicting future um Profits and stuff and that’s that is completely out of order okay so there you go there’s just

a few more red flags about Rex’s Finance let me know in the comments what you think have you bought this coin if you have bought it do you regret buying it or do you think it’s

going to um somehow make you a millionaire let me know in the comments

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on Rexas finance more red flags.
With over 618 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

9 thoughts on “Rexas finance more red flags #Finance

  1. They also used to have a online chat on site . I started trolling them with fbi / interpol…… and told them there was a investigation … and all of a sudden the chat is gone from website

  2. Big scam. Will transfer coins to wallet but they will have no money attached… contact their support team – oh we have a problem in our system you'll have to fill out this form… oh wait the automatic wallet connection doesn't work… please enter your 12 word phrase…. massive scam.

  3. I’m new to crypto and i shoved a majority of my crypto money into this project. Feel like a complete idiot. I saw all these articles by legit websites predicting a huge roi and i fell for it. Hopefully i can get something in return once the coin possibly releases

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