March 14, 2025
Roadmap to FINANCIAL MODELLING IN 2025 | JOBS & Career Opportunities after Financial Modelling

Roadmap to FINANCIAL MODELLING IN 2025 | JOBS & Career Opportunities after Financial Modelling #Finance

Financial models are used in the various domain of Finance such as Investment Banking corporate bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and private equi we have to start with the learning basics of the financial modeling so you first have to gain good command on the Excel you can also learn Financial engineering or con

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance if you’re looking for something more technical so basically your job will be to help companies make more informed decision about where to invest their money and how to grow in the future hello everyone and welcome

to this friends if you’re planning to to for Finance domain in 2025 mastering Financial modeling skills is must so whether you are a student and starting

your journey or professional looking to enance your profile Financial modeling is one of the most sought after skills in the Finance industry today in this

I’ll walk you through a road map for mastering Financial modeling skills in 2025 we’ll break down this in the simple steps to get you started build your skills and eventually make up you an expert in the later part of this we will talk about job opportunities and

salaries potential for both freshers and experienced professionals so let’s start but before we move to the other topics let’s first quickly understand what exactly Financial modeling is friends in the simple terms Financial modeling is a process of creating mathematical representation

of financial project with the help of financial model we can create interactive financial data and test various assumptions and scenarios which otherwise not possible with the static data Financial models are used in the various domain of bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance such as Investment Banking corporate Finance and private equi so these models are prepared in the

Excel spreadsheet and essential for everything from Forecasting to the Valuation to the Budgeting now friends let’s discuss road map to do Mastery in the financial Bing so we have divided this process into three phases now let’s discuss

these three phases phase one learning the basics friends we have to start with the learning basics of the financial modeling so you first have to gain good command on the Excel so if you’re not already comfortable with it so you have to learn formulas functions and shortcuts there next you

need to learn three important Financial Statements Income statement Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statements as these are the three key components for most of the financial models phase two building skills once you have got the basic

covered then start building Real Models you can start with the simpler version of the financial models like Revenue Forecasting expense Forecasting and then move to the more complex models like discounted Cash Flow merger models

Etc gain handon experience by practicing with the real company’s financial data you can build models for publicly listed companies whose financial information is easily available in the public domain phase three mastering Advanced technique in phase three you can focus on building more

Advanced Financial models and Valuation techniques like lvo model Etc you can also learn Financial engineering or con Finance if you’re looking for something more

technical also explore Advanced tools like powerbi python to work smarter and more efficiently friends now let’s talk about something very important career opportunities and salice potential in the financial modeling friends after completing Financial modeling course you will get a wide range

of job opportunities with a competitive salaries and important roles so first let’s talk about roles and responsibilities you can expect in the financial modeling domain friends at the entry level most of the people begin as a analyst or associate but as you progress you can get more

important roles like investment banker Equity research analyst or Portfolio manager so depending on your job title your work might involve evaluting potential investment for the company advising on the financial feasibility of project helping companies in raising

fund to fund their expansions Etc so basically your job will be to help companies make more informed decision about where to invest their money and how to grow in the future now friends let’s talk about salaries expectation so if you are a fresher and just starting your career with the

financial modeling skills you can expect a salary of 5 to 8 lakh rupees perom that depends on the company location and the skill level you have but as you gain more experience your salary and job opportunities will grow for experienced professionals friends if you have been working in this field

for a couple of years and if you have mastered Financial modeling and Valuation skills you can earn anywhere between 15 to 25 lakh rupes per year or even more so friends do remember Financial modeling is the back burone of the financial decision making from investment Banks to the

corporate Finance department everyone relies on the financial model to predict future performance and make the data different Decisions by mastering Financial modeling you

not only make yourself more valuable but open the door to the tons of career growth and opportunities in the Finance so Friends start now and build your foundation and

sharpen your skills and stay ahead of the cup in 2025 Financial modeling is going to be more important than ever and if you follow this road map you will be well on your way of successful career so thanks for watching this keep modeling and keep learning

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on Roadmap to FINANCIAL MODELLING IN 2025 | JOBS & Career Opportunities after Financial Modelling.
With over 8716 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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