January 30, 2025
Russia Rapidly Buying Gold | Mario Innecco

Russia Rapidly Buying Gold | Mario Innecco #Finance

yeah that movement is growing the rest of the world is saying why do we need a a middleman if we’re going to deal amongst each other uh why do we need the dollar this is Kaiser Johnson with liberty and #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and these are the miles Franklin weekly specials for September 2nd through September 9th 2024 while supplies last first we have a very limited supply of backdated silver Australian cucura 10 oun coins at just $310 over spot per ounce next 1 o

backdated Platinum maple leaves are just $80 over spot and finally we have compelling pricing on various pre-33 American gold coins to order our specials or any of the many other options we have available call us at 188881 Liberty that’s 1888 815 4237 we’re available after hours and on

weekends and we look forward to speaking with you hey everyone this is Elijah K Johnson with liberty and Finance and back with us today is our good friend Mario anco from the

very popular Manco 64 YouTube channel Mario thank you so much for joining us today you’re welcome Elijah nice to be with you again well it’s great to have you today now we’ve been tracking this on our Channel and with you for quite a while about the bricks moving away from the US

dollar that’s Brazil Russia India uh China South Africa and and many more countries now and probably many many more to come um and it seems like there’s a trend of the these countries accumulating gold and moving away from the US dollar one of the latest developments we have is that um

Russia has announced that they’re going to continue buying gold and a lot of it so your perspective on that announcement and how that’s going to impact things yeah they came out a couple of days ago announced that uh they’re basically going to uh sell uh their oil for gold from

today until 30 days forward so in the next month and um yeah I think they’ve uh they multiplied the amount of gold they’re going to buy from like uh yeah from like 10 $10 million to $92 million a day and it adds up to about um yeah 30 30 tons for a month so it’s quite significant

and the timing and the announcement is interesting because you usually don’t announce that kind of stuff so maybe they’re giving a kind of signal to the other bricks Nations and other nations that are looking to attend the bricks Summit on October 22nd to 24th that uh the way forward uh

in the bricks monetary uh let’s say uh system is to have some gold I’m not saying they’re going to use uh gold to trade but they could use gold as a reserve uh instead of the dollar and I I think a lot of these countries they they are not uh completely abandoning the dollar

because uh maybe if they’re doing business like China is still doing business with the Us and other countries uh if they have to buy stuff from from the US they’ll have to use dollars the only country that seems to uh not be in that situation right now is Russia because of all all the

sanctions but like you said um I think uh yeah that movement is growing the of the world is saying why do we need a a middleman if we’re going to deal amongst each other uh why do we need the dollar it is very uh I guess frightening in that respect also that the bricks have been expanding uh

with I think they added four or five uh countries to the group at the beginning of this year but now it seems like even a turkey which is a NATO member currently is looking to join the bricks so um where do you see this heading then when even you know allies of the West are are starting to look at

bricks yeah I mean uh turkey I guess they they want to it’s a country that is partly in Europe even though it’s a small part and most of it in Asia so they they want both feet uh you know they they try to uh play both sides but the other reason why uh turkey I think is applying for for

bre is that they never had any luck applying to be a part of the European Union Europeans never really uh were too keen on having them and yes the fact that they’re part of NATO is a huge thing as well I think after the US uh they’ve got the biggest armed forces in NATO uh turkey and

like you said in the beginning of the year I think it was six or seven countries that actually joined bricks Saudi Arabia uh they’re supposed to have joined and I think they have but not really publicizing it and there’s going to be uh 47 I think uh guest uh countries going to the brick

Summit in October and recently I think there was an IMF uh meeting uh run by Russia in Moscow and like 140 countries attended so yeah it’s huge and I think it’s uh I think it’s still underestimated by uh by the West the mainstream in the west by Wall Street uh by the city of

London they they still kind of uh the The View they have is that well they’ll never challenge us but I I think they’re wrong and I’m not saying this because I’m Pro uh bricks but just because it’s going to affect us here in the UK and the us because as I’ve said

many times what it will mean is that they these countries are going to need our currencies a lot less and that means they’re not going to really be uh buying as much of our currencies or investing as much in our currency so they’re going to become worth less and less and that’s

just going to hurt aside from all the Debts and borrowing that we’re doing in in the west and deficit spending uh that’s also going to hurt the um purchasing power of our currencies and and that’s why U gold keeps going higher and higher versus all currencies even

uh even the bricks currencies but uh uh it’s going to particularly hurt us in the West can you expand on how it’s going to hurt us because I know as you mentioned the mainstream media is not really paying attention to this uh people in the mainstream are saying you know it’s just

a group of small countries insignificant countries and it’s like wait a second you have China and India the biggest populations in the world of any any countries um you have Russia with the I think the biggest nuclear Arsenal so I mean it seems like these are not small nations in any respect

and this could have a huge impact on things going forward so what do you think it’ll mean for people here in the US you know you’re in the UK uh your perspective I think the biggest uh way it’s going to affect us is that uh the bricks countries that already are in place 10 or 11

uh they control a lot of Commodities uh hard Assets uh energy and the other countries that want to join the same they’re mostly in Asia and Africa and um what that means is that uh it’s not going to be as easy for the West to control uh Commodities and commodities

prices and we’re going to have to pay more for it uh I I think it’s a the guy ex guy from Credit swis I forgot his name uh he’s got a Hungarian name but uh he he said that there’s like a a war now for Commodities and uh bricks are going to they’re

going to control the Commodities and and hard Assets so uh unless the US um uh and the West uh let’s say Europe allow their economies to to develop and to exploit for Commodities which is something that doesn’t look like they want to do with this green New Deal and U

green agenda and they seem to not want to uh uh allow for extraction of minerals things are going to get a lot worse I think and uh the other thing is uh if our currencies are not let’s say if countries around the world uh don’t buy as many treasuries or as many guilts in the UK or

european government Bonds that means that uh unless the central banks uh start QE and buying these Bonds Interest Rates are going to be um higher than they normally would have been and that’s going to hurt our economies and I know

Interest Rates have been going down but uh I think they probably would have gone down even more if we weren’t having so much trouble in the world uh with sanctions with bricks uh because if we’re cooperating with the rest of the world they wouldn’t have a reason

to uh start a bricks uh block or anything they’d be cooperating with us so that’s why it hurt us uh in my opinion and it looks like uh yeah um we forget that the West is a small part of uh uh the world population and the resources now and uh their economies are growing uh faster and

faster and they have better demographics um than than we do and what is your perspective I guess on the if you look at the us we at least try to espouse this uh idea of freedom right and democracy and and the will of the people right is is the idea uh and also a lot many of the countries in Europe

at least um in some way uh are are focused on that um but if you look at the countries that Income or that bricks is made out of really have different ways of of running their government right and that were maybe unfamiliar with and that aren’t necessarily the best you could

argue obviously um so your perspective on that and if the bricks nations are growing in influence does that um spell disaster for our forms of government or what do you think about Freedom uh going into the future here well I’m all for freedom and uh and free

href="https://cashnews.co/markets" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets and uh freedom of the individual uh but it’s something that has been uh chipped away at in the west actually you’ve seen what’s happened here in the UK with the riots

and how they’ve cracked down on uh what they call farri thugs even though they’re just people who are pro a most of them were just protesting about policies uh and in the US as well we’re seeing that there’s a we saw recently uh uh is it Mark Zuckerberg uh CEO of meta

admitting that the government the Biden Administration asked him asked the company to censor people so and I think the yeah the bricks Nations uh we we are told in the west that they’re authoritarian they they don’t have strong Democratic principles but we’ve been uh in the West

for the last uh 25 30 years interfering and trying to bring democracy to these countries and all we have done is to stabilize it and I think um these countries uh they they think we are hypocritical and I can understand why they say that uh you just have to look at what happened in Iraq in 03 we

went in there and uh based on uh on a lie really about the weapons of mass destruction uh and then we uh destabilized other countries like uh Libya and um there’s so many of them uh Panama as well um the US has been interfering as well in elections since since the 50s so I think these people

are saying yes we uh we might not have the same institutions as you but you have to respect us and uh even if I don’t agree with the way China’s run I think uh they are they they run their own house and I think that’s what uh and I think uh these countries have strengthened

economically so much in the last 20 years that now they have the wherewithal to uh stand up to the west and I’m not taking sides here I’m just telling you what I how I see it I mean one way that we can take a stand right for freedom is to own physical precious metals kind of take our

funds at least outside of the Matrix in that small way um I did want to ask you maybe I know the UK has been um I guess Under Fire for uh certain regulations they have had for free speech so how how have you uh maybe stood out for Freedom or how are you navigating that in in your country well uh I

you have to be careful I guess now online what you say but I’ve I I try to stay away a little bit from the politics and uh I try to focus on uh precious metals and some people might say oh all you think about is money but it’s not true it’s just that uh precious medals uh and

having Savings because that’s what it is protects you uh in times of Crisis and uh I I think things are going to get chaotic in the west and uh the the trick will be to hold on to your gold and silver through the crisis and uh and see what happens after the dust settles uh I

just um saw a a post today by a guy that I follow a Chinese guy from Hong Kong and he was saying that his grandfather was a banker during uh before the China became communist in the Republic of China in Shanghai and uh the Nationalist government uh at the time before 1949 uh they in 1948 actually

they They confiscated a lot of all the people’s go gold but his grandfather was able to hide the gold for him and his clients and eventually uh yeah they were able to move to Hong Kong and start again and Thrive but uh so that’s what it means it means you might uh have to move but if

you have your gold you can go anywhere and that’s how it it keeps you free I I I think personally I think it’s really hard to try to fight um the powers that be on an individual basis um and um yeah you have to uh basically fight for your uh selfreliance and sovereignty that’s the

way I see it yeah I mean we’ve talked to um people as well I know Doug Casey is the uh the international man right and he has a lot of experience um maybe I point to the interviews we’ve done with him to talk about uh you know you know relocating and locating in different countries as

well if if your own government uh starts being too tyrannical so um we do appreciate your time today I guess any last thoughts you had Mario on I guess really reclaiming uh your own personal freedom and the path forward yeah I mean uh relocating and options are really important and uh I grew up in

Brazil but uh my dad had Italian uh ancestry so in the 80s he found out that he uh could take an Italian pass and that’s how we’re able to move to Europe with with no problem so there are a lot of Americans out there who are uh of Italian descent or German or French or Portuguese they

look look it up uh maybe get another passport so uh if things get bad you always have an option uh what about me here in the UK uh well right now I’m still okay but uh you never know hopefully things won’t get that bad but uh the the hope I have is that the the whole system the F

currency system implodes and then uh a lot of these policies authoritarian policies we’re seeing the West won’t be able to be implemented no I think that’s I’m thinking of what rafie Farber has talked about how when the dollar collapses it really ends a lot of these wars as

well because of the military industrial complex and kind of how the dollar is ultimately funding a lot of these wars here so it seems like while it will be difficult maybe a lot of the the corruption or the um the system not working very well will will be able to rebuild after after a currency

crisis yeah and the trick is what will we get after that uh in France in the 1790s they got Napoleon after everything imploded and that didn’t go very well either yeah well it’s definitely you know why we’re here is to you know educate people and really think about how do we

reclaim our freedom right and make sure that we don’t need the government to save us and step in like that so we really appreciate your time today um if our viewers are interested in learning more of your work they can go to monco 64 on YouTube can you tell us about a bit about that yeah uh I

make a I post a CashNews.co every day and I do a live stream on Sunday I I cover uh Markets economics uh I I I put a lot of history into things I look at history and try to uh see uh

what’s happening today and how that uh will could affect us and uh I’m also on uh on X or Twitter at Manco 1964 fantastic Mario thank you so much for your time today and God bless you’re welcome this is Kaiser Johnson with liberty and

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and these are the miles Franklin weekly specials for September 2nd through September 9th 2024 while supplies last first we have a a very limited supply of backdated silver Australian cucur 10 o coins at just

$3.10 over spot per ounce next 1 o backdated Platinum maple leaves are just $80 over spot and finally we have compelling pricing on various pre-33 American gold coins to order our specials or any of the many other options we have available call us at 188881 Liberty that’s 1888 815 4237

we’re available after hours and on weekends and we look forward to speaking with you

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on Russia Rapidly Buying Gold | Mario Innecco.
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30 thoughts on “Russia Rapidly Buying Gold | Mario Innecco #Finance

  1. Thank you for watching! I hope you find this comment section to be a fantastic way to share thoughts and ideas! Always REPORT AS SPAM any comments sharing a phone number, email, any contact info, or trading advice. Be aware of IMPERSONATORS offering phone numbers, and please know we will NEVER put contact info in the comments section or offer market trading advice.

  2. We were on the gold standard for centuries and yes we had many many wars during the gold standard including WW1 and WW2 . If we return to a gold standard I believe it will get worse . After all China produces the most gold

  3. Love the content, but starting to hear on various channels (including Rafi Farber on Arcadia Economics) that somehow wars will end when the USD fiat era ends. As if wars did not exist before then. Please.

  4. it doesn't matter what you say anymore you join forces with liberty and finance miles Franklin push push push precious metals I wonder how much they pay you miles Franklin shiell

  5. This government let dangerous illegals into the USA and now some are roving wild in the street. What are aims of our Socialist rulers? Is it to
    destroy our country or to be the reson to call in the United Nations?

  6. "How to move forward?" – Recognition. Recognize that this war is spiritual. Anecdote: Robert Barnes just confirmed on the "Viva and Barnes" utube channel his learning of the phrase once attached to the pope's crown (Frances had it removed) indicating the pope as the biblical antichrist prophesied a couple hundred years prior. The prophecies are indeed FACT based in REALITY. Proceed knowing this above all else.

  7. Mario is correct. The world will still need to hold some American currency whenever they trade with USA. As long as America has something to buy and sell, the greenback will continue to be in circulation.

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