February 12, 2025
Shawn Bolz : Angelic Visitation from Minister of Finance

Shawn Bolz : Angelic Visitation from Minister of Finance #Finance

my name is Sean Bowles from Los Angeles California I grew up in the church and so I was always over here in the church side and there’s the sec recite and that’s our view that was kind of imparted to us is that there’s two places you know they’re not one

they’re not a combined place and so I mean I felt that way probably until I was around 27 28 and then in 2001 dramatically I had an encounter there was that it was a season of my life where I was transitioning the way that I thought and I didn’t I didn’t know how much God was

transitioning that and I knew who’s giving me language that would help people also to transition who’ve been in the church for a long time and I started to see how God looks down on the earth and he doesn’t see secretin he sees kingdom he sees both things and how his kingdom can

go in both arenas equally a strong and powerful without measure and so in the encounter that I had I had a man come in the room at 6:00 in the morning while I was asleep thought it was a real man woke up startled at the foot of my bed I look at him and I’m like oh my gosh there’s a man

in here what is this an inner mind racing going what’s going on and I want to say some like who are you but then I’m thinking this could be one of those encounters this could be an encounter of a God kind you know this is is this a real man who broke into the house he looks like

he’s here for a purpose he didn’t feel unsafe and all of a sudden I hear a voice right here from this side of my head and it said welcome the Minister of Finance of the kingdom

and honestly I didn’t even equate until afterwards I was doing research on what that term Minister Finance was I didn’t even know each government had one I

didn’t even know like I didn’t even know that much about it so I’m thinking why is a year visiting me that’s the first thought that I had and I knew it was an angel and so this angel was standing there and I was thinking you know a million miles now what do I do what I do

what I do and then I just thought this is God’s gig I’m just gonna rest in this this is what happens you know I don’t know what God wants to do with this and he walked over the side of my bed he didn’t communicate for a long time and but he he did things and showed me things

a he would point and a vision would appear or something would happen I would see different things he took me into an experience I was standing on one of the mountains in Israel and then looking down it was when Solomon was building his temple and it was you know you have to realize I’m back

in history looking at this ancient temple it’s a technology that’s so archaic and ancient and so it was finally building the temple that Devi was promised that he would be able to be built and I’m looking at it and the object wasn’t the house of God the Ahtna head and what I

was saying the object was all the greatest resources known to the Western world of one generation were brought together and one generation they were brought together to be a picture of God dwelling with his people everything was the absolute best that was known to man because at that point Solomon

had lived us in such great favor of God that he’d been accumulating great wealth and so there had never been wealth like with Solomon had in all of history and he used it to build God his place his resting place and I’m watching this and I hear the voice the angel say again

there’s going to be a day that that was a picture of the generation that’s alive who’s going to bring all the greatest resources known to man to no goddess house where God wants a presence in every place in the world he wants a presence in the movie in the street once a presence

in government he wants a presence in education he wants a presence in agriculture he wants a presence and you know all these different areas there’s a difference in what we think of as Christianity and Christian efforts and what heaven is endorsing right now and you can see many of the things

that that have the most favored on them and the projects that have had the most favored on them are people who are cooperating with God and using the value system to just do to just make to just be Jesus was promised that he’d have the whole this is inherence and the people in the world are

the whole world that’s not the world at something the people in the world would be the his inheritance and that there’d be a generation that would walk in the phone and submit to being a mature pride being a mature body of believers for that purpose to to walk in full cooperation with

them and so a lot of what we’ve seen the church is that people are going into a place where they’re there’s a lot of ministry restoration in her healing you know counseling life skills life coaching you know live your best life now all those things are good themes those

aren’t no those are bad themes but what happens when you get restored what happens when you know how to walk in purpose what would happen if you all of a sudden had all the none;">Finances you are at the best place you’re at in your personnel your skill level your talent everything and you could just do what you were called to do that’s what eternity is like that’s what Adam and Eve had they weren’t restoring anything there was

nothing else that needed to be created it was free access I was focused on ministry which much of the church ministry I was involved with was restoring a prophesying destiny or or awakening people to their passion for Jesus but what happens when you have all those things what happens when

you’re a person who sees God the Father has a desire for a son Jesus that you can cooperate with heavens agenda and that there’s a whole realm of heaven that will back you up Christians know the times of the seasons that’s what we’re called in of the times the seasons

we’re living and we’re called to be the stewards of the earth and so commodities and stocks are important in that process we’re called to cooperate no matter what with what God’s doing on the earth and all of the resources all the commodities all the business all and so some

people are being called right now to work a stockBroker some people are called right now to buy into stocks and to invest and there’s you know because of the scriptures of the Bible about the wealth of the wake of the storm for the righteous everybody’s been talking

about what does that look like what does it look like when the wealth of the wicked gets turned over to the righteous when I had some days experience with some of these encounters it was so simple to me in a sense it’s going to happen many different ways I don’t unlimited because

God’s big it’s not about the judgment of God coming to reveal the righteousness so that the righteous can rise up and fill in the gap and fill in the space the transfer of wealth is when people are hearing God knowing we’re to invest and know I want to create and as they create it

it creates a market it’s not about it’s not about just redoing Markets already created the main heart of God is that there’s themes and subjects that need to be stewarded on

the earth right now and he wants to position Christians to do that and the transfer of wealth is when Christians are hearing God at the right times in the right seasons to get in and out of none;">Markets to start things out to create Markets and we’re called to create you know mark it’s the same creative God that creates that let there be light it’s saying

right now create here so what happens when it’s God who’s saying you go and create you say let there be light in this marketplace and so the transfer wealth it’s about to come we don’t even need the money that’s in the world we have God he’ll so create endorphin

trump and establish economy that’s much different what happens when we when there’s a people of understanding and wisdom that God can apply himself to that’s what transferred wealth will happen if your position rightly in an industry and you start to pursue it you start paying a

price really listening to God’s heart there and really building a track record not just being flake in saying I think I heard God hears you know I’m gonna call my stockBroker but you’re hearing god you’re you’re getting a track record you’re

tracking with people who are hearing from God you’re building community in this thing there’s a whole kingdom group that’s going forward in the marketplace right now and I believe that there’s ways to connect link to build a track record add your piece to it but it’s

it right now is a time where it’s not good to be alone Ranger so I’m going to be a lone dog but there’s a place of connecting to other people and hearing the Lord together because the transfer wealth is now it’s it’s started already it’s not 10 years from now

it’s started now and we’re seeing people benefiting from it right now you

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on Shawn Bolz : Angelic Visitation from Minister of Finance.
With over 18567 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

16 thoughts on “Shawn Bolz : Angelic Visitation from Minister of Finance #Finance

  1. This new "revelation" of there being an Angelic minister of finance is a red flag. The Bible makes no such acknowledgement. He then forms a theology based on this "angelic" visitation. Many false teachings start this way. Test all the spirits….. Hmmmm.

  2. This is essentially Kingdom Now thinking. It's not scriptural. Test all spirits… The devil poses as an angel of light. The church will not hand over this world to Jesus, it's currently the devil's domain. At the time of Jesus 2nd coming, after the 7 years of judgement on the world and the restoration of Israel, then Jesus will reign over the world from Jerusalem. Read the Bible for truth, don't listen to prophecies and visions which have no sound base in scripture.

  3. “To build God his house” Shawn, we are a temple of the Holy Spirit, we don’t need to build God a house now.

    1 cor 6:19
    Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

  4. For those of you who deem this hard to believe don't be to early to judge. I do know about the scriptures saying that people won't endure sound doctrine and turn to fables and stuff but the Bible does say also somewhere in the old testament maybe Proverbs I'm not sure something about the wealth of the wicked being transferred to the righteous. It's prudent to be a little suspicious. I too can be a bit skeptical and suspicious. But please people don't be too quick to judge.

  5. “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” -2 Timothy 4:3-4

  6. This guy speaks full on baloney. Baloney is not even an English term used over here, but bullshit didn't cut it for this guy. Why can't these people just accept that God speaks to our hearts, and gave us His Word? They always have to make up a phoney vision where for some reason God or an Angel showed up at their house to give them an extra special message or purpose. Unfortunately they exist in a community (charismatic Christian one) where they know that no one will call them out on this BS. The only reason Shawn Bolz gets flown out to speak at huge events, is twofold: 1. He made up an angelic vision about 'Kingdom finances' so that people would see him as some sort of authority on how to get more income into their church 2. He researches people's private info online and on social media, and the lies during meetings and pretends that God is telling him people's birthdays/kids names/streets where they live/anniversaries etc. In any other industry he would have been called out on it, but lucky for him he mixes with other leaders whose ministries also hinge on a BS vision or angelic visit, so it's basically one huge baloney jerking circle, where they pay each other with the donations of unsuspecting church members. I am a Christian, but if Bolz showed up at my church and did his mystic BS, I'd call him out on it right there and then.

  7. He's only able to give "prophesy" to people with Facebook pages that have no privacy settings and post frequently. Give it a try! Watch one if his "prophecies" online and search for the person he's "prophesying" to on Facebook/twitter/social media. It can be tricky, but since he often tells people's addresses and names and family and sometimes business ventures, its possible.

    Either God only wants to give prophecy through Shawn to people who keep their Facebook postings fresh and open to strangers. Or Shawn does a little homework beforehand to see who's may be going to a conference he's attending and learns about them through what's available online.

  8. Shawn, you're a fraud. You are no more than a gypsie style fortune teller. Keep up the great work exposing the true desire of so called christians as well as yourself.

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