March 15, 2025


really quickly guys i’m giving away 1 million vvs token at the current price value of what it’s at right now of 0.00065 if you guys are interested the twitter link is going to be down below it’s on the screen right now these are all the rules very very simple and easy to

follow if you guys are interested please go check it out also be sure to get your youtube entry as well by liking today’s subscribing to the channel and commenting down below your none;"> or your vvs Finance or your d5 wallet address this is how i can pay the winner enjoy what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome on back to the channel just

one week ago i invested fifteen thousand dollars into vvs Finance staking so today we’re gonna go over exactly what i earned per day how much money i totally

Profited and what the hell is going on with the market right now fun fact of the day ladies and gentlemen dogecoin investing is the way this shit’s look dude it’s literally got like the trail to go to the it’s gonna of course yet again and none of the information

this is gonna be financialized for you your grandmother your dog your cat anyone in your entire ecosystem of life this is not financial advice what i’m saying is it’s just for community and entertainment and educational purposes and welcome to the jam so as you guys know i

don’t like to make boring long ass CashNews.cos for no reason it doesn’t help me it doesn’t help you so we’re gonna cut straight to the chase on vvs none;">Finance how much earned in one week from staking fifteen thousand dollars if you are interested in getting started i do have two CashNews.cos right here and down there that go over how to get started on vbs color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and what exactly the project is so some pretty shitty news by the time i’m recording this is that vbs none;">Finance the coin itself is roughly down 50 by the time i invested into it a week ago so i’m kind of down on that but i’m still earning a decent apy through farming and staking so real quick these are my three minds we have the crota vvs earning 316 right now we have

vvs the usdc earning 476 and then we have vvs to usdt earning 469 percent real quick if you were to invest that 15 000 right now you’d be earning on average 189 a day through the vvsa ust calculator which is the one i put 15 000 in originally at the time of me investing into it i was earning

around 260 dollars a day which was pretty nice so is vbs Finance still Profitable to today’s date yes i’d have to fully say i want to invest more

money into this project while the aprs and apys are so high the market cap is still doing pretty damn well over 145 million dollars the daily trading volume is 50 to 60 million dollars the coin itself is down but that’s because the entire market is down and you’re still earning a hefty

apr in vvs rewards which that coin is going to shoot to the moon very very soon there is so much behind this project i think the chronos blockchain is going to be absolutely insane in the future especially with their cross chain so let’s dive on into it on the 7th of december i put 15 600

into the vvs usdt farm and the day later at the exact same time 24 hours later i earned 232 dollars and 80 cents this is at an average pace of 9.70 per hour which is basically minimum wage for investing fifteen thousand dollars i then took this Profit from the two hundred and

thirty two dollars and i put into the beefy manual mine day later i did make 223 or two million vvs Shares this is because the apr of this farm is going down daily which is why i highly recommend the early stages of this project is now day three we’re looking at 218 i’m

pretty i didn’t put the vvs amount or whatever i did that day i just put how much money i went up in and then day four you guys see yo what the hell happened you uh you you your Profits cut in half well i moved 45 or 50 of my funds from this Liquidity pool on

vbs Finance into beefy Finance beefy

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance is basically the exact same thing as vvs Finance but

it works as an auto compounding liquidy farming pool so with dvs Finance you have to harvest and pay a crow fee to grab your rewards and put it back into the pool what beefy

does is you pay like a five crow fee up front let it sit and they will manually compound your daily rewards back into the liquidy pool as you guys see i started with 0.00035000 liquidy pull coins of vvs to usdt in the beefy color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance platform so in day six we did gain ourselves 102 dollars and five cents in vvs or just about 1 million Shares on vvs none;">Finance on beefy we gained ourselves 0.4039 lp coins which went right back into the actual staking which was about 79 bucks so that day we gained around 182 dollars a seven we made ourselves about 97 in the vvs bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance staker as the coin dropped a lot and the apr shot down by about 50 as well this was about 850 000 vvs Shares gained then we gained ourselves the next day on beefy 0.40 453 lp coins gained or 92 dollars so as you

guys can see by these two coins right here we are earning the lp liquidy tokens and they’re going straight back into our beefy miner on bvs financing to harvest it manually and put it back in yourself so at the end of the seven days on vvs

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance i made roughly twelve hundred dollars or eleven hundred and fifty six dollars and eighty nine cents so in one week i made thirteen percent of what i put back into this so thirteen percent in seven days that comes

out to about one point nine percent Yields daily so we also did the vvs auto mine i only had 650 bucks invested into this one day one we put 650 in 1495 starting we gained four dollars the next day we gained another four dollars the next day and then we gained three dollars and

then we gained another three dollars and then we gained roughly four dollars and then we gained another two dollars which was pretty and the percentages when i started seven days ago were at 1500 and they’re down to 922 now just seven days later still pretty healthy room for vvs

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance to grow i think the coins gonna go back up when the crow coin goes back up and when cdc gets a together and when the bear market or this little whatever the going on market

stops i think we can still see some amazing returns in vvs Finance and vp text-decoration: none;">Finance throughout the future so yeah guys i made around 1400 total on both of these platforms in just a week so if you guys are interested i mean go check it out if you want to not financial advice i don’t recommend it but i do think you can get in early

now play it smart get out at a good exit get into a good entry and you know watch some passive Income come on in find anything useful in this be sure to go ahead and subscribe and like to this share it with a friend and yeah let’s get vbs to the moon

boys have a great day

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on STAKING $15,000 ON VVS FINANCE AND THE RESULTS AFTER 1 WEEK!.
With over 19925 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

39 thoughts on “STAKING $15,000 ON VVS FINANCE AND THE RESULTS AFTER 1 WEEK! #Finance

  1. Can you do an update on the daily yield of the projects. is the vvs vv mining holding true to daily yield percentages and ratios , I think you were averaging 1.2% daily ? Thanks much

  2. tokenomics are not really that good, VVS Devs hold 98% of max supply and they will be adding to the circulating supply, so even if the marketcap goes up the value of the token will go down

  3. Broooooooo.. liquidity and liquidy tow different words hahahaha. You say the second and it makes me freaking roll every time. Haha. Paused to write this. Un pausing to finish now lol.

  4. you are not earning anything, you are down as we all are. the token is -71% down in the last 32 days and I have bought it after -60% down and I am still down by -50%


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