October 17, 2024
“STAY ALERT: A Horrific Financial Crisis Is Next” – Chamath Palihapitiya

“STAY ALERT: A Horrific Financial Crisis Is Next” – Chamath Palihapitiya #Finance

the truth is finally coming out and mainstream media is putting a spotlight on it and that is of course the Debt crisis and we have to address this I’m going to be playing a clip from uh chamat as well to really kind of support what’s been happening how they are

lying to us and why now is the time to buckle up and get ready for what’s about to happen welcome to the channel everyone my name is Nick for those that are new to the channel hopefully by the end of this CashNews.co you you do become a subscriber so like I said a lot of these mainstream

media websites are now addressing how the world is drowning in Debt where the next Crisis could start and it’s all around this Debt spiral but it’s not just the United States it is the global economy as a whole this is one of the largest problems right

now and it’s crazy because if you go back in time right you look at what’s been happening in just the last couple months around Debt it is reaching unsustainable amounts that are added every single month we’re not even talking about the actual figure that is

almost 36 trillion it’s the amount that is added every single month the actual Budget Deficit which is just ridiculous and how all of this is showing zero signs of slowing down and in fact they don’t want it to slow down Janet Yellen and all the big players keep telling

you 50 trillion by 2030 and they say it so calmly as if all right that’s fine but they don’t question who’s going to be buying the Debt who’s going to want to buy US Debt at that point and what’s funny about this is this article was

written back in July July 15th for an example and if we actually look at this right US public Debt is at the highest level ever in peacetime 34.62% the US national Debt is growing by 1 trillion every 100 days and roughly 3.6 trillion per year to put this into

perspective the entire Spanish economy this year is about 1.7 trillion this is the fastest rate of increase of any developed country the IMF which usually focuses its messages on developing countries is urging the United States to urgently address its mounting fiscal burden and predicts the

Debt to GDP ratio will hit 140% by 2032 compared to 120.7 today we are no longer talking about a potential US Debt crisis or just Global Debt crisis no we are literally living in it right now this is a problem now at the same exact time that we

know this is happening we are being forced fed ridiculous data that is blatantly false for an example here we have just from August new data shows us job growth has been far weaker than initially reported and I’m sure that you all now know about this right they had to go back and they revised

the the job growth data this is almost like a everyday thing now though like we constantly are now hearing about how this data and that data is false they don’t want to tell you the truth the same exact thing goes with Inflation they keep saying Inflation is

dropping Inflation is back to you know this level and that level every single time that I go into a grocery store and I’m sure that a lot of you can speak on this as well you hit with a massive price tag on almost anything that you were buying and even over here we have and

this goes back to March of this year how CPI calculations misrepresent real Inflation and it’s because they don’t include Necessities they don’t calculate Necessities which allows them to lie every single time that the CPI data comes out and even more recently

here we have we are still measuring Inflation all wrong this actually breaks down on how we are measuring ing it wrong and why crucial information is actually not included in these reports this is a big problem especially when you are riant upon this data to make fiscal policy

changes this allows them to manipulate fiscal policy it allows them to do whatever the hell they want with the printers they want to print money all right hey guess what CPI data is is is doing really good CPI is dropping all of a sudden you you start to see you know easy money coming back where

they can just print out of thin air and just say all right yeah this is fine it’s all sustainable right it reminds me of 2023 where we saw Bank collapses happening and Janet Yellen yet again said that the US banking system is sound and guess who also echoed this Drome Powell they said banking

Liquidity is stronger than ever now I want to play this clip here real quick from jth and listen closely to what he is mentioning around these types of uh announcements by government officials to skew your focus away from the facts the the

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets have had to intervene and we have essentially decoupled um what the government thinks is happening with what the Capital text-decoration: none;">Markets needs people to know and that’s a really unique Dynamic like I mean I I’m not nearly as successful AS stand or have been in the Markets as long

as him but in my 20 years this is the first time I’ve really seen that so just to give you a sense of this you know the Markets are now acting to establish Inflation

expectations that the FED just seems to not want to do anything about and what was so for just to give you guys a sense of this like you know when in February the Markets really kind of had

its first capitulation what happened was that all of a sudden people digested all these facts that Stan just said and realized wait a minute like all of this money is going to drive prices higher and so what they did was they took the they took the Yield on the 10-year bond up by

like 15 100 basis points and the Markets freaked out they went from like 75 to 1.75 and the FED came out and said hey hold on nothing to see here this is everything’s going to be fine

but then everything since then has been sort of leading to this realization commodity prices are up 50% there’s this kind of like joke that like you know you see a bed of lumber moving across a railroad that’s like a billion dollars of lumber just because of how expensive it is you know

there are shortages everywhere you’ll be shocked to know that today Chipotle put out the following guidance which is they said they are increasing the minimum wage to $15 and that within 3 years you can make $100,000 a year at Chipotle yeah that is as much as some engineers and coders in the

United States Dar khawi the CEO of uber said on the Uber earnings call last week that the um average hourly rate that some drivers in New York Uber drivers in New York were getting paid was 38 bucks an hour what what $38 an hour so what does all of this mean I think what Stan ising ,000 a year but

we’re in this weird place where we’ve decoupled the government institution that’s responsible for fiscal stability and then the overall Capital Markets used

to work in Tandem and they’re no longer working in tandem because you have a narrative and a set of data points that aren’t supported by the facts and so this is an interesting thing so in the CDC versus the American people example there’s no way to push back back right I mean

Governors can act independently cities will act independently but at the end of the day you know the teachers unions are working with the the CDC the school camps have this guidance and you’re stuck in this morass in the Capital

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets that’s not necessarily true and so you can change and you can you can rate asset prices based on sentiment and I think what everybody is saying in this example is we’re past the emergency we’ve put too

much money in the economy we need to reopen and we now need to face the fact that there are massively Rising prices which means that there will be Inflation and if you don’t act the Capital color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets will continue to act for us and so this is an example today where you’re just seeing a blood bath in the Markets and by the way the

the only time that two government officials tried to be on the either side Janet Yellen last Friday kind of casually in an interview kind of put her toe out in the water as Treasury secretary and kind of said something that said there could be Inflation and

literally was hands slapped and had to put out something that disavowed her comments less than 24 hours later and this is exactly what I mean right you know I love the fact that he mentions that fiscal policy and the decisions are made off of this falsified data this is exactly how they manipulate

decisions around fiscal policy and it’s all by plan so when you’re sitting there and you’re questioning all right are these people this stupid like do they not know how you know none;">Finance actually works even though they are working for the US government no they they know exactly what they’re doing they’re just playing into the plan that they have been given to you know push forward and it’s all to support the elite agenda as well by the way but

also yeah you know as we really look at any type of government official that wants to speak out yeah they have to immediate walk it back so if there’s going to be a bank collapse tomorrow and if it happens you won’t you won’t hear talks about how oh yeah banking

Liquidity is weak or oh the banks are weak maybe you should get your money out of the banks right now no they they will never tell you what to actually do they will continue to tell you the opposite oh everything’s fine everything’s fine don’t worry don’t

worry everything’s all good keep your money in the bank this is a very big problem with mainstream media and also it’s another big issue with the data that we are given around very important information now also like I said this is all by plan they want to usher in a complete reset and

even more recently on October 11th Central Bank body calls for more detailed monitoring of Bank Liquidity risk this is from the bis the Central Bank of central banks and this is regarding 2023 banking turmoil so now they know listen they know exactly how weak these banks are today

especially if they are carrying CR Loans commercial Real Estate Loans and we already know that for the first time ever I think CNBC the mainstream media actually put out a legitimate report on banks being weak now they said that these Banks may be

at risk of failure hundreds of banks by the way and this is because of CR Loans now this was back in may we now have the bis saying hey we need more detailed monitoring for Bank Liquidity risk and it’s funny because we know that US banks are failing on

operational risk and this is all regarding Liquidity Loans cyber attacks I mean major banks have been going down Bank of America just recently went down and it also does take me a little bit back to the whole 2023 discussion on Banks and if banks would essentially

freeze accounts and make sure that you keeping money in the bank and there was actually a great article written about this there was a hedge fund manager Hugh Henry that actually issued a major warning on the US banking system and the American economy as a whole he said that mass panic and

Capital flight away from the US banking sector is entirely Justified he says that a further decline in the M2 money supply which in part tracks money in liquid checking accounts could convince the US government to step in and prevent citizens from taking their

Capital out of the banking system sometimes it’s kind of relevant to panic I would recommend you panic you’ve seen the biggest waterfall decline in M2 right now M2 is deposits not Loans that’s deposits fleeing the system and going into

Money Market funds and we now know today that Money Market funds have well over $6 trillion in them so that $6 trillion is preparing for a recession or some sort of major crisis and if we think about that right when we look at the banking sector the fed the

government they want to protect these big Banks they want to protect banks in general and when we think about that the best way to do so is by preventing citizens from taking money out of the banks freezing bank accounts and a lot of people think that this is just like fear-mongering or some sort

of like conspiracy theory but yeah they can easily freeze bank accounts they could step in and prevent you from taking money out of the banks and I I know that a lot of people also go back to around roughly like 2010 where the FDIC actually passed a law it’s a bill um that allows them to

actually bail in Banks meaning they are utilizing customers so me and you Bank deposits to actually make sure that the bank doesn’t collapse at a time where the FDIC only has roughly like $180 billion in reserves to protect roughly 16 to7 trillion in deposits yeah it seems as though bailin

will happen if banks started to go belly up just like 08 again you need to be aware of what’s Happening here because you are not going to get the legitimate data from the government we now know that they have been lying to us about this we know that something very very big is on its way and

my opinion it’s going to be a Debt crisis it is going to be a Debt crisis like no other before it is going to cause a very significant collapse like no other before and this is where we start to see a complete reset of the system this is where we start to see

the agenda being pushed heavily that you know they want which is a digital Financial system this is where we start to see everything change so with that being said I guys enjoyed this CashNews.co If you guys did definitely leave a like subscribe to notifications on more free content you guys are

more than welcome to follow me on Twitter and join the free Discord down description below and with that being said guys it’s been Nick thanks for watching peace out

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on “STAY ALERT: A Horrific Financial Crisis Is Next” – Chamath Palihapitiya.
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23 thoughts on ““STAY ALERT: A Horrific Financial Crisis Is Next” – Chamath Palihapitiya #Finance

  1. 🚨 PLEASE BE AWARE 🚨 There are scammers in the comments pretending to be me, please avoid any offers from anyone in the comments. Stay vigilant & don't fall for any scams/phishing.

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    If you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave a LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & Turn On NOTIFICATIONS to NEVER MISS an upload! Thanks for watching ❤

  2. Just a suggestion (not criticizing)… Maybe end by saying "I hope you found this video informative," instead of "I hope you enjoyed this video."😂 The reality is pretty dark and not enjoyable. 🤷🏼 The material is important and informative though.

    I appreciate you covering these topics very much. 🙏🏽

  3. Rising prices are impacting my plans to retire at 62, work part-time, and build savings, raising concerns about a more challenging situation than those who weathered the 2008 financial crisis. The stock market's volatility and reduced income are causing anxiety about having enough for retirement.

  4. I do not, for one minute, believe that any government is invested in reducing their debt but rather the focus is on justifying the need for a digital currency. This way, they can continue to profit from debt and reimagine money out of thin air just by balancing ledgers. This is what they have been doing all along they just need to make it official.

  5. Thank you for sharing this eye-opening video with insights from Chamath Palihapitiya! His perspective on the potential for a financial crisis is certainly thought-provoking and highlights the importance of staying informed. Videos like this are crucial for understanding the broader economic landscape. For those interested in further exploring this topic, you might find the link in my bio quite informative. Looking forward to more thought-provoking content from you!

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