October 10, 2024
“The BIG PRINT Is Coming! It’ll Take BTC Straight to ,000,000” – Lawrence Lepard

“The BIG PRINT Is Coming! It’ll Take BTC Straight to $1,000,000” – Lawrence Lepard #Finance

the next big print is going to come when something breaks maybe the bond market maybe the Stock Market whatever it is and and the government realizes that they’ve got to or else everything’s going to collapse that’s coming um outside date on that is 18

months inside date on that tomorrow medium date on that 6 months maybe six to six to N9 months um I think when that occurs um Bitcoin will go and exceed the power low we’ll get a two standard deviation move above and we’ll pump to 300 350 so my view is at some point we will be back

quote unquote in crisis conditions um and you know then that will justify the next big print that will take the government you know Balance Sheet from you know the 7 trillion that they managed to reduce it to down from say nine you know the next one will take us up to 20 um or more

renowned sound money Advocate and Portfolio manager Lawrence leopard is predicting a massive increase in Bitcoin prices within the next 2 to 3 years according to leopard who has has been warning about the dangers of the government’s Reckless spending and the constant

deValuation of Fiat currencies like the US dollar we are on the very last leg of the Fiat monetary system the system is crumbling from the inside out almost completely crippled by Reckless spending and borrowing in stark contrast to the easily inflated Fiat system are hard

Assets like Bitcoin the leading Cryptocurrency not only has a fixed Supply but the periodic having event also helps control Supply and prevent Inflation and

deValuation in addition Bitcoin has been one of the best performing Assets against the Balance Sheets of central banks especially the Federal Reserves the more these Banks inflate and devalue their respective Fiat currencies the better Bitcoin

performs measured against these currencies and Balance Sheets however the main Clincher is that leopard believes central banks are about to unleash a torrent of money printing on the global economy much more than we witnessed during previous crises including the great financial

crisis and the pandemic this means higher Bitcoin prices and leopard is predicting at least $350,000 Bitcoin when the printing begins and over a million dollars per coin as the situation worsens we will now bring you clips from leopard’s recent interview with Stefan levera but before we do

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the US government came out and announced the deficit the monthly deficit was $380 billion when the anticipated was 290 so so it was 90 billion larger than what they thought I mean now you can’t take the 380 and multiply it times 12 because it’s lumpy but if you did that’s $4.8

trillion deficit I mean we’re clearly running a $2 trillion deficit but I would say arguably it’s even a bit larger than that and and there’s always been a little bit of a disconnect between what they report as the deficit and the amount that the Debt grows they

managed to sneak some stuff around and not run it through the the p&l the Income statement because the Debt you know if we run a$2 trillion deficit the Debt might grow $2.6 trillion and I don’t know where the other6 came from but you know

the government’s pretty good at kind of fiddling with the numbers but yes the point is that at a broad level there is no discussion or thought in Washington DC about how to address this problem I thought it was extremely telling that you know in the in the uh you know the Cala Trump debate

there was Zero conversation about you know the deficits and the Debt and how it was going to be dealt with and and very similar last night in the in the walls Vance debate so although there was little talk about Inflation there was no talk about the US fiscal

situation which is really you know kind of mirroring the situation that we’ve seen before in in developing countries I mean this is not you know there’s no mystery as to how this plays out and what happens I mean we’ve seen this pattern over hundreds of years in a lot of countries

um we’ve just never seen it in the largest country with the world’s Reserve currency and uh you know so um you know I mean Venezuela did this and Zimbabwe did this and you know Brazil did this and Argentina did it you know a couple times and you know Poland has done it there there a

number of countries that have had you know very serious serous you know fiscal problems and then they’ve led to trying to solve those problems by printing money um but they’re just they were smaller countries they weren’t the world’s Reserve currency and of course now

we’ve got the world’s Reserve currency you know following that same Playbook and uh as you and I both known agree it’s just it’s not going to end well you know it’s um you know the only there are a lot of possible endings but you know Inflation is

almost baked into any one of them absent you know letting just an enormous structure of Debt collapse and and having a situation that you know looks Sim to 1929 where there’s all kinds of default everywhere so and I I think that at the end of the day the central Bankers

won’t allow that they’ll you know they have a printing press and they intend to use it and they will use it um they’ve shown us that multiple times and I think they view Inflation as a lesser of two evils with the other evil being you know deflationary collapse it

appears to be that the the choice the Washington DC Choice has been Let’s Pretend this problem doesn’t exist you know that that’s just um that’s how they’ve decided to deal with it and um you know that that’s fine and and you know on a day-to-day basis you know

the country keeps running right I mean GDP just grew reasonably well and you know Inflation has come down not as much as they say but it has come down and unemployment while it’s creeping up it hasn’t exploded upward I mean the economy is kind of bumping along the stock

Markets US Stock Markets close to record highs so so you know to an outside

Observer you would say well there’s nothing terribly broken right now except for the fact we’re running these huge deficits and um you know know so I I I think that I think that DC won’t react until they’re quote unquote forced to react you know and that that that’s

it’s very similar you know I remember 6 2006 7 and 8 I mean there were you had to be blind not to kind of realize there’s a housing bubble taking place um and yet you know beraki and others were saying you know no we’ve never had a no there’s no problem here houses have

never turned down on a nationwide basis Etc which was wrong it was a lie because in 1929 from 1929 to 1931 houses fell 67% value so so when you have a real significant economic downturn a deflationary impulse you know housing can go down a lot but they didn’t admit that at the time and and I

think that’s the same thing here and so my view is at some point we will be back quote unquote in crisis conditions um and you know then that will justify the next big print that will take the government you know Balance Sheet from you know the 7 trillion that they managed to

reduce it to down from say nine you know the next one will take us up to 20 um or more leopard is certain that when this next round of printing starts the federal reserve’s Balance Sheet will more than double from its current state to over $2 trillion spurring a rapid

increase in the price of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies his 20 trillion estimate is quite popular among expert analysts and other sound money Advocates last year technology investor Bala G

shasan made similar predictions when a explaining the rationale behind his $1 million bitcoin price prediction shrini Vasan an early Bitcoin investor and former Chief technology officer at none;">Crypto exchange coinbase predicted the US dollar would enter a hyperInflationary death spiral and the US government would print trillions of dollars almost overnight to try to stop the dam from bursting but nothing would suffice leopard holds very similar views and like

Bala G he believes the bursting of the dam would be highly beneficial for Bitcoin gold and silver here are more clips from the interview I kind of have looked at the cycles and I’ve looked at the power law and I you know and um I I think on the next ramp I think I think there’s I think

we’re somewhere we’re somewhere short of what I what I call the next thing I call the big print okay so the next big print is going to come when something breaks maybe the bond market maybe the Stock Market whatever it is and and the government realizes that

they’ve got to or else everything’s going to collapse that’s coming um outside data on that is 18 months inside date on that’s tomorrow medium date on that 6 months maybe six to 6 to 9 months um I think when that occurs um Bitcoin will go and exceed the power low we’ll

get a two standard deviation move above and we’ll pump to 300 350 um I think gold will probably run to yeah I mean now I’m beginning to think four or 5,000 I mean it’s kind of it’s it’s getting closer to three right I used to say I’d run to three now three is too

low um you know I think silver will probably run to you know 75 to 100 okay um you know following that um my suspicion is they’ll um you know there’s a possibility that we get such severe deflation that even in light of the big print everything still kind of quote unquote collapses Alla

29 and there’ll be an enormous Scramble for Liquidity um and the FED will do everything it can to provide Liquidity but absent literally sending out checks uh in the form of Ubi to everybody the economy will be collapsing and this is this is kind of David

Hunter scenario too um and in that case you know the Bitcoin will probably correct from that two or 300 Peak back down to 85 or 100 you know and gold will correct gold will have a serious correction too because we’ll have a really deflationary impulse um I think then then the next move is

you’ll get quote unquote the bigger print right um okay you know the economy is totally collapsing nobody has any money the prices of everything are falling you know we’re literally going to do UB where we’re going to send every family check for 50,000 bucks to kind of keep things

going and and to me that one will be the last one and at that point in time you know Bitcoin will go to a million gold will go to you know 20 30 40,000 you know and and effectively the currency will fail and there’ll have to be some kind of political meeting of the minds to solve the problem

and uh I kind of see the time frame on that is probably 2027 maybe you know maybe as late as 2030 203 31 if you look at this as the fourth turning and you look at the average length of fourth turnings you add you start at 2008 which is what I do and you add the average length you kind of get into

the late 2020 period like 27 89 kind of period 2028 see I mean it’s some point at some point I think if you know absent be you know intelligent and you know I mean by the way at any point in time all of this could be stopped by a by a monetary reset and responsible behavior out of Washington

DC but I think I think absent of Crisis I just don’t see how that gets done I I don’t think that happens so I think sadly we’re going to have to drive toward a crisis and I think the crisis will be as I’ve described you know a few years out and um and then at that point in

time people will be so frustrated so angry so hurt you know so broke that the you know that um a politician who stands up and says hey you know what the problem really here is we don’t have sound money we’ve got to go to a sound money standard here’s what it’s going to look

like here’s how it’s going to be and we’re going to you know we’re going to reset and start over uh that person will win overwhelmingly um you know I I mean I know some think the US will break up and this that and the other I think now there’s much more likely to be

just kind of a constitutional convention um that that kind of you know tries to reset the rules um and and hopefully the people involved in that will do a good job um so that we can put the world back on a sound money footing and I mean once that happens boy things are going to get great for years

sound money Advocates like Lawrence leopard have warned the government to act swiftly and stop spending so recklessly for these experts there are three paths ahead of the US government a default an austerity program and more printing to begin the 2025 fiscal year another $24 trillion was added to

the already massive national Debt in a single day certainly the US government is nowhere ready for an austerity program program nor can it afford a default as it relies on being able to borrow massively to keep running this means more borrowing more Reckless spending and an

eventual collapse this is why experts like leopard consistently emphasize the importance of hard Assets like Bitcoin and gold please share your thoughts on leopard’s price predictions for Bitcoin gold and silver in the comments section below also ensure you like this

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Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on “The BIG PRINT Is Coming! It’ll Take BTC Straight to $1,000,000” – Lawrence Lepard.
With over 20133 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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39 thoughts on ““The BIG PRINT Is Coming! It’ll Take BTC Straight to $1,000,000” – Lawrence Lepard #Finance

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