February 12, 2025
The Correct Way To Move Stocks Into Pies On M1 Finance Per M1 Staff (Dividend Investing)

The Correct Way To Move Stocks Into Pies On M1 Finance Per M1 Staff (Dividend Investing) #Finance

hello everybody is Clayton again come back with a new CashNews.co this CashNews.co is a little bit different than usual this one’s actually a how-to CashNews.co I’ve seen this question asks on a few groups and I actually did it myself and was confused when I saw CashNews.cos

online especially cuz I found that they were doing incorrectly so I’ve seen people ask how do you move specific stocks that you have sitting on your main dashboard into specific parts as you see for me I’ve got a prior broken on for every industry but I didn’t used to and I will

show you a screenshot of how it used to be for me so what you need to do first is you’ll see online people talk about the main thing is that you have to create a new pile which is right so let me show you if you’ve never done it you click research my pies create new pie and let’s

just make one apple sure just that Apple to the pie it does it doesn’t matter and I’ll show you what other people are doing first in the whites so you click Apple adds Portfolio and whenever you put the percentages what you want and you would go into

Portfolio I don’t want to add it obviously for myself it’s not a pie that I care about or I’m just making for this example so what people are saying to do is you need to go in let’s just say Apple for example or actually you don’t let’s use IBM

let’s say I had IBM on my dashboard and I wanted to put it into my technology sector that I created a pie for I’ve already dragged doing research I’ve already created a pie that had IBM in there but it hasn’t $0 to its name so people are telling you online and what

I’ve seen is you go into your stock that you have ignore the step of going to my PI work and act like we’re just going straight from here you click on your slice or your stock and you would sell it for the exact dollar amount that it’s valued so 370 42 because what you do

I’m not gonna go through with it obviously because I’ve already got a site when you click continue then the next thing you would do is you would go into your PI into the stock that you’ve just added and purchase it for the exact same amount of price you get or the same price you

sold it for I thought that’s not an easy simple way to go so I tried that can I notice that a pending transaction that stated and it was a whole bunch was like by eight cell two or something like that again I’ll pull screenshot up that shows it and it kind of threw me off I was confused

because the CashNews.co made it seem like you’re not going to have any it won’t be deemed as a transaction so I cancelled it because I didn’t want to have any transactions in my wreck or in my system and have to pay anything for it so then what I did was I contacted I’m on

Finance and before I keep going I’ve already spoken in one none;">Finance about this that gave me the right way and they’ve even said in the email that I spoke with them please share this on YouTube because they’ve seen a lot of people give the wrong information show that email at the end just if someone doesn’t believe me so

what I’m gonna do now is I’m gonna go into my email I’m gonna be showing you their responses I will read you what I asked them and it basically explains exactly what you need to do so I’m going to mainland now so the first thing I did was and you’re not gonna see my

responses you’ll just see what they say to me the first thing I did was I emailed them and I said when I first started using him one I was not exactly sure of every aspect and did not create pies I currently have six stocks which is what at the time that I would like to move into pies for by

organization as well as a way to target specific Markets is there a way to do this and to move a stock into a pie I saw somebody on online CashNews.cos online that states you have to sell it

the exact same amount you had and then buy it within the pie for the exact same amount of money which what I was just showing and wood knock was a transaction unfortunately I tried this in a kept showing and showing upcoming trades due to the predicted value et Cie so basically I’m answer

does a one does m1 offer a way to move stocks into your individual pies the response I got was from Bill as you can see in front of you he says hi Clayton thank you for reaching out someone none;">Finance which by the way you’ll see that’s literally and every message they send he said to consolidate a pie in your account we will first need to polish trading in your account this will allow you to edit your pies to give you to give you the view you want to have

going forward you will then be able to remap your existing Portfolio to new pies please note that your performance data for the entire Portfolio is lost with this process but it does not trigger any taxable events whenever you’re ready to get started please

reply to this message and we’ll pause trading to allow you to edit your pies so what that means is when you saw on the main screen of m1 Finance it shows the gains

growths on all that that unfortunately is one thing that will be reset when they do all of this luckily for me I caught it early I was doing this when I first started investing so it wasn’t that big of a deal I think I lost like two weeks worth of data may have even been a week so it

didn’t really affect me I wanted to have everything organizing the pie now if you’ve known this for years and that is information that you really want there is no way it looks like around keeping that data as they have to move and reset the whole system for you so that’s an

unfortunate aspect but let me continue Ivan said okay so to do this I need to email you because I was just I was basically reassuring that what I was doing was correct because I didn’t want to do something and be wrong at a taxable event and all that so you’ll see in these questions I

kind of repeat what he says to me just a double and triple-checked everything but I said okay so T to do this I need to email you and then once I have and has been paused then I’ll be able to sell each stock and then rebuy them in the PI causing him to move from the main screen of my

Portfolio into each individual PI I just want make sure I fully understand also I would assume once I finished I am then to email you to let you know you can unpause my account quicker correct as you can see from his email starts at again hi Clayton things for your smart reaching

out he says yes please let me know when you pause your account once I place the poll on trading you’ll be able to reorganize it you’ll be able to go in and reorganize your Portfolio after you have made all the edits I can then populate the new slices and resume training

this will mean nothing has been sold does anything else we can help you thank you Bill so then I emailed I’m just saying with it please pause my account and let me know once you have and then I’ll start moving my stocks you’ve been emailed me back as you see it says trading is

paused please let me know once you’re done organizing so I did as he said and what my next email was so I’ve done as you stated and it’s still showing that I have to I have to sell and to buy orders which I do not want to do and I’ll pull up that screenshot right now I have

attached a screenshot but wanted to make sure that I’m not that this would not be the case and then my stocks we moved to my new PI did I do something incorrectly I thought I was required to sell the stocks then repurchase under the correct PI for the exact amount I told the for also if

there’s a way to see if my account has been indeed paused on my and it looks the exact same as it did previously and I’m not sure if I should be should see a difference or a message so I want to let you know if anyone that does this when they do pause it nothing changed on your right

nothing comes up that says it’s been pause and nothing looks different everything looks the exact same which is why I asked this email because it did look the exact same to me the next thing was he said to me he said trading is paused ignored pending trades just put them before you the way

you want you can move pies and slices freely since the trading is paused once it you have work have it organized the way you want I go in and populate the pies with the Shares you already own which will move the pending trades my response was so basically it was a visual glitch I

just want to make sure what I need to do is for it whoever starts it okay so basically it’s a visual glitch I just want to make sure what I need to do is for instance if I have IBM at 22% my Portfolio I want to move I be enter it’s on PI and you create a new PI with

just IBM in it for a hundred percent inside the PI and then when I edit our Portfolio simply put the pie itself at 22% and remove IBM completely from my PI and ignore any trades that are pending or showing and you’ll do it manually correct and he says you can remove the

individual Securities from the root level since they are in your PI so essentially exactly what I asked once they’re in the PI I can just delete them off my main screen and they’re already in my privates all need to worry about you will see pending trades but

don’t worry trading is pause once you ever move them please let me know and you’ll see in a screenshot that I’m showing now you should see a bunch that show that they’ve been removed Mart from my Portfolio the top again those were transferred into my PI so

it’s not a big deal they were there then I said ok I think I’ve done what you’ve asked I haven’t touched a photo of my account prior to any changes and then my account as it is now showing the slices up and remove to verify that it correctly I stated I removed the six

companies from my slices my slices / PI as they are all in their own individual PI and adjust the target percentage to match what they were previously before doing any of this fine if I have indeed done it correctly peels please feel free to continue with whatever the next step may be he said great

your Portfolio should look good now please let me know if you see any discrepancies trading is resumed at this time thanks Bill so why pakatok Portfolio and I looked and it was exactly as I wanted to be so I said thank you so much everything seems to be perfect I

did what I did want to ask though I run a youtube channel about investing and I promote m1 Finance quite a lot as you guys have seen and subscribe to follows this is the only

Brokerage I use really long and I was wondering if I could share parts of our communication to show people how easy it is if they run into the same problem as I did because I’ve seen people on different groups like I mentioned have been asking this question and seeing what is

the right way to do it and I’ve seen many different options out there and it winds up being this is the actual only way to do it properly you may get lucky doing it another way but please if you see another CashNews.co don’t do it it says how will hide important information but I wanted

to verify that this was okay to do as I know many have asked in clearing the confusion up I’ll make others more comfortable going forward his final response was thanks for reaching at someone text-decoration: none;">Finance not a problem other youtubers have used different methods for moving slices it usually does not work correctly I would rather have you just reach out to us to have a Portfolio reorganized to avoid taxable events there’s anything

else I can help you with please let us know bill and that was with the purpose of this CashNews.co I wanted to make this CashNews.co to show everyone the right way to do it you’re gonna see CashNews.cos out there that tell you how to do it I don’t mean to bash other youtubers or anyone

that’s making content but it’s wrong and it may have worked for you but essentially you’re lucky on that front because you can get taxed forward if it’s not if there is a change in the market while you’re doing that sale very unlikely right now as the market is or

I’m filming this on March 5th 2020 the Markets all over the place every 5 seconds right now going up and down literally every day so if you sell it within seconds it very quickly could

change something else if that is the case you’re going to see a pending transaction so I want to make this CashNews.co to help clear that up for anybody that had confusion anybody had questions the right way to do it though it takes a little bit of time as you need to email em one

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance speak with whoever they will give you and they can do it for you and yes unfortunately you do lose your value the gains and the returns that all resets but for me I think it was

worth it it made it a lot easier for me to change my target Markets when it came to none;">Industries like Bonds for example during this market I thought I set up loads 5% but yeah that’s just a bit fun to make a quick short CashNews.co this is really part of my series in part of my episodes but I want to help anybody out that was a user of m1

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance that ever had this question so thanks again guys if you’re needed the channel where this information was helpful please drop a like if you’d like to subscribe

I’m always doing content following my own Portfolio as I invest calling from the beginning to hopefully decades from now as I continue to invest with this Portfolio and grow my Income I’m a given an investor that’s what I do if

that’s of any interest please feel free to subscribe leave a comment if you have any questions I can gladly answer them especially on this topic because I had a lot of email communication back and forth about this I covered the gist of it but there was some more if you have any questions

specifically for me because on this one I actually feel qualified to answer questions on just just send a comment below and I’ll gladly answer anything you have so until next time guys it was pleasure and look forward seeing you again

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on The Correct Way To Move Stocks Into Pies On M1 Finance Per M1 Staff (Dividend Investing).
With over 23850 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

44 thoughts on “The Correct Way To Move Stocks Into Pies On M1 Finance Per M1 Staff (Dividend Investing) #Finance

  1. What a huge hassle, I am looking for new brokerage. I want ease and no room for mistake and not "other methods" that can be confusing. There should only be one way, the correct way, to do any of this.

  2. A well presented video, quite a number of people who rush to invest in the stock market don't even know the basics of trading. They are only in for the profit that is why they incur heavy losses. I highly recommend CONS. Edwin Earl.

  3. This is a good one , Traders with no experience in financial markets repeat the same mistakes that cost them dearly. Although successful trading takes a lot of hard work, self-discipline and determination, obeying just a few simple rules will result in much better performance even for beginners that is why I humbly recommend Mr Romero pieto he is indeed the man behind my weekly profiting.

  4. was going to do that and thats why i searched the video but after seeing this video, hell nooooooo. Ain't doing that shit! can't you just drag and drop the fucking stonks into pies without having to email them 200 times! c'mon M1 update your systems, Iphone updates it's bugs every two weeks.

  5. Come on M1, creating a pie should not required so much work. I joined M1 a week ago and I was struggle to create a pie. People add a new person to their contact list everyday, what's so hard to add a symbol to a pie? That's for this video.

  6. this is way too confusing. I have looked at several videos and without someone next to me, Im not sure I can figure it out. I have stocks in multiple pies, which I dont want, and can't figure out how to merge them into one pie. very frustrating. Maybe its just me, and this is meant for younger, more tech savvy person.

  7. Hi Clayton, I have my account paused like you mention, but I am a little confused on how to do it. My portfolio consists of Pie A, pie B, pie C. In Pie A I only have slices with individual companies for example apple, tesla etc. In pie B = have Tesla + others. Pie C = apple + others. My Final Goal is to move Pie B, and C into A. Also move the individual stocks in original Pie A into Pie B and C. What would be the correct way of doing this? Thanks

  8. Thank you for the video. This was helpful, because when I wanted to buy a new set of stocks, I would create a new account and pie. But the limit is 5 accounts. Now I would like to see a video that explains how to add a new stock to a pie without re-balancing the portfolio in the pie or sub-pie. Or at least making room for the new stock in a pie so that a nominal purchase could be accommodated without re-balancing. And the same concerning a closing out of a stock position. I think I asked this question of M1 when I was less aware of the details of how M1 works and I believe they offered a similar solution to the solving the problem I just outlined, that you just outlined in this video. But I would like to see some confirmation and education on the topic.

  9. This company sucks. They don't offer limit orders, you just have to hope you get a good price for your stock order. Six times in 1 day they put me on hold for half an hour promising to get back but then hang-up on me after telling me to go online to get help. Others have posted that they seem to pay the high price of a stock purchase for the day they put in a order. I wonder why they don't offer limit orders, maybe so m1 can make more money buying low and recording a higher purchase price for your records.

  10. Thanks for the video. I’ve been hunting high and low for a video covering this issue. I transferred my Robinhood account to M1. When I created pies, I made slices of CVX and PSX in each pie. When my account was transferred, the holdings were split between the pies which visually, I didn’t like. I had the account paused then removed my slice from one of the pies. I guess that’s all I need to do huh? This process makes me nervous LOL

  11. Why does this look so complicated for a website based on “pies”
    If I open an M1 account it might just be like 5 Holdings that I never sell or rebalance EVER cause this gonna give me a headache
    And just buy my other stocks on another broker like Fidelity or somethin

  12. What M1 should do is… allow the individual investor to pause their own account and then just drag and drop the fucking stock(s) into the new created pie(s)! Then resume trading at their own leisure. As far as the data for history showing market gains and earned dividends …. why not just create an archive system that you can go back and look (snap shoot prior to change). This whole thing of emailing them back and forth is stupid because you have to wait on these clowns to pause your account. C'mon M1 – It's 2020 get with times

  13. I'm a programmer, I know they're doing something wrong if they have to throw away your historical data. It should be reinterpreted using the cost basis and buy date as if it had always been in the pie you move it to.
    If you combine some APPLE from two different pies, the same thing should happen. One bought on an early date and one bought on a later date should just be treated like increasing your position of that stock in that pie by that amount. All historical performance data should be recalculated based on original purchase date.

  14. I think it’s important to note that this would only apply to a taxable account with M1- wouldn’t apply to any retirement accounts at M1. However, completely agree that this needs to be fixed at M1.

  15. Am I the only one who is confused here? I think it would be a lot easier if you just show how to do it versus showing all the back and forth emails. Just saying.

  16. gave thumbs up – but you gave way too much information that wasn't needed and it lost me. If you can just get to the point – what you were trying to do, and how to do it – that would be better. More data is not necessary to solve a problem – there is a tremendous amount of power in simplicity.

  17. You don't Sell and then Buy, that generates a sale request. You place a Buy where you want it moved, and then Sell. I wouldn't do this during a Trade Window. It's a pain but better than dealing with account support. I wish they had drag and drop like moving files in folders.

  18. I happened upon this video after being utterly frustrated with the customer support offered by M1 finance. I started by doing the back and forth email dance with them only to not be able to get it done. The support person would email me intermittently… I just could not give my entire day to this. I have been reading all the comments and I agree that they need to do better. Why they do not have real time customer phone support is mind boggling!!! I appreciate you taking the time to do this video as it was very informative. Unfortunately, we as customers of M1 should not have to lose trading data just to do this. They should have much better functionality in the platform.

  19. How do I add stocks to a pie without selling off the stocks I already have in that pie currently. Can I change the target percentages without selling off my stocks and only buying stocks when I add money to the account.

  20. I have an M1 account that I have not added any money to because of what this video reveals. Their UI is not well designed for creating and editing your portfolio over time. Let's say you come up with a list 20 companies you want to buy this week. You sort your weightings and hit buy. Well next week you don't want to buy the same 20 companies. You pick a different 20 companies. Well, now you need to manually add those to a new pie and weight that at 100%. Unfortunately this means you cannot use the auto invest feature. You cannot set your auto invest settings to change weightings without selling something.

    If you want a truly customizable experience you should be working on folio investing. You are still creating "folio's" like pies, and can have any number of them per account. These folios are not weighted within your account. What I have is a main folio that contains my portfolio. I then have satellite folios that I use to buy any new stocks. These can be weighted in many ways: equal-weight, market cap-weight, or your own custom weights. You can then choose how you want to buy this folio with new money. You can add to each stock based on your target weight, or try to rebalance to target weight by BUYING ONLY, or rebalance only. So you can add and delete companies from your folios without having to sell anything. You can then transfer any stocks to other folios in the account with 1 click and never create a trade. This clears any stocks from your folios and sends them to your main folio. I then re-adjust my holdings list and weightings for the next time I want to add money.

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