October 15, 2024
The Elite’s Are About To SHOCK The World | Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed

The Elite’s Are About To SHOCK The World | Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed #Finance

the sustainable development goals have been developed essentially by Bankers um you could describe it or I would describe it as a global Wall Street coup essentially well not necessarily Wall Street but you know transnational color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance I mean you have people like Mark Carney former Goldman Sachs former head of Bank of England Bank of Canada Financial stability board AER and a better of hsbc’s uh money laundering for drug cartels he’s the person that’s in charge

of climate action for the United Nations um their other point man is Mike Bloomberg former Solomon Brothers former mayor of New York uh billionaire guy and if you think these people care about the environment and sustainable development and building a more inclusive World um uh I’m sorry but

you have been had um you know Larry Fink is in this group too and he doesn’t I mean to think that he wants to make a more inclusive world is insane he’s interested in increasing the amount of Assets that black rock manages and pretty much only that and this is exactly

what is happening right now the elites have a massive plan already in place that’s been in place for not just the last couple years but technically the last couple decades and in this CashNews.co I really want to outline what’s actually happening so welcome to the channel everyone my

name is Nick for those that are new to the channel hopefully by the end of this CashNews.co you do become a subscriber let’s take a quick look at this CashNews.co of Larry from Black Rock literally telling you what what is coming what they have planned and we believe it’s so important

to be anticipating the next move I would also say on the on the beginnings of um of a ETF Bitcoin We Believe ETFs are a technology no different than Bitcoin was a technology for for asset

storage We Believe The Next Step going forward will be the tokenization of financial Assets and that means every stock every Bond will have its own basically qip it’ll be on one general ledger every investor you and I will have our own number our own identification we could

rid ourselves of all issues around illicit activities of Bonds and stocks and digital by having a a a a a tokenization but the most importantly thing we could customize strategy through tokenization that is fits every individual we would have instant anous settlement think about

all the costs of settling Bonds and stocks but if you had a tokenization everything would be immediate because it’s just a line item and so we believe this is a technological transformation for financial Assets I believe you want to talk about voting and

voting choice and all the things if if we know every moment who is the owner of that stock and it’s now time to vote every individual who has ownership is identified and they can vote their own share now what he does say in this CashNews.co I find very interesting because what he is actually

talking about is tokenized IDs as well digital IDs tokenization of everything this is leading us down a path to a cbdc financial system yet so many overlook this and even now as we do really kind of look at what some of these organizations like the IMF have been pushing we have a new era for money

that’s right as B replace all currencies some CH changes will be welcome others may not this is literally talking about cbdcs the introduction of cbdcs this was back in 2022 by the way the same year that we started to see Black Rock pushing for a cbdc and also investing into digital ID

companies but we are supposed to forget that right because apparently they’re going to pump Bitcoin right this is where we really kind of look at where we are headed and we are headed into a world where the elites want complete control over almost everything and when you control the money

well guess what you do control everything and also from the bis they already pushed a blueprint for the future monetary system improving the old enabling the new and they’re going to start by saying you know hey guess what this is going to improve this and that the Savings

are going to be incredible you know all these efficiencies we’re going to have it’s going to sound great but we already know what this is leading us down it’s a path of control and if we actually look into this right they do mention tokenization unified ledgers but guess what else

they mention cbdcs they talk about cbcs heavily within this article and yes Crypto defi DT it’s all a part of it but the main goal is cbdcs that is where like that’s the end goal

for all these Elite organizations why because they don’t care about getting rich that’s the biggest misconception they care about the control aspect they feed on control now also outside of this look at what’s been happening in just the last year alone ECB official proposes

unified European ledger for digital Assets again this is leading us down the path to a cbdc digital Euro and what’s funny about this is they already have this planned ECB DLT trials check this out this is what Germany’s biggest banks to settle tokenized

Securities now this is after just a couple months of the ECB pushing the fact that they are ready to push a cbdc they’re looking into you know 2025 also 41 institutions joined the bis tokenized crossb payment project Agora again this is all all focused on cbdcs when you hear

tokenization when you hear digital currencies these Central bankers and these major organizations like the bis which is the Central Bank of central banks they are talking about cbdcs and by the way the IMF just recently pushed an update on October 2nd positioning Central Bank digital currency in

payments landscape and this is where they are talking about the acceleration of this and they’re focused on adoption trying to accelerate adoption and force adoption as well of cbdc based systems anyone that is sitting here saying cbdcs are you know some sort of conspiracy theory or they

don’t believe that cbdcs are going to happen or they’re simply saying just say no to them guess what that is not how we escape cbdcs and they’re already here they’re already happening also Christina christalina georgeva managing director of the IMF said last November cbdcs

can replace cash offer resilience what this actually means is that they are trying to replace cash with cbdcs and they’re going to do this through significant events because this goes all the way up the food chain go all the way back to co during Co guess what we heard oh guess what cash

usage is dropping oh I wonder why is it because people are locked down they’re not leaving their house but it allowed them to push the digital currency narrative now I want to go back to Larry fank and all these big players and all these big bankers and play with you guys this CashNews.co

clip actually from Whitney web as well check this out for the people that are essentially behind a lot of the net zero plans behind a lot of the other STG plans that essentially move us from a uh the model you know the free market Capitalist model into more this this technocratic

model where you know uh every commodity everything is going to be tokenized and you’ve seen Larry fank in the past couple of days uh be very open about that uh following the approval of the black rocks Bitcoin ETF for example talking about the tokenization Revolution and all of this um that

there’s an effort here to do to take this you know much farther than it’s ever been taken before and to essentially just not uh not just tokenize you know existing Assets or traditional Assets um but also create new asset classes like natural

Assets all these natural asset corporations that have sort of been in the news lately and have sort of you know received some push back but there’s definitely a lot of efforts underway to essentially uh tokenize the whole planet increase the amount of uh

Assets in the existing economy by being like now this Lake is an asset now this uh this Forest is an asset and all of this stuff tokenize fractionalize it and you know basically create this insane new uh Financial system that’s different than previous Financial systems but

everything including nature and humans will be tokenized and traded like Financial products and that’s essentially what a lot of this is uh leading to and you have most of the countries on the world those that are pursuing agenda 2030 essentially leading us uh into that and so you know at

some level I think the geopolitical push and pull uh between you know bricks and and the West is real uh but I think you know at the higher levels they ultimately agree um on the goals so I don’t really think um you know one is necessarily a true effective challenge to the other and if

you’re against the Ambitions of the SGS and agenda 2030 um then you should be against them regardless of if they’re being championed by Russia and China or the United States in the EU ultimately it leads us to the same place which is going to financialized and tokenize everything but

also surveil everything to an unprecedented extent um and increasingly uses uh you know Debt slavery uh you know the uh Mark Carney and and Frink and all of these guys um under the offices of the UN talked about reimagining the World Bank and the IMF all the multilateral

development Banks uh for the purpose of basically using Debt to Finance the SGS and doing all these things like Debt for climate swaps

Debt for nature swaps uh which are essentially you know land grabs and and all sorts of things uh framing it as you know necessary to save the planet and maybe that justification works for the left but I think it would be naive to assume that they aren’t going to retool um

the talking points to appeal to the right um I think that’s definitely going to be happening and if you look at thinkink himself you know he’s G he’s tried to go away from being the point man for ESG and all of this towards the guy that’s saying like look how

Profitable this is going to be for us and you can have a part of the rich the riches by tokenizing your land and putting it on this platform where it can be traded and and whatever like you can have a piece of of all this wealth and and whatever I think that’s how

they’re going to try and um and and frame it and I think people need to be very uh very aware because you know the efforts to manipulate us to acques to this system um are unprecedented and I think ultimately if you have a good grasp of what they want to enact on the global stage regardless

of the justifications or the political figures they use or influencers in media that they try to use to sell this to you if you are firm in your opposition to these agendas uh then you’ll be able to sort through the nonsense because as you said you know all the stuff coming out online is

increasingly uh just so scop after scop after scop and you know it’s hard to know who who to trust and who to believe what have you but if you know that the end goal uh is is global governance Mass surveillance the end of privacy all of that you can look at who is pushing those agendas and

say no and ultimately at the end of the day you have to say no you have to know what your red lines are and you have to make it about trusting your red lines and trusting where you stand not so much trusting this political savior or that political savior or this media influencer which I think a lot

of people um have been doing and I think it’s definitely time for another model particularly when it comes to US Presidential politics because how many times can we vote for the lesser of two evils and have a good outcome you know it’s just it’s never happened and it’s not

going to keep happening and you know all this um all of these efforts you know in the case of trump to like explain away um his decisions last time and act like it’s going to be different this time we can’t wait to see what’s going to happen this time the situation has come to a

head arguably already and it’s up to people to find local Solutions um and build something with their communities that will help them protect you know help everyone in that Community protect themselves against all these stressors and crises that are to come uh because waiting for the right

guy to get in the White House regardless of who he is and whatever intention and motivation he has one guy in the White House is not going to solve all of this because arguably you know the president is really a figurehead because at this point the US is so bureaucratic and massive it doesn’t

really matter who gets elected you know every four years in in a November uh the agenda is going to continue and she is one 100% correct when I listen to Whitney Webb talk about this you know I I I see so many people saying like oh no Trump’s going to get in and he doesn’t want to cbtc

even though he has been pushing for a stable coin um both sides are already on par with this plan this is already happening it’s becoming a reality the elites have a very significant hand to play in all of this they are pulling the strings it goes all the way up the food chain They’re

all playing accordingly into this all of these organizations like the IMF the World Bank the bis every single one plays a role and even all the big Banks and even the geopolitical tensions that we see with the bricks and even with you know the West guess what they’re all pushing the same

agenda they’re all a part of the same agenda what we are seeing right now is a lot of scops a lot of distractions and it’s to distract us away from what’s really going on so please wake up please listen and understand what is going on and with that being said I hope that you guys

enjoyed this CashNews.co If you guys definitely leave a like subscribe to notifications on more free content you guys are more than wel follow me on Twitter and join the free Discord down description below and with that being said guys it’s been Nick thanks for watching peace out

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on The Elite’s Are About To SHOCK The World | Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed.
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38 thoughts on “The Elite’s Are About To SHOCK The World | Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed #Finance

  1. 🚨 PLEASE BE AWARE 🚨 There are scammers in the comments pretending to be me, please avoid any offers from anyone in the comments. Stay vigilant & don't fall for any scams/phishing.

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    If you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave a LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & Turn On NOTIFICATIONS to NEVER MISS an upload! Thanks for watching ❤

  2. Roughly 1900 years ago, the apostle John wrote these prophetic words… "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17

    If you're paying attention, you'll see this is exactly where this is headed. Accounts will be linked to trackable biometric digital identification. This ID will be either on or in the skin and linked to biometric markers and perhaps even DNA. The government or system will have access to accounts thus having control of how and when people will be allowed to interact with commerce. Comply and worship or starve.

    Similar types of control are already being field tested on the world scene. Look at China and its facial recognition cameras scattered throughout its big cities and their tight monitoring of personal communications data and social media that are all linked to a "social credit score" system built to encourage compliance and discourage anti-government sentiment…. punishable by "disappearing". England is now jailing people for noncompliant speech on their social media posts. The Canadian government shut down the bank accounts of truckers for apposing their strict vax mandates. Implantable chips with bank account and identification have been in development and on the market for well over a decade. Currently biomarker implantable "medical data" chips are being field tested on unsuspecting 3rd world participants. Covid was a test of social behaviors and the fear mongering propagandists convinced millions to voluntarily give up their rights and turn on their "non compliant" friends and family members.

    For the past 1900 years Bible students couldn't have imagined how the beast system of Revelation would come together. Today, we're clearly witnessing the rapid roll out of technologies and social deconstruction that are very likely setting the stage for the beast system of Revelation 13.
    I fully expect mockers to laugh at this, but sadly, they are easily deceived and quick to cast opinions at what they have no discernment to understand. What is coming will seem absolutely hopeless to those who do not know the Lord, Jesus Christ.  But, those that seek the truth will find it.
    "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13
    "DO NOT BE DECEIVED" ~ Jesus

  3. I Think if by 2025 there is no major war or financial crash, then the event they need to make this happen will be difficult to manufacture, because the multi polar world will not allow them to dominate the globe, without global dominance they can only control a shrinking pie.

  4. Technology needs a power source. Ya got power ya got cyber crime.
    System goes down or turned of no way of purchase basic life essential to live. Sounds like a weapon to me that's backed by monopoly money.

  5. ever wonder where Rosa Koire is, she's the author for the book, "behind the green mask", it's about agenda 21, sustainable development, and a total controll over everything


  7. It's all about controlling the masses… By bankers and who are the bankers? Who's charging the USA $64,000,000,000 a day in interest? These usury creating consuming banks need to be disbanded… Before it's too late… Free the world from zionists and zionism.

  8. I dont know how she has so much information on this? Shes been talking about it for like 2 years. Did she work for them? Obviously, shes not seen as a threat. seems like if she was correct about this, it would've been wise to silence her long time ago.. so what am i missing? Just want to know her source i guess

  9. Kamala seems to be very self assured about a win. They're quite open about it.
    Tokenization means they can cancel you if you don't comply with what they control. They've already tested public response by freezing assets of e.g. Nigel Farage.
    Only one way forward – the red states must cessate now. They want ABSOLUTE POWER.

  10. This lady made 3 Doom and Gloom claims that were supposed to take place in 2024 and none of them came to fruition, yet she continues to spout her BS with confidence! UNBELIEVABLE how we just mindlessly eat this crap up!

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