March 15, 2025
The Future of Finance – XLM + VELO | The Deeper Dive

The Future of Finance – XLM + VELO | The Deeper Dive #Finance

welcome on back to the deeper dive it is Luke and I hope you are all having a great day today I have some very exciting stuff that I found along the lines of v and CP group and we can get right into things with this I do want to thank you all for the support that I have received

in the last few CashNews.cos I plan to post all of November so stay tuned because I have a bunch of content to come out out and on that topic if you’re interested in getting Vell the top Link in my description is the Broker that I personally use to exchange

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency so check that out if you want to now getting into things I want to talk about CP Group which mainly runs Vell and they are the main backers of Vell and lightnet and you can see

them here on the Vell page as investors they’re the first ones listed now let’s get into this article back from 2021 one about CP group’s digital future starting off here we can see they say speaking exclusively to the Bangkok Post the chief executive of CP and chairman of the

board of true Corporation said CP has been a tech adopter for a long time as the group is aware of the changing business landscape we set a goal since I was appointed chief executive that we would become a tech company despite doubts among Outsiders as to why this Agriculture and retail-based firm

wants to become a tech driven company he says in the next two decades we will see a new landscape of tech competition and I want to remind you guys we are already headed into this time period we have 3 years since this post was made so we are already making a dent in that time period he says the

capability of the country and corporates will be judged by technology and Innovation and those who lack advancements will fail in the competition which is what we see going on with Vell Labs now that’s why I wanted to show you guys this and you will see how he words this CP is now focused on

Logistics Financial Services renewable energy and blockchain as its new Pathways and let’s keep in mind that Stellar is one of the most energy friendly blockchains there is so we see that advancement already going on we also V working on that energy bank if you guys remember for the batteries

which we have yet to see any developments on but that is in that very similar sector so I’m not surprised to see them talk about that in the past and then be attacking it how we have seen he says in the future people will undergo genetic tests as part of their health checks and monitoring

instead of blood tests this is confidential data that can be put in blockchain which can ensure better security so I don’t feel surprised to see them building their own blockchain system and is this something that we will see lightnet tap onto very possible regarding

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies he said that CP aims to roll out its own asset backed Cryptocurrency

for use in its ecosystem particularly procurement supply chain and all forms of remittance even payroll for employees if CP can coordinate with Partners who have a large enough ecosystem this none;">Cryptocurrency will have more potential which is exactly what we have been talking about and I have been putting together for you guys on a silver platter across all of these CashNews.cos and it is so exciting to see this in an article directly from CP he said we will use a Smart

contract or blockchain and seek secure tools for remittance lightnet and Vell are literally doing that he says that the Cryptocurrency will come with the smart features where remittance can be

adjusted automatically as part of incentives including performance quality of products and Compliance which think about 7-Eleven and orbit and the Omni points app how it has incentives to use the network in which you can claim loyalty points that are then incentivized for you to

use Vel and its ecosystem so they are already building a upon what they have been talking about 3 years ago he says blockchain is imperative for CP and its massive supply chain system he then goes on to say ewallets can be embedded with blockchain technology that could help strengthen Financial

Security which is the topic of today’s talk now looking at what the IMF said the international monetary fund we can see a figure representing the mobile wallet market Shares and size of digital payments in six Asian countries in 2020 you can see in Thailand true money which

is owned by CP group had a 53% market share now think about that this is a ewallet what is Vel Labs launching with orbit a defi e wallet so CP group arguably in Thailand has the best experience in making an ewallet and that is something that gives me a lot of confidence in the project especially

going off of what he said we can also see here all of true money’s Merchants they have roughly 390 you can see 7-Eleven just like how we know Omni points with orbit has 7-Eleven already on it for vouchers and on that note we know back in February V announced that they have a leading Point of

Sales Network to enable Crypto payments for over 100,000 Merchants which is crazy and very very exciting I am so excited to see how V approaches all of this in the coming months and how big

the network truly can be we also had this today from Josh j100 X on x check him out he posts great Vel content and we had binance stacking more and more Vell you can see they broke their previous all-time high of stacking that they had then dipped from when they announced the Vel tibot pair listing

I believe they sent some V to a different chain but we can see they have now broke 275 million V at over $3.2 million so that gives me a lot of confidence in what they are doing I also wanted to show you guys this from everyn net if you have never checked out everyn net they had a merger with V and

V now operates everyn net but you can see their partner Network there we have Stellar in the United States and you can see if you click on Tokyo we have seven bank and so on you can click on all of these so I recommend checking this out there is CP group in Bangkok but it’s very cool to you

know click around with something in interactive and be able to actually see what is going on with a project so I wanted to show you guys this article and he also mentions carbon neutrality and how they have to buy carbon Credits which is part of another project that I have spoke

about with Chia that has carbon Credits on their chain so I recommend you check that out as well and I do have to say I’m not a financial adviser and all these opinions expressed by me are not Financial advice just my opinion but how can you not be bullish on this project I

mean they have such big stuff going on their ties are massive true money’s huge in Thailand 53% of the market share in 2020 and how they were talking about different blockchain initiatives and how they will be an adopter in this space it’s clear where the future is headed now I’m

very excited especially with binance continuing to stack up expect big things guys delay the instant gratification because it doesn’t come overnight give it a few months and you will see that you are in the right spot I hope you guys learned something today and were able to take something

from this I think it’s crazy to see all of their Merchants all put onto a list and this is on true money site if you want to check that out but I think if you’ve been following me and you’re listening you know exactly where things are headed let me know what you think about any of

this I think it was very good to see what he said from CP group and the expectations that we can have across these next you know 20 years like he said we are going to go into a much very different time just like how if you look back 25 30 years ago the internet was much different now you are

listening to me on a website where I can post CashNews.cos and things have advanced so much don’t undermine blockchain because there is so many advancements that are still going to be made and still are going to be extremely big tokenization we’ve seen I’ve made a past few

CashNews.cos about it absolutely huge there is so much going on I hope you all enjoyed have a great day smash like button subscribe I’ll talk to you guys in the tomorrow I’m going to keep it up all month if possible peace out

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on The Future of Finance – XLM + VELO | The Deeper Dive.
With over 1165 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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13 thoughts on “The Future of Finance – XLM + VELO | The Deeper Dive #Finance

  1. Hey Luke how high do you see velo going I'm thinking about selling when the market matures a little in 2025 but I'm curious to know your thoughts especially considering how massive they are in their region

  2. Hey man! Really enjoy your videos! Maybe share with people what velo finance is. I've been making 3k velo a day for months plus more volume and tvl will only help our economy system 😊

  3. Any discussion about VELO is a good day! Imagine if we get VELO listed on some other big exchanges and the orbit app is launched before alt season really takes off! It's just around the corner and VELO will shine! Thanks for the update Luke!

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