October 11, 2024
“The GREAT PANIC Is Starting! Millions Will Rush to Buy Bitcoin” – James Lavish and Larry Lepard

“The GREAT PANIC Is Starting! Millions Will Rush to Buy Bitcoin” – James Lavish and Larry Lepard #Finance

we’ve heard Russia kind of banging drums about we’ll accept Cryptocurrency we’ll accept Bitcoin we’ll see how how much that really comes to fruition and whether

they’re not out there mining or whatever they’re doing I think the evidence is strong that they’re out there mining in Siberia but you know um I think that longterm sure the foreign foreign countries and foreign sovere should be putting bit Bitcoin on their Balance

Sheets and this is the game theory this is where it comes down to Game Theory and who they are and if you’re talking about the United States and worried about Bitcoin being a threat to the US dollar it’s not a threat to the dollar it might just save it the

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency market particularly Bitcoin has seen considerable changes recently after dropping Below $54,000 in early September it rebounded 24% to more than 66,000 from September 9th and

September 27th however Middle East tension forced to fall returning the price to around $60,000 the price Rose past $61,000 on Friday and reached $63,000 over the weekend aided by a postcorrection rally since the adjustment felt exaggerated Financial analysts James lavish and Lawrence leopard

recently discussed bitcoin’s importance in the larger economic landscape with podcaster Natalie Brunell they examined the imminent collapse of the US dollar the benefits of bitco coin its ability to save individuals and Nations and its political consequences James lavish stated that removing

Russian Assets and treasuries was monumentally stupid warning other countries that if they disagreed the US would take their Assets this reduced demand for us Bonds and long-term treasuries pushing countries to shift to gold and Bricks currencies

lavish proposed Bitcoin as an alternative citing Russia’s interest in accepting Cryptocurrency as we bring you a short clip from Natalie brunell’s CashNews.co kindly take some time

to like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this they would help to boost the YouTube algorithm and support the Channel’s growth thank you please enjoy the CashNews.co one of the issues that that we’ve seen over the past

few years of uh decrease in demand internationally for for us Bonds and especially long-term treasuries is that um you know we did something monumentally stupid like monumentally dumb when we seized and froze froze and seized Russian Assets and treasuries that that

signaled to the world that if you’re not if you’re not a direct Ally of the United States and you do something we don’t agree with we may just take your your toys away from you we literally take your money from you and so that just signaled to the world to be careful about owning

and trusting the government US government and long-term treasuries it was so monumentally stupid that might have been the biggest mistake that this ad Administration has done weiz the dollar yeah weaponized the Treasury and the dollar yeah it was it was so dumb and and it’s

it’s going to be painful so that’s that’s one reason that these sovereigns have turned to gold and have turned to and Bricks is they’re not bricks in my opinion isn’t trying to start their own currency they’re just trying to figure away out of having to own Us

treasuries in order to make energy deals and to have crossb trade you know how we how can we do that well one of the long-term Solutions gold is not a great solution for that gold backed currencies is not a great solution to that because it’s very difficult for them to to to ter determine how

much gold you actually had can you see President uh shei and and Putin allowing you know their their operatives to go into their their uh vaults to to count up their gold and to test it to make sure no of course that’s not going to happen so um what could they do that’s different well

they could do it with Bitcoin and you know we’ve heard Russia kind of banging drums about we’ll accept Cryptocurrency we’ll accept Bitcoin we’ll see how how much that

really comes to fruition and whether they’re not out there mining or whatever they’re doing I think the evidence is strong that they’re out there mining in Siberia but you know um I think that longterm sure the foreign foreign countries and foreign sovereigns should be putting bit

Bitcoin on their Balance Sheets and this is the game theory this is where it comes down to Game Theory and who they are and if you’re talking about the United States and worried about Bitcoin being a threat to the US dollar it’s not a threat to the dollar it might just

save it and that’s the whole point I agree with all that but to to address your issue of what they could do to mess us up um look you know Roosevelt grabbed the gold in 33 you know devalued the Dollar by 70% you know overnight and U um you know Ed that as a way to start to get out of the

depression um you know this is existential for them I mean you know I could very easily see the you know save the US America save the American dollar act which you know says that if you own gold or Bitcoin you got to report what you own and that the Taxes on owning those are now 75

or 80% and um you know and even so far as I mean this is why I I I think it’s okay to buy an ETF if you don’t worry about this risk but me personally you know other than my IRAs which I can’t buy Bitcoin any other way um you know I think self- sovereignty is so important because

you know just as some countries in the past have said well our currency is we’re going to grab all the gold mines and re refill our coffers you know it would be very easy for the United States government to pass a law saying you know what let’s just cash out everybody who’s got a

Bitcoin ETF we’ll send them dollars and that Bitcoin will now Bel belong to the government right and just you know so so you don’t oh and by the way you can be sure that the day after that happened you know Bitcoin would go up a thousand per. yeah so um so you know it it really does go

to if you know not your keys not your coins right and and do I do I underestimate what these people do absolutely not I mean they’ve effed me at every single chance they’ve had for the last 40 years and you know they’re evil and you know they’re Psychopathic and

they’ll do it they’ll do it if they can get enough people and they can somehow justify doing it Lawrence leopard pointed out that possessing Assets such as precious metals and Bitcoin would provide a safety net in the event of a dollar collapse even if the scenario was

unpleasant leopard emphasized bitcoin’s networking effect likening its expansion to meta’s law he recognized bitcoin’s political significance as a competitor currency to the US dollar leopard voiced cautious optimism that people will comprehend Bitcoin and reject destructive ideas

despite the short-term Agony James lavish remains optimistic about bitcoin’s ability to help individuals and Nations he believes understanding bitcoin’s value proposition will lead to a favorable mindset leopard agreed with lavish noting the internet and Bitcoin as examples of how

information control mechanisms are being broken down leopard said that vigilance is critical during this important economic shift let’s go back to the interview and watch more Clips to gain insights from James lavish and Lawrence leopard if the dollar fails you know you’re going to be

really glad that you own things that can’t be printed silver gold Bitcoin but you know you’re not going to really like the way the world looks you know in in that scenario it’s it’s not going to be a pretty scenario and but probably what will happen is you know countries

will break up and new countries will emerge and there’ll be countries that you know that have you know rule of law and protected Assets and protect citizens rights and you know productive citizens will move there none of us can foresee how this is going to unfold and I would

prefer for it to unfold in a very balanced way where as James says US Government Embraces Bitcoin puts it on its ballot sheet backs the dollar I mean that’s all great and wonderful the problem is look at the Jokers we’ve got in Washington DC right now you know what are the odds of that

happening I mean it’s going to take some really enlightened leadership it’s based on networking and you know Met’s law grows you know the value grows geometrically it’s a perfect comparable the difference is that apple is providing a service and this is providing a competing

currency to the US to the currency that the that the corrupt federal government has as their tool for subjugating the world and making the Nancy Pelosi of the world rich and so you know so there’s a political angle to it but but look if we can get enough people to understand this and if we

can get young voters to reject you know the the socialism and the Marxism and the stupid ideas that are being put forth by the left then you know there’s a chance that you know we could become Gul Gul I say that uh you know cautiously optimistic that that that’s what’ll happen I I

I don’t want to go down the bad path but I don’t think I don’t think ignoring the bad path is a realistic assessment of the risk ultimately I’m an optimist on all of this and I do believe Natalie that uh bitcoin’s going to save us and it’s going to save us

personally it’s gonna it’s going to save uh the nation you know um the path to that there may be some pain in between there likely will be um but you know uh I’m I’m an optimist and that’s why that that’s why we started this hedge fund that’s why

we’ve got the the Bitcoin opportunity fund because we believe in Bitcoin and the ecosystem we’re investing in it I mean I’ve I’ve I’ve essentially dedicated my my uh career to not essentially I have dedicated my career to it now that’s how strongly I believe in

it um you know would be easier to just go on Wall Street and go do some private Equity or make a bunch of money um you know in the Fiat system because it it rewards people for you know kind of brainless Behavior but this is this is taking uh this is taking personal risk and and

it’s uh and it’s something that the further the further down the rabbit hole you go the more you you the more you research it the further you get away from the people who are around you and so what you’re feeling likely Natalie is that am I crazy am I have I lost my mind that I

really do believe in this am I just brainwashed with this Bitcoin thing or am I am I really seeing something that people around me just are not seeing and I believe you are and so ultimately I’m an optimist on all of it because you know everybody who does their research on bitcoin and truly

does understand it in my experience comes across that Chasm and says oh my God how did I not see this before yeah I I I would Echo James’s thoughts I mean I I obviously painted the black you know scenario just because I want people to be you know eyes wide open and fully protect themselves I

too am very much an optimist I mean the the technology is going to save us I mean the technology of the internet is breaking down the the the information control structure that the powers that we have had and we finally got people like yourself and Joe Rogan and Tucker and I mean many many others

who you know are challenging the mainstream narrative and that’s that’s enormously powerful and is going to topple that narrative and then you know if you take that to the next step this is this is money um you know with the same set of characteristics distributed fear you know Free

Fair uh Etc and uh you know I think these two things are going to save Humanity um I would just suggest though that between here and there um you know keep your eyes wide open James lavish believes foreign countries should include Bitcoin on their Balance Sheets presenting it as a

game theory decision that may save the US currency meanwhile historical data demonstrates a negative relationship between Bitcoin and the US dollar Index particularly over the medium to long term the dollar Index weakened following the US presidential elections boosting bitcoin’s price this

pattern remained consistent in 2012 2016 and 2020 the forthcoming us elections on November 5th as well as the subsequent Bitcoin having may have an impact on Market sentiment Asian Markets

especially China’s monetary policies have a huge impact the Chinese Central bank’s quantitative easing policies have pumped money into the financial system propelling the hangang index 55% higher since January 2024 this increase is surprising given that the index fell from 22,700 points

to 14,800 between January 2023 and January 2024 in contrast us Markets are unsettled while a short-term recession appears improbable the federal reserve’s monetary policy is still a

factor Markets had projected a 50 basis point rate decrease at the upcoming fomc meeting but now estimate a 25 basis point cut or maybe none Asian

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets powered last night’s increase to nearly $64,000 but the price sank below $63,000 when they closed what do you think about the potential of Bitcoin and other bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies to safeguard against economic uncertainty and protect individual wealth please drop your thoughts in the comments below share this CashNews.co and hit your thumbs on the like button thanks for watching don’t forget to

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Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this amazing video on “The GREAT PANIC Is Starting! Millions Will Rush to Buy Bitcoin” – James Lavish and Larry Lepard.
With over 10960 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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