January 18, 2025


how long does it take the average person to be able to buy a whole Bitcoin I want to talk about that then also go through some different scenarios with higher than above average earners with top 5% earners with top 1% earners let’s look at how long it takes I’m also going to

make the case for why a top 1% earner someone making $630,000 a year the average top 1% earner will not be able to buy a full Bitcoin now if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the CashNews.co so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this also if you want

to trade Crypto I think now is a great time to be in the Crypto Market it’s a

great time to be trading because there’s tons of volatility and the market looks very bullish there’s a link to Marx underneath a CashNews.co where you can get started trading in just a few minutes they don’t kycu meaning you don’t have to give out your precious information

you just put in your email a password check their terms and conditions and then you can start by depositing Cryptos on the platform also there’s a link to btcc underneath the CashNews.co

where you can trade hundreds of altcoins and a link to weeks which is giving you the ability to get up to 20,000 usdt to start using their platform now we know bitcoin’s price has been moving up recently but personally I think it’s going to go much higher this bull run there are a lot

of people that point out the fact that you know we should see $100,000 Bitcoin maybe a couple $1,000 this bull run it got me thinking how much can the average person buy like how much bandwidth does the normal person have now there been a lot of Articles out there saying that the average person

can’t come up with a $1,000 expense or can’t deal with a $1,000 expense now I think if you’re watching this you’re probably above the average person so you probably can handle a $1,000 expense uh I want to look though at how long it would take you to buy Bitcoin now to be

clear you don’t have to buy a full Bitcoin right you can buy a part of a Bitcoin at a time you can buy 0.001 Bitcoin at a time you can buy a few dollars which is the great thing but still if you have that goal of hitting one Bitcoin it will take most people a very long time if they’re

able to hit it and at all look at this the median household Income in the US is around $80,000 now it’s hard to see exactly what the Income is or the expenses are just because it it varies across the board some say you know $75,000 is average

Income and then some say 94,000 is average Income for the same year and then uh sometimes the expenses show that you know there are higher expenses than Income for a lot of people they’re going into Debt we’re going to

say you have a Savings rate of 5% I found somewhere that the average American has a Savings rate of 5% so we’re just going to say that the average person can invest five $4,000 a year so expenses of 76,000 keep in mind uh there are a lot of expenses that we

account for in here housing food Transportation any kind of medical expense uh even Taxes there’s a lot that goes into this so this can vary right but the average person is able to only save invest about $4,000 now what if you’re better than average top 40% top 40% of

earners actually jumps you up a good amount it’s up to $101,000 as a household now if you go top 30% you’re 127,000 and then we can go down the line it gets pretty crazy here pretty quickly top 20% of earners make 165 top 10% maybe you know your doctor and your wife’s U I

don’t know a stay-at-home mom or something like that we’re going to say that you make 235,000 if you’re in the top 10% top 5% makes 315 top 1% makes $631,000 a year so there aren’t good statistics on what like the top 10% of people spend in a year at least not that good fine

so I’m just going to assume that you’re saving rate goes up now it kind of tapers off I think a lot of people that make a really good salary do end up spending a lot on toys on vacations on houses um and remember you have to pay more Taxes too so for example with

someone with an Income of 631 th000 if they’re paying 30% Taxes that’s 200 Grand right away so they’re left with about 430,000 maybe they spend uh another couple hundred th000 on their house on you know vacations cars like that so we’re

going to assume that you get up to about a 25% Savings rate for the average person in this category now how much time will it take you to buy a Bitcoin well we’re going to say in this first scenario that there’s just static pricing the price of Bitcoin does not change

okay we’ll get into some other scenarios that are more realistic but let’s say 70 thou $75,000 is the price of one Bitcoin it would take the median person we’ll call it the average person just to make it easier I know those are different things but the average person it would take

about 18.75 years 18.75 almost 20 years this is assuming that you know they’re not even really investing in their 401K that there’s no big expense that comes up that they didn’t budget for uh this is assuming no Income increases or Inflation or

anything like that but it takes almost 20 years for the top 40% earner they’re able to invest about $10,000 a year it would take them 7.42 years top 30 earner top 30% it would take almost four years and this is just continuous buying never selling never you know feeling fomo and buying at you

know coming going into Debt or something and trying to buy at the wrong time or anything like that top 10% earner would be able to buy one in 6 months again assuming these expenses and Savings right but the fact is Bitcoin isn’t static uh you would have been

able to buy at a much cheaper price two years ago two years ago ago Bitcoin was floating in between you know 16,000 and 25,000 so let’s say you bought at the worst time around that time you bought it $25,000 it would still take the average SL median person 6.25 years of buying the dip which

no one does it seems like no one really wants to buy at the scary moments um but it would take you over six years for someone making $100,000 a year again putting all their money into Bitcoin this is not even diversifying right this is not diversifying this would be crazy to a lot of people to put

10% of what they earn into Bitcoin at the bottom of Barett Market it would take 2.5 years top 30% it would take 1.3 years so as you can see it takes less time right it took a lot less time if you were willing to jump into the burning building but many people weren’t so now instead of six

years it takes 19 years essentially what if this continues what if Bitcoin hits 150,000 what if that’s like the average price that you can get into well it would take almost 40 years imagine that you work your entire life putting everything into Bitcoin and it takes you 37 and a half years to

buy a full Bitcoin now keep in mind they’re only about 1 million hold coiners right now that number is not really going up because there are a lot of big institutions uh wealthy individuals buying a lot more Bitcoin so it’s very hard for someone to buy a full Bitcoin especially at

$75,000 even if you’re a millionaire most millionaires don’t have that much liquid right a top 40% earner you’re making $100,000 a year plowing 10% of whatever you earn pre-tax keep in mind pre-tax into Bitcoin for 15 years you’re 30 you keep on doing that until you’re

45 then you have one full Bitcoin top 30% it would take 8 years all the way down to let’s call it top 5% you’re making $35,000 a year maybe you’re again a doctor or you’re business owner 2.4 years top 1% earner it would still take them almost a full year to be able to buy

Bitcoin but bitcoin’s not static it’s not it moves up over time so I ran different scenarios what if what if it grew at a 10% compounded annual growth rate from 75k well this median individual would never be able to buy this is actually assuming 2% pay increases or 2% % actually I did

2% uh increase in what you could buy each year so instead of you know $4,000 the second year it’ be $4,080 so 2% added each year you would never be able to buy a full Bitcoin the price would get away from you and you would not be able to buy in fast enough to overcome the price going up for a

top 40% earner it would take 11 years so instead of 7.4 it’s just getting more expensive over time it takes 11 years for top 30% it would take 5 years all the way down I just rounded it would take a full year instead of half a year for a top 1% earner okay keep in mind if you can buy it

faster the price isn’t running away from you as far too which is really helpful years at a 10% compounded annual growth rate but maybe you don’t buy right now maybe you wait a little bit maybe wait until bitcoin’s 150,000 well now Not only would the me the median person never be

able to buy a full Bitcoin a top 40% individual would never be able to buy a full Bitcoin a top 30% it would take 12 years instead of the original four years at today’s prices top 10% earner you’re making $235,000 a year it take you four years and so on down the line but Bitcoin

actually moves much faster than this typically usually we see Bitcoin moving up about 50% a year as it gets bigger it’s going to be harder to move at that rate it’s going to start growing smaller amounts let’s say it grows at 25% a year but it starts at $250,000 right maybe you

wait this entire cycle maybe you wait for you know the next bull market to happen and then you have to start dollar cost averaging see some people will be watching this in four years and bitcoin’s price might be around 150 200 250,000 well guess what the median person will never be able to

buy a full Bitcoin top 40 4% never be able to buy a full Bitcoin top 30% never be able to buy top 20% you make 165 years uh $165,000 a year based on the Savings rate you’ll still never be able to buy it like literally you can buy forever and you’ll never get to a full

Bitcoin you could be a top 10% earner and yet you would not be able to buy a full Bitcoin for 19 years imagine that you know you’re a doctor you start working at 31 you’re 50 before you can buy a full Bitcoin without investing in anything else top 5% it would take you six years top 1%

earners it would still take multiple years to be able to buy a Bitcoin now is this CashNews.co supposed to make you depressed no it’s supposed to create a bit of a sense of urgency if you haven’t already bought Bitcoin before the best time to buy is usually today I’d say it is

today so like just start by dollar cost averaging maybe a little bit if you understand Bitcoin if you don’t understand Bitcoin you’re going to sell at the wrong time and you shouldn’t buy Bitcoin you’ll buy now and you’ll sell when eventually it falls down at some

point in the future or you’ll continue to buy higher and higher prices then you’ll sell at the worst time so I would understand Bitcoin I would subscribe to channels like this be able to get Bitcoin content very regularly understand it do some research go search why would someone buy

Bitcoin why are people bullish on bitcoin whever you need to search watch hours and hours of CashNews.cos and then start dollar Coss averaging keep in mind you don’t have to get to one full Bitcoin to win this game you know in some of these scenarios where we talk about Bitcoin growing at 25%

a year almost infinitely I don’t think it’s going to grow forever like that I think it will slow down right so it’s 50% now then it’ll be 40% then 30 20 10 and so on um but eventually it will be a multi-million dollar asset do you need a full Bitcoin at that point to hedge

against dollar debasement no you know a quarter of a Bitcoin would be much better than zero Bitcoin and also in these scenarios I didn’t really take into account saving and other uh Investments I think it’s important to be Diversified for several different reasons right

just to hedge your bets to you know have access to Capital that’s not in Bitcoin in case there’s a Bitcoin dip for your own sanity for the sanity of those around you that don’t understand Bitcoin like it’s important to have diversification with all that

being said I do think you have to get off zero Buy $5 of Bitcoin today something like that and it will get you start on this train let me know your thoughts on all this underneath the CashNews.co for the majority of people they will never be able to buy one full Bitcoin keep in mind you know even

if you’re in the top 5% 10% not everyone can buy a full Bitcoin right there are 8 billion people in this world there are 21 million Bitcoin they’re 60 million millionaires they can’t buy a full Bitcoin there’s a lot of Bitcoin loss there’s a lot of Bitcoin held by

individuals that aren’t willing to sell it so maybe there’s let’s say 5 million Bitcoin up for grabs that people are willing to sell and 60 million million millionaires that means one out of every 12 millionaires can hold one Bitcoin that’s again if it’s distributed

evenly fact is it’s not going to be you know I think there’s a case to that top 1% earner still won’t ever be able to buy a full Bitcoin like the average 1% earner that’s making $630,000 a year will not be able to buy one full Bitcoin in their lifetime you know I I just

talked about how much uh a millionaire could buy right uh the fact is love top 1% earners are millionaires and they’ll still never be able to buy a full Bitcoin I think it’s much more rare to be a top 1% earner than is to become a millionaire so they’re in a better position but

the fact is you still won’t be able to buy I mean think about how many top 1% earners in the world right if you look at the global population 8 billion people a top 1% earner puts you at what one of the top 80 million people fact is 80 million people can’t buy one Bitcoin now

we’re talking about us so top 1% earner would put you in the top three million earners in the US 3.5 million this is household too so maybe the top household Income put you in the top what 1 million households in the US the fact is they’re only 1 million whole coiners

right now this isn’t going to double there aren’t going to be double as many whole coiners if every top 1% earner decides to go buy the price will shoot up the price shoots up uh because you know all of a sudden 200,000 200,000 of the top one% Income earners go by

Bitcoin maybe Bitcoin spikes up to I don’t know 250 $300,000 well then you know to become a whole coiner and you make $600,000 a year you pay 30% tax you have expenses maybe you want to diversify so instead of you know instead of this Savings rate of $160,000 all going into

Bitcoin you see Bitcoin going up 30 you know to $300,000 it’s gone up 5x in the last year well you’re probably not going to buy Bitcoin right you’re probably not going to put at least $160,000 into it maybe you diversify you put some into your 401k you buy a rental property then

you put 20% into Bitcoin 20% of that 160k okay that’s 32 Grand that’s on10th of a Bitcoin and then the Strategic Reserve comes in and bit bitcoin’s being bought up by Nations and that moves up to 400,000 then 500,000 you just never get a chance to buy Bitcoin so even the top 1% of

earners will still not be able to buy a full Bitcoin it’s just kind of crazy to think about but if you have a whole Bitcoin you are already in that situation better than whole coin uh better than what top one percenters right you have something that they will not be able to buy so yeah you

might want to consider buying a little bit of Bitcoin today now if you want to trade Cryptocurrency there is a link to Marx underneath the CashNews.co like I said you can start trading in just

a few minutes there it’s a great way to leverage your positions and to hedge and all that there’s also a link to btcc and weeks thank you so much for watching I appreciate I’ll see you all in the next one bye

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on THE TOP 1% CAN’T EVEN BUY A WHOLE BITCOIN NOW | THIS IS SHOCKING.
With over 18116 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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  1. The conversation circling around “salary” is a poor person convo, meaning only brokies are looking at that metric, the wealthy/1% don’t talk about W2 income, that’s a competition to be the best slave.

    The savings percentage convo is valid, Net worth convo is important, passive income convo is important, how you’re cycling/multiplying your money is important, if you’ve implemented a bitcoin standard strategy with your household income is PIVOTAL.

  2. I would have had 33 back in 2013 but the banks would NOT send my money to the exchange! They turned me down and so I panicked back then. OOOOPPPS! I own BTC now but not at 2013 prices! Oh well….

  3. I don't even make close to 630k a year and I'm able to buy 4 Bitcoin if I want to after selling my house but wouldn't be a smart investment putting all my cash into just one investment and instead diversify the portfolio

  4. The generations below us. Say the children that are born this year. They will feel how we felt about our grandparents buying large houses for less than $3000. How do we make sure the children dont miss out?

  5. Thanks for sharing, and I am very glad. I got into BIT some time ago. I do not make that kind of money a year, and I have 1+ BIT now. Thanks to posts like this who helped me hang in to get where I am now. Have a nice, safe day!!! PS: Still spring water.

  6. I think i have watched thus video before.

    Alas. I buought 57.4 btc for £15000. Paid the loan off in less than six years.

    Bought a house in 2021. For 22 btc. (38% of my holdings)

    I did not have a brilliant wage. I drove a forklift truck in a warehouse, did picking packing, then latterly i typed addresses for delivery into the computer. But i stoped working in 2020 March 23rd.

  7. Thanks for keeping us informed. I feel for our country, low income people are now suffering to survive yet inflation and recession keep increasing daily, many families can't even enhance the good cost of living anymore. You've helped me a lot Mrs Pamela Fenwick! Imagine I invested $6,500 and received $78,700 after some days.

  8. Hello
    This is amazing
    But have you heard of $CRU, this gem is bullish and moving up and you should check it out 🔥. @crustnetwork is really adding an impact to the crypto market 🚀. You should talk about talk about them in your videos.
    Don't miss out 🚀🔥

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