October 20, 2024
The TRUTH About Finance Jobs After MBA

The TRUTH About Finance Jobs After MBA #Finance

Friends, the most sought-after role in MBA colleges is consulting but there is also Finance. In fact, in such colleges where consulting is the most preferred role,

Finance is also preferred. Because in those colleges also people want to get Investment Banking jobs. But not everyone gets them. That’s a different

thing. We will talk about that later. In my college, when I went to IIM Vishakhapatnam, most people wanted to do Finance when they got in. But that’s a different thing.

When I started studying and tough subjects of Finance came, many people thought that they don’t want to do this much, they will do marketing HR. The reason is that

Finance is actually the most sought-after subject in MBA when you go. Marketing HR, marketing is a lot of practical work, business. HR is also a lot of soft skills. Those who

come to study Finance concepts, everyone wants to study, so they study text-decoration: none;">Finance. There are many other reasons. Finance jobs are very well marketed. Everyone wants to do

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance jobs, Investment Banking jobs, other banking jobs. But what are the realities when you go for text-decoration: none;">Finance jobs after MBA? In this CashNews.co, we will discuss 5 realities. The first one is that there is a mismatch between the role you want and the one you get. For example, many people, I still know many people, colleges like Goa Institute of Management, IMI,

they see the name of JP Morgan Chase, they think that this is Investment Banking. Many people write Investment Banking in LinkedIn. But if JP Morgan Chase, JP Morgan, Goa Institute of Management’s Investment Banking is written, and the JPMC

which will give you in Ahmedabad or XLRI, there is a difference between land and sky in both the jobs. The small college on this side has a back-end, and the good college has a front-end. And exactly what is the difference, I will not tell you in this CashNews.co, but there is a lot of difference

in both. One is front-end, client-facing, and you work in actual lab. The other is back-end, you do a lot of research work. However, people also like this job a lot. Goa Institute of Management is also there, it is a good job. The progression is very good. But if you know, you have found out from

somewhere that what is an Investment Banking job, and then you will feel that this is not it, then you will get this mismatch. Because the top Investment Banking front-end jobs are only found in ABC, L, and Exel, FMS. The second reality is that the work that people

do, like you are in a corporate Finance role, so you will start as an analyst, then you will become an associate, then you will grow and go to the VP level. So the work of

financial modeling will be less in the beginning. The work of PowerPoint will be a lot, and the work of research can also be a lot. This is in every job, so you will say that this is not typical to text-decoration: none;">Finance. But if you want to do exactly only financial modeling, you will say that the work I have studied in Finance, the same work will

be applicable in this, so that work will be very less in the beginning. As an analyst, you do all the work below. If you become an associate, then you will have a team of analysts, then your work will be a little better. Then when you go up, then your sales angle will also come somewhere, the

client-facing angle will come wherever you are. So the exact financial modeling, the exact Finance concept that you have come to

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance, you will get a chance to do that work in the middle. In the beginning, you will have to do all the work. So if you become a partner, you have to bring deals, wherever you have to bring deals, so the sales work

becomes a lot. So people love it, a lot of people actually love this, you know, and that’s a logical progression as well. But I am just telling you that the work that you think in college, you will not get it. The third is that the work pressure is high. I had a very good friend from NMIMS

Bombay, Goldman Sachs. I had applied for PTO. I was very happy when I was going. He left my job in 6 months, he took a year off. And it was not explained exactly, but he said it was very demanding. The rest of the people also came from good colleges of that level, and everyone was generally from

SRCC, or Xavier’s, or CA, or from good colleges like IIT and NIT And it was very demanding. There are long working hours in all these so compare to an FMCG sales jobs which you can apply You can be flexible as per your requirement. What happens in sales? Is it up to you? Were you given

targets? Now how to achieve the target person so you can run those according to the monthly hours you know fansy but this doesn’t happen have funs. You will get deliveries in this. Lots of them which you will have to give to your superior manager. So sometimes it happens that you have some

personal commitment, You have to leave that too and live in this. In sales you can adjust, meaning you will have pressure of targets So it’s a choice that you make. Which one are you A relatively chilled out compared to all of these, so is this that corporate

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance is generally not Chill as compared to Hr and also does not have the flexibility as much as sales, fourth you need a lot of attention to detail. Now those who deal with

Finance and numbers and big ones you know you can’t just say things which have no meaning if you already deal with numbers Actually have to do a lot of analysis to come

up with those numbers same Finance job, I have a friend who is in JPMC. She told me that if even a small mistake happens friend then you have to listen to a lot of things

even from the clients you’re working with or from your manager and for this you have to do a lot of your mental state has to be applied there So many times it is not like that, yes, it is like doing business. There are many people, right? Yes, I talked to them well in 2 minutes and you are

already working in a fun way It is very much mentally challenging as well of course people love it some people love it but you have to give a lot of attention to retail that’s also one of the realities, fifth is that if you do MBA from a small college So many banks don’t tell you the

role initially. As you go down to the colleges. four lbs i’m go and you will go under sheet management So lots of banks will say yes, It’s a fun role only but it can happen later Give you a relationship manager, give you a wealth manager role In which

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance will come next but actually it is sales. Those sales are not even that fancy sales That’s what you get from Top IIM So you have many types in this also. For example, you

have your account it might be an institution so it’s still okay but sometimes you have to do HR and have to deal with humans If you have to work together then there is more sales in it. There is very little fun. but that happens when you go down the level of colleges That is bound to happen.

That happens in sales also in different ways but that’s applicable to all jobs So this is the reality of fun, we have many more like this HR will cover consulting, I keep covering marketing Have some of your doubt then comment it, All the best, stay safe and take care.

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on The TRUTH About Finance Jobs After MBA.
With over 46479 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

35 thoughts on “The TRUTH About Finance Jobs After MBA #Finance

  1. Sir can you please tell I am a person with ca foundation cleared up but I didn’t felt like that was a core field and ready to give articleship because it is very long, I am preparing for cat and wanting to get mba pgdm finance can you give some tips I am also just a fresher right now and working with urban company as a product management associate

  2. Sir asked this question in previous video also please help.
    Doms IIT roorkee mba core vs iim kashipur MBA Business analytics as a non engineer. Should I pay double the fee for that iim tag. Also i have zero coding knowledge. And personally want to do General mba as I'm a pharmacy graduate and i think general mba will help me more.

  3. Well covered Abhishek on Finance roles.
    Want to add something on relationship manager roles. Understand that these roles are looked down in Indian banks, However there is a huge requirement of wealth managers/ relationship managers in global banks. Recently global banks are focusing on their wealth businesses and these roles are well paid.
    So if anyone aspiring for those roles, target global banks.

  4. Sir make a video on latest cuet-pg entro exam form date of release and and from when to when can fill the form therefore I am in t.y b.a make sure that make a video as possible , it will be helpful for others too

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