October 20, 2024
“This Is Bitcoin’s 10x Moment & It’s Starting Very Soon” – Anthony Scaramucci

“This Is Bitcoin’s 10x Moment & It’s Starting Very Soon” – Anthony Scaramucci #Finance

Bitcoin is like tacos okay you can’t have just one Natalie okay once you once you go dig yourself into the taco chip Bowl you’re gonna have more than one but so Michael says to me well what are your Assets well I’m 55% well why are you telling people to

have 2% if you’re 55% why are you telling moreover let me say this to you if you tell somebody to own 2% of Bitcoin uh that means they have to come up with 50 other ideas as good as Bitcoin right so let me ask you Anthony Anthony do you have 50 other ideas in your mind as good as Bitcoin no I

don’t well then what the hell are we putting 2% at the End of This Book for decades central banks have quietly eroded the value of Fiat currencies draining purchasing power and shaking the foundations of global economies the Inflationary spiral Reckless monetary policies and

currency manipulations have stoked public disillusionment fueling a growing demand for an alternative Financial system one immune to the whims of central authorities in a riveting interview Natalie Brunell sits down with American entrepreneur Anthony scaramucci who delves into why Bitcoin may be

the answer scaramucci argues that bitcoin’s decentralized structure positions it as a hard finite asset beyond the reach of any government or institution’s manipulative grip operating on a transparent and immutable blockchain Bitcoin provides a safe haven where value can be stored and

shielded from Inflationary pressures and political interference it’s no wonder that bitcoin’s appeal is intensifying drawing the interest of retail investors and institutions alike who are seeking a refuge from the chaos of Fiat instability as the tide continues to turn

bitcoin’s influence grows stronger emerging as a powerful instrument for preserving wealth and securing Financial Freedom in an era marked by central control could we be on the cusp of a Bitcoin breakthrough stay tuned as Anthony scaramucci unfolds his insights in this captivating

conversation with Natalie Brunell make sure to like this CashNews.co subscribe and enable post notifications for more updates thanks for joining us again and do enjoy the interview I don’t want to poo poo that I want to I want to legitimize aspects of that I do understand that Bitcoin is for

the people and that Bitcoin is a Libertarian concept and Bitcoin is actually you know it’s sort of you know have you ever heard of the group moms Against Drunk Driving okay so bitcoiners it should be bad bitcoiners against the drunk driving of central Bankers okay so I sort of feel like the

Central Banking Community has been drunk driving with our fiat currency and they’ve wrecked it you know they you you took you took $35 an ounce in 1971 it’s 26 $0000 an ounce today our purchasing power uh it’s crazy but I mean the these numbers are are accurate $2 of $1 1971 are

worth a $100 today okay in terms of you know purchasing power and so we’ve destroyed the money and and they’re drunk drivers so when you look at Bitcoin you see this libertarian concept power to the people can’t trust centralization but what we could trust is a decentralized hard

asset that nobody can manipulate and so you want it to be that so when you say black rock and they’re gonna centralize it or Fidelity and they’re going to buy it and put it in a an ETF you know some of frankly the legendary Michael sailor who should be known as Michael the great one

okay who’s done so much for the industry people have accused him of that they oh well he owns as much as Black Rock owns at this point you know and there’ll be great centralization but I I I respect the view I don’t want to poo poo The View but I would say step back look at it

from several hundred thousand feet look at it from a satellite picture the sailors and the fidelities and the black rocks of the world if they own $50 billion dollar of Bitcoin and Bitcoin is an asset class Natalie if if you accept what I believe that Bitcoin is an asset class well then Bitcoin

should be a 15 16 20 trillion doll asset class gold is a 17 trillion doll asset class today so so therefore they’re not going to eat up the asset class there’ll be a component of it you know there’s large stores of gold by central banks there’s large stores of gold frankly

from institutions there’s a gold ETF GLD that you can store gold okay but it hasn’t really overly impacted the marketplace for gold and I think that the same thing is true for Bitcoin it’s just that we’re here at this very early stage only 5% adoption so we’re sitting

around thinking okay this could cannibalize us but I I wouldn’t overly worry about it I think it’s legitimate to look at but I think you have to look at where the potential size and scope is of the market and then you can see that that argument is not going to hold up you know the state

of Wisconsin bought 150 million dollars where the Bitcoin few months back maybe it was four or five months ago and you know the thinking behind that is hey there’s going to be a Portfolio asset allocation mix that’s going to include Bitcoin someday someone’s

goingon to say Natalie you’re a fund manager yes I am okay uh how do we judge you well we’re going to judge you by stocks Bonds alternative Investments Hedge Funds gold and there’ll be a small sliver for Bitcoin and so the state

of Wisconsin is saying if I’m not long Bitcoin I’m short Bitcoin that’s coming why don’t I start buying it now before the wave comes of all the people that feel that it’s important or imperative that they need to own it Anthony scaramucci foresees bitcoin’s

growth into a 15 to20 trillion asset class citing Wisconsin’s early adoption as a forward-looking decision anticipating broader institutional acceptance scaramucci also discusses the growing institutional recognition of Bitcoin referencing black Rock’s promotion of it as a critical

asset for Portfolio diversification he asserts that the adoption of Bitcoin by Major institutions is in its initial stages and will soon accelerate leading to a surge in its value as its Supply becomes increasingly limited additionally he advocates for wider Bitcoin ownership

particularly among middle and lower inome individuals as even small ETF based Investments can serve as protection against the deValuation of fiat currency while offering a means of wealth accumulation let’s go back to the interview and watch more Clips to

gain insights from Anthony scaramucci discussion you know Black Rock put out an exceptional piece if I can find it I’ll send it to you but it was a it was a CH PowerPoint presentation on why people should own Bitcoin why Bitcoin represents a great diversifier in an overall tactical asset

allocation strategy and that story is getting out there and what I would tell you is that Wall Street is this wonderful selling machine you know Wall Street I’m 35 years on Wall Street what is Wall Street good at selling what is Wall Street good at pushing their ideas getting a retail

investor an Institutional Investor to consider what they’re offering and we just got that process started you know there was a little bit of a curing process after the ETFs were launched

now they’re out there with these PowerPoint presentations delivering and and uh you’ll see you know here’s the thing uh there’s a great line from Yogi Bara okay your dad would probably remember Yogi Bara he was a Hall of Fame catcher for the Yankees didn’t he say a

nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore yeah niichel ain’t worth the dime anymore it’s not over till it’s over it’s some great lines but he was a catcher they put him out in uh left field uh at as he got older and he was he was dropping one Fly ball after the next and when

he came in to talk to the Press he said you know it gets late early out there so which basically menli there were like shadows out there because the sun was setting you know it was a really funny line but I think that’s a great line about Bitcoin it’s G to get late early okay and so

what do I mean by that meaning you and I are going to wake up one day bitcoin’s at 100,000 we’re like okay what just happened and there will be seven or eight institutions that have said you you know what I’m capitulating I’ve got to own this as a result of which

there’s not a lot of Supply the supply is restricted and the next thing you know the price is up a lot and it will it will have gotten late in terms of adoption early you know it’s going to get late early in Bitcoin like Yogi said about left field you know what I would say to you is

that uh more education more things like you’re doing with your podcast and your public speaking and the book that you’re writing and raising awareness I’m certainly trying to do my part I would like to see a deeper well of ownership in Bitcoin and I would say this to you and

perhaps you would agree with me or perhaps you wouldn’t even if those people had to buy it through the ETF so even if there were people that are in the middle class lower middle class that were buying $100 of Bitcoin a month or $100 a quarter that and and they were the only way they could

really access it is through the ETF and even though it has some detriment in terms of centralization who cares at least people now are building something you know you know I I was giving flag about Bitcoin being 63,000 three years later but your dollar is 68 cents so you lost 32% of your purchasing

P you see what I mean yeah so Bitcoin didn’t lose any of that still right there you see what I mean and so and so so what I would say to you is again I don’t know the answer that’s why I’m being so cautious but I would say this to you I would say we have to push this you

know this is a this is something that uh Wall Street will help with but we have to push the idea that it’s a diversifier and it’s a hard asset and if you are an hourly worker like my dad was you’re losing to the man right because the man owns Assets and you

don’t and Bitcoin is a way for you to get a piece of the action right and again it’s broken up into 100 million Satoshi per coin just start buying some Satoshi meanwhile on October 14th 2024 Bitcoin reached a significant Milestone as its price hit $66,000 prompting the question has

October begun this surge in price fueled by whale buying pressure and increased demand from both retail and institutional investors brought hope for a strong Market finish in October the btcusd price approached two we highs driven largely by trading activity in Asia and a positive momentum in the

US Markets notably analysts observed that Bitcoin reclaimed crucial support levels such as the-day moving average suggesting that the current Trend May signal a bullish Market popular Traders

and Market analysts like skew emphasize the importance of the $65,000 level describing it as a pivotal point for a sustained upward trajectory the increase in demand from Bitcoin Wales as observed on binance order books added more confidence to the Market’s overall bullish Outlook in a

related report qcp Capital highlighted the similarities between bitcoin’s current price movement and previous Cycles in 2016 and 2020 where significant rallies occurred shortly before the US elections The Firm expressed optimism that history may repeat itself with Bitcoin

potentially experiencing another substantial price increase by the end of the year despite the recent volatility the article underscored the long-term optimism surrounding bitcoin’s potential as an asset class comparing it to gold and other valuable Commodities with these developments

investors and Traders alike are once again filled with growing institutional adoption could drive its price higher and reshape the future of Finance please share your thoughts in the comments

below if you found this CashNews.co insightful don’t forget to hit the like button share it with your network And subscribe for more updates and discussions on bitcoin and the evolving Financial landscape thanks for watching e

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on “This Is Bitcoin’s 10x Moment & It’s Starting Very Soon” – Anthony Scaramucci.
With over 16378 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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