October 3, 2024
“This Is the Exact Date the PARABOLIC Moves Begin in 2024” – Fred Krueger & PlanB

“This Is the Exact Date the PARABOLIC Moves Begin in 2024” – Fred Krueger & PlanB #Finance

well first of all kind of one of the things we know about Bitcoin right is Bitcoin does a lot of nothing most of the time and then it it moves very suddenly a three-month period of chopping around is 100% normal it doesn’t matter it’s like it it completely normal so I

don’t think anything of what we’re in right now if you go over the 2013 pattern right uh most of the action in the 2313 bull market right was from o October 2013 to December 2013 right that literally that was where like you could have been out of Bitcoin completely okay uh up until like

September October and then and and you would have made 85% of all bitcoin’s appreciation just by being there those three months after the spot Bitcoin exchange traded funds were approved in January a historic feat at least a decade in the making many investors expected that the launch of

black rocks ibit and other spot Bitcoin ETFs would contribute to significantly higher prices for the leading text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency these expectations became even more frenzied and popular among Cryptocurrency investors as the spot Bitcoin

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs broke record after record and Bitcoin hit new all-time highs in March at least a full month before the April Hing however despite Rising demand for the funds Bitcoin prices have remained in the same range since then fueling

speculations that black rock and others are are purposely suppressing bitcoin’s prices so they can continue to buy at lower prices in a recent interview with Crypto nutshell Fred Krueger

a prominent Crypto analyst and Bitcoin maximalist discusses his opinions on current price movements and why Bitcoin has remained in the same range for months unlike most Fred is not

discouraged by the situation and remains completely optimistic about the bull market and higher prices for Bitcoin before it ends in 2025 according to the Stanford University alumnus bitcoin’s recent price is completely normal at this point in the cycle and is not indicative of any Foul Play

by Black Rock Fred reminds us that during previous bull Markets Bitcoin has been known to remain relatively inactive for months and then quite suddenly take off almost without any explanation

Fred is predicting something similar in 2024 he is quite particular about the September to November window which saw higher Bitcoin prices during previous Cycles Fred is a staunch advocate of the Bitcoin power law a theory popularized by former physics Professor Giovani santostasi giovan’s

power LW model suggests that bitcoin’s price movements can be more accurately predicted by examining the relationship between price and time using this model Giovani has projected that Bitcoin could reach $10 million per coin by 2045 we will now bring you clips from the interview as Fred

Shares his Bitcoin Outlook and discusses the Bitcoin power law model but before we do please take a little time to like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and

immensely contributes to the Channel’s growth thanks and enjoy the CashNews.co well first of all kind of one of the things we know about Bitcoin right is Bitcoin does a lot of nothing most of the time and then it it moves very suddenly right so you know there’s that sort of of the guy

with the stick po poking Bitcoin is like do something do something do something right and and you know there’s a little bit of that that’s always the case with Bitcoin right one thing I’ve realized is I have no opinion on what Bitcoin is going to do over the next month I like to

look at the like I’m I’m I’m like a monkey like everybody else I I click you know refresh you know 50 times a day but realistically do I have any idea what Bitcoin is going to do tomorrow no do I have any idea what Bitcoin is going to do next month no do I even have any idea what

Bitcoin is going to do next year I think a little bit in the next year probably a little bit but you know over the next two to four to five years yeah I think I have a I have a pretty good opinion there right and I think the power law helps quantify that a little bit you know but I look we do not

have magic wands that’s just to see where this stuff’s going we we really don’t and I think as a guy who is you know Trading professionally for for years I will say Bitcoin is even more inscrutable than almost any other thing I’ve traded it you know it goes up exactly when

you don’t expect it to go up you know like when you’re completely convinced it’s going down then that’s when it’s going to go up you know or when you’re completely convinced that it should be going up then it’s going to go down or it’s going to stay

sideways it’s really really hard to predict Bitcoin and I think you part of the the the the growth pattern here of of being a bitcoiner is is understanding that if you go over the 2013 pattern right uh most of the action in the 2313 bull market right was from October 2013 to December 2013

that literally that was where like you could have been out of Bitcoin completely up until like September October and then and and you would have made 85% all of bitcoin’s appreciation just by being there those three months I mean you literally could have sat out the first three years or three

and a half years of Bitcoin you could have you just show up in September 2013 buy Bitcoin and if you got out in January of 2014 you would have captured 85% of the value of Bitcoin right next bull market right 2017 you know again and that one I remember very well right but like 2017 if you it it

went up it started the year at a th000 but then it really never got much below 6,000 for most of the Year okay and then very at the very end of the year it suddenly broke 10,000 I want to say it was just without looking I want to say it was like September October again and then it you know or maybe

it was even later and then and then finally it broke through and it hit almost 20,000 but that move from 10 to 20 actually that move was only one month you know so really really this thing happened in just the end of 20 uh 17 and then the other big move you the other big move was in 2020 early 2021

right and again that was really October of 2020 to January of 2021 and then that was that and again after those three months it’s over the people talk about the Cycles but it’s not it’s not capturing the cycle it’s capturing the Bold market during the cycle right as a

mathematician Fred believes the Bitcoin power law model is the best model for evaluating bitcoin’s price and adoption history as well as predicting how high prices will go in the coming years Fred has an ultra bullish price prediction for Bitcoin both in the short and long term he expects the

leading Cryptocurrency to rise to at least $700,000 within the next decade more importantly Fred predicts that Bitcoin will massively outperform all other asset classes including

Bonds stocks Real Estate and even the constant debasement of the US dollar Fred’s $700,000 prediction for Bitcoin is his base case he believes the leading none;">Crypto asset could get much higher especially as central banks continue to acrew massive Debts and print money excessively to pay off those Debts during the interview Fred also talks about the Bitcoin stock tolow Model A price prediction model

popularized by Anonymous analyst Plan B unlike the Bitcoin power law Fred believes the stock to flow model has some shortcomings that make it a less Superior model compared to the Bitcoin power law model the mathematician explains that while the s2f model predicts exponential price increases for

Bitcoin power law predicts diminishing returns while plan B’s model predicts Bitcoin will hit 500,000 to $1 million in 2025 Fred says prices will grow 40% yearly for a few more years and then the gains will gradually reduce as Bitcoin becomes a bigger asset let’s get back to the

interview if you look at bitcoin price on a regular basis right and you’re you’re you’re graphing time and years and you’re graphing the price in dollars right it’s really hard to see a pattern there right because you look at it you look at this graph and it looks like

okay well we had this big run in 2017 then we crashed then we had this other big run in 2020 then we crashed now we’re back I mean where’s the pattern here you know it doesn’t look like there’s a pattern right now if you look at it and you say well I’m going to put the

time in years since the beginning and then I’m going to put the log of the Bitcoin price you see more of a pattern now you see it’s sort of arcing and it looks like it sort of looks like okay it’s going up according to this curve okay there’s sort of a curve here okay

that’s kind of interesting and then you say well wait a second now let’s look at the time on logarithmic basis and the price on a logarithmic basis so you look at both on a log basis now the curve just jumps out of you and you see oh okay this is a line you know and not only it’s

a line but it’s a very it’s it’s very sort of spread out there’s a deviation on this line it’s it’s very tightly bound according to this line right so you have you know the correlation coefficient right which is sort of the fit of the data to the line turns out

to be like 96% you know so you’re like holy how is that possible right now if you saw this over you know one or two orders of magnitude like a difference between one and 100 you’d say okay okay I can kind of understand that right but this is data that’s over 15 years and spans

data that goes from 10 cents to to almost $100,000 so you have six or seven orders of magnitudes right uh of data over this 1 million x difference right 10 to the 6 you have a very linear relationship and you just do not see that and I think the best way to explain what a power law means now is

kind of like bitcoin’s growing at about 40% per year that’s the trend line right but it could go it could go it could go negative it could you know obviously it did in 22 right but you know in log log space it it’s growing at 40 it’s growing at 40% compounded rate right so

the slope is is that but in 10 years it’s going to slow down it’s going to only grow at 30% in 20 years it’s going to grow at 20% right in 30 years we’re going to be down to 10% growth right so we’re in this you know and and and back in 2017 we’re almost at 100%

growth right so we’re the growth rate is slowing down um in terms of percentages it’s not slowing down massively I 40% is still enormous right it’s it’s an amazing growth rate but it’s not what it was in 2017 so it’s sort of think about this as sort of slowing

growth and also the volatility around the growth seems to be slowing as well and I just want to caution people too that look no model is perfect right you know I and I’m probably a little less sanguin than Giovani is about these models that you know I I think this power law is a it’s a

great starting point to get pretty bullish on bitcoin but I wouldn’t try to read into it too much I think the only thing the power law can should do to you is convince you that Bitcoin probably is going to do go much higher in the next 10 years that’s it just stop there you know stop

there and I you know how much Tire well I don’t know it could be could be 5x it could be 10x it might be more who knows you it might be might be 20x but if something’s going up 5x in the next 10 years you want to buy that thing in related news Plan B has also discussed the similarities

between his Bitcoin s2f model and giovan’s Bitcoin power law model one of his latest posts on social media platform X reads I like and use both power law and s2f both are just curve fits data supports both but that will change power law shows diminishing returns $210,000 cycle top price and

bottom below $70,000 stock to flow shows exponential returns over $500,000 at the top of the cycle and less than $100,000 at the lows no need to debate time will tell in a follow-up tweet Plan B added what I find interesting in both models 2013 2017 and 2022 are are clear outliers this means the

bottom of 2022 should be seen as an outlier the other data points are much closer to s2f than power law it should be noted that before plan B’s failed 100K prediction for Bitcoin in December 2021 he had had three previous price predictions that were almost precisely accurate in June 2021 the

popular Anonymous analyst tweeted that his worst case scenario for Bitcoin would be $47,000 in August $43,000 in September 63,000 in October 98,000 in November and 135,000 in December the first three predictions were quickly realized and many believe that the world’s leading

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto asset was roaring towards $100,000 according to the pseudonymous analyst he gained more than $800,000 Twitter followers in 2 months as many investors believed his model was foolproof but

that sentiment was greatly tested in November and December 2021 after hitting a record high of $69,000 in early November Bitcoin prices began to Tumble dropping to $50,000 in December and the low 40s by January 2022 which do you think is more accurate the stock to flow model or the power law model

please drop your comments and observations in the comments section below also ensure you like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this thanks for watching

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on “This Is the Exact Date the PARABOLIC Moves Begin in 2024” – Fred Krueger & PlanB.
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43 thoughts on ““This Is the Exact Date the PARABOLIC Moves Begin in 2024” – Fred Krueger & PlanB #Finance

  1. 10million by 2045…15 yrs before that a 4.5million projection. I’ll be 54 in 2045…this just tells me that my life is going to get easier…Will definitely keep my job though…health benefits are going to be important at those ages.

  2. it will crash the whales are not stupid but they are greedy. they dump cause the panic and the once again buy the bottom. anyone who doesn't recognize this pattern actually is👈stupid.
    when the exchange was approved for coinbase it eventually went parabolic then eventually crashed. it's the whales with the power to crash it and start the psychological panic sell offs it's sure the hell not institutions…
    don't be stupid!
    don't be greedy!
    denial is an ugly thing!!!

  3. These predictions by people from this organization are beginning to be ridiculous.
    This world won’t be the same as we know it by 2045. After WW3, it’s gonna be a totally different place

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