February 22, 2025
This Is What “ALWAYS” Happens AFTER A Financial Crisis

This Is What “ALWAYS” Happens AFTER A Financial Crisis #Finance

September 2008 Layman Brothers a 158 yearold Bank collapses overnight the Dow plunges 504 points in a single day in the weeks that follow 8 trillion in Stock Market value evaporates millions of Americans lose their homes and life Savings but here’s

what they don’t tell you take a look at this chart this chart represents the losses between the top of the Stock Market in October of 2007 and the bottom in March of 2009 it represented a 56% loss to the value of stocks which meant if you had a $100,000

Portfolio like I did at the time you would have found the value of that Portfolio going from $100,000 to less than 50,000 but now let’s scroll out a little bit further and let’s take a look at what happened after because when you take a look at what

happened in the years that followed the 2008 financial crash well you start to see that the story isn’t as bad as it seems by looking at that mere short period of time when stocks plummeted in fact since that fateful day when the S&P 500 hit its lows it has returned an astonishing 777

meaning that if you just stayed in the market or gotten into the market when things seemed to be at their very worst You Not only would have survived but you would have thrived this is what happens after every financial crisis and every financial crisis in history has had a secret second act while

the masses focus on the chaos a select few understand that the real story isn’t about what’s being destroyed it’s about what comes next what I’m about to show you is the hidden pattern that emerges after every major financial disaster a pattern that repeated itself after the

Great Depression after the dotcom crash after 2008 and will happen again after the next Crisis this isn’t about predicting when Markets will crash or understanding what happen happens

in the aftermath when most people are paralyzed by fear but the greatest opportunities of a generation are hiding in plain sight the next few minutes could change how you see financial crisis forever but before we get into it my name is Nolan Matias and if you want the truth about

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances and you believe that in every crisis lies opportunity then you’re going to be surprised by this next scary stat and that’s that only 4% of people who watch these

CashNews.cos is actually subscribed so if you genuinely do believe that Christ equals opportunity then do me a favor hit that subscribe button okay so let’s get into it let’s discuss why crises matter every crisis creates a ripple effect that’s felt for decades whether that is the

psychological effect or the financial effect a similar pattern emerges in every single crisis whether it was the Great Depression in 1929 or the financial meltdown of 2008 the question is why do some people thrive after a crisis While others falter and the answer to this question is Sur surprising

and we’re going to talk about that a little bit later on but first this is what you can expect from this CashNews.co we’re going to talk about how to navigate and leverage poost crises opportunities we’re going to talk about the immediate short-term and long-term effects of when

things get really bad and we’re going to talk about the importance of preparation and understanding Financial history because if you understand Financial history then you have significantly more opportunity than those who don’t and that could allow you to make really good choices during

the next financial crisis and those choices could lead you to having a Portfolio worth millions and millions of dollars if you just choose not to follow the her mentality and not make the same mistakes that everyone else will make so let’s start by talking about the immediate

aftermath of a crisis what happens in the financial Markets well first and foremost none;">Markets remain volatile with unpredictable swings there are UPS there are downs and it’s impossible to tell exactly when the bottom of the market is and in almost all cases these Sharp declines that happen like on that date in September of 2008 when the Dow lost over 500 points

there’s almost always short-term rallies now many people will try to time these rallies and make a quick Buck but the secret is not in timing the market it’s in what you do with your long-term strategy which we’ll talk about a little bit later on but the fear that comes from these

sharp ups and downs creates opportunities for strategic buyers the type of buyers who buy the exact right thing at the exact right times knowing that in the long run the value of those Investments is going to return significant Dividends and I don’t just mean

the type of Dividends that pay you out Income I mean the type of Dividends that create massive amounts of wealth then there’s the societal impacts unemployment during a financial crisis will inevitably surge as businesses cut costs and as a

result consumer confidence will plummet and that will impact the amount of spending which leads to an even worse recession as money starts to stick closer to the pocketbook instead of being spent on things that will help the economy return and then the Credit

href="https://cashnews.co/markets" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets freeze making borrowing difficult it doesn’t matter what type of financial crisis it is Banks tighten up their books and make lending more difficult which eventually makes spending

more difficult at both the business and the personal level which causes things to basically freeze out in the economy for an extended period of time usually multiple years and with the uprising in these social impacts of course there’s going to be a governmental impact governments step in

with stimulus packages knowing that if they don’t things could get significantly worse like they did during the Great Depression then if there’s Bank issues there will almost certainly be bank bailouts we’ve seen this recently and this is designed to make sure that

Liquidity stays present in the market so that there isn’t a systematic collapse and then of course all of the things that led to the financial crisis will lead to new regulations that aimed prevent a recurrence but also impact business practices making it significantly more

difficult for certain types of businesses and that ultimately will lead many companies to go into bankruptcy which leads to Industry consolidation as companies who are set up to thrive swoop in and buy undervalued Assets of their competitors and at the same time we see

entrepreneurs adapt with necessity-driven Innovations how many companies have been started in the middle of a financial crisis purely out of necessity I mean just take a look at my buddy Pat Flynn from Smart passive Income who when he lost his job in 2008 had no other choice but to

take on entrepreneurship and he now runs a multi-million dollar company that teaches people how to adapt in times of Crisis and then there’s the change in consumer Behavior which obviously has an effect on businesses as those businesses who sell Goods that aren’t necessarily a necessity

start to struggle while companies like Walmart and McDonald’s start to thrive as consumers look for cheaper options but eventually we start to see an economic recovery across different sectors technology is almost always an early rebounder in a time of Crisis then there’s things like

Consumer Staples which relative to every other industry tend to do incredibly well because well they’re a necessity and then there’s Real Estate now in Real Estate the recovery depends on the location and the type of Real Estate whether

it’s residential or commercial but at the end of the day Real Estate tends to be one of the first things to recover after things get really really bad and with the crisis new business models emerge for example there was a surge in e-commerce after 2008 with companies like

Amazon and Shopify taking advantage of the shift in consumer habits then as we saw after the pandemic healthtech took off as tele medicine and remote patient monitoring tools were on the rise then we also saw things like green energy takeoff companies like Tesla not only disrupted the automotive

industry but took it over over and last but not least the gig economy which led many people who had lost their jobs to look for other sources of Income using platforms like uber Airbnb and even upwork and Fiverr to make money on demand now in the medium term economic recovery

begins unevenly across sectors gold and commodities tend to ride the wave of fear as we saw post 2008 gold surged for three or four years after the crisis and after the pandemic we saw the same sort of thing but what’s interesting is as there becomes more certainty around what’s going

to happen in the economy gold and commodities can take a nose dive as they did after president Trump was recently reelected but the big thing is that Innovation is sparked during these crises we see the emergence of new business models catering to the postcrisis needs we see

href="https://cashnews.co/industries" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Industries like technology and Healthcare often lead the recovery and we see companies that have the ability to bootstrap lead the way as tighter lending practices reshape borrowing practices

there’s a growth in alternative Investments and Banks innovate with stricter yet consumer-friendly Solutions putting the emphasis on lending to Consumers rather than focusing on big companies who have a significant amount of uncertainty but this is where the real secret comes

into play It’s the wealth opportunity it’s recognizing value it’s identifying the undervalued stocks with strong fundamentals think back to 2008 when Ford went to $6 and when Starbucks became one of the best buys that had ever been in history as even the lines at Starbucks were

filled with construction workers who probably should have been choosing a cheaper form of coffee to drink and then there was companies like AMX who took a nose dive during the financial crisis but who were obviously set up to do very well once everything got back to normal there was significant

value available in almost every stock at every turn the question was how do you identify those stocks and choose the right ones to buy at the right time and wait until you see what one strategic investor did after the Great Depression I’m going to show you that a little bit later on but

here’s the real secret it’s building a diversified Portfolio for long-term resilience something like the all-weather fund where you can take opportunities like a Stock Market crash to rebalance your Portfolio and essentially make off

like a bandit selling Assets then in times of Maximum fear go up in value in order to buy Assets that in times of Maximum fear go down in value and are at Bargain Basement prices because post 2008 the S&P saw over 400% growth in a decade and in the 15 years

since that growth has almost gotten to 8 100% And you need look no further than guys like Warren Buffett who sees the opportunity to buy undervalued Assets immediately after the 2008 financial crisis Brookshire hathway went on a buying spree as did many other massive investors in

fact most of the fortunes that were made outside of the tech industry after 2008 were made by Savvy investors who seized the those very opportunities so let’s talk about how to leverage those opportunities let’s talk about the lessons from history let’s talk about John

templeton’s approach during the Great Depression where he bought every single stock priced under $1 which in today’s dollars is about $22 investing $10,000 and turning it into $40,000 in Just 4 years then we have Amazon’s rebound post.com bubble where they took advantage of all

the companies that had collapsed seized the opportunity to not only become the number Number One Bookstore in the world but the number one online seller of pretty much everything and here’s the key coming out of a financial crisis you need to focus on the industry’s position for growth

post crisis but the question is how do you do that and the answer is John templeton’s very strategy so let’s talk about John templeton’s Key investing rules these are the rules that will allow you to take advantage of a crisis and make a fortune so let’s start with the core

principles invest for real returns focus on total real returns after Taxes immediately after a crisis is not the time to be going out and investing in companies without a proven track record you want to focus on companies that are undervalued that will have significant upside in

the future based on an established business model then rule number two is to keep an open mind stay flexible shift between popular and unpopular methods if something like Bitcoin or gold has everybody flocking towards it look towards the more unpopular investment that are being sold at a discount

and rule number three is to never follow the crowd Superior results require going against the majority and I can tell you right now that a significant amount of the people who are investing in gold just as we’re hitting the point where the fear is starting to go away or probably going to lose

a significant amount of their money then Rule Number Four Is Everything Changes always expect that if one type of investment is doing really well there is going to come a time where that stops and when there’s a bare Market in the industry there’s probably a bull market right around the

corner and I’ll show you how to see where the bare and bull Markets are in a second rule number five is to avoid the popular popular methods eventually lose Effectiveness things like

putting every penny into Bitcoin putting every penny into gold are trends that eventually will die just like the trends in GameStop and AMC and the whole Wall Street bets Trend rule number six is to learn from mistakes recognize patterns avoid costly this time is different thinking thinking that

this time is different for gold and that there isn’t going to be a major correction is the definition of stupidity then rule number seven is to buy during pessimism maximum pessimism is the best time to buy just look at March of 2009 when the S&P 500 hit its lows and the potential for

returns after that rule number eight is to hunt for Value focus on value rather than Trends look for the companies that have a proven track record and buy those then rule number nine is don’t just stick to your local #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets search Worldwide diversify globally to find better Bargains most people don’t realize that the original reason that the bricks were named The Bricks was because of an investment strategy that looked at emerging

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets and to this day it still makes sense to invest in those Emerging Markets if you can find the really good value

Investments that almost certainly exist and rule number 10 and this is the most important one no one knows everything true wisdom comes from understanding the limits of knowledge and just because you believe that something is going to go up in value indefinitely doesn’t mean

that you shouldn’t be hedging your bets an investor with all the answers doesn’t actually understand the questions the most important questions to ask which is where is the value can this last forever and how do I take advantage of it and when it comes to understanding where the

opportunity is quite often the opportunity is in the sectors that aren’t performing as well as they should and a great way to see exactly what is happening here is to look at sectors and figure out out where the pain is you can do that simply by looking at the heat maps of stocks over the

last year and if we sort this out to look at the sectors based on where the most pain is it becomes really apparent that there’s certain places you can go right now to find great bargains none;">Industries like health and technology technology services and process Industries to name a few but at the end of the day understanding what happens after a financial crisis is

what will lead you to be able to take advantage of it when it happens happens and not only take advantage of it but be prepared for it because it’s in these times where fortunes are made and if you can go against the crowd not follow the herd and take advantage of the fear that inevitably

exists during the worst of times you can not only survive but Thrive oh and by the way if you want to see what always happens before a financial crisis so that you can see it coming make sure you check out this CashNews.co right here

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on This Is What “ALWAYS” Happens AFTER A Financial Crisis.
With over 14181 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

35 thoughts on “This Is What “ALWAYS” Happens AFTER A Financial Crisis #Finance

  1. A lot of news have been going on about a rally after the election, urging investors to watch out for stocks that would be experiencing significant growth. Any idea which stocks to put on my watchlist?

  2. Thanks to You Mate, I have realistic expectations for this bullrun. Got into crypto early this year and I have truly learned a lot from you about cycles, crypto and markets as a whole. Now I know that all assets/markets are heavily tied to eachother and global economy has very high impact on Crypto. Thats why I am very cautious about when traditional markets top and how this affects Bitcoin and altcoins. If i havent discovered your channel I would have blindly holding instead of engaging the market…….. I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3Bitcoin to a decent 24Bitcoin. in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Laura Brockman’s, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.

  3. Financial crisis or not, when everything is pushing ATH, it's time to start trimming some of the fat and increase dry powder. I'm considering diversifying my portfolio of $200k to hedge against downturns but unsure of the best strategy to do so.

  4. Bad debt and fear is what breaks everyone. All it takes is one of those factors to be and or stay rekt. Takes a long time and a whole lot of education, perseverance, discipline for the average person to succeed in the face of and the aftermath of a financial crisis. What scares me is a currency/debt crisis. That event IS going to happen and will rock everyone no matter how prepared you are.

  5. Predicting inflation starting to rise again this quarter while leading indicators showing economy slowing (not to mention governm*nt figures pumped up for the election). Global economy very weak which affects US. Fed dropping rates 0.50 shows they're VERY worried about financial downturn/crisis. interest rates coming down are also an indication banks are LESS willing to loan money into existence. The question here is where is the inflation going to come from in the near term? Consumers are mostly tapped out which is 70% of US economy (consumption). Yes inflation very likely to return but not before it continues to come down… Inflation can be a concern, but remember, certain assets like stocks and Crypto’s acts as a hedge. Long & short-term trading is generally safer, allowing investors to weather market volatility. I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 3.2 B'tc to a decent 27B'tc in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Alison Bruce Crypto, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.

  6. Looking at that chart. It also confirms that we don't need that crisis. It would still went to where we are at minus that event. Oh well, it's part of life I suppose and human stupidity.

  7. Well yes. That some kind of assurance and there is historical events to back up. But the issue is, it also depends how well we can move into recovery period or at all. It's like if you break it well enough, it may not recover. I don't know if we all want a reset. Resetting is not always what you think like a game.

  8. Problem is- you are assuming that everything will repeat but this time the people at the top will not be qualified or motivated to do what all the others did.

    This time will be unique, everything will be different. Homelessness will skyrocket, social services will be slashed, every safety net gone. The devastation will be global and the international powers are different than ever before.


  9. This will only work if the Fed fully reinflates by heavy money printing. Recency bias is deadly. Next cycle of dollar inflation will destroy the dollar beyond repair. Debt will exceed 50 trillion, which is unpayable… and destroys rhe last 2.66 per cent of remnant purchasing power in the original FED backed dollar from 1913 onward. Death spiral next. 😮

  10. The fact that the market is up 777% over the 08 crash should make it immediately obvious that it's overvalued. After you adjust for inflation, what would that be? Did the company generate that much more profit? Is the company producing that many more goods? Of course not.

  11. Thank you for sharing. Financial education is crucial today to show incredible resilience and discipline in the volatile market, masterfully balancing strategy and insight for success. This dedication to continuous learning is inspiring…managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 540k in the space of a few weeks… I'm especially grateful to Milton Harper, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape..

  12. Robber has mr trump abused of power to menace They who work for me in my 35000 company need to be in the list because mr trump fraud all money years after years transfering in his family bank accounts &hide out from America what say to you Equifax &trade union &so many others company who has duty to work for me ask them why give to mr trump all my money assets monopoly belong to me ?all half time life ?

  13. All this talk of crash and financial history…..i don't see anything happening…so alot of us are giving up….and purchasing i flated realistate…here in Canada

  14. There hasn't been a crash yet of the current bubble we're in. So gold still has a ways to go when more things start breaking (which they will no matter who the president is)

  15. Maybe someone can help me out here. From my viewpoint the vast majority of people invest through a 401k or sometime of managed fund. Do people actually see the market crashing and cash out these types of accounts?

  16. This is a reset. The Great Reset. The current financial system has run it's course and is at the end of its life. They have been working on the framework for the new globalist system which will be coming online sooner than most think.
    This is not like anything anyone alive has faced in their lifetime. You will own nothing and be happy whilst eating ze bugs.

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