March 14, 2025
Trump vs. Harris: Implications for India & Global Finance | Sanjay Saraf Sir’s Perspective

Trump vs. Harris: Implications for India & Global Finance | Sanjay Saraf Sir’s Perspective #Finance

so tomorrow morning we will wake up in regards to us election results Trump or Harris Trump campaign many times statements have been used like let us make America great again but surprising by all parameters America is already great it’s not that I’m a big fan of America but we

have to recognize the facts financially and economically America is sitting with a per capita Income of around $85,000 you can make the conversion into rupee and do calculation even the poorest of states in America poorest they are having a per capita Income which

is greater than British Canadians and Germans us is right now having an unemployment rate of just 4% they’re having Inflation rates below 3% they’re having a GDP greater than $25 trillion you know the level of GDP that we have they’re having a market cap greater

than $50 trillion we know about their military strength we know about the geopolitical influence we do know about their Academia okay all the Harvard Stanford and all the stuff that they have we know their cultural diversity we know the openness with which everybody can speak over here not that

India people can’t India also they can I’m not comparing with India so do not uh take it that way so saying that let’s make America great again seems to be a very stupid statement because it is great it is at the highest point where it could be future nobody knows but that’s

the way it is from an Indian Point of View even normal people are aware about the fact that Trump has spoken about tffs also pass the Trump reciprocal trade act meaning if China or any other country is charging us 100 or2 200 % tariff or tax and we will charge them 100 or 200% tariff or tax in

return in other words it’s an eye for an eye and when that happens everything will just go away in in CFA level one we have a chapter on International Trade okay and tariffs and uh there we will learn that globalization and open trade helps the global economy and productivity but Trump talks

about tariff and trade Wars will happen on the other hand Biden Administration and then if kamla comes to power they have been targeting US based on khalistani terrorists okay and other mechanisms at least Trump is a businessman we know how to deal with a businessman he will talk about his benefit

we can talk about our benefit and mutually something can be agreed upon but if people start taking up matters which are not talkable which are going into a different domain it becomes very difficult to negotiate SPS and all that Stu from an Indian perspective Trump is is a better choice as compared

to camela Harris although some people take pride in the fact that CA comes from Indian origin she never in any of her platforms has boasted about the fact that she’s from Indian origin wherever cherry picking wise she needs brownie points for being in Indian origin she would but otherwise

there is no boastfulness about the Indian origin uh there would be great uncertainties that would anyways happen in 2025 according to me I have been hinting uh because the Record rally in US Stock none;">Markets Cryptocurrency now even the bond market cannot continue this way and obviously it will also have repercussions on the Indian

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets in the last one month the corrections and the volatility in the Indian Markets that we have seen I think that is

nothing and inflows into mutual funds have actually reached record levels touching I think more than 80,000 crores this last month so students who are pursuing Finance they should be

following these developments okay they cannot keep their uh eyes closed they cannot just focus on their curriculum but they should be interested in what is happening and what repercussions is it has so that is what I wanted to share with you all I wanted to keep it short

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on Trump vs. Harris: Implications for India & Global Finance | Sanjay Saraf Sir’s Perspective.
With over 3005 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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