February 21, 2025
Unboxing The Financial Analyst Role | A Day In the Life, Salary & Qualifications

Unboxing The Financial Analyst Role | A Day In the Life, Salary & Qualifications #Finance

hey guys welcome back to the channel in this CashNews.co we’ll be unboxing the role of a financial analyst which means i’ll be talking about the day in the life and things like the qualifications needed for the role and the kind of salary you can expect to have when you work as

a financial analyst and if you’ve seen any of my prior CashNews.cos you probably know by now that my background comes from public Accounting where i started out at pricewaterhousecoopers and then after that i transitioned out to work in the private marketing of

Accounting and Finance meaning working directly for a company rather than working for a public Accounting firm and when i made that

transition i first began as a financial analyst and so for the purpose of this CashNews.co i’ll be discussing the financial analysts role within the fpna function of a company and for those of you who don’t know fp a stands for Financial Planning and analysis and before

i go ahead and give you all the hard details on what you have to do on a daily basis as a financial analyst i want to discuss the salary expectations and i do this because i know you’re all probably curious about the money and when you hear about the money then you can become more curious

about the actual job responsibilities so let’s talk about the money first so in the us and we are now in 2021 and looking at a market like new york city the average salary for a financial analyst with about two years of experience is about seventy thousand dollars a year and it’s a big

range and i’ve seen depending on the size of the company i’ve seen this anywhere between sixty thousand dollars all the way up to a hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year and as you get to the midpoint of your career say about seven years in you can expect to be making anywhere

between 150 to 250 000 a year all right so let’s begin with the day of the life day in the life of the financial analyst or the job responsibilities you can expect in this role as a financial analyst you can expect to be working in the following areas and we’ll talk about each of these

in detail here in a minute but you’ll be creating an operating budget for the company that’s one thing and then you’ll be creating and maintaining a forecast model for the business and we’ll talk about the difference between a budget and forecast model here in a minute but

also you’ll be providing an analysis of the actual results of the business compared to the budget beside this you’ll be also working on investor presentations you will also be preparing that a room in the case of a fundraise or a Merger and Acquisition event all right

so let’s talk about the first item here which is creating an operating budget for the company in very simple terms this means creating a financial plan for the upcoming year which is basically saying looking in a crystal ball and predicting what Revenues and expenses are

going to be in the next year and in order for the financial analyst to create the cr the operating budget they need to be working very closely with the leadership of the company and it begins by creating a vision for the next five years for the company this is very similar to when someone asks you

where do you want to be in five years so this is where the company decide where it wants to be in the next five years so the financial analyst would then look at this vision and work backwards and say okay if this is where we want to be in five years then here are the milestones that we need to hit

in each of these five years and this is how you know he or she will begin to develop the budget for the upcoming year okay so as far as the budget this is the aspect of looking forward for the future years but Budgeting process also includes looking backwards in the past so for

example by looking at the prior year’s rent expense the financial analyst can begin to create a picture of what expense is going to be in the next year so you see the Budgeting process is a combination of looking forward and then looking backwards and that’s how uh you

decide what the optimal results should be for the upcoming year all right so this is about covers the Budgeting process and if you want to learn more about how to create a budget i created a CashNews.co specifically for this i’ll leave a link to it up here you can go and

check it out all right the second major responsibility for a financial analyst is maintaining a forecast model for the business and i know what you are thinking at this point you’re probably asking uh what is the difference between creating a budget and a Forecasting model

and the answer is that both of them follow the same principle which is looking forward at the future what it will bring and then looking backwards at the past seeing what Revenues or expenses the business had the difference is that a budget is static once you you lock it down it

doesn’t change while the Forecasting model is dynamic this means that a budget is created and then it’s locked down and you follow it in the upcoming year while a Forecasting model is dynamic meaning it changes as a different inputs and different

circumstances change in the business so for example if you sign up a really large customer this will not change the budget because the budget is already locked down for the upcoming year but it will change the Forecasting model because now your Revenue might be

higher in the next 12 months and because all of the digging the financial analyst will have to do and the company’s Revenues and expenses they are in a very unique position to make recommendations to management on what they have to do in the business to make it more more

Profitable for example the financial analyst looks into the rent expense from prior year and how many employees are located at each office and you might notice that the headcount in one specific location has outgrown the co-working space that they rent from for example wework so it

might be more Profitable and cheaper to go and have a direct lease from a landlord rather than going with wework now because the financial analyst is the person who creates the budget they are in a great position to be able to compare such budget to the actual performance of the

business so on a monthly basis the financial analyst will download the actual financial results meaning the Balance Sheet and the Income statement and compare these results to the budget that they created at the beginning of the year and so this is another major

responsibility of the financial analyst which is comparing the budget uh to the actual performance of the business and provide commentary on the variance and to give you an example if the budget was set to create to have a hundred thousand dollars expense for the month for software you know things

like microsoft office or salesforce whatever uh software you’re using but the actual results came in at 120 000 there is a 20 000 variance and uh the variance could be for example because the company hired more employees than have planned uh on hiring and so for each of these employees you

require a seat with all of these software like microsoft and salesforce and and all of these tools so the investigations into these variances is really important because it can highlight any irregularities or mistakes for example if we are overspending because of an error and the invoice that we

receive from the vendor it will be found here so comparing the actual financial results to the budget is really really important for the financial analyst and now the other major task for the financial analyst is creating investor presentations because as you can imagine investors of the business

are really keen to know the results of the operations so the financial analyst will prepare slides usually in powerpoint or google slides highlighting the financial performance of the business okay so now that we talked about all of these tasks the other really big job responsibility for the

financial analyst is the preparation of the financial information or as we call it data rooms in the case of a merger or we usually refer to these financial information or information as data rooms and the room here is a virtual room and not an actual real room what we basically is is a folder that

lives on a computer or a network and in the folder we go ahead and save all of the financial information such as all of the uh just to the Balance Sheet the Income statement and all of the projections for the Revenues and expenses uh for the

business now this covers the day in the life of the financial analyst but as far as the qualifications for the financial analysts you’ll need to have a bachelor’s degree uh at minimum in either uh business economics color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance or Accounting and i highly recommend that you and i can’t stress this enough that you keep a gpa above 3.3 which is typically the gpa that i look for when i hire for a role to work in my team so beyond the bachelor

degree if you really want to distinguish yourself from the rest of the candidates you want to have a masters in Finance or a master’s in business administration which

is also referred to as an mba and the honest truth here is that for me as a hiring manager when i evaluate a few candidates for a financial analyst position i usually place a higher value on work experience more than i value a master’s degree or an mba because real world experience is just

the best in my view for the simple reason is that money real money is usually at stake in the real world compared to a school project for example where no real money is at stake so the kind of work experience that is relevant for a financial analyst position could be either work experience in an

investment Investment Banking or Equity research but also the relevant work experience could come from public Accounting working in an auditing or an advisory advising company on Merger and Acquisition events business

transformation etc and all of these projects all right this is everything i got today on the financial analyst position if you like this CashNews.co go ahead and give it a big thumbs up and i’ll see you in the next CashNews.co you

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on Unboxing The Financial Analyst Role | A Day In the Life, Salary & Qualifications.
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45 thoughts on “Unboxing The Financial Analyst Role | A Day In the Life, Salary & Qualifications #Finance

  1. I am holding a bachelors degree in finance, i know the course or things necessary for a financial analyst, great data analytics skills, can work on spss excel stata.
    Excellent excel skills for financial models and analysis. I know almost all the concepts of finance and have worked on many case studies.
    My question is can i land a job of financial analyst with a bachelor degree. Living in USA.
    Thanks in advance.
    Waiting for response

  2. Very useful video thanks for inside! Btw do you know if people can land a Financial Analyst job by doing online certificates from Coursera and Udemy and maybe Google Certificates? Or a Master's Degree is a must to get a job in this role?

  3. I have an interview and I am afraid I may not have the personality for this position. Can you be an introvert/not that expressive in such a role😅

  4. im thinking of getting into this type of role, what would be the most ideal degree to focus on accounting? finance? double degree of both? and im thinking of getting my cpa too

  5. I’m currently a Branch Manager at a bank and this is a powerful career. Will the transition be smooth? I deal with half of what accounting has to do during my day to day operations

  6. As an operations manager and just being involved with running a department, what do you believe is transferable in that aspect to a financial analyst and would you consider that experience to be valid?

  7. This is annoying most positions don’t allow you to get the experience anywhere ! It’s so hard and unfair because if I go through six plus years in school …you still have to train no matter what !

  8. Great video! I am soon to graduate with a Biology BS and a minor in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship. What would be the next best steps to get a position in finance?

  9. how do i learn financial skills? i am in AR type role but no actual financial analysis. Once I do it can I then apply for FINANCIAL ANALYST JOB?

  10. Hi, great video. I am going to study BA (MBA is the plan) with a finance concentration. Do you think recruiters look for this as well? Since it’s not a finance major or accounting.

  11. Received my first job offer from Boeing right out of Grad as an FA. Starting pay 56K with 3-6 months promotions. Job rescinded because of credit. Whoops!

  12. Great video. I am just coming out of college realizing I should have gotten a business degree, but I received a computer science degree instead. What is the best course of action for someone in my position trying to achieve this role?

  13. 1) creating operating budget
    – creating financial planning for the upcoming year –> predicting the revenue and expenses for the next year.
    – work closely with the leadership of the company, began with vision for the next 5 year of the company.
    – look at the backward the prior years. what is the renting expense last year? –> have a good picture which expense is going to next year.
    –> looking forward and backward and design what should be the optimal results for the upcoming year

    2) create forecast model
    – still look backward and forward as creating operating budget
    – the difference is the budget is constant (lockdown for the upcoming year) but the forecasting model is dynamic (it changes as the different input and difference circumstances change in the business).
    EX: if you sign up really large customer –> this will not change the budget. however, this will change the forecast model because now the revenue will higher
    –> this is the unique position to make recommendations to management what you have to do in the business to make it more profitable.
    EX: look at the rent expense and how many employees in that office.

    3) analysis
    – Compare the budget and actual financial results.
    – comment on any variance.

    4) prepare presentation
    – prepare powerpoint slides for investor
    – highlighting the financial performance of the business

    5) prepare info during M&A
    – prepare the financial information or data room (virtual) – a folder of lives in the computers
    – including projections for revenue and expenses for the business
    – including balance sheet and income statement.

  14. Please consider videos on how financial analyst and accountants should approach reporting/presenting financial results and recommendations to senior management.

  15. Could you elaborate on differences between FP&A and internal audit/control please. I’ve got these two choices and don’t know which one to choose. Thank you!

  16. It’s very frustrating to already be a licensed CPA, yet no company respects you because you didn’t get hired by a big 4-6 firm right out of university. Might end up just working at Costco or Trader Joe’s.

  17. Hi, I am currently a student doing my bachelor's degree in Actuarial studies and Finance. I want to work as a finance analyst and I am planning to make use of my actuarial skill set to complement my analyses later on. How relevant do you think is actuarial in the field of finance analysts?

  18. I work as a Financial Analyst for a sell-side investment research firm but I'm leaving because they're reducing the workload for the project I was more or less hired for. Went from spending 1/2 of my time there to only about 1/16th. Looking forward to crack FP & A!

  19. I’m an aspiring financial analyst and am a junior in college. I see you say that work experience is favored over an MBA for you personally. Would an internship be beneficial to do before you get your bachelors so you have that “experience” before getting the MBA? It would provide at least a little bit of work experience wouldn’t it?

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