February 28, 2025
Use the Google Finance Function in Google Sheets

Use the Google Finance Function in Google Sheets #Finance

hey this is Ralph and in this CashNews.co I want to use Google sheets and Google Finance in order to get some stock price information okay so I’ve got a spreadsheet here set up

in Google sheets it’s just a blank spreadsheet and I’m gonna create a table of information I will have my stock symbol I’m gonna have the price PE for price earnings ratio and I’m gonna put in high 52 for the 52-week high and I’m writing these a little bit unusual in

fact I’m gonna go and write these in lowercase not that that’s a Sun essential but I’m writing these out because these are fields that are gonna be used by the Google none;">Finance function and they need to be in this particular format for this to work so we can see how this works let’s go and put in a few stocks we can put down obviously goog for Google VZ is Verizon and ke is Nike and I think just I think for does just F I believe we’ll find

out soon enough okay so I’m gonna go and pick on my first cell here and I’m gonna start with my function equals Google Finance now there’s a they’re not trivial

there’s a lot of different things you can do with this and there’s an option way down here at the bottom to learn more about Google Finance it’s really worth if you’re

really into this stuff to check that out and see all the different things you’re gonna do but I’m gonna basically play around with this default format here with a few of the arguments that I can put in to the Google #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance function so I’m gonna work it like this I’m gonna kind of get that out of the way so I can see and let me kind of just move this off to the side I cannot let me close that there we go okay so the first thing it I’m going to need is my

symbol so the first parameter I’m just gonna click on the cell that contains my symbol comma now I’m going to click on the cell that contains the attribute that I’m interested in in this case it’s going to be price so I’m going to click on cell b1 which contains my

price and I’m going to press f4 to make that absolute close my parenthesis press enter and I get what looks like to be Google’s current stock price all right I’m going to try this again for p/e ratio equals Google color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance I’m gonna click on the cell that contains the symbol comma I’m going to click on the cell that contains the attribute that I’m interested in making sure that’s absolute closing parenthesis enter I’m gonna do this one

more time with the 52-week high cell that contains the symbol comma the cell that contains the attribute absolute closing perfect and I will go ahead and select this select all three of those and fill them down and they should grab data from the other symbols and these seem pretty good I

haven’t looked any of these up lately but these do seem pretty realistic and now you can kind of start to compare p/e ratios how is the stock trading compared to its 52-week high and there are many many other attributes that you could put in so that’s pretty cool now let me show you

another thing we can do with this Google Translate function you can get historical data so I’ll just do this off to the side over here and I’m gonna start off with equals Google trance again and this time I will refer to I’ll just go to the gun Verizon here so I’m gonna

click on the cell that contains Verizon’s symbol comma and I want to get the price but that in quotes now I’m going to put in a start date I’m gonna put in a particular date I’ll put in August 15 2016 comma to today’s date but for today’s date I’ll just use

the today function comma and then I’m going to put in daily so in theory this is gonna give me the daily stock price for Verizon from August 15th 2016 to today I’ll go ahead and press enter it’s gonna think for a bit and it’s going to populate all that data now it looks like

I didn’t go too far back so I might have made a little mistake so let me go back to my original formula which is right up here and I think it may have been important for me to enclose my date in quotes so I’m gonna try that so let’s see how this works when a press enter it’s

gonna think now we’re getting all of the data that I was expecting okay now if that’s a little bit too much or maybe you don’t want daily prices I can go back and edit this formula again notice I’ve got the stock symbol or the cell that refers to the stock symbol price

because that’s what I’m interested in of course you could have p/e ratios or closing prices or 52-week lows or whatever I’ve got the start date in quotations I’ve got today’s date but instead of daily I’m gonna change this out to weekly and what its gonna do

it’s now gonna give me end of week sales so basically August 15th I believe may have been a Monday of 2016 and it looks like now it’s giving me all the Friday prices for Verizon stock and now that I’ve got this information I could of course plug this in and start to make charts

things like that so pretty useful tool and pretty powerful there’s a lot more you can do with this so whenever you are working on the Google Finance function make sure you click the

help box that Google sheets is going to provide you and they’re going to give you a ton of different options or attributes you can put into that function

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on Use the Google Finance Function in Google Sheets.
With over 99753 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

31 thoughts on “Use the Google Finance Function in Google Sheets #Finance

  1. Do you know how to call expense ratio data? Whenever I do the formula exactly like it says in the HELP section with their format it returns #N/A. Im wondering if googlefinance is even able to draw expense ratios.

  2. Hi, thanks for the vid. How do I get the price of previous 2 sessions or day before yesterday? I know it doesn't make sense but it's quite useful for Mutual Fund analysis. Basically tracking the change (yesterday vs day before yesterday). Example: MUTF_IN:MIRA_ASSE_EMER_1T9TCQO (This mutual fund only update change one day later, so it's hard to see the change in today vs yesterday in Google Sheet). I hope you get the query.

  3. Thanks for such an informative and succinct video!! Would you by chance know if I could create a Google Sheet with a column that gives a Y/N for whether options are available for trading? I see you can add options prices but I would rather just know if options are available or not.

  4. Hi Ralph, I noticed that when using GOOGLEFINANCE historical mode (weekly), dates are not always aligned to end of week (fridays). For example, in your video I see you have data for 4/13/2017, however that falls on a Thursday, not Friday. Any idea if this is a bug?

  5. Trying to get Formula for getting Stock info from Marketwatch (Google Finance doesn't have the data I need). I have the formula for Stock Price =MID(Index(ImportHtml(CONCATENATE("http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/advchart/frames/frames.asp?symb=",A6), "table"),3,1),7,9). What I need though is Price Change from the previous day. Does anyone know how to get Price Change formula so I can use it in Google Sheets? Here's the page: https://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/advchart/frames/frames.asp?symb=aapl&insttype=&time=&freq=

  6. Thank you,
    Ralph Phillips, for your nice video, to retrieve the data on a google sheet. But I'm facing problems to generate data. I tried for "pe", "eps", "high52" etc for a time period of e.g. 5 years, but I could not do that. I put the formula as you suggested for these variables. Please sir give me the way to solve the problems.

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