March 14, 2025


how’s it going everyone it’s Sam the head of digital Assets at vanck just said some stuff that is pretty shocking I think it’s going to go over a lot of heads but it is really big news and it shows that about 3% of the countries in the world that we know

of are mining Bitcoin already there are some countries that are using it to get around trade uh they are very bullish over at vanc and right now Bitcoin is looking quite bullish you can see bitcoin’s trying to break out above 695 We’ve ran into 692 several times throughout the day today

getting rejected but just trying to break out for the fourth or fifth time right here if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the CashNews.cos so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this also if you want to trade

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto there is a link underneath a to Marx I’ve talked about this a lot because I think this is the time to be trading text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies on Leverage this is the time where you can still get massive gains this isn’t going to be around forever eventually bitcoin’s going to be at a six figure price and a lot of the gains are going to be behind us but right now we’re still

trying to break out we just had three higher lows and three higher highs and now we’re rallying up trying to break through here big week ahead as well so there’s going to be a lot of volatility check out the link underneath the to marax you can also bet on the US election

over on Marx but let’s start here the tether CEO at actually just disclosed that they’ve been buying more Bitcoin for a while actually they were using their Profits each quarter to buy Bitcoin and the wallet address that had been associated with them stopped buying

Bitcoin earlier this year but now we know that they actually have bought some more Bitcoin they now hold 8245 for Bitcoin up a significant amount from the last time we had heard of about 75354 so they bought what 7,100 more Bitcoin which obviously is a huge amount they have been printing money over

at tether by putting you know their hundred billion dollars in t bills so they’re doing quite well over there shifting some of their Profits from dirty dirty USD over to bitcoin you can also see vanck this a lot of people have been talking about throughout the day the head of

digital Assets at vanck uh I’ll show you the clip here in a bit but he says three of the six new members of brick UAE Argentina and Ethiopia are mining Bitcoin with government resources I think this goes over a lot of people’s heads they see you know vanck headed of

digital Assets talking about Bitcoin talk about the position that’s in where the price is going to go he does have a high price target for Bitcoin but they just hear that but they don’t hear this you know again three of the six new members of bricks are mining Bitcoin

with government resources okay let’s just go through some of the countries we know are mining Bitcoin right now which means they’re contributing to the network they’re stacking Bitcoin at the end of the day UAE okay very important Nation there for

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto and the future of the world in my opinion Argentina Ethiopia El Salvador we know that they’re mining Bitcoin as well they’re very Pro Bitcoin the kingdom of batan has made

hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars over the last few years mining Bitcoin and to be clear I think there are a lot of other countries as well vanak actually talked about Russia creating an initiative to start mining Bitcoin I’m pretty sure that the US is also mining Bitcoin somewhere

somehow I think China’s probably looking at it or probably already doing it I think there are a handful of other countries that are doing this as well just they’re ke they’re keeping it very quiet right now but that means 3 4% are obviously mining Bitcoin a lot of countries are

just behind the times they’re not even paying attention to this they have other issues to worry about but uh this is pretty big news I mean this shows the way that the world is going more countries are mining it themselves putting Manpower putting energy putting money uh up to try to mine

some Bitcoin to contribute to the network to better understand what’s going on here we also know that there are a lot of countries that have been buying Bitcoin because honestly that’s simpler I think uh but mining Bitcoin uh and buying Bitcoin and holding as countries uh Russia Russ

Sovereign wealth fund is apparently now investing in Bitcoin mining infrastructure throughout bricks nations with the idea of settling global trade in Bitcoin this is according to vanck again pretty big news um again people aren’t going to pay attention to it and then they’re going to

say oh wow there are 20 different countries that have Bitcoin that own Bitcoin or uh that mine Bitcoin and keep in mind too I think they’re probably a lot more that own through proxies right especially when you look at the politicians how many politicians have some allocation to micro

strategy now and will have more allocation over time as micro strategy gets added to the NASDAQ 100 as they get added to the S&P 500 they’re going to be a lot of companies that have Bitcoin on their Balance Sheet in the coming years in my opinion and yeah there’s

going to be this uh I think there’s going to be a race to get your hands on bitcoin I mean right now we’re seeing a race by the ETFs but I would not be surprised if the next fouryear

cycle assuming we still go through fouryear Cycles is an arms race from countries trying to buy Bitcoin like can’t you see that as the next major narrative Russia is buying Bitcoin the US is buying Bitcoin China is buying Bitcoin and that’s what pushes us us up even further maybe into

the high six figures or even low seven figures just makes sense to me we have have Bitcoin dominance continuing to Rally up at 59.8 1% so close to 60% here crazy how far we’ve come I mean look we have 0 2% left we’re down all the way below 40% so yeah 99% of the way there basically

right now let me play this clip for a minute this is from vanck this is from Matthew SE seagull uh their head of digital Assets there our bet is that this is a very bullish setup for Bitcoin into the election we saw the exact same pattern in 2020 where Bitcoin lagged with low

volatility and then once a winner was announced we had a high V rally as new buyers come into this market and that’s the great thing about Bitcoin is that every day there’s new buyers being born it’s kind of like the game industry the olds who hate it die off the new

folks are buying it and what we think is that once the election result is finalized Moody’s is going to down grade us sovereign Debt and that could be a catalyst for for Bitcoin does gold correlate with with uh the dollar and with M2 as well and and gold and Bitcoin seemed

like the correlation broke down a couple of times recently Bitcoin is a Comm million its correlations change over time it’s hard to predict what it’s going to be correlated with over the short term over the long term say it’s it’s because of the 21 million and fixed amount

is out there therefore the debas of the currency favors that I mean that’s yeah it’s it’s it’s a non us asset it’s an Emerging Markets asset and while we were

all hyperventilating about the election over the last week bricks had a conference in Russia there’s six new members of brics this year so brics GDP is now greater than the combined GDP of G7 uh of the six new members three of them Argentina the UAE and Ethiopia are now mining Bitcoin with

government resources so there is tremendous urgency outside of the US to find a way to circumvent the irresponsible fiscal policy that we’ve been running here in the US uh in fact Russia announced an initiative there Sovereign wealth fund is going to invest in a regional initiative to build

Bitcoin mining and AI infrastructure throughout bricks with an idea of settling global trade in Bitcoin so look someday I don’t know if it’s 5 years 10 years Putin’s going to die we’re going to look to reintegrate of these countries into the world financial system and

they’re going to be trading with Bitcoin what are we going to be doing okay how crazy is that yeah are you stunned no I’m just processing you’re processing processing when will that I’m going to throw on the title that he’s stunned this is this is funny be complete the

processing yes so that you can make it Comon when is when is the when is Bitcoin going to be complete I have no idea he sounds what what your you think it’s going to be a $100,000 asset soon 200 yes uh you know the the smallest ever trough to Peak rally for a Bitcoin cycle was 2,000% if we do

half of that that’d be 1,000% that’d be roughly 180,000 when does this all go down I mean not down when does this happen it all happen I think after the election will be a significant Catalyst you can see it front page of the Wall Street Journal talking about Debt and

deficit concerns uh like Moody is telegraphing this they wanted downgrade sovereigns who Kathy Woods what’s that where like Kathy Wood where boss yeah how do you how do you feel about her predictions I don’t think about them very much I mean do you think she’s right 500,000 is

where she’s at by very soon we have a model that assumes that by 2050 this is very long term that Bitcoin becomes a reserve asset that’s used in global trade and held by global central banks at a very modest 2% weight and in that model we arrive at a $3 million price target for Bitcoin

now that sounds you know extreme but that’s a 16% compound annual growth rate for a couple decades you know that that’s not really that extreme so into the millions over the medium term is high conviction C so let me know what you think about all this underneath the let me

know if you’re that bullish on bitcoin if you think it’s going to the millions I have had people that have been in the in the Markets in the traditional

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets for decades that ask me do you really think that Bitcoin is going to hit a seven figure price in our lifetimes I say heck yeah I mean when you just look at how exponential growth happens

like even if it doesn’t outperform the market it’s still going to get into the seven figure range in our lifetime let me know your thoughts though underneath the thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate if you want to trade

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto there is the link underneath the to Marx I’ll see you all in the next one bye

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  1. It's fascinating to hear that so many countries are now mining Bitcoin and investing in its infrastructure!

    Do you think this trend will lead to Bitcoin becoming a global reserve asset? 🌍💰

  2. Can't deny the fact that Abel Dorsey is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good, but I don't see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that.

  3. I think it depends what you want to FOMO into Abel Dorsey. Some people's objective isn't to stack up on BTC, some people think we're just getting started because BTC dominance is only getting bigger mate. A greater opportunity awaits those that have different goals in mind.

  4. I'm DCAing in Abel Dorsey as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. I'm taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!

  5. TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂 TRUMP 2024 😂

  6. People need to stop using the 21 million as the main reason for $BTC having value, it has low supply combined with adoption, many cryptos have low supply however do not have the same adoption, at least not at the moment anyways, once we go more multichain for utility reasons I am sure many other cryptos will compete or maybe even out do $BTC at some point. Right now we are at the beginning of the digital revolution.

  7. Because this is the moment he realised he F'ed up 🤣 The guy has been a permanent bear for years and could have aped in at 3k🤣

  8. Appreciate the detailed breakdown! I need some advice: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?

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