October 12, 2024
“WARNING: A Complete FINANCIAL LOCKDOWN Is Next” – Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed

“WARNING: A Complete FINANCIAL LOCKDOWN Is Next” – Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed #Finance

I think it’s quite clear that the way to force onboarding of a cbdc or or this type of digital currency system is going to be some sort of Crisis some sort of event I think the immigration crises any sort of refugee situation uh that’s going to be used to push for digital IDs um

I think it’s just a very easy excuse for them uh a way for them to quickly manufacture consent because you know all these people we don’t know who they are they could be criminals they could be anybody we have to know who everybody is and it’s going to be sold as a way to provide

security to the insecurity created by the migrant crisis and what Whitney web is really saying here is that you know most of everything that we are seeing around us is all by plan problem reaction Solution that’s simply it right and it’s all to push the same agenda the same goes even

right now with a lot of geopolitical conflicts right with what Russia is doing with what the bricks are doing it’s all to enforce what they want and it is at the end of the day a digital based programmable Financial system and I will be talking about that in this CashNews.co but first welcome

to the channel everyone my name is Nick for those that are new to the channel hopefully by the end of this CashNews.co you do become a subscriber if we take a quick look at the agenda over here on the world economic forums website under cyber security there is 641 articles under this section alone

and a lot of this is also planning around major three letter agencies we’re talking about the FBI the fed the IMF I mean the list goes on even the CIA and it’s very interesting it’s very comical that when you actually look Beyond you know the face value C of things you could start

to see the real agenda you could start to see the real plan uh behind almost everything that we see in the world and even over here we have World economic Forum officials warn Global instability could lead to catastrophic cyber event the reason why I’m bringing this up is because just like

what Whitney Webb is saying yeah we need some sort of major event that pushes us into this uh this new system this reset if you will of the system and even over here we have going back to 2021 cyber polygon cyber pandemic simulation by the world economic Forum that’s right the same world

economic Forum that has over 600 41 articles under the cyber security tab the same world economic Forum that told you that a cyber pandemic is going to be hitting that’s going to be larger than anything that we’ve ever seen in history but also listen closely to this CashNews.co clip

from Whitney web as well outlining this and um us intelligence or really any intelligence agency today can frame anyone they want for a Cyber attack we know this from one of the last Wiki leaks releases called Vault 7 where uh it revealed that among the cia’s hacking tools were the ability to

place the Fingerprints of adversary States or really any group they wanted into hacks that were actually conducted by the CIA itself basically a tool to create cyber false flags for any purpose and the current CIA director is the person that was in charge of the Carnegie endowment when they ran or

when they created these papers with the biggest private Banks and Central Bank in the world about a a Cyber attack on the financial system and how that would push for a merging of data sharing between Banks and the CIA and intelligence so right there you have it right a Cyber attack a major Cyber

attack would push for more data sharing between you know central banks banks these agencies hm very interesting especially after the fact that you know we have this cyber pandemic simulation by the world economic Forum by the way this is on Europe website the EU website from the European Parliament

very very interesting and by the way number three on this list look at this we have what is the commission’s assessment of the impact such a scenario on the member states and on a member states businesses and citizens as well as the secure use of digital currencies as a substitute for cash

how crazy is that of a question the secure use of digital currencies as a substitute for cash under a cyber pandemic simulation by the world economic Forum by the way another big event that could very well push us into a massive reset and ultimately a financial lockdown is the collapse of banks as

we know it and when we look at the performance of major Banks look at how R this is year to date major problems are happening right now around the banking Financial system and even here we have the regional Banks as well the banking landscape is not having a good time year to date

Savings Banks as well I mean this is a uh very significant Outlook when it comes to the major Banks Savings Banks Regional Banks having your money parked in Banks right now is just not safe I’ve outlined this on multiplications it is not safe now also kabi

letter check this out over the last decade gold prices have more than doubled marking one of the best rallies in modern history Over The Last 5 Years alone gold is up 76% and on track to be the best performing asset class of the Year excluding

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies it continues to feel like gold is rising due to longer term macroeconomic concerns particularly the US Debt crisis and infl Inflation are in Focus since the pandemic US national

Debt has soared by1 trillion while the US dollar lost 25% of its value gold knows there’s a long-term crisis Brewing here and yes this crisis is also going to be known as the key that unlocks the door for the elite agenda to be pushed onto the people AKA a cbdc digital ID

based Financial system that is programmable it’s digital everything is trackable everything is traceable now you might be saying all right well Nick why do you push Cryptocurrencies why

are you investing into Cryptocurrencies why are you telling people about none;">Cryptocurrencies it is because I am planting seeds in every single Market that I can possibly do so to make sure that I am not only prepared but also I am going to play off of what the elites are doing which means I am going to financially benefit myself at least if this is going to

happen which means I’m parking my money into utility projects in the space that are you know labeled on the elites websites I’m also buying up gold and silver physical gold and silver not digital and making sure that you are diversifying your money do not hold cash I’ve said this

so many times cash right now is constantly losing its value and at a time of a crisis you want to be parked into things like gold and silver that have relatively major value during crisis IES now also it doesn’t hurt to have cash you know a nice percentage to you know for emergencies to get

you buy whatever the case may be cash is always a good thing to have but not in excess but outside of this we also have over here this is 0% chance the US avoids default on our Debt no one is even trying to address this bankruptcies on this scale historically lead to massive war

famine genocide now nuclear weapons are on the table the globalist elites don’t have another planet to occupy they are stuck on Earth so nuclear war must be avoid it famine and genocide are less of a concern to ensure we stay locked down and can’t Revolt the globalists must starve us

into submission and control us with a social Credit system Ander digital ID and cbdcs implemented via agenda 2030 imposed by the United Nations plus the world economic Forum justified by a fake climate crisis the problem here is that it’s not just a fake climate crisis what

they are now pushing for is a cyber pandemic and recently if you actually look at Bank of America Bank of America went down cyber attacks are constantly happening and this is a big problem because guess what as they constantly happen the elites continue to push them and push them and push them and

say hey guess what we have a big problem here we need to solve this so now we get everyone’s reactions and then all of a sudden we push the solution and over here I mean it doesn’t even make sense but they want to push digital currencies as a substitute for cash through this and

it’s when the Markets come back on because cyber pandemic boom everything goes down when they launch all of a sudden everything’s on chain everything’s being pushed through

DLT but check this out if you think about it as the left hand and right hand of the establishment you’ll have one of those hands create a problem intentionally and then the opposing hand comes in and offers the solution but the solution was always what the establishment wanted uh but it sold

as a solution to a problem created by the other side so it creates the illusion that the opposing Force um create solved a problem but in reality the problem was manufactured uh by one hand of the system and then the solution was offered by the other hand the man that claims to have created cbdcs

is a man from Barbados named Oliver Gail he created uh one of the first well arguably the first cbdc project in the Caribbean and then went on to have a key role in creating the Nigerian cbdc the enira so the way the cbdc in Nigeria was set up is that in order to access the cbdc you have to have a

national identification number which is the Nigerian digital ID project so you have to have a digital ID in order to be able to access the Nigerian C cbdc and the way they tried to get people to on board to the CBD system was by essentially um cutting off the vast majority of the cash and

circulation in Nigeria and so despite the fact that they created these conditions to coers people into using the cbdc the populace resists and that suggests that the idea um of cbdcs being a tool for financial inclusion um you know the public doesn’t seem to believe that right in Nigeria uh

these people that ostensibly have uer from this identity Gap that suffer from Financial exclusion don’t want the financial inclusion that they’re being offered by the cbdc they don’t see any real benefit they see it as a as a tool of of the state in the State in Nigeria and in

other African countries where you know these sort of systems are being rolled out the governments have abused these systems to go after uh journalists or other people and violate human rights and all sorts of things so it’s not a tool for increased human rights it’s not a tool for

increased inclusion it’s inherently exclusionary and it’s a surveillance tool so if Nigeria’s tactic of uh you know drastically reducing the amount of cash in circulation didn’t work then I think it’s quite clear that the way to force onboarding of a cbdc is going to

be some sort of Crisis some sort of event where people uh will be made an offer they can’t refuse essentially and she is 100% correct here right especially with the whole idea of all right well we need a problem we need a reaction we need a solution so that we could push this but also the

incentivization and what better incentivization is it to have people trapped in Debt they are struggling to get by because of Inflation Brewing what better way to incentivize them by saying hey we’ll give you a monthly allowance or hey we’ll wipe your

Debt for you or hey we’ll you know give you some other sort of way of you know incentivizing you to on board to cbdc and the same goes with even going back to the pandemic right everyone loved the stimulus checks they didn’t realize the repercussions from them but then

also if we think about it right like why do we need a cbdc well because guess what Russia they’re pushing for cbdc Putin wants to speed up deployment of Russia cbdc Bank of Russia eyes extensive introduction of digital Ruble from July 2025 so if we think about what Russia is doing oh wait

America’s the good guy so we’re Banning a cbdc right so Russia is pushing for a cbdc while the US is Banning one so the US is being very good to its people here you know they don’t want to you know bring a cbdc to their citizens but Russia is so Russia’s the bad guy yeah

guess what the US is also working on a stable coin Bill to cement the dollar dominance fight sanction evasion oh yeah this is a programmable stable coin that is just the same exact thing as a cbdc hm comical right but this is exactly the type of problem reaction solution that they need and

it’s because everything is already built for an example here we have so I would argue that as far as the market infrastructure is concerned the digital revolution has already silently happened devote some remarks to the debate on DLT based infrastructure another prominent project is the

consolidation of Target 2 and t2s platforms which will go live in 10 days the new system features the iso 2022 messaging standard and here we have at the bottom to assess and move uh collateral on a domestic and crossboard basis and to settle monetary policy operations so everything’s already

moving digital especially around Europe and this is also with MAA of course around Crypto but also Association of banks more than 600 government institutions adopt electronic payments hm

interesting at EX at a time where you know currently speaking economically the Outlook is not good we can clearly see that with the US national Debt we could also see it with gold but you could also clearly see it just from you know looking at

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance as a whole how Markets are reacting what the FED is doing everything is looking unsustainable so the question is

how does all of this end well it ends in crisis mode just like OA just like every single crisis before we are going to hit a major brick wall and what happens after is either a cyber pandemic a Debt crisis or some sort of massive collapse that ushers Us in to the digital age of

Finance and this has all been prepared for us cbdc is over on cbdc tracker they continue to heat up they continue to you know push forward and remember Australia lockdown

time Australia is slowly shifting towards being cashfree more than a billion dollars worth of notes have disappeared from circulation in the past 12 months this goes all the way back to September of 2023 a whole year ago the media makes it sound like a good thing however this is the first step

towards a cbdc in Australia which will enable government control over every aspect of their lives check it out Australia is slowly shifting towards being cash free more than a billion dollars worth of notes have disappeared from circulation in the past 12 months it follows the Commonwealth

bank’s decision to start triing cashless branches across Sydney economists say cashless Society will hurt criminals on the black market but will Li will make life more difficult for the elderly who rely on notes and coins Australia and of course they are going to market the you know Digital

Society as a good good thing oh criminals will no longer be able to you know transact they they’ll cease operations and oh this is going to drop you know Financial uh crimes and things like this it’s going to be you know so much positive news around you know going into a cashless

Society but the problem here and the biggest thing to really kind of focus on is how all of this is being accelerated and it’s all through geopolitical conflict it’s all through you know major crises and the big thing to focus on is what are they trying to push now a lot of it is around

cyber attacks and the second that we start to see these big events happen what happens next is the green light the green light to the system but first they need some sort of major lockdown some sort of massive Financial lockdown the banks are going to go down everything’s going to get shut

off the best way to do a a complete Financial lockdown is through a cyber cyber attack and they’re going to say Hey you know this was uh this guy it was this nation it was that nation and they’re going to point the finger at either you know Russia China you name it and from that point

on we’re going to go digital everything will be digital cbdcs will be the thing that everyone transacts in cash will no longer be you know valuable it’ll have no use and it’s the same exact thing that’s happening right now around the world a lot of these currencies are being

devalued and it’s happening constantly so we need to wake up we need to wake up and open our eyes to what’s actually happening here so with that being said I hope that you guys enjoyed this CashNews.co If you guys definitely leave a like subscribe notifications on more free content you

guys are more than welcome to follow me on Twitter and join the free Discord down description below and with that being said guys it’s been Nick thanks for watching peace out

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on “WARNING: A Complete FINANCIAL LOCKDOWN Is Next” – Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed.
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23 thoughts on ““WARNING: A Complete FINANCIAL LOCKDOWN Is Next” – Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed #Finance

  1. 🚨 PLEASE BE AWARE 🚨 There are scammers in the comments pretending to be me, please avoid any offers from anyone in the comments. Stay vigilant & don't fall for any scams/phishing.

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  2. Listen to me I’m telling you everybody that’s in bitcoin is going to be in serious trouble. I have visions and you don’t know who I am so I don’t care about telling you this where Jesus was dead on his mother’s lap and he had a big bitcoin sign on his body, not to mention he had the housing crisis. He had World War II and 911 written on his body and the only way I could see it is by expanding the picture real wide somebody told me in my brain to expand the picture. Otherwise I would’ve never of seen it. Bitcoin is going under anybody who is in trouble

  3. According to the Gesara promise, the world banking system is about to collapse because its the taking down the evil banking cartels. Makes sense to me? but nothing happens until it happens? not all things bad are bad? Some times they are necessary for those saving the world, that have been fighting a war no one knows about. have to do.

  4. So the question I have….. who are those people who work for those 3 letter agencies? How do they allow something that will in essence affect them and all their generations as well? Hmm

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