October 3, 2024
Warren Buffett’s Most Iconic Advices EVER (MUST WATCH)

Warren Buffett’s Most Iconic Advices EVER (MUST WATCH) #Finance

successful people make a habit of what unsuccessful people don’t like to do Warren Buffett told Bloomberg everyone lives by their habits some of them affect your health or personal life but there are also those that directly affect your wallet more often than odds people don’t

even notice negative financial habits which time and again deprive them of any chance of getting rich Warren Buffett believes that you can’t get rid of bad money habits but you can easily replace them with good ones this is the only way to increase the amount of money in your life so if you

want to find out more keep watching this CashNews.co Until the End this is the main channel on Finance click the Subscribe button now and join the ranks of future

millionaires Warren Buffett is no ordinary billionaire he’s worth about $16 billion but he lives rather modestly he still lives in a house he bought for $31,000 in 1957 prefers regular transport to a private Business Jet and plays Bridge instead of throwing parties it is this unexpected

combination of immense wealth and a simple life that draws the world’s interest ever since he was a child Warren Buffett began his journey to becoming considerably Rich at a young age he was selling Coke newspapers magazines and gum by going door to door to his neighbors I like being my own

boss and that’s what attracted me to print delivery I chose my own way and no one bothered me at 5: or 6:00 in the morning he delivered 500 newspapers a day getting a penny each also one of the planet’s top billi iones had always loved to read his aunt gave him the World Almanac which

he still has with him and Warren Buffett reads his first book about Investments in his father’s office to this day he devotes 5 to six hours a day to reading despite the fact the development of Buffett’s business fell on the second half of the 20th century he continues

to be active in the New Millennium besides Warren tirelessly monitors Trends in the market and willingly Shares some valuable advice to help people get on the path to enrichment when it comes to making money the most important thing is timing you don’t have to be very smart

you just have to have patience says Warren Buffett many people know Warren Buffett as a guru of the investment World though in fact he made most of his fortune following the right Financial lifestyle Warren is rightly called a billionaire who clearly understands the value of every dollar in this

CashNews.co I want to draw your attention to the money habits which Buffett actively uses as he said in his interview I’m sure some people will let this information slip past their ears but Warren states that a healthy money habit can easily become the foundation of your wealth even if your

wallet is empty right now habit one smart spending at first glance this habit may seem trivial but according to statistics more than 65% of people do not know how to spend money properly Warren Buffett has said it more than once people tend to think about where to spend the money they haven’t

earned yet says Buffett in this case Warren advises to evaluate future purchases not in money but in the number of hours you spend spend earning that money ask yourself how many hours a month do you work and how much money do you get for it calculate how much one hour of your work is worth and

compare the calculation to the price of the thing you want if you make $4,000 but want to buy a brand new Tesla for at least $40,000 consider whether it’s worth it maybe before you start saving up for it it’s better to look for additional sources of Income also

it’s important to note that Buffett encourages people to plan for all Income and expenses no matter how much you earn in spent the problem with a million dollars is that it’s a lot of money you have to keep track of it or it will just disappear and you won’t even

know where says Buffett habit number two only money Works to make some extra money work rather than just lying in a piggy bank you need to know how the investment mechanism works if you just keep your Savings they diminish as Inflation reduces their real purchasing

power to prevent this from happening the money should at least be transferred to a Savings account the interest on which outpaces Inflation but this is not a tool for earning money to make money you need to invest it but to do this you have to consider different

options for investing and figure out how not to lose your Savings you don’t have to invest your money in stocks tomorrow start by beginning to understand the mechanism of investing itself States Buffett take the time to learn the basics of investing regularly you can start by

watching the news on the topic every day instead of scrolling through Facebook or Instagram in the morning set aside 10 to 20 minutes for some useful reading analyze what happens to stocks every day by the way the stock returns of American it giants like Facebook and Google are 30% a year

isn’t it great that social networks can not only eat up your time but also bring in a lot of money future millionaires before I continue I want to ask you to support this CashNews.co and give it a thumbs up after all your activity can help more people learn about this useful financial

information habit number three work in unusual conditions this advice from bu bu it may seem rather strange although the billionaire himself is an avid fan of assessing Global Market situations while sitting in McDonald’s rather than in his office chair I always associate money with big

problems which in turn need to be solved to do that you always have to be able to look at things from a different angle says Buffett a good confirmation of his words is the story connected with Albert Einstein in 1905 Einstein published four scientific papers that changed the foundations of modern

physics and our understanding of space time and matter curiously he wrote them not in a Physics laboratory or his office but in the Swiss patent office working in such an environment allowed him not to get hung up on laboratory methods when your working conditions are different from most people in

your field you can draw unexpected conclusions combine ideas from different fields if you read what everyone else reads you will think like everyone else and if you think like everyone else you will not be able to come up with anything new or unique be curious seek out obscure sources study what no

one else has studied then your work will be truly valuable to others Warren Buffett is known for his simple yet profound Financial wisdom he believes that people often spend their money on absolutely stupid and unnecessary things thus blocking their path to wealth and by eliminating the following

most common Financial mistakes you can dramatically change everything and finally get rich the first thing all poor people do is neglect personal development Buffett believes that the best investment you can make today is to invest in yourself upgrading your skills getting a quality education these

are the things that can significantly increase your Income employers are looking for people with knowledge often they do not have time to train they want to find that person who already knows what to do and such a person is willing to pay good money and if you want to be a

self-employed person competence in business and its processes will never be Superfluous in creating your own business your Knowledge and Skills are ask Assets that no one can ever take away from you try to gather as many of them as you can using Credit cards is the

second mistake that all poor people make sure Credit cards can be convenient and useful especially when there is a desire to buy something and your own funds are not yet sufficient but the Interest Rates on Credit cards absolutely overshadow any

benefits if you forget to pay your Debts on time just sit down and calculate how much you can actually spend in a year to pay off all your Credit card Debts I’m sure you’ll be surprised Warren Buffett recommends cutting out this part of

your spending first you will stop spending more than you earn and second you will save a nice amount of money that you can spend on your education for example the next expense of a poor person is the search for the latest technology new gadgets are always nice marketing tricks of the modern world

know how to make people want a fresh product but if you have definitely decided to take the path of enrichment start to assess your capabilities and the need for a new Gadget it is quite possible that your your old Gadget is still working perfectly well and does not need to be replaced so there is

no point in spending money on it Warren Buffett for example prefers functional technology if he sees that the product is practically no different from what he already has the richest man in the world will not buy it visiting bars restaurants and pubs everybody does it especially poor people

spending on eating and drinking out is one of the most problematic areas of a person if you have decided to become rich you should forget about this kind of luxury especially at the stage when you are moving towards Financial Freedom since we are all human beings socializing and having fun is an

important part of our social life replace going out with socializing at home your emotional well-being won’t suffer but the financial part will be saved now it’s time to splurge on clothes have you noticed how the richest people in the world dress most of them prefer Simplicity in their

wardrobe including Warren Buffett this is especially true for those who want to Escape poverty forget about flashy inexpensive Brands you often pay too much just to have a famous name on your T-shirt these are just cloth the stores are full of Alternatives that are often just as good as the brand

names unused gym memberships are another expense for the poor person did you know that statistically 80% of those who bought a membership quit the gym now cheap offers from Fitness networks are very common they say that you can buy a season ticket for a year or 6 months at a very attractive price

however in the end most people stop going to the gym it seems like you’ve saved a lot by buying a cheap membership but you actually lost money by not using it Buffett encourages an active lifestyle but warns against this kind of spending if you were one of those people who has bought a yearly

subscription and then stopped going first try to work out for free at home or in the fresh air or consider a monthly subscription that requires you to go to the gym that month subscription services are also a poor men’s Financial mistake check in monitor what you subscribe to on a regular

basis very often services that offer a bargain require you to provide Credit card information so that when the free trial period ends you are unexpectedly charged you remember about the subscription only after the transaction you promise yourself to cancel any auto renewals then

you forget again you get charged again and everything goes in a circle and you get less and less money that could have gone to good causes control your subscriptions if you got something on sale set a reminder to disable able the renewal at the end of the sale better yet do it a day or two in

advance as some services like to write off money in advance buying new cars according to Warren Buffett is a serious expense to avoid cars are notorious for wearing out quickly the billionaire recommends looking for used Brands and keeping them as long as possible and don’t forget that any

car needs constant inspection and repair if you are planning to make such a serious purchase think about how you will maintain your car in the future and before you do think carefully about whether you need it at all given your financial situation it is not uncommon for people to buy such a luxury

item because they want to be comfortable equal to other people but in fact their financial situation does not allow for such an expense the following Financial mistakes are the fundamental Poverty of many people pay close attention to them but before you do give this CashNews.co a thumbs up if you

want to achieve impressive financial success let that thumbs up be the first but most important step on the road to wealth and the next mistake is gambling although it may seem like a shortcut to increasing wealth Warren Buffett stresses the importance of understanding the odds of success in

gambling the billionaire encourages people to make financial decisions that will benefit your life in the long run rather than focusing on short-term wealth options many people got burned doing just that we tend to blow large sums of money hoping to get lucky and this process can happen over and

over again it is good to be able to stop but there are also those who get completely caught up in the excitement know that a long-term perspective with thoughtful steps is much more important than making money here and now and I won’t forget to mention smoking yes this is exactly what takes

tons of money out of your pocket and also negatively affects your health I’m sure you’ve seen articles about how much you can save by quitting smoking not to mention that a simple calculation can show you a figure of thousands of dollars which can definitely lead to a significant

increase in your personal budet Warren Buffett is known as one of the greatest investors of all time that means this is the man who knows what you need to do to multiply your Capital it is important to mention that in addition to practical Financial advice the billionaire

emphasizes important human qualities that must be developed if you want to become truly Rich first and foremost Warren Buffett suggests developing healthy financial habits speaking to students Buffett once said much of our behavior is determined by habit and it is not for nothing that they say its

chains are too light to notice at first and too heavy to break when you finally notice them we would all like to break some habits but the most important one we should acquire is the habit of saving money properly don’t save what’s left over after you’ve spent it spent it after

you’ve saved it says waren Buffett to make this painless for you it’s best to set up an automatic deduction of a small amount from each of your pay checks and use programs that show you the percentage of your monthly spending on different product categories never lose money rule number

one never lose money rule number two never forget rule number one it’s a strange recommendation after all there’s hardly anyone who thinks losing money is a good idea but it is not that simple it is very wise and practical advice to avoid risk as much as possible to be successful and

live happily never risk what you need for what you want says the billionaire Warren Buffett himself followed this Rule and never made risky Investments he said the difference between successful people and the truly successful is that the truly successful say no to almost everything

don’t keep all your money in an account keep some in cash another unexpected suggestion considering that Buffett’s Fortune is estimated to be $15 billion as of 2023 his company birkshire Hathaway always has about $20 billion in cash ready to be given away at any time this seems

unreasonable and goes against the General principle of Finance years to invest money and not keep it under the pillow and he loses a lot if that money isn’t invested in some project and

doesn’t make a Profit but that’s what saved Warren’s company during the 2008 crisis as Buffett says cash to a business Is Like Oxygen to the body you never think about it when you have it and you only think about it when you don’t have it dollars are somehow

more trustworthy than checks it’s especially important for those with inconsistent Income to follow this rule borrow wisely Buffett warns against taking on unnecessary Debt Credit cards installment Loans mortgages all will

lead to the day when your Loan payments exceed your expenses and there will be no turning back I have seen many people fail because of alcohol but I’ve also seen just as many people go bankrupt because of an excessive craving for Credit if you’re smart

you can make money without Credit pay attention to small expenses Buffett always pays attention into small expenses and trusts only frugal people for example he bought a company whose owner counted rolls of toilet paper to see if he was being cheated the most interesting case that

reflects the Billionaire’s attention to small expenses took place in China there Warren Buffett and Bill Gates decided to go to the local McDonald’s for a snack Buffett insisted on paying the bill himself to everyone’s surprise he pulled out discount coupons he had brought with

him from America to partially pay for the meal and save money think in terms of a decade not a month most people make the same mistake of trying to make the most of the present moment don’t chase the quick Bob concentrate on building your strength and confidence gradually over a lifetime

Warren Buffett advised successful investing requires time discipline and patience it doesn’t matter how talented you are or how hard you work some things just take time you can have a baby in a month by impregnating nine women Buffett said think in terms of decades gradually accumulating the

needed for your children’s education or your retirement read all you can about Finances go to bed at night smarter than you woke up in the morning Buffett said a big

part of my job as an investor is to minimize risk and cut costs and what is the risk to an average person not a Finance year it’s when you don’t know what

you’re doing the more you learn about money and the laws of money the greater your financial literacy the better you can manage your money and know how to make the most of it no matter how much you have money isn’t everything some material things have made my life happier but if you get

a lot of them it will do the opposite Warren Buffett once said the billionaire says he wouldn’t give up a plane but half a dozen houses is a problem in his opinion it often happens that a large number of possessions begin to own the owner himself therefore do not forget about other no less

important values for example Health without it success is impossible a according to Buffett the same is true for friends the billionaire considers his friends to be the most important thing after Health be brave in 1951 when Warren Buffett was not even 21 years old he took a train to Washington DC

and knocked on the door of the headquarters of Geico Insurance company where Benjamin Graham his future Mentor worked Buffett’s bold appearance in Graham’s office led to Graham giving the young man a 4-Hour lecture on the Insurance industry Graham would

go on to become the CEO of Geico and Buffett would remain associated with the company for years to come today Burkshire owns Geo and berkshire’s Insurance interests are what Buffett calls one of the company’s crown jewels if Buffett hadn’t dared to show up at

Geico that day 72 years ago none of this would have happened but boldness pays off make tough decisions initially birkshire Hathway’s primary Market was textile mills Buffett supported them for many years but in 1985 he sold the Mills because the business was no longer

Profitable it was a difficult decision for Warren but one that was important for future success these situations are common in life for example it is more Profitable to give up an expensive vacation and invest in a retirement fund the road to financial success for

every rich person is paved before they go to sleep virtually all poor people will not do this it is about planning every night before you go to bed write down a list of the most important things that need to be done in the morning to get closer to your desired Heights every evening analyze the way

you have done for the day draw conclusions adjust your direction write down the tasks go to bed and in the morning in your head and on a sheet of paper you will have a road map a readymade plan fulfilling which you are waiting for indestructible success this is the main channel on

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Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on Warren Buffett’s Most Iconic Advices EVER (MUST WATCH).
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50 thoughts on “Warren Buffett’s Most Iconic Advices EVER (MUST WATCH) #Finance

  1. Thank you for your honesty and transparency. It's refreshing to see someone acknowledging the harsh reality of rising prices, which are leaving many of us feeling battered and bruised. Despite the dip in the market I stil thank you for level headed financial advice. I start investment with 11k and since following Clara Brandon for few weeks now I've gotten 19k in my portfolio.

  2. Absolutely agree! A rich mindset is crucial for success. Many people fail to achieve their financial goals due to limiting beliefs, with about 70% of individuals struggling with self-sabotage. This often happens because we focus on scarcity rather than abundance, which creates barriers to growth and opportunity. It leads to missed chances and frustration. I saw this pattern in my own life and tried various approaches to shift my mindset. A friend recommended Habit10x, and their program helped me cultivate a more positive and productive outlook. Found them through Google.

  3. Acquiring stocks could appear simple, but choosing the right stock without a tested plan can be very difficult. My main barrier to growing my $450K portfolio, which I've been working on for a while, is the absence of well-defined entry and exit plans. Any guidance on this would be highly valued.

  4. there's a book called Secret Pathway To Triumph, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal

  5. It's recommended to save at least 15% of your income in a 401k. You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income. Saving at least 15% of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably. By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time.

  6. Incredible wisdom from Warren Buffett! If you're looking for more transformative strategies, Nixorus has exclusive methods that take these principles to the next level. It’s been a game-changer for me.

  7. Warren Buffett's advice is always gold! If you're serious about transforming your financial life, Nixorus has some hidden secrets that complement his strategies perfectly. It's a real eye-opener.

  8. Appreciate your videos! I’m 54 and younger generations should know there’s no shortcut to acquiring wealth, but there are ways to go about it. Fellow millionaires don’t tell the poor/middle class they need the knowledge of finance coaches to help build their wealth. If anyone here needs a good coach, here’s it..

  9. Creating wealth entails establishing positive routines, I had only $78k to my name at 42 when I first woke up to this reality. I chose the stock market as a medium of growth, got an excellent financial advisor, Financial management is a vital subject that many avoid, often leading to future regrets.

  10. As a fervent investor, I frequently ponder the methods and routes through which successful investors accumulate fortunes in the millions. Despite having a significant starting capital, I'm unsure about the precise strategies or channels that would lead to gains surpassing $400k, akin to those achieved by others recently.

  11. I lost my husband 3 years ago and I sold everything we had and bought another house that was much smaller. I had $350,000 in savings and invested in Bitcoin. I made a really good return. I had 12.5 bitcoins and that equaled about $778,000. I was extremely happy and decided to withdraw it although when I requested the withdrawal it has been placed as pending for almost a week. It should have been immediate. I’m extremely worried now. My advice to anyone is to stick with other routes of investing. I would have rather had my $350,000 than to be in this situation.

  12. As an investment enthusiast, I'm intrigued by how top-tier investors manage to become millionaires through their investments. While I have a substantial amount of initial capital, I'm uncertain about the strategies and approaches necessary to achieve returns exceeding $400k, as some have done this season.

  13. As an investment enthusiast, I'm intrigued by how top-tier investors manage to become millionaires through their investments. While I have a substantial amount of initial capital, I'm uncertain about the strategies and approaches necessary to achieve returns exceeding $400k, as some have done this season.

  14. I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2024, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks against next year. Hope to make millions in 2024.,..

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