October 26, 2024
“We’ve Entered BTC’s EXPONENTIAL ERA! Growth Will Be Explosive” – Michael Saylor

“We’ve Entered BTC’s EXPONENTIAL ERA! Growth Will Be Explosive” – Michael Saylor #Finance

the fact that we’ve worked our way from individuals to highet worth individuals to private companies up to you know the the tech innovators and now we’re working on the mega mega public Corps and the banks right that’s a sign of the asset improving so with exponential

processes there’s a whole lot of nothing apparently going on as the process builds and builds and all of a sudden there’s a little blip and then all of the sudden you have uh you know you have more action right like with Apple stock right it took forever 40 years to make it to a

trillion and it took like 18 months to make it to two trillion you know it’s like you see that as a phenomena and that’s the phenomena here organically micro strategy founder and executive chairman Michael sailor says we are now in bitcoin’s organically viral era which he says

will be marked by explosive growth for the leading Cryptocurrency according to sailor Bitcoin has grown organically albeit quicker than any other asset from being magic internet money to a

gigantic trillion doll asset that’s being embraced by Mega corporations and multinational banking corporations worldwide US Banks like JP Morgan Goldman Sachs bny and others once sworn enemies of the entire text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency space are now lobbying to custody Bitcoin and ethereum for their wealthy clients according to reports bny melon one of the world’s largest custodian Banks is looking to offer custody services for Bitcoin and ethereum to clients the bank is also

seeking more regulatory approvals to Capitalize on the lucrative Crypto custody market last month during an interview with Bloomberg a representative told the news outlet that

bny has engaged and will continue to engage its banking Regulators to offer custody service to Crypto ETP clients at scale according to Michael sailor who has a bullish $13 million prediction

for Bitcoin by 20145 this is only a small peak of what’s coming for Bitcoin and the overall Cryptocurrency space in the coming years sailor is certain that the regulatory stumbling

blocks are being pulled down one after the other opening up access to not just wealthy institutional investors but also multi-trillion dollar Mega corporations like apple and Microsoft to invest in the future of text-decoration: none;">Finance this is a paradigm shifting moment for Bitcoin and the entire Global Financial industry sailor declares in a recent interview with on-ramp media one that will completely revolutionize the world of bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and how the world invests we will now bring you clips from sailor’s interview as he discusses bitcoin’s new explosive growth era but before we do please take a little time to like this CashNews.co subscribe to the

channel and turn on post notifications for more more CashNews.cos like this we would also love you to join the conversation by dropping your comments and observations in the comment section below everything helps with the YouTube algorithm and contributes to the Channel’s growth thanks and

enjoy the CashNews.co I think the three big um three big planks of corporate adoption of Bitcoin are uh number one uh Fair Accounting and we started with indefinite and tangible Accounting and we get fair value Accounting in January of 2025

that’s mandatory so there’s been about a you know a four-year period of normalizing the Accounting I think the Accounting was uh is hostile and prejudicial to a well-run company just because if you if you can only lose money and you can never make money

on an investment a reasonable CEO or CFO would say would say I don’t know if I want to make that investment and so even though uh the reality is you would make money on an Accounting basis it would look like you’re losing money so I think that was the first challenge

the Second Challenge is um fair treatment as um as a institutional asset you know via the Securities and Exchange Commission or the major Financial regulators and we started to get that January of 2024 with the approval of the spot uh Bitcoin

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs and before that point a lot of Skeptics were of the opinion that maybe it would be banned or they’re not sure it’s an actual real asset you have all the Skeptics saying it’s tulip bulbs or it’s a

Ponzi scheme or something but of course um the SEC would never approve an ETF for a Ponzi scheme so probably for people that don’t really think hard one way or the other about this they reflex of investors they’re looking for that endorsement from the most important Financial regulator

in the world or Regulators in the world so that was uh plank two and I think plank three is uh is fair treatment from the banking system so right now it’s impossible for most major Banks to custody Bitcoin buy Bitcoin or sell Bitcoin for you um it there are a few Banks in Switzerland I mean

there Standard Charter Bank in Europe there are some of the banks in Brazil that can handle the asset but the major corporations right the Microsoft the Google the Amazon the apples of the world they wire billions of dollars a month to a too big to uh fail bank right a bank with a trillion dollar

Balance Sheet and right now they wire the billions of dollars a month to buy uh sovereign Debt they’re just saying okay take this billion dollars today and buy t- bills with it and it’s like a 10-second transaction it’s routine they’ve been

doing with the the business with the same bank for 30 years 40 years city city is National City Bank National City Bank was the bank of Johnny Rockefeller run by his brother okay that tells you how long how far back JP Morgan right try to remember who founded JP Morgan right and how far back it

goes JP Morgan wasn’t the first right he took it over so um what you have of these hundred year old Banks and 100 year old relationships and um at the point that a CFO can send a billion dollars of cash to their Bank buy a billion dollars of Bitcoin do it and hold it there no risk right or or

what they perceive is no risk right these are two big twoof fail Banks so the shareholders of apple and the shareholders of Microsoft they’re not obsessing over the risk that apple and Microsoft take to do business with Bank of America or JP Morgan or city right or Wells Fargo so that’s

a very important thing when when you’ve got all three when you’ve got Fair Accounting when you’ve got fair you know Securities treatment or or trading treatment and uh when you’ve got Fair banking treatment then you’ll see Mega

corporations that will think okay well this is a reasonable thing to do and it’s practical to do until you’ve overcome those three then you’ve got uh you’ve got problems to solve during his interview sailor also talks about the Bitcoin 24 model an open-source macro model

Forecasting asset growth and Bitcoin adoption over the next 21 years along with micro models to evaluate various Bitcoin strategies for individuals corporations institutions and nation states the model forecasts how Bitcoin will perform over the next 21 years giving a be base and

bull case this is similar to sailor’s $13 million base case prediction for the leading digital asset while speaking at a conference in Nashville earlier this year sailor gave his macro Bitcoin forecast for 2045 giving a bear case a base case and a bull case for the leading

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency in 201 1 years sailor expects bitcoin’s price to appreciate at least 4,300 from its current price of $68,000 to $3 million per coin that’s the bare case sailor’s

base case for Bitcoin is that it hits 13 million by 2045 a 19,000 per price explosion from current prices this will put bitcoin’s market cap at $280 trillion a 280X increase from the current $1.3 trillion market cap he reiterates this prediction during his interview with onramp media adding

that no other asset class or business idea will be able to match bitcoin’s expected rate of return in the coming years here are more clips from the interview what I think is Bitcoin is the risk-free return for a Bitcoin maximalist so just start there right Bitcoin is the risk-free return and

the question is do you want to take risk or not right so and I asked this question like in my personal life like uh like we’ve created the Bitcoin 24 model the Bitcoin 24 model is based on a lot of your work Jesse you’ll find you’ll find we started with your work and then we we

created it we put it in the public domain and the Bitcoin 24 model uh you know you can go Google it and find it on GitHub I think 20,000 people have grabbed it you know since I tweeted it and in it you’ve got all of the assumptions about the macro environment you can put crank in your own

Inflation assumptions your own Innovation assumptions your own monetization and demonetization assumptions about gold and art and Real Estate and Bonds and currency and then you can put in all your own Bitcoin growth assumptions and create a bull

case and a base case and a bare case and then after that there are micro models and so you can model your family and decide do you want to move to UAE and or not and how much money can you generate and when and how much Assets do you start with and you’re going to you know

inherit money from your Rich ant and you know what and then you could decide you know if you can mortgage your house or not mortgage your house and so you’ve got a micro model and it’s also got a corporate model and uh you know if you’re a corporation you can crank in your

corporate model you can also build your own I mean it’s an open spreadsheet just grab the thing duplicate it and be Off to the Races um and you can create a institutional model look if you’re the answer is different if you’re running Harvard’s endowment than if it’s

you’re running you know the Meyers Family Trust than if you’re an individual then if you’re a Bitcoin miner or if you’re an operating company or if you’re a bakery or if you’re a tahini Brothers right I mean it’s everybody’s got their own thing so so

that model is very open but what I you know what I’ve done is I cranked in my assumptions and I have presented my base case and and uh in Nashville and my base case is Bitcoin goes to 13 million a coin and it’s the ARR of 29% ARR over 21 years you know it’s again it’s like

you don’t have to accept my assumptions make your own just go down if you can use a spreadsheet and type in numbers and hit save you can do your own model for the next you know in you can do it in 10 minutes and you’ll generate lots of beautiful graphs and you’ll decide whatever

you’ll decide but if we start with my base case my base case is the risk-free return is 29% ARR for 21 years which means that when you pitch me an idea if you come to me and say hey I got a new Bitcoin custody thing or I got a new hardware wallet or I got you know a new Bitcoin whatever

banking thing or I got a new whatever I’m like well so can you guarantee me uh 29% plus the risk premium which is probably 8% 6 8 10% you know it’s like the risk premium on a mega corporation like Disney or whatever is four or five% and the risk premium on a small startup has got to be

20% okay and so if you pitched me an idea and said okay I guarantee you 40% AR for the next 21 years and I’m like and is it going to be Capital free like I you know I don’t have to bother with it and I don’t put any more money in later like well if you promis me

all that stuff I would like okay well let me think about it but probably if you gave me 10 of those ideas I probably still don’t want them because it’s just a distraction because my altern my view is 29% AR risk-free meanwhile sailor has been catching a bit of flack for his comments

about paranoid Crypto anarchists in reference to Cryptocurrency investors who

don’t trust centralized institutions like Black Rock to custody Bitcoin without bastardizing the Assets core fundamentals in a recent interview with Madison REI sailor took a jab at the original Bitcoin Community most of whom are expressing concerns about the influx of

entities like micro strategy and black rock into the Cryptocurrency space the interview asked saor about the risk of holding large amounts of Bitcoin on centralized platforms especially given

the risk of government seizure sailor responded by saying I think that when Bitcoin is held by a bunch of Crypto anarchists who aren’t regulated entities who don’t acknowledge

government or don’t acknowledge Taxes or don’t acknowledge reporting requirements that increases the risk of seizure on the other hand sailor believes that with institutions like Black Rock Fidelity and JP Morgan the risk of seizure is lower given that lawmakers and

politicians are also invested in these platforms several members of the Twitter Crypto Community have criticized sailor for his remarks Bitcoin OG Max Kaiser called sailor the type of guy who

thinks the stripper really likes him Adam sea a bitcoiner and the founder of Mana Bitcoin and handsfree BTC pointed out that sailor has changed his tune on these issues and used to speak far more intelligently about Bitcoin mandri another popular Bitcoin OG called sailor an absolute knobhead and

many others criticize sailor’s faulty understanding of what Bitcoin truly stands for a complete separation of money and state do you agree with Michael sailor’s remarks on self- custody and paranoid text-decoration: none;">Crypto anarchists or do you agree with those criticizing these remarks please share your thoughts in the comments section below also ensure you like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this thanks for


Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on “We’ve Entered BTC’s EXPONENTIAL ERA! Growth Will Be Explosive” – Michael Saylor.
With over 8941 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

16 thoughts on ““We’ve Entered BTC’s EXPONENTIAL ERA! Growth Will Be Explosive” – Michael Saylor #Finance

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