March 14, 2025
What Are NFTs and How Can They Be Used in Decentralized Finance? DEFI Explained

What Are NFTs and How Can They Be Used in Decentralized Finance? DEFI Explained #Finance

so what are nfts all about and how can they be used in decentralized Finance you’ll find answers to these questions in this before we start if

you’d like to support our channel we are participating in the gitcoin round 7 where thanks to quadratic funding even the smallest contribution matters the round finishes on the 2nd of october you can find a link to our grant in the description box below ok so let’s start with what

nft’s actually are nfts stand for non-fungible tokens and they are one of the types of Cryptographic tokens that can represent ownership of digitally scarce goods such as pieces of art

or collectibles non-fungible is not a very popular word so let’s see what it really means in economics fungibility is the characteristic of goods or commodities where each individual unit is interchangeable and indistinguishable from each other like with most concepts fungibility is best

explained with an example fiat money such as the us dollar is a good example of something fungible if alice has a five dollar banknote she can replace her banknote with bob’s five dollar banknote without this affecting alice or bob on the other hand alice’s favorite limited edition

basketball card is a good example of something non-fangible each card is treated as a collectible and has individual properties a card with one player doesn’t usually have the same value as a card with another player on top of that even when considering two exactly the same cards other

factors such as the year of production or how the card is preserved can make a difference an extreme example of something non-fungible is a piece of art a painting for example is usually created as only one original copy now as we know what non-fungible actually means let’s see what the most

common properties of nfts are unique each nft has different properties that are usually stored in the token’s metadata provably scarce there is usually a limited number of nfts with an extreme example of having only one copy the number of tokens can be verified on the blockchain hence its

probability indivisible most nfts cannot be split into smaller denominations so you cannot buy or transfer a fraction of your nft similarly to standard tokens nfts also guarantee the ownership of the asset are easily transferable and are fraud proof although nfts can be implemented on any

blockchain that supports smart contract programming the most noticeable examples are erc721 and erc-1155 standards on ethereum before we get into the nft standards let’s quickly recap what erc20 is as it will be useful for comparison erc20 is a well-known standard for creating tokens on the

ethereum blockchain some of the examples are stable coins such as usdt or die or d5 tokens such as land wifi snx and uni erc20 allows for creating fungible tokens so all of the tokens that were just mentioned are completely indistinguishable and it doesn’t matter if we receive usdt from our

friend or from one of their exchanges the value of each token is still the same to simplify this explanation we are skipping the possibility of receiving tainted tokens that would actually make a difference between tokens making them less fungible erc721 is a common standard for creating

non-fungible tokens erc721 allows for creating contracts that can be used to create distinguishable tokens with different properties a common example of this is the famous Cryptokitties a game

that allows for collecting and breeding virtual kittens erc 1155 is the next step in creating non-fungible tokens the standard allows for creating contracts that support both fungible and non-fungible tokens and it was created by engine a project focusing on blockchain based gaming in many games

such as world of warcraft a player can hold both non-fungible items swords shields armors and fungible items such as gold or arrows this standard allows developers to define both fungible and non-fungible tokens and decide how many of these tokens should exist besides the already mentioned

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptokitties there are a few other fairly popular games leveraging the power of nfts such as got unchained and decentraland decentraland is an interesting example as the players are able to buy

parcels of digital land that can be later resold or even used as advertising space within the game other examples include marketplaces for digital art such as variable super rare and even aggregators of marketplaces opencl another example of something scarce that can be represented as nfts are

domain names for example ethereum naming service with dot eth extension and unstoppable domains with dot Crypto extension some of the nfts can be extremely costly the most expensive

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptokitty dragon was sold for 600 eth at the end of 2017 worth around one hundred and seventy thousand dollars scarce domain names such as exchange dot ether can be worth upwards of five

hundred thousand dollars when it comes to defy nfts can unlock even more potential for decentralized Finance currently in d5 the vast majority of d5 lending protocols are

collateralized one of the most interesting ideas is to use nfts as collateral this means that now you’d be able to supply an nft representing a piece of art digital land or even a tokenized Real Estate as collateral and borrow money against it this sounds cool but here is the

problem in our standard landing and borrowing d5 platforms such as compound or other the value of supplied collateral can be easily measured by integrating price oracles these aggregate prices from multiple liquid sources such as centralized and decentralized exchanges when it comes to nfts the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets for particular tokens are very often illiquid which makes the price discovery process tricky to understand this problem better imagine that someone buys a rare

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptokitty for 10 eth this nft is later used as collateral and the borrower draws 1700 and die assuming that 1080 is worth 3 500 dollars and this particular nft has 50 percent

Loan to value after this if no one else is willing to buy this particular Crypto kitty we can say that the market for this nft is illiquid or even non-existent the only thing

we can assume is that the nfc is still worth the same amount as it was last sold for this is of course not a safe assumption as the value of nfts can change quite dramatically this is also why some of the projects that offer nft collateralized Loans use a slightly different model

of peer-to-peer Loans in this marketplace model borrowers can offer app nfts as collateral and lenders can choose which nft they are willing to accept before initializing a Loan the nft that is used as collateral is kept in an escrow contract and if the borrower

defaults on their Loan by not repaying the borrowed amount plus interest on time the nft is transferred to the lender this space is really new but one of the companies that use this model is nst5 besides being used as collateral nfts can also represent more complex financial

products such as Insurance Bonds or options why insure from year in Finance is a good example of nft usage in the Insurance

space in why insurer each Insurance contract is represented as an nft that can be also traded on a secondary market such as variable speaking about variable we have also recently started seeing defined native concepts such as Liquidity mining being used by the nfd

projects variable for example started rewarding its users with rari governance tokens for creating buying and selling nfts on their platform with over 100 million dollars worth of nfd traded and 6 million dollars just this month the nft space is one of the fastest growing niches in

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto and has huge potential ranging from digital kittens to complex financial products so what do you think about the future potential of nfts do you know any other good examples where nfts can

be used in defy comment down below and as always if you enjoyed this smash the like button subscribe to my channel and don’t forget to check out our grant on git coin thanks for watching

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on What Are NFTs and How Can They Be Used in Decentralized Finance? DEFI Explained.
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40 thoughts on “What Are NFTs and How Can They Be Used in Decentralized Finance? DEFI Explained #Finance

  1. Saya lihat banyak perkara atau benda yang boleh diketengahkan untuk nft, contohnya satu kontrak kertas kerja untuk perkhidmatan teristimewa/ terpenting dalam talian yang biasa atau yang dibuat secara rutin.

  2. we'll see if "being there first" is enough to get to mass adoption. there needs to be more credible utility … when this is established NFTs can be an on ramp to the whole of web3

  3. Infomercial disguised as information video. Keeps repeating how NFT value has increased and the video ends with same message. Dead giveaway. Doesn’t actually explain how the NFT is actually linked to an asset. (Here’s the secret: to use the example of a painting, NFT is a serial number linked to a physical location such as the area of the wall where the painting is hung. But it doesn’t prevent the actual painting from being moved elsewhere or replaced by another painting. How much is that serial number worth then? lol)

  4. i am going to build my own coin and us it for piece ownership of an actual aviation business. thank you for the education. any suggestions or more education is very appreciated.

  5. One of the potential I see for NFTs is they can be implemented in real-estate market each nft representing value of land/property trading would be really convenient

  6. Your info was helpful, however, I'm sorry, your voice is so difficult to understand! And it's quite inconsistent with tone and punctuation, which makes it hard to follow your well out together content. Other than that, thank you.

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