March 14, 2025
What is DeFi? (Decentralized Finance Animated)

What is DeFi? (Decentralized Finance Animated) #Finance

what is defy well it stands for decentralized Finance in the past we have always used centralized bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance which is where there’s a central authority that controls the flow of money the government and the banks control it they don’t really say they do but they do they can print more of it if they want to they can stop you

from borrowing it if they don’t want you to they can even stop you from having a bank account if they wanted to at any time they could have your money they have your money so they could change it and you really couldn’t argue against it i mean you could but how would you prove it you

gave your money to them it was based on trust also if you’re running a business they limit what you can do for example right now if you have a little magical tree business that may be for medicinal purposes they can tell you not to bring in any of that money from the business to the bank

which seriously limits you it means you can’t deposit it or invest it or even use them to keep it safe one more thing traditional Finance is quite expensive payday

Loans go up to 500 Credit cards can average 25 and even personal Loans can cost you 18 of your value these are really high rates but you pay them if you need to because that’s what you got the alternative is decentralized

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance where there are no banks instead there are pieces of code that run and act as a bank they’re open to anyone they don’t require you to trust them because

they’re literally a piece of code running a program if you wanted to you could read through it and verify that it’s not going to scam you they are also censorship resistant and lastly they are much much cheaper than traditional centralized

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance decentralized Finance is built on three main things

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptography the blockchain technology and smart contracts if you don’t know what these are we highly recommend that you check out our other CashNews.cos on these topics where we break

these topics down so simply using stories and examples and analogies that even your grandfather could understand them now this is going to be a bit of a longer but it’s a very broad and growing topic anyways assuming you understand the

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptography the blockchain and how smart contracts work let’s dive into the five pillars of decentralized none;">Finance number one stable coins so first off we need to understand the bridge of decentralized Finance to centralize

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and that is Cryptocurrency that is matched to a real-world asset for

example die tether and usd coin are all what we call stable coins this is because their price is tied to the united states dollar think about it like this when you buy one for one dollar a new usd coin is minted when you withdraw one a usd coin is burned so the coin is always worth one united

states dollar now the purpose of this is to have a reliable way to buy and sell certain coins without having to buy and sell them instead we can just trade them here’s an example of why this might be beneficial let’s say you bought one ethereum at 500 well now it’s one thousand

dollars and you want to sell because you think it’s high you want to take your Profits without stable coins you have to sell your ethereum at a centralized exchange like coinbase or binance and in return they will give you some united states dollars for it now of course

they’re going to take a cut of that transaction because they want a fee and they’re going to take it also the irs makes you pay tax on any gains that you make from trading or selling coinbase and gemini will be snitching that you made it so you can’t really get around it the next

step would be to wait for coinbase or binance to give them to your bank and then withdraw them from your bank because you don’t really want the bank controlling your money well a month later ethereum drops to 250 and you want to buy more so you deposit your 1 000 back into coinbase wait a few

days for the transaction to clear because you have to wait and then buy for ethereum and hold them well ethereum rises again to 500 and you decide to sell so you sell them at your centralized exchange you bite the fee and then you wait a few more days for it to hit your bank account see in this

example there’s a lot of fees there’s Taxes and there’s waiting now let’s say we utilized a stable coin like usdc you bought one ethereum at five hundred dollars and it raises to one thousand dollars instead of going through all that headache you trade your

one ethereum for 1000 usdc and you just hold it a month later similar to the previous example it drops to 250 and you trade your 1000 usdc for for ethereum then it raises to 500 and here’s the beneficial part within five minutes you sell your for ethereum for two thousand dollars the fees

were less than one percent because you used what we call a decentralized exchange to trade which is something we’ll explain later but because of it you were able to trade almost instantly plus the usdc was secure and you trusted it because it’s just code it doesn’t change unlike

coinbase or binance or gemini which are controlled by the government and more importantly people they have been hacked before anyways we are getting off topic so that’s the purpose of stablecoin you can be in the text-decoration: none;">Cryptosphere without actually using your government-owned bank now in a lot of places we take banks for granted like in the us but some countries are really limiting and how much money you can move around or what currency you can buy them from in fact in the united

states every transaction over ten thousand dollars has to be vetted and approved by a bank meanwhile using a stable coin like usdc you can move 10 million dollars from one address to another without anyone blinking an eye for like a five dollar fee you could never do that with united states dollars

number two borrowing and lending so another important pillar of decentralized Finance is lending and borrowing in fact a huge part of our current financial situation in the

world is based on lending and borrowing money so it would make sense that the blockchain could do it better one of the reasons we can reliably lend and borrow with banks is because we usually put something down like 20 collateral so that if we never pay back the full Loan our

government can come after us and throw us in jail or make us pay that money in short there are legal consequences for not paying a Loan back well with Crypto this is a problem

because one of the pros of Crypto is anonymity you could put 20 down and run away with the rest of the Loan never be seen again so we have to find a way to solve this in fact

with the use of smart contracts we can actually allow others to use our funds while still keeping custody of them so let me go through a little example person a wants to earn interest on his coins while person b wants to borrow some coins so person a goes to compound or ave which are two platforms

that allow Crypto borrowing and lending and person a deposits his coins into a smart contract if you don’t know already smart contracts are just code that run a particular function in

turn what he gets are called c tokens or a tokens that are a representation of his original coin plus interest whenever he wants to he can just turn his a tokens or c tokens into that smart contract that was created by compounder ave and they spit out his original deposit plus interest now the

smart contract is created this way so that there’s no human being that has to do the calculation or have to do the transaction it’s all automatic by code so that solves person a wanting to earn interest by lending in a traditional way in the borrowing portion person b must do something

called over collateralize his Loan this means if he wants to borrow 100 he must put up 120 dollars so that way if he runs away and never pays back his Loan the smart contract is written in a way that it can pay back person a their coins plus interest now at this

point in time you might be asking what’s the point of taking a Loan if you already have the money well you’re probably thinking in united states dollars say you have 10 ethereum worth 1 000 because they’re each worth 100 but you don’t want to sell them

because you greatly believe in the ethereum project so you put them up as collateral and borrow 800 worth of tether which is a stable coin pegged to the united states dollar so you trade that eight hundred dollars around you make some money you lose some money you make some more money and now

it’s time to pay back your Loan so you have eight hundred and fifty dollars in tether and you pay back the original eight hundred dollar Loan to get back your 10 ethereum well in this little example you made fifty dollars from the little trades that you did

and you got lucky but it has also been a few months and ethereum like it has done in the past few months exploded and now they’re worth 150 each so now you have 10 ethereum at 150 dollars each so now you control 1 500 plus the 50 dollars you made trading basically if you believe in ethereum

and you have it but don’t want to sell it and you want to use the value of it you can take a Loan out on it hoping that it will be worth more whenever you cash it out however if you traded you lost some money you gained some money and then you lost some money and maybe you

ended up with 750 dollars tether you would have two options option a is to front the extra 50 to pay back the full Loan the 800 to get back all of your collateral and option b is to just keep your 750 and lose your 10 ethereum which could be worth a lot now this might be

information overload but real quick there is a second type of Loan in Crypto called a flash Loan which is a Loan that lasts for like 10

seconds if you could buy ethereum for 10 on coinbase and then sell it for 11 on gemini theoretically you can make a dollar every time you did that and so you can use what we call is a flash Loan to literally borrow millions of dollars you don’t have to put any money down you

just write a flash Loan to borrow 10 million dollars you tell it to go buy ethereum for ten dollars and then immediately sell it for 11 and then you pay back the original Loan 10 million dollars and all one small little smart contract that gets run in 10 seconds

essentially you made a million dollars minus the fees that you had to pay for borrowing but these fees are small because the lender knew that you would have to pay them back and that it was for a very short period of time now this is a more advanced technique but you could never perform this type

of arbitrage in traditional Finance number three decentralized exchanges okay so i have a friend who traveled to london a few years ago from the united states now of course

in london the standard currency is euros while over here in the us it’s dollars so naturally he had to visit a foreign exchange booth and trade out his dollars for euros unfortunately for him the fee was like 15 so he immediately lost 15 percent of his money because that’s what foreign

exchange traders do tourists don’t know any better and they need local money so what they do is they take advantage of these people well when it comes to decentralized none;">Finance instead of a foreign exchange trader we have what is called a decentralized exchange where you can exchange your coins and tokens for other coins and tokens now the fees are usually very small like less than half of a percent which is a great benefit for anyone who

regularly wants to trade their Crypto Assets most popular decentralized exchanges or dexes work in a manner where investors pool their money together and then traders can

trade that money the fee of every trade that i mentioned earlier goes back to those investors and it’s all written in code so it doesn’t change a government can’t step in and say you can’t buy bitcoin anymore the fees and the percentages that you change are locked too

they’re written in code so they don’t change and they can’t raise to crazy prices like 15 decentralized exchanges open the world up to a whole new variety of tokens and coins for example coinbase the first centralized exchange to go public only allows you to buy and sell 32

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies at the moment since they are regulated by the government and have to abide by certain regulations they very closely analyze each coin before adding it the most popular

decentralized exchange which is called uni swap literally has hundreds maybe even thousands of tokens that you can trade and they aren’t regulated by anyone that’s the decentralized part there are billions of dollars locked up in these Liquidity pools so traders can

trade but nobody can control these billions of dollars they’re just following a program that someone wrote in fact only investors can be the ones to pull out their money out of the pool but if they did that the lending rates would rise and so new investors would come along and put their money

in so like i said earlier the code can’t be changed either it’s what we call immutable so in the Crypto space we like to say that the code is the law the government doesn’t

control it the code does and everyone has access to the code and it doesn’t change uni swap is one of the major exchanges on the ethereum network and it has billions of dollars in its pools pancake swap is another exchange on the binance smart chain network that also has a few billion dollars

of Liquidity number four Insurance Insurance is really easy to explain for example with car Insurance you pay 100 a month to protect your new tesla however one day while using the autopilot feature another car causes the autopilot

to glitch and you drive into a ditch unharmed though but you totally wrecked the car well since you paid Insurance the Insurance company pays you what the tesla was worth so that you can go buy a new one they use statistics to predict how many of their drivers will

crash their cars and then use this data to predict how much they would have to pay each year to determine what the monthly price of the Insurance should be which is also called the premium well with decentralized bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance the Insurance company can be code so let’s go over an example let’s say a farmer wants to buy crop Insurance so if his crops die he still has Income for planting them

and taking that risk we could write a piece of code on the ethereum network that says if there’s any days this summer that are 90 degrees fahrenheit or hotter four days in a row pay out farmer joe one hundred thousand dollars however to start this contract he has to pay two thousand dollars

so farmer joe can buy his crop Insurance through what is called a smart contract which is just code that sees if the conditions are met to pay him so at this point in time you might have two questions how does the code know if it’s 95 degrees fahrenheit and where does a

hundred thousand dollars come from well to connect the real world to the blockchain we have to use something called oracles which are trusted sources that become a bridge between the real world and the none;">Crypto world we can create an oracle in our city that reads the temperature and is verified by a few people to make sure that it can’t be frauded then the smart contract can reliably use it as a data source to decide if Insurance requirements are met or not

secondly the one hundred thousand dollars comes from other people buying Insurance that bought the premiums but maybe they didn’t get paid out because the requirements were not met just like an Insurance company makes Profit people who

provide Liquidity to any decentralized Finance platform may be incentivized within an interest rate to earn on their deposit in other words some of the

hundred thousand dollars may come from investors who earn money by lending their money lastly we have number five which is Margin Trading so Margin Trading is a whole new beast let me explain Margin Trading in the traditional world real quick and

then i’ll explain it in the decentralized world so you want to buy the apple stock and right now it is one hundred dollars so essentially what margin is is it is a Loan that will automatically sell your stock if the stock goes below your down payment so to buy a hundred

dollar stock you need a hundred dollar Loan and the bank agrees to give you that hundred dollar Loan if you can give them a twenty dollar down payment and a small fee of five percent a year so here’s two scenarios that could happen the stock goes from one

hundred dollars to one hundred fifty dollars you have paper hands so you decide to sell the stock and you get one 150 dollars you pay back 80 of your Loan because the bank already had your original 20 as a down payment and you keep the rest which is a Profit of 70

dollars so essentially you made 70 dollars by only spending 20. this means that you more than tripled your money even though the stock only went up 50 percent this is the power of margin you use it when you think something is going to increase in value to multiply your own money now let’s

take a look at another situation this is the second scenario and it’s if the stock drops to 50 well with margin you actually have to sell as soon as the value of what you bought can’t pay back your Loan so the stock starts out at 100 then it starts dropping 90 85 and

then as soon as it hits 80 boom the bank forces you to sell your one stock of apple at eighty dollars so that you can pay them back those eighty dollars that you borrowed so the eighty dollars you made from selling the stock plus the twenty dollars that you gave them as a down payment equalizes the

Loan and now the bank has their original one 100 they originally gave you so you’re free and clear you’ve paid your Loan back but you didn’t Profit anything in fact you lost your original 20 that you put up as down payment in

centralized Finance to trade on margin you usually need to be able to prove who you are along with have a minimum of a few thousand dollars to even have access to

Margin Trading the fees are also much higher much higher than five percent and decentralized Finance Margin Trading can be a lot quicker

open to anyone in the world with money and a lot safer as well so wrapping this up we have covered five big pillars and decentralized Finance stable coins lending

and borrowing decentralized exchanges Insurance and margin hopefully now you can see the value add of decentralized Finance and why so many investors are

piling billions of dollars into this new technology if you’ve learned anything from this we encourage you to hit that like button to a reward our hard work and consider subscribing for more great text-decoration: none;">Crypto explainer CashNews.cos such as this one thank you guys so much for watching and we hope to see you in the next one

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on What is DeFi? (Decentralized Finance Animated).
With over 837814 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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45 thoughts on “What is DeFi? (Decentralized Finance Animated) #Finance

  1. Don't Miss Out! $MIND Fairlaunch today at 4 PM UTC! Revolutionary AI project and a big marketing push! Be there! @XmindsCoin

  2. Comments in every bloody YouTube crypto vid: someone comes with some bullshit story. Comment under says “how do I stop it happening to me?” or “how do I achieve those results too?”
    Then follow a couple of comments under all promoting some miracle worker who can help you, with some fake testimonials. Commenter 2 then claims to have contacted them and had amazing results. This bullshit is so tiring.

    Go get a job and stop scamming people!

  3. Some points are not clear, but interesting) And the question is, there is USDT on the OKX wallet, how can I transfer them correctly to Binance, only the seed phrase is: couple december over rack bottom verb couple two water draw resemble addict

    I don't know anything else.

  4. Bitcoin halving is fully done, now miners need to earn x2 of what they have earned to remain profitable. In other words, $80000 is needed for miners to stay profitable with current halving rate. Bullish times ahead, only few understand.

  5. I lost over $70K when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I find one source to recover my money, at least $9k profits weekly. Thanks so much Mrs Ann Elizabeth Messer

  6. With the exception of the weak looking insurance aspect, DeFi seems to be entirely inward facing toward crypto… buying, selling and borrowing crypto with crypto etc. When I first heard about DeFi and what a "huge thing" it was going to be, I thought "it must have the potential to replace banks in areas like home loans etc." But I see virtually nothing like that. This is about transactions to do things like get crypto cheaper. Honestly, other than Bitcoin and maybe ETH as a portable store of value, how is this not a ponzi scheme? Where is the real world application?

  7. Correct me if i am wrong … but i dont think i am….. DECENTRALIZED FINANCE or DEFI… is meant for everybody in any country… the very meaning of DECENTRALIZED means it doesnt get controlled by a CENTRALIZED body. Yet the globalists running our governments prevent us from using certain DEFI because we live in certain countries….. THIS IS CRIMINAL… DEFI is a scam for as long as the governments are preventing us from managing our own money.. I will never fkn give my custody to anybody… We need to fix this ASAP …

    As we speak they are planning on how to screw us more and prevent us from even using cold storage wallets… We are so fkt if we dont replace these dirty government politicians..

  8. What nonsense. No matter how much bullshit you put in between, if your common denominator is central currency then you don't have defi.

  9. Wow! Such a great video sir, this video has put me through on how to make money on DEFI and I appreciate that. I have actually been getting along with reef chain and this video has made me know much about defi. Reef Chain is an EVM compatible blockchain for DeFi, NFTs and Gaming.. Thanks ones again for the great video sir

  10. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 🤖 Traditional finance is centralized, controlled by authorities, and can be expensive with high fees.
    01:12 🏦 Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is an alternative where code, not banks, manages financial transactions, providing lower costs and censorship resistance.
    02:07 💱 Stablecoins like USDC are cryptocurrencies pegged to real-world assets, providing a reliable way to trade without going through traditional banks.
    05:24 💰 DeFi enables lending and borrowing through smart contracts, eliminating the need for collateral in some cases.
    09:35 🔄 Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) allow users to trade cryptocurrencies with lower fees and a wider range of assets compared to centralized exchanges.
    12:09 🛡️ DeFi offers insurance through smart contracts, with oracles bridging real-world data to automate payouts.
    14:01 📈 Margin trading in DeFi allows users to amplify gains or losses by borrowing funds, offering accessibility and potentially lower fees compared to traditional margin trading.

    Made with HARPA AI

  11. The central authority ATTEMPTS to control it is more accurate. I'm sure we've all heard of the amazing results when governments think they control this and start causing people to starve to death XD

  12. Attention, this is a recipe for losing your own Savings!!! Six weeks ago, I invested my savings in USDT. you must first pay tax in advance, including the amount you invested. Then comes a notification that your funds are on their way to your wallet. Then there is another fee called a deposit. probably next will be a handling fee and then an ecological tax and it will end with a climate fee. I haven't got my money till today and the Company has no intention of withdrawing it.

  13. The practicality of Symbiosis (SIS) has been refined and enhanced through the integration of distinct advantages. Presently, SIS holders possess the choice to engage in Staking or infuse their holdings into the Liquidity Pool accessible through Symbiosis finance. The current APR is set at 9.87%, complemented by the additional allocation of veSIS tokens (subject to unlocking over time).

  14. You should also look into LSDefi, which is fairly new and hot. Ethena, for example, is doing exceptionally well by releasing a new stable coin called USDe.

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