March 14, 2025
Who EARNS and Works More- Marketing VS Finance? 🤯[ISB MBA, Ex BCG] – App. for Unilever/Amazon/DB

Who EARNS and Works More- Marketing VS Finance? 🤯[ISB MBA, Ex BCG] – App. for Unilever/Amazon/DB #Finance

do you have a popular conundrum of choosing a career in marketing or choosing a career in Finance hi welcome to my channel whenever I’m doing a chai break this

is spice tea from Bali I am shooting really awesome free education content for all of you around MBA around the careers in management consulting public policy and product management so feel free to hit on the like and the Subscribe button so that you get notified whenever I’m bringing out

really cool free educational content for all of you it’s a very well demanded on my channel because a lot of you go through this conundrum before your MBA or even during your MBA campus when it comes to specialization so I’ve created a five part comparison series and in fact

watch till the end if you want to know a salary comparison as well and the hours comparison as well but largely we are going to be covering what kind of roles can you actually imagine in marketing and text-decoration: none;">Finance what kind of skills do you require in marketing Finance what kind of companies hire in either of the two then we will talk about the hours and

then last but not the least we will talk about the salaries as well first and foremost I want to talk about that especially with Finance and marketing a lot of it is

dependent upon your own interest as well what kind of personality are you how you outgoing do you like to talk to consumers or are you someone who likes to actually crunch a lot of numbers in your office room on an Excel and not engage in a lot of conversation I’m not generalizing or painting

with a board brush but very commonly it is seen that in marketing you are talking to a lot of teams you are talking to clients you are talking to the internal departments a lot of multi-disciplinary and a multi uh Department conversations happen versus in

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance you are actually with your laptop more often of course many times you are dealing with the clients as well depending upon your role but it’s much more I would say

Analytical in nature and in the sense that it’s more inward in nature as well with that let’s first and foremost talk about the kind of jobs that exist first in marketing and then in none;">Finance I’m going to be peeping into my notes because I’ve taken detailed notes for all of you because we need to appreciate that marketing is just a jargon there are multiple roles right from being creative to being analytical similarly in

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance there are a lot of jobs right from banking to let’s say actuary as well so we are going to be delving deep into it so let’s just talk about the examples of the kind

of rules that exist in marketing you have market research you have communication Specialists you have sales representatives sales and marketing many a times in the MBA campus especially in India actually combined then you have fourth marketing managers uh you have fifth advertisement managers and

then sixth promotions director once again it’s not an exhaustive list because exhaustive list is 50 60 rules it’s an illustrative list helping you understand and appreciate what kind of all roles exist in the world of marketing similarly when it comes to

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance you have Investment Banking you have Equity research you have Risk Management the fourth one is Corporate

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance the fifth one is Capital Budgeting sixth one is accountant seventh one is #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance controlling and the eighth one is quantitative Finance once again not only exhaustive but largely illustrative in nature those are the

kind of vary roles that exist in the world of Finance now when it comes to skills what skills do you really need to build a career in marketing and in

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance when it comes to skill the first one is in marketing market research do you know how do you reach out to the consumer do you know how to define a survey map do you know what

kind of questions do you need to ask so on and so forth the second one is you of course need to be very comfortable with excel in fact in GTI there was a master class in marketing in the marketing professional the first thing she said that it’s not that marketeers do not deal with Excel they

very often deal with Excel because they are talking about they’re building a case for product launch or building a case about the budget so on and so forth so Excel still continues to be a very important skill that you need to have in your answer if marketing is what you’re looking

forward to do the third one is building consumer insights demand and Supply map the fourth one is able to take feedback from the consumer the fifth one is copywriting specially if you’re on the artistic and the creative side of marketing the sixth one is branding which is different than

marketing marketing is how do you distribute the product right branding is how does the consumer feel about your product when they think about your organization’s name the seventh one is promotions similarly on #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance when it comes to the skills that are required to build a career in Finance you have Financial modeling you have

Financial Valuation the third one is Risk Management the fourth one is analytical skills the fifth one is statistical skills once again not really exhaustive list but covering largely 80 to 90 percentage of the skills that are needed to build a career in either

marketing or in Finance with that if you’re still interested and you are now trying getting a flow of the kind of roles that you like over compared to the two let me

actually give you a flavor of the kind of organizations that you can work for especially if you’re interested in the world of marketing which is Amazon in India then you have Procter and Gamble then you have Hindustan Unilever pretty famous and the coveted organizations on MBA campus to hire

to get hired Microsoft Accenture Salesforce IBM Oracle there are leading unicorns in India as well there are msmes and startups which are also hiring for marketing roles in the world of none;">Finance if we go over there is Blackstone there is Deutsche Bank there is Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley Bank of America Credit Suisse Citibank HSBC UBS JB Morgan Etc these are the large Banks through which you get hired for the rules in

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and of course for corporate Finance conventional

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance rules Unilever PNG startups will come and hire for you Corporate Finance rules

as well and of course there are Venture Capitalists and private Equity firms as well when it comes to hours once again we are painting with a little broad brush the nuances matter which rule are you going to take whereby the skills are going to differ when it comes

to marketing I would largely say that they put in less hours comparatively I would say 50 to 60 hours per week we’re talking of Monday to Friday uh but once again if you are working in the sales side many a time sales side is much more aggressive they require you to actually achieve your

targets and Quotas but if you’re a natural sales professional perhaps the hours will not get on to you so that’s on the marketing side uh on the none;">Finance side I would say that you could be clocking in more than 80 hours per week from Monday to Friday many times your weekend could be consumed as well especially if you’re working in banking especially if you’re working in private Equity and in

Venture Capital however if you are employed as a risk analyst or a financial analyst or even as a corporate Finance professional then your Arts could be

chill it could be regular around 50 to 60 there could be plus minus here and there overall between marketing and Finance chance I would say that

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance people put in more hours relatively but of course your role really really matters so I really hope that you don’t quote me with a broad umbrella and then nuances really matter last

but not the least Trump role when it comes to the salary comparison I would say that on an average in India at a category level marketing professionals do get in a higher package almost around 10 to 30 percentage than text-decoration: none;">Finance professionals having said this it’s a broader umbrella answer that’s based on my experience when I was on ISB campus and the MBA leading items salaries that they have released as well but if you are for example an investment banker you’re

getting a job in Deutsche Bank versus your friend is getting a marketing manager job in one of the leading unicorns there is a high likelihood you are going to get more salary so once again it’s a broader umbrella comparison uh the nuances could matter as well and once a last no but not the

least I really want to say one thing with marketing and Finance don’t pick either of them because of the salaries or because of the hours pick because of your interest

pick because of of your personalities I’ve typically seen people with marketing as a passion I have a very strong passion towards marketing they want to be in touch with their demand side of the equation they like solving problems at the intersection of demand and Supply

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance on the other hand they like to procure funds they like to efficiently manage that fund as well so yes that’s my try break with all of you let me know if you have more ideas around

comparison we have already done Investment Banking versus Consulting we have already done product management versus Consulting on my channel feel free to check that out we’ll put the screenshot somewhere here but if you have more comparisons please let me know I’m happy

to actually build out a listicle for all of you that’s my tie break I look forward to seeing you soon and of course so if you like this feel free to give it a like and share it with your friends so that they get to know about all cool absolutely free information content I’m

bringing out for all of you as and when I’m on a chai break ciao I’ll see you very much soon thank you

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on Who EARNS and Works More- Marketing VS Finance? 🤯[ISB MBA, Ex BCG] – App. for Unilever/Amazon/DB.
With over 55955 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

#EARNS #ISB #UnileverAmazonDB

42 thoughts on “Who EARNS and Works More- Marketing VS Finance? 🤯[ISB MBA, Ex BCG] – App. for Unilever/Amazon/DB #Finance

  1. My parents are forcing me to go to finance i really don't want to put my all time for it i want to follow my other passion too 🥲 iam confused and trapped af

  2. Miss Sharma
    Hope you are fun and frolic

    I have to say you deserve millions of subscribers. The content you provide is worth watching and value adding, your content is a game changer. Kudos to you 😊😊😊. Lots of appreciation from Pune, Maharashtra.

  3. Hello Shatakshi Ma'am… I am a newbie. I have following questions regarding Marketing Specialization in India-
    1) Is it true that Marketing jobs involve travel? If yes, how frequently?
    2) What is growth trajectory in market research?
    3) Is it true that marketing has most amount of jobs among all specialization?
    4) What if one is not able to achieve sales target during given time period?
    5) How is Work Life Balance in Marketing as compared to Finance as well as HR?
    Please guide

  4. you are such an efficient communicator! would love to be able to talk like that. also, I would highly appreciate some information and your insights on International business as a specialisation.

  5. Thank you for such an informative video. I would like to request you to make a video on how can someone shift from marketing/finance to consulting, after 3-4 years of work-ex in the former post MBA.

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