March 14, 2025
Why Finance “Gurus” Want You To Hate Them – How Money Works

Why Finance “Gurus” Want You To Hate Them – How Money Works #Finance

i’ll never forget these guys paid twelve thousand dollars each to sit in that chair three days i gotta look at their ugly faces this is intentional they do this on purpose their unbearable personalities are as big a part of their business as rented mansions and second-hand

lamborghinis despite what you may think when you watch them these men are not dumb and they are playing you as much as they are playing the people that give them tens of thousands of dollars to attend their coaching seminars and take their online courses financial charlatans promising people the

secrets to getting rich quick have been around for as long as Capitalism itself these people will present themselves as wildly successful before offering up the secrets to their success for a steep price the modern incarnation of this scummy business model got its start with cheesy

so-called financial gurus who would pay for ad space on late night tv infomercials today the practice has become more popular with social media platforms like facebook instagram and tick tock giving these men direct access to millions of potential victims but if these men are trying to convince

people of their supposed financial brilliance then why don’t they present a more professional image well it’s time to learn how money works to find out why acting like an idiot on the internet is actually an incredibly smart play for these modern day snake oil salesmen today’s

lesson was brought to you by aura as you can already tell by this the internet is full of people that want your money and they are willing to do just about anything to take it in my time as a banker i have heard hundreds of stories of people that have had their identities compromised

online only finding out when they started receiving bills for Credit cards that never opened or hits to their Credit reports caused by Debt they have never authorized aura is an identity theft protection tool that includes fraud monitoring a vpn

password management and anti-virus software all rolled into one you may already use some of these but unless you have them all it’s kind of like locking the front door but leaving the window open and if we’re being really honest how many of us are still using the same password for

everything in 2022 i will admit that i was until i started using aura their monitoring software has a feature that lets you monitor the dark web for breaches involving your emails and passwords mine showed up seven times so you may be smart enough to avoid the financial charlatans all you need for

that is a bit of common sense but you need the right tools to protect yourself from online identity theft america’s fastest growing crime and aura is letting you try them out for free for 14 days when you sign up at forward slash how money works all of these financial gurus like to

think of themselves as high ticket salesmen in fact a lot of their online courses and ultra expensive seminars are based around the idea that their students can learn to be really good salesmen as well there is nothing wrong with this while most people might not inherently like salespeople the

ability to confidently sell a good or service is an incredibly valuable skill and it is one that only gets better with guidance and practice a good salesman can easily make more than almost any other employee because their Income is determined by performance-based commissions

rather than a fixed salary so no problem right it sounds like these guys are teaching a valuable skill to a motivated audience and even if their course material is on the expensive side it doesn’t matter if the students start making huge commissions quickly afterwards right well wrong because

as you might have guessed the courses these guys sell don’t instantly turn average joes into jordan belfort’s over the course of a five day seminar that takes years of practice now obviously i can’t speak for every sales and business coach out there but the other big problem is

that often their courses are simply not very good there is an old saying those that can’t do teach and nowhere is this more true than in sales you don’t have to look too far online to see hundreds of negative reviews and stories from people that invested tens of thousands of dollars

into these courses only to be taught big self-help nonsense rather than practical sales advice so these guys might not be who you want to go to to learn about sales but there is one thing that they do better than almost everybody and the good news is that you don’t need to give them a cent to

learn about it these guys are masters of the sales funnel a sales funnel is business speak for the process a customer goes through from the first time a customer hears about a company to when they finally end up buying from that company it’s called a funnel because at every step of the sales

process a certain amount of customers will be lost let’s say a company wants to sell a new electric car they pay for advertising that will reach 1 million people of those 1 million people 900 000 aren’t interested in buying a new car or don’t have enough money to afford the car

that the company is selling of the 100 000 that are left only half of them were excited enough by the company’s ad to book a test drive at the dealership of those 50 000 only 20 000 show up to the dealership and 10 000 like the car enough to make an offer only 5 000 of those offers are good

enough for the dealership to accept and financing falls through on one in five of those offers that means from an original audience of one million only four thousand people are driving away in the company’s new car this is a sales funnel now it doesn’t matter what you’re selling

cars shoes condos or get rich quick courses there will always be a funnel from initial impression to final sale the job of a good sales and marketing team is to make sure that the fall off from level to level is as low as possible if a car company actually wanted to sell 10 000 cars then their

sales and marketing team would have to look at the sales funnel to see where they could improve they could introduce a new model with more seats to appeal to family buyers they could make an ad that made qualified buyers more excited to book a test drive they could make booking a test drive easier

they could open more dealerships so that test drives are easier to attend they could hire better salespeople to persuade more customers to make better offers and they could even lower their lending standards so more people could get financing managing a sales funnel is a fine art that can make or

break a business now the financial charlatans have realized that there is another way that a business can achieve the same result without having to invest all this time and effort and that is just shoving a lot of people into the top of the funnel instead of reaching a million people reach 3

million and selling cars or coaching seminars becomes easy for a normal business the obvious problem with this strategy is that reaching 3 times as many people will cost three times as much in ads but the financial charlatans have discovered that social media is a convenient tool for getting around

this trade-off views on youtube CashNews.cos don’t cost the person posting the anything the only challenge is figuring out how to get those views in the first place that is where their insufferable personalities start paying Dividends these guys know that any

publicity is good publicity someone reacting to their cringy is still putting their face in front of a new audience people trashing them in the comments section is still engagement and people looking them up to see what all the controversy is about are all new customers

these guys have an option they could go the traditional route and advertise in a professional way to a small audience it will cost them some money but they might be able to get as much as 50 percent of that audience through the first step of their sales funnel the other option they have is to get

their face out there by any means necessary and target a huge audience converting just one percent of 5 million viewers is better than converting 50 of 10 000 viewers and it’s free there is another advantage to this strategy as well which is that when the question of their morally dubious

business tactics is addressed by a potential customer they can brush off the concerns as haters on the internet just being haters they hate me because i have a big personality when the reality is people often hate them because they took lots of money from a lot of people this really does work too

i’m sure most of you have seen these guys pop up on your tik tok or youtube talking about how rich they are the comments while overwhelmingly negative tend to focus more on their incredibly punchable faces rather than their shitty business tactics if i am a naive person looking for an easy

fortune i won’t be discouraged by my mentor being hated by poor people on the internet the very public nature of their business also helps their sales funnel by ensuring that only truly impressionable people make it through the first step mass advertising only works if you have a sales team

big enough to handle it but if their team only has to deal with people that watch their tacky CashNews.cos on the internet and thought to themselves yep this looks like a guy i want to do business with then that sales team is going to have a much easier time selling ten thousand dollar seminars

it’s the same strategy that email scammers use when they send out emails with horrific spelling and grammar they don’t want to waste their time dealing with people who are smart enough to read because those people will be smart enough not to send money to a nigerian prince maybe

it’s not that surprising that these two groups share similar business strategies there is one final reason that the financial charlatans are intentionally unbearable building a personal brand as a professional rich jerk is a great way to attract people that want to get rich and don’t

really care what they need to do to get there if these men posted ads promoting their sales training then all they could sell is sales training if these make themselves a public figure then they can slap their brand on whatever is popular at the time not everybody wants to be a salesman so to

maximize the potential of their sales funnel they can introduce alternative products like training seminars on Real Estate investing e-commerce copywriting day-treating and anything else that people associate with making a lot of money now i hope you realize by now that paying to

learn anything from these men is a truly terrible idea but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn from them these guys have mastered both the art of building a personal brand that attracts qualified customers and making the most out of the customers once they are in their sales funnel you

can learn a lot from these guys by learning from what they do and totally ignoring what they talk about if you are trying to build a business then study the tricks that these guys use to attract attention most businesses put all the focus on the product that they are selling these men are able to

sell a terrible product because they instead focus on building a brand yes that brand is a rich slimy douche bag but that’s better than their branding being useless overpriced online trainings i do hope you choose to build a better business around a better brand but if you don’t i

totally get it after all we are in the golden age of fraud go and watch that if you’ve decided to go that way and need a bit of inspiration thanks again to aura for making it possible for everybody to keep on learning how money works

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Why Finance “Gurus” Want You To Hate Them – How Money Works.
With over 346522 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

38 thoughts on “Why Finance “Gurus” Want You To Hate Them – How Money Works #Finance

  1. Honestly, this Video is hating on the Success. I honestly don't care. You just explained smart business. No one forced anyone to buy the seminars or courses. Are they outright lying or being immoral and unethical? You stated multiple times that they're charlatans and used as proof "bad reviews" and dislike for them personally. Then, you admitted that salesmanship takes many years to master and needs guidance. You talked out of both sides of your mouth on this one. 😒😒🙄🙄

  2. Not everyone can understand this, but when you're actualizing your potential, living in your purpose, and optimizing a results driven strategy the bullsh*t practically sells itself.

  3. Moral of the story: You gotta find a way to make money yourself! No guru is going to sell you something that works because then it becomes ineffective once everybody is using it, take every bit of information available and innovate or invent something yourself by putting it all together. Learning how to solve problems and scamper ideas is probably a more valuable skillset you can learn instead of the bs gurus try to teach you in those courses.

  4. I think they are selecting for people who are more gullible, desperate, submissive, etc, so they won't question the program. They make most of their money on the customers who get sunk costed in, not the people who buy the first course and drop it because it isn't worth the money.

  5. I would say that politicians are the scummiest salesmen of all. Since they lack creativity, the only way they think they can get most people to vote is by getting people as angry as possible about something that usually doesn’t matter.

  6. That sales funnel honestly explains life a lot. I see ads spammed on every screen that I'm near and me and my family are not interested in them. They must work to some degree otherwise it would just be a wasted expense. So they do actually work but its like casting a large net to get a small group of fish. But they still got the fish so they will gladly cast the large net again.

  7. This vdo only have 3lakhs view . It should be watched by all indian youths.

    I really don't buy that courses in my life time.
    But why poeple too mad in money.
    Money make everybody mad enough to mad others.

  8. A lot of these have a pretty loyal following of bootlickers who will absolutely dogpile you if you ask any questions. They seem to merge with the self-help genre quite often and make videos about how they utilize 16 different income streams to make like, 10-20 million/month.

    I always wondered how accurate those were.

  9. As a sales professional, I wish you didn't use Belfort. He's decent but still a bit of a hack – any real sales and marketing professional would laugh at someone saying they're at a Jordan Belfort level

    Edit: by the way sales funnel is normally used for nonsales people. We say pipe

    2nd Edit: Disagree about branding. If you're going to do marketing you really need to focus on value proposition and why someone would buy/do business with you.

    Brand will only take you so far and it's also more effective if it's B2C, not B2B. No one does "buy from IBM" as much

  10. Right at the start of the vid, not yet watched: I bet if you hate them, you will confuse jealousy for general loathing. It's basically a form of negging (from pick up artist schools), but for your dumb self.

  11. Welcome to the seminar on how to earn a million dollars. Let's start, how mutch did the entry cost? 10k. How many are you here? A hundred. Thank you, that's all for today.

  12. I’ll say this. When I see people put Tai Lopez on the list of scammers I get disappointed. I went through his 67 steps program years ago and he teaches people to AVOID the scams and fast money.

    He tells you he uses flash to sell people. But once in his program he calls that being a sucker and says not to be one.

    He teaches to find something you enjoy and are suited to do and work at it over the long term. Stresses most millionaires take at least 12 years repeatedly.

    Also stresses taking a balanced approach and not a radical swing for the fences approach in all aspects of life.

    He’s helped me tremendously. I don’t think he’s a scammer.

  13. A lot of pump and dumpers also like to pretend to be stupid or zany so that they can have deniability later. They pull the defense of, "You shouldn't have listened to me anyway. I was saying bluntly that I'm stupid." That's what the whole 'stonks'/'ape' culture is.

  14. So I'd say the best way to go about is to not give them any attention they want. Just pretend they don't exist – don't even give them negative feedback.

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