October 19, 2024
World Liberty Financial is worse than you think

World Liberty Financial is worse than you think #Finance

big news the world Liberty Financial token sale is now live Crypto is the Future Let’s Embrace this incredible technology and lead the world in digital economy go to world

Liberty financial.com today we’re taking a look at Trump’s World Liberty financial and it’s going to be a trump and dump because it is only inspired by Donald Trump and he’s just the chief text-decoration: none;">Crypto Advocate while his sons are web 3 ambassadors and the co-founders are Chas herrow Zack folkman and the wit cofs it’s two brothers and their dad and the most interesting thing about this team is that they have legal council this is one of the only

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto projects I’ve seen that states they have legal council because they are expecting to get sued multiple times so in this CashNews.co we’re going to dig into World Liberty

Financial why you shouldn’t invest in it and it’s just a front end for a and you’re just buying a token that might not have much use and it’s actually a token that’s non-transferable at the moment so that’s even worse now World Liberty Financial is only inspired

by Donald Trump and there is a huge disclosure here none of Donald J Trump any of his family members or any director officer employee of the Trump organization DT Marx defi LLC or any of their respective Affiliates is an officer director founder or employee of world Liberty Financial or its

Affiliates they are just ambassadors and Advocates they just want to create this distance saying hey we didn’t create this product but we like it they go on to say that the token and World Liberty Financial are a completely separate entity don’t sue them now another thing to look at is

the world Liberty advisers they have people from scroll Tomo wallet the Crypto lawyers polychain and I’m not too familiar with the other ones but what is World Liberty Financial what is

it what do they do this is all the information they provide they just say hey we’re shaping a new era of Finance and then you can buy the world Liberty Financial token

whether you live in the US or live outside the US there is going to be some different restrictions there I live outside the US so I’m headed there and their token sale is live now I don’t recommend buying this token at all and we’re going to get into those details later but their

token launch has been pretty bad so they’re selling one token at 1 .5 and 831 million have been sold so they’ve raised $12.4 million but for what what is this token for benefits of owning wlf as a owner and if you speak English you probably know that this should be as an owner

you’ll instantly gain a voice in shaping the future of defi you get equal voting power proposal creation steering def’s future nothing this coin doesn’t do anything there is no utility to it and you are really just betting on the token going up as a meme coin so that is

essentially it now let’s take a look at the white paper or as they call it here the gold paper so we have a better understanding of what they’re trying to do oh godamn that’s too much that’s too much he’s like it’s not by Trump but it is very heavily Trump themed

now the first thing you have here the tokens are not available for us persons and are only available for persons outside of the US the tokens have not been registered with any us or other authority and may not be offered or sold in the United States that’s that’s not World Liberty that

is definitely not World Liberty inspired by the vision of Donald J Trump decentralized governance wlf is a Delaware non-stock Corporation another one of their goals is to onboard web 2 users to web 3 with the Trump brand so here we have some details about what they’re trying to build the wlf

protocol plans to provide users with information and access to third-party defi applications so they are just going to be the front end for these other defi applications for example there is currently a temper check proposal to launch an a V3 instance for wlf for approval by the a DA so technically

they don’t really have anything yet they’re just waiting for A’s Dow to approve that they use their services for World Liberty finan IAL now if you’re not familiar with a it is a lending Market where you can lend or borrow

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto you do have to put up collateral you do have to pay interest and the Interest Rates typically are pretty low it is a safe platform they have been around in

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto a very long time and generally they are one of the leaders in the space when it comes to reliability so essentially they’re creating a token for a service that already exists and then they’re just wh labeling

that service that is pretty much World Liberty Financial they are trying to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to put a different skin on top of a and to be more specific with the numbers Trump’s World Liberty financials tries to raise $300 million and theyve made about 12.5 at a $1.5

billion Valuation now this is like the worst part about the token which I guess they had to do for legal reasons that that’s the only thing I can assume why they would make their token non transferable the sole utility of holding WLFI is for governance for the protocol it

will be fully functional for its governance utility at the time of completion of the token sale so once the token sale is done you can vote on stuff WLFI provides no right of return or other distribution so you’re locked in once you buy that there’s no refunds all WLFI will be

non-transferable and locked indefinitely in a wallet or smart contract until until such time if ever WLFI are unlocked through protocol governance so you know you have to vote to unlock your tokens and if you are not the whale holding all the tokens then those tokens are going to stay

non-transferable and you have no value for these tokens so that’s essentially World Liberty Financial it is a token that you buy that you can’t trade or sell it’s just going to be locked up and you’re investing in the Trump Brands but let’s find out a little bit more

about the founders of world Liberty Financial one of the dealmakers behind World Liberty Financial is Chase hero who previously sold coling cleansers online after serving time in prison for dealing marijuana you can literally sell in a can wrapped in pissed covered in human skin for a billion

dollars if the story’s right because people will buy it and that is what is going on in the Crypto space and I I saw my other CashNews.co I’m not going to question the the right

and wrong of all that all I’m saying is as a human being you have the ability to make a ton of money right now World Liberty Financial also has Chase Hero’s longtime partner Zachary fulman a former pickup artist who under the name Zack Bower founded a company called Date hotter girls

how many guys came here to learn how to take girls home and bang them so to sum it up I could not be more excited to trust my kids insulin money with these three guys Donald Trump uh a in the can salesman and teimo Russell bran now now whether you love Trump or not this is just a terrible

investment the token doesn’t do anything they’re using the front end of other D5 platforms and they’re raising at a $1.5 billion Valuation which means you need the market cap to be more than 1.5 billion if you intend on getting any of your money back and not a lot

of tokens have a market cap over $1.5 billion so your investment is going to be starting at a huge disadvantage so for anyone in Crypto that is considering this consider something else you can

consider a you can consider any def5 platform that is usable around the world where they don’t have these restrictions where they will potentially not be sued because it has the Trump brand but that’s just my take on it do whatever you want in

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto but for myself and for my viewers I do not recommend it and there are a lot of other opportunities when it comes to investing in in text-decoration: none;">Crypto that have less risk so uh yeah stay safe out there but let me know what you think in the comments cuz you’re supposed to engage and like and stuff otherwise these CashNews.cos do terrible and they have been but I’m okay with that because I am just

interested in Crypto and I share some of the stuff I research and even though that this review or CashNews.co isn’t going to make you money it might make you a little smarter it might

give you more insights when you’re looking at other projects in the future all right with that I hope you got your full value for today

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on World Liberty Financial is worse than you think.
With over 2352 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

31 thoughts on “World Liberty Financial is worse than you think #Finance

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  3. Thank you for putting these videos out even with low likes… I enjoy them all. You’re the man Dan! Because of you I went heavy into Sui way back. Thank you

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