March 1, 2025
ZERO DOWN Multifamily Seller Finance | 265 Unit Breakdown Part 1

ZERO DOWN Multifamily Seller Finance | 265 Unit Breakdown Part 1 #Finance

welcome to Whispering Pines West and East where we own 41 buildings totaling 265 units all purchased with seller Finance with the help of Angela Wayne one of my

lenders and private money investors how much money did I put into the deal they’re all zero no Credit no cash so what we’re going to do today is we’re going to create a playlist where we’re going to answer probably 15 20 questions as we walk around this

property give you guys both a tour and answer questions individually where do these deals come from how do you find an Angela Wayne what Angela wants to do is get involved in your deals be a partner in those deals and also she has friends that have money this is somebody you want to know you guys

will get the same education she’s getting as we walk this beautiful property in Springfield Illinois hey guys heading out to a new property that we just got under contract we’re gonna close in a couple of days we want to do some content for you guys people don’t realize how much

money we spend to put this together on the YouTube channel way more than YouTube pays us YouTube paid us sixteen thousand dollars this month but our content costs probably about a hundred grand a month legitimately we have a big team amazing people we have travel expenses all that kind of stuff and

today just getting to Springfield we don’t even have a car there’s no car rental places here that are even open So today we’re going to try and get an Uber driver to Uber for us all day long so we’re going to ask him how much would it cost for you to just cancel the rest of

your day and just spend the time with us hanging out in the car just in case we need a car like right now so follow us along today it’s gonna be good hi Angela how you doing good morning how you doing you ready to hang out for the day I’m very excited and there’s a guy right there

be be inconspicuous about the camera for just a second see because I want to make sure I get this and I don’t want him to be like wait are we doing like about stores just holding your hand like that how you doing sir are you just starting for the day yeah amazing what would you what would you

charge me if I had you drive for us all day and hang out with us all day what are you making a day normally well decent Day 70 80 bucks okay if I paid you 500 would you hang out with us all day oh sure all right God Dale amazing what uh car apartment complex did you buy it’s a it’s one

that needs a renovation that’s for sure it’s called Whispering Pines oh yeah I think that is off Norman what’s the address yeah all right off oh yeah you’re right Bluebird you want to get a Starbucks sure all right seems pretty cool to be able to like tell ask a guy what do

you make on an average day he says he makes 70 to 80 a day and we’re gonna pay him 500 for driving around with us today so feels good to take Cash Flow from your rentals and be able to use stuff like this to change people’s lives all right as promised 500 bucks thanks

for hanging out with us today all right so in the first on this series we’re going to do a deal breakdown Angela you want to come with me sure Angela is like I’ve never been on a YouTube before you’re making me nervous Pace come on come on so here’s

what we got here we are in a cul-de-sac we called this the circle okay we’ve got Whispering Pines West we have not started working on these properties yet and you have Whispering Pines East on the other side it is a massive property as we go through and I walk through with Angela and

we’re going to tell you guys the deal breakdown today but then in the other CashNews.cos in the series you guys will see the entire property so hang out with us this is probably going to be about an hour to an hour and a half long playlist give you guys a really good education on where these

deals come from so first where did the deal come from somebody send the deal to you uh nope this was act this was actually direct to seller I have a relationship with the seller at this point met the seller nine months ago through Outreach and continually texted the seller myself wow okay so in my

single family business I have a team that runs all of that right I have a a partner Cody Barton him and I run a single family acquisition business together we have cold callers from start virtual we have texting from batch leads we have you know our CR CRM is deal automator but then on the other

side we have high level multi-family I do that by myself my partner Cody is not involved in those deals that would be me Molly Allison Heidi they kind of helped me run those things and then I partner with really good operators all over the country really good operator that I partner with to who do

you know Vena yes who you spent three days with amazing amazing aging party amazing right so Vena is somebody that you go find and you go partner with these people so I can find a deal bring it to Bean and go I don’t want to manage it I just want to be an owner right yeah okay so that’s

something you got to know and that’s why like the relationship with Vena the other day was so important for you because now you can go find a deal let’s say somebody watching this brings a deal to Angela Angela goes I want to to bring some money to the table maybe some

expertise and some underwriting but I don’t want to operate the deal because she likes to travel okay she doesn’t want to be on site looking at contractors and dealing with that stuff send her a deal she’ll bring it to her operator partner I have an operator partner here my

partner is actually Tim broth do you know Tim Brock I heard about that Tim Bros is amazing so I will own 70 of this asset Tim will own 30 of this asset and I don’t have to operate it that’s the value of Partnerships is that I’d rather have 70 percent of this asset than a hundred

percent and never have to deal with it and the contractors and all the things that go on that’s a great Arrangement great Arrangement so when people say well how do you structure these and when does the management look like that is the answer so nine months of following up with the seller

directly nine months we struck a price of 15.9 million dollars it’s a higher end purchase price the property is not fully renovated I think the property will be worth 21 million dollars within the next couple of years Yes actually it’s 41 units 265 is pretty powerful I actually bought

them the deal no money out of pocket and actually no down payment yeah that’s so where does your money go you’re the investor closing costs and renovations right yeah okay so then what we’ll do is we’ll sell our color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance on the front end and the seller wants to be reFinanced out at some point so what we will do is we will then end up doing a

morby method do you remember what a morbi method yes I do so I go to Marcus and millichap Jamie litzler shout out Jamie litzler put him in the comments I go to Jamie and I go Jamie I need half of the money for this deal and then the seller will seller

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance the other half right so it keeps the seller at a high purchase price he’s happy and that it puts me in a situation where I can recolor: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance all your money back plus a return yeah I’m into the deal no money and I have a bank Loan with Jamie litzler and I have a seller text-decoration: none;">Finance Loan with the seller and I’ll be into the deal in like probably four months I’ll have no money in the deal no investors in the deal I’ll be in it by myself and I’ll have a new Loan with Jamie

litzler that’s great that’s great of financing it’s creative Finance so with seller text-decoration: none;">Finance on the front end morby method on the back end so it’s very interesting how you can do these deals by being creative so if you guys don’t know what the morbi method is go down in the description my team will put a link to the morbi method

series you guys can see me talk about the more me method and what that looks like I use Jamie litzler at Marcus and milichap to do these types of transactions so um give him your business he’s an amazing human being here’s a couple of things that if I’m if I have a deal I want to

look at a couple of things how much money am I out of pocket is always my first question so I’m into it zero dollars second question I want to ask is how much am I going to get back once it’s stabilized yes okay so every single month I will get a check somewhere around twenty thousand

dollars a month on this asset on the low end and then about five years I’ll be getting about forty fifty thousand dollars a month from the same asset amazing amazing and then in 10 years it’ll be like seventy eighty thousand dollars a month and then when the Loan is

paid off it’ll be about 150 to 200 000 a month just on this one asset wow it compounds yeah compounds compounds so that’s the cash the coolest thing that so in the first year what do I really care about more than anything else the Cash Flow nope I personally think when

when you’re starting in Real Estate you think the Cash Flow is the most important thing but really like you make good money at your job right but you paid Taxes oh your tax write-off yeah tax write-off so for a 15.9 million dollar purchase I

will get about a 5 million dollar tax deduction wow this year wow that’s some this year five million so I can go my start virtual business my title and escrow business my wholesale business my Fix and Flip business my TV my media company all of these places I make money all the Cash

Flow I bring in from all my other Assets the airbnbs the other apartment complexes I I bring in more than five million dollars in Income every year from all of those things this one asset will wipe out five million dollars of Income this

will make me save probably real tax dollars two million dollars this year wow that’s incredible incredible so for a lot of people that are looking to invest in multi-family and you’re looking for that tax Savings you can always go to you guys can be

an investor in our deals we actually give our investors the tax uh benefits as being a partner with us on these types of deals so Angela same thing she’s trying to do what I’m doing right now okay so she has money she has expertise she more important she has a team of people behind her

that can help you guys look at these types of deals so if you guys have multi-family deals send them over to Angela Wayne our Instagram is Angela Wayne Realty on Instagram we’ll put down her contact information down in the description below so if you guys have questions about the deal please

go in the description down below I’d love to do a follow-up breaking down any questions you have but if you guys are trying to learn Korean Finance uh two ways I would give

you um advice one go to the creative Finance with Pace morby Facebook group Link in the description down below or two um you can see if there’s an opening in your area for the sub 2

mentorship it is the sub 2 mentorship pretty cool there is a made it’s a life-changing Community life-changing community that is one of my favorite things that ever it’s not life changing education necessarily the education I don’t know is my education pretty good it’s very

good but also the collaboration that’s very unique it’s very unique so if you guys are looking to get part of a community that will help you learn these types of things and actually do deals with each other that’s the coolest thing in Real Estate is finding people

to do stuff with go on the link in the description below we’ll see in the next

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on ZERO DOWN Multifamily Seller Finance | 265 Unit Breakdown Part 1.
With over 23732 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

#Multifamily #Seller #Unit

46 thoughts on “ZERO DOWN Multifamily Seller Finance | 265 Unit Breakdown Part 1 #Finance

  1. Great video – would love to do this! Question – I understand seller financing and balloon payments but don’t understand where you’re getting the money to pay your private lender in the video. When are you pulling cash to reimburse her the closing costs and reno?

  2. He makes 70 to 80 a day, you give him 500. Then you proceed to ask your followers to give you money for your costs? Sounds like a scam to me. Looks like when it all goes south, you walk away unscathed.

  3. In subto you take over the loan I get that. But then you pay the person what they want for the property? Or the person is just in destress and can't do anything with the property?

  4. @pace I have done that. Charge one person during the snow storm we had, $200 to drive from San Antonio to ozona 8 hrs round trip and he filled the car. And then took $200 for a day trip to natural Bridge caverns and the drive through park.

  5. So initially when you stated that you would be getting 20k/month my first reaction was that's kind of a low cap rate. However, factoring in that you didn't have to put anything down on it and that tax break is huge! Can't wait to own properties via CF!

  6. ☔️☔️RainMakersSpeaking☔️☔️
    🎬Nice one, Angela. Uncle Pacer Rocking a Rolling as usual. Big fan Angela by way of UVDC 🤌🫰💪1.0🐊1.0 on my way to 10X.

  7. I was wondering how he managed to get half refinance. And how where the terms with seller to get there. He said he will pay half of the seller finance once he finish doing the rehab or how he agree to purchase the property and pay half upfront or how it actually worked? I have 2 multi family unit deals I really want to get them but seller don’t really like my offer of 0 down :(.
    Maybe if I pay half like Pace did I can close these 2 deals. I always following up he haven’t been able to sell none of them. Thank you have a good one. He spent a lot of money into some properties so he wants some upfront to get some money out. That’s why he doesn’t like my zero down proposal.

  8. Pace I’m your student in the subto community I don’t understand how it actually works like how you pay the loan the nice lady gave you?
    You did refi half of value if yes how do you do that? And once you do that don’t you have to pay your seller finance? Thank you Pace for all this content have a great day

  9. Did you pull a list for the property and skiptrace it? How were you able to be direct to seller? I hear when it comes to larger assets brokers control that asset class but clearly not lol

  10. Very interesting…I’ve always been interested in creative financing and I can always find deals and analyze them, but getting qualified for the loans has been a problem so I need a sponsor and KP, but looking at this I think I just need to stretch my brain a little more and I’ll be able to get into deals faster.

    Still need to find private lenders to either give the seller some cash and also to cover closing cost and any repairs. But once I control the asset getting it to where I need it to be and then refinance should be straightforward. Even if I have to do something like a MLO instead of Seller Finance on the front end.

  11. Next video: numbers breakdown for the Morby Method since the seller wanted to be refinanced out at some point. Half to seller, half seller finance carry. Nice one Pace!! Shout out to my friend Angela s well!!

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