February 12, 2025


hey Cryptog growth fam how’s it going this is your host shazib signing in we’re back with another CashNews.co guys in this CashNews.co we will be discussing XTC Network the

backbone of Finance it’s going to be an interesting one guys so make sure to watch till the end and folks for those of you who are new to the channel we primarily discuss utility coins

and potential gems if you’re interested in any of that stuff then subscribe the channel and hit the notification icon for regular CashNews.cos and you can also support the channel by becoming a patreon so do check that out as well only if you’re interested and folks you can check out

the official Crypto growth Partners For The Exchange we’ve got mexe you can check out the link in the description box below for rebates bonuses discounts and uh lowest fees so do check

it out and uh as far as the wallet is concerned you can check out descent they’ve got their products they’ve got the biometric wallet which has got an attractive $50 off and you can also check out their biometric wallet 2x package guys which has got a phenomenal $129 off only if you

follow the link in the description box below by the way folks desent supports 3,000 plus of your favorite coins and tokens and it supports 50 plus blockchain main Nets including xdc Network anyways let’s see what’s happening with xdc in real time and new info any new uh news for us look

at this guys this is from Trinity xdc probably nothing look at this JP Morgan has teamed up with enigo to revolutionize digital trade Finance where where laser focused on one critical use

case leveraging the bill of exchange to provide essential working Capital after months of rigorous testing strategic planning and in-depth reviews our first life transaction is just around the corner so keep your eyes peeled let’s hope that this is legit JN has has asked over

here where is this from Trinity has replied LinkedIn if you do not know guys anigo is aiming to revolutionize the uh trade documents and make them digital look at this anigo is a global technology provider of Trace uh a standardized solution for digitized original documents anigo is a Stockholm

based uh technology company with historical F focus on ensuring consistency integrity and traceability of digital information in space it is associated with the xdc network via ITF dni initiative both of them are members look at this enigo welcomes new itfa dni initiative members this is back in

2021 by the way we’ve got enigo over here and we’ve got XTC network over here as well look at this in 2019 the itfa fintech committee launched the dni initiative the most specialized community of Technology firms financial institutions and corporates dedicated to digitize negotiable

trade instruments following the you UN citrol mle in this journey over the last this is the model guys the mlr is the trade uh electronic trade regime basically which aims to uh provide that frame work for uh electronic trade documents electronic digital documents and all of that stuff endorsed by

the UN itself in this journey over the last two years anigo has been proudly engaged and among other things developed the itfa D do manager demo application recently the committee has attracted 12 new institutions to join the dni initiative Community look at the names over here guys Lloyds Bank ux

export Finance uh we’ve got emirats NBD and we’ve got xdc Network cor here as well andu is delighted to welcome the new members since working together is important to push the

boundaries and legis and the legislatures in the right direction to digitize trade guys uh this is one of the legit use cases the upcoming use cases of the blockchain realm uh digital trade digital trade text-decoration: none;">Finance because this is one of the most easiest thing to tokenize the trade documents and one of the most legit use cases in the entire industry out there look at this this is also an opportunity for financial institutions corporates fexs and platforms to try to try

Trace original a unique document technology to create and manage digital negotiable instruments and documents of title in accordance with the mlr so uh be it xdc be it enigo be it these other uh of the uh trade text-decoration: none;">Finance innovators they are they want to follow the ml rules and do everything by the book and be regul and uh uh be be legally compliant be regulated this is one of the things that differentiates xdc from other uh projects guys it is be it is one of the most legit it

has one of the most legit use cases and also regulated in the same time at the same time guys look at this xdc is the only public blockchain in attendance you are not bullish enough risk to reward is through the roof join us at third annual Mana supply chain

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance the expert panelist will share insights on digital transformation from narrative to action look at the names over here we’ve got standard charted uh we’ve got hspc okay we’ve got Alan Alan bank I guess

yeah Alan over here Alan trade what else do we have these are some legit names over here Financial Giants General Motors emirats NB NBD European Bank electric way China systems okay itfa guys mushrik Nissan okay what else do we have Oxford economics Pinnacle SM SMBC Sean’s energy Swift solo

one uh trade finex yeah powered by xdc protocol and then we’ve got none other than xdc Network as well trade Assets folks I saw a really interesting post over here I wanted to share this with you just a moment pack your bags yeah this was the post look at this this was a

really interesting post over here about xrp XL M xdc uh the uh let me show you the name over here yeah the iso Squadron interoperability uh bis itfa ISO 2022 Corda let me just skim through this look look at this the 3x life Cher final stretch before Mass adoption and usage all ISO 2022 will be part

of the backbone of the next economic financial banking and Commercial model many projects are so underestimated undervalued compared to everything they should bring it won’t happen overnight but when the entire current system has switched to blockchain it is inevitable uh this is true a lot

of people say that it it it is going to be a flip of the switch moment it’s going to be happen in within a few seconds when uh the the economic model is going to be shifting from traditional realm to the blockchain realm but guys it is a gradual step it might take decades or more even one

decade two decade even to fully gain Mass adoption uh I know it is a it is a long time but uh to but the but for the Legacy systems to totally integrate blockchain I think it’s going to be taking a bit of a time especially with the ongoing regulations throughout the globe and a lot of stuff

involved legally uh there’s I think that it is a gradual slow and gradual process there’s nothing new in saying that one token will be gold another silver and another Copper at the beginning of blockchain I was already hearing this with BTC Litecoin and Doge these are just stories no

token will replace anything other than itself the value of an xrp will always be an xrp and to gauge their impact one only needs to use them to see the speed of the network for banking or business Services if you believe that Banks and institutions will use Bitcoin or ethereum it is because

you’ve never used blockchain because when the network is congested and it is blocked like a bottleneck there’s no question of doing business with it it is as simple as that no one is going to wait 15 minutes to several hours at the supermarket checkout for a transaction to be validated

uh guys this is I really agree with this because the high gas fees of ethereum despite the lay two solutions and everything that uh ethereum is now coming up with the layer one of ethereum has really high fees this is for sure uh as far as BTC is concerned the validations they takes time and

obviously if someone wants to pay at a super market or someone wants to pay at a store or anywhere they do not have time to wait I mean uh if you look at uh the debit cards that we use they’re almost instant and if blockchain needs to gain Mass adoption it needs to be faster than that to be

honest if if not faster at least it is it has to be happening in real time the transactions need to occur in real time the crossb payments if someone is sending money from country a to Country B uh it it needs to be happening in real time in in with in a few seconds if in a few milliseconds to be

honest this is the standard in the in in this uh day and age the the economy cannot wait for minutes for this to happen Okay so yeah no one is going to wait 15 minutes to several hours at the supermarket checkout for a transaction to be validated nor pay tens of Euros in network fees for a pack of

pasta or cigarettes uh and as far as XTC is concerned it is trying to make uh the the trade Finance documents it it it wants to tokenize the uh digital trade documents and uh basically

transform global global trade and if you’ve seen the impact of climate change impact of cutting trees due to this the paper regime the it it needs to change and xdc is in in the uh Forefront of that change basically okay look at this your current decisions can change your lives in a few years

we’re talking about all the value that exists all the money it amounts to several thousand trillions and even more yeah we’re talking about trillions not even billions not even hundreds ofli ions we’re talking about trillions of dollars of disruption it is not just the annual

Market you see on Forex or the exchanges of the Dow Jones or in the city of London we’re talking about everything that exists not just the financial banking or stock sectors ultimately even three digits for xdc is undervalued but that only if it achieves the value it if it achieves what it

aims to do if the team achieves uh a huge stake in global trade Finance uh the value can the price can rise as in that uh in in that regards and uh look at this too small to run Commerce and

its financing think about it yeah I agree that if it achieves that value ultimately it uh goes on to tokenize these documents and uh blockchain becomes the Talk of the Town and if uh digital Assets G Mass adoption only then it can happen let’s see what’s happening with

XTC Network’s uh official handle anything new okay November 2nd to avoid confusion we’ve updated our username from zinfin official to xdc network it’s about time because people were confused whenever I used to uh go on and discuss zenin a lot of people commented what is zinin or

the old name of xdc this change will make it easier for communi to stay informed and connected with all things xdc yeah it it will sync everything in the xdc Under the xdcam Umbrella without confusing people announcing our integration with xdc network rwa doxyz xdc network is a blockchain network

building for Enterprise grade use cases such as rwa tokenization trade Finance payments and more our zinin official integration means our data base Now tracks over $4 million of stable coins

treasuries and commodities with plenty more more rwa to come awesome okay so let’s see the update the weekly update ether scan on xdc network ether scan is now live on the xdc network this integration brings one of the most trusted blockchain explorers to xdc awesome we had covered this one

web3 o supports xdc web3 o now supports the xdc network making blockchain integration even more accessible what else do we have xdc ape podcast in the latest xdc ape podcast Sun munti sat down with John Lim founder of Kirk to explore how blockchain is transforming Healthcare cool anyways guys uh

what do you guys think about xdc Network being the uh backbone of Finance I would really like your opinions do hit the comment box below and let the community know anyways guys this was it

for the CashNews.co if you liked it make sure to like share comment subscribe and hit the notification icon if you’re interested in utility coins and potential gems and you can also support the channel by becoming a patreon so do check that out like I always say in the end until next time

stay blessed and stay tuned thank you very much everyone

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on 🚨XDC NETWORK: THE BACKBONE OF FINANCE!!!🚨.
With over 626 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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6 thoughts on “🚨XDC NETWORK: THE BACKBONE OF FINANCE!!!🚨 #Finance

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  2. Thanks for the analysis! I need some advice: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?

  3. Thanks for the analysis! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a Safepl wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (proof inner hobby bounce blouse able donate virtual luggage cart morning ticket),What's the best way to transfer them to Binance?

  4. -Great broadcast, as always. I appreciate the no-nonsense approach you take to the news and the markets. A lot has changed and that's about it ,but the truth is that I don't even care much about the bull or bear market anymore because Marie Hudson covered me while I'm doing comfortable. 10k 15k every week and I'm still counting thanks to her ❤️

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