September 19, 2024
TAPintoNew Minority-Owned Cannabis Shop in Newark Comes to Budding IndustryCity Leaf opened amid a series of cannabis shops in the pipeline for 
Newark's largest city. But it is only Newarks third to open so far..2 hours ago #IndustryFinance

TAPintoNew Minority-Owned Cannabis Shop in Newark Comes to Budding IndustryCity Leaf opened amid a series of cannabis shops in the pipeline for Newark's largest city. But it is only Newarks third to open so far..2 hours ago #IndustryFinance

TAPintoNew Minority-Owned Cannabis Shop in Newark Comes to Budding IndustryCity Leaf opened amid a series of cannabis shops in the pipeline for
Newark’s largest city. But it is only Newarks third to open so far..2 hours ago

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