March 3, 2025
Euro Quote Today | FinanceOne

Euro Quote Today | FinanceOne #EuroNews

Financial Insights That Matter

How does the Euro exchange rate work and what influences it?

The Euro is a very important currency for those who want travel around Europe or actively work with foreign trade for countries that are part of the European Union.

Furthermore, it is also the second most important (after Dollar). So, the Euro rate is essential for us to understand how the economy has behaved outside of Brazil.

Currently, one Euro (1 €) costs around R$6. I.e, R$1 real is worth R$0.17 in Euro. The variation of the Euro is influenced by some factors.

See what the rest are below:

  • High do Euro: with few offers, demand becomes less, this can happen because it contains low interest rates and high inflation, which causes investors to end up staying away.
  • Euro left: Quantities of offers on the domestic market cause the currency price to fall. This normally happens when interest rates are high, so this ends up attracting more investors, with more Euros in circulation.

But, after all, how is the price of the Euro determined?

The Euro has had a flexible value since its implementation in 1999. This means that it is freely negotiated by those who buy and sell.

Its determination follows the logic of Law of Supply and Demand. The more people search, the greater its value. And the fewer people looking, the smaller the supply.

As it is a strong and stable economy, the Euro is in high demand.

What are the types of Euro exchange rates and what does it affect?

There are two quotation possibilities. Direct and indirect. See their differences:

  • Direct quotation: happens whenever you are in home currency, i.e. your national currency. When you try to find out how much a Euro is worth in relation to the Real, the quote is straightforward.
  • Indirect quotation: Now when you want to know how much a Real is worth compared to the Euro, the quote is indirect. To make it simpler, imagine that you are in a European country and want to know the value of the Real. To find out, you will carry out an indirect quote.

How to buy euros cheaper

At the time of buy euro, any savings are valid. Because when you start perform planning a trip for Europe, the expenses could be many.

Euro banknotes in a row
When buying euros, any savings are valid

To help you with this mission, we have separated where you can find the cheapest euro.


Even though it is not the banks’ main service, you can buy euros at the institution. The most important thing is that you see the benefits that each bank can offer you, whether by type of account customer or good relationship with management.

Also, remember that banks usually pay a fee for the service and the exchange rate. Therefore, always calculate the amount with these extra values ​​already included.

Exchange offices

As they specialize in the purchase and sale of foreign currencies, exchange houses usually offer lower commission rates. Despite this, it is necessary to be aware of the service and exchange rate charged.

Another important information is that in addition to the amount to be paid for the service, the money will be converted using the euro tourism exchange rate.

Online survey platforms

There are several research tools that help you find the best euro rate. And through them it is possible to buy cash or debit card. But be aware of the differences in values ​​in each purchase method.

The advantage of platforms is the convenience and security offered, as the entire process can be done from home or work.

However, before buying the euro, check the fees that may be charged, as the exchange rate is usually added to the company’s commission. In addition to the delivery fee.

Why is it important to monitor the Euro rate?

Because Brazil exports many products to Europe and the Euro is a very strong currency. With the devaluation of the Real in 2020, the currency came to cost R$6,71 in February 2021.

Therefore, paying attention to international currencies means understanding how these values ​​will affect the Brazilian economy and what the risks are. Currently, the currency still has a high value, which is gradually decreasing.

What taxes are levied on the Euro today?

When quoting the euro, fees that are charged are often not included. At the rate of exchange It is the relationship between the real and the euro. And it is important to remember that the price must be based on the euro tourism, which has a higher price, embedded in the exchange rate.

Find out below the main fees to be paid when buying the euro:

Tax on Financial Operations (IOF)

O IOF It is the federal tax that is always present in exchange, credit, insurance and even securities transactions.

And aliquota to IOF varies from 038% to 6.38% in foreign exchange operations.

The first fee applies to the value of all international remittances to third-party accounts. The 1.1% rate applies to the value of currency purchases in cash and international transfers to an account held by the same holder.

While the rate of 6.38% is applied to the value of transactions carried out abroad with debit, credit cards or international prepaid cards.

Commission fee

This fee is charged by each institution to perform the currency exchange service. It is important to highlight that it is not mandatory and, therefore, varies from one institution to another.

Delivery fee

Many people prefer to have their money delivered to their home, for convenience and security. But in these cases, pay attention to the amount that will be charged for the service, which also tends to vary depending on the supplier.

What is the difference between Euro Commercial and Euro Tourism?

There are two types of Euro. The modality Commercial Eurofocused on foreign trade and exports and the Euro Tourismfor those who travel.

Why is Euro Turismo more expensive than Comercial?

The tourism value for any currency that bears This variation will be more expensive because it involves administrative and financial costs for the country.

Although Euro Turismo has a higher value, the difference between the two is usually not expensive and the difference costs cents.

When is the right time to buy?

This is a very relative question, as there is no right time to buy the Euro. The way to pay more affordable amounts in the currency is by monitoring its day-to-day variation here at FinanceOne, quoting at exchange offices and looking on sites that carry out comparisons.

The Euro can go up or down in a matter of minutes, so the right time to buy the Euro is when you think it will not go down any further.

With Brazil’s economic recovery and the increase in the number of people vaccinated, the value of the currency has shown small drops compared to 2020. So, the way is to keep an eye on it!

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+ Buy euros in Brazil or Europe?

When will the Euro stop rising?

The Euro will stop rising when Brazil’s economic recovery occurs. This is because the Euro only rose due to the devaluation of the Real on the global economic scene. To give you an idea, the Real only devalued more than the Bolivian currency.

So, the only way for the value to be stable again for Brazilians is with this economic recovery and appreciation of the Real.

About the Euro

O Euro It is the official currency of 15 of the 27 countries that are part of the European Union.

These include Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Slovenia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands and Portugal.countries very popular for tourism or work purposes.

It emerged in 1957, together with the creation of the European Union, but was only put into practice in 1999, when exchange rates were fixed and monetary policies were applied in the countries that are part of it.

It is a monetary policy that has a lot of advantages, since Europe is a small and close continent.

This means that relationships are closer and there is no exchange rate fluctuation, as the value will always be the same, regardless of the territory.

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