Cash News If you own a house, there’s a good chance you’ve gained equity over the last few years. Home prices continue to rise, and although that can be difficult for home buyers, it’s good news for you as a homeowner. Having more home equity impacts you in a handful of positive ways. One crucial […]
What are bonds, and how do you invest in them?
Cash News When you think of investing, stocks are usually the first thing that comes to mind. But there’s another investment option that can be a critical part of your investment portfolio: bonds. Bonds are generally less risky than stocks and can be a valuable source of stability for investors. According to Morningstar data, the […]
What’s the average checking account balance?
Cash News Having enough money in your checking account can ensure you have enough cash on hand for bills and emergencies — without triggering overdraft fees when you spend. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how much money should be in your checking account, it can be helpful — and eye-opening — to learn how […]
How to balance a checkbook
Cash News Since 2021, mobile banking has been the most popular way to access a bank account for U.S. adults under the age of 55. As more and more people adapt to digital banking, traditional practices like checkbook balancing are going the way of cursive handwriting and paper maps: They’re rapidly becoming obsolete. But balancing […]
What is a balance transfer fee?
Cash News Credit card debt is more common than ever: 46% of American households carry credit card debt, according to a 2024 report from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. A balance transfer allows you to move a balance from one credit card to another. Balance transfers can help you manage your debt because […]
What is passive income, and how do I generate it through investing?
Cash News What sets the uber-rich apart from everyone else? The nation’s top wealth holders — who the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) defines as those with gross assets of $11.4 million or more — have multiple sources of income, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and private equity funds. This diverse group of investments generates consistent […]
Where’s my refund? How to check your federal tax refund status.
Cash News If you’re antsy about when your federal income tax refund will hit your bank account, you’re not alone. For fiscal year 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) estimated about 120.9 million individual taxpayers were owed refunds, amounting to a whopping $461.2 billion. That’s a lot of spare change being left in Uncle Sam’s […]
Are 10-year CD rates worth it?
Cash News Securing a high interest rate on your savings can make a big difference, especially if you set aside a large amount of cash. This is where certificates of deposit (CDs) can come in handy, as they typically pay more than traditional savings accounts and allow you to lock in a high rate for […]
10 best credit unions of 2025
Cash News When deciding who to bank with, you aren’t limited to just banks — you might find that a credit union is a better fit. Credit unions typically offer similar products and services to traditional banks. However, they’re owned and operated by members, which often translates to fewer fees, competitive interest rates, and more […]
Could Walmart replace your bank (and should it)?
Cash News For many, Walmart is a one-stop shop for groceries, clothes, and other household items — and in some cases, banking. While it isn’t a bank itself, the Walmart MoneyCenter offers a wide variety of financial services at your local Walmart store in partnership with Green Dot Bank, an FDIC-insured bank. So how does […]