March 16, 2025
New documentary on Greek financial crisis to premiere in the UK #UKFinance

New documentary on Greek financial crisis to premiere in the UK #UKFinance

New documentary on Greek financial crisis to premiere in the UK #UKFinance

File photo.

“Public enemy – A Greek Tragedy” is the title of a new documentary about the 2010 Greek financial crisis that depicts Greece as an ideological victim of European Union forces punishing the country with austerity measures.

Directed by Elisa Madden and opening in UK cinemas on September 25, the documentary features the protagonists of the SYRIZA government of 2015, such as former prime minister Alexis Tsipras and his finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, as well as others including the French president at the time, Francois Hollande.

Referring to the austerity measures and the “troika” of creditors, they stress that Greek democracy was of secondary importance to Brussels.

The tragedian of the 21st century, as the Guardian has called Varoufakis, emphasizes that the debt crisis, which was supposed to be resolved, left serious social and psychological residues on the Greeks, with no “catharsis,” as in the ancient tragedies.

The representatives of the IMF withdrew their participation in the 11th hour.