October 17, 2024
Advisory Finance votes 5-4 to recommend Golf Club borrow #NewsUnitedStates

Advisory Finance votes 5-4 to recommend Golf Club borrow #NewsUnitedStates


Advisory Finance votes 5-4 to recommend Golf Club borrow
The Municipal Building Committee will decide on renovation or rebuilding the Westborough Golf Club building. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

WESTBOROUGH – The Advisory Finance Committee recommended by a 5-4 vote an article to borrow $450,000 for the Westborough Golf Club building.

The funds will be used toward design development, create bid documents and obtain a food services consultant for the Golf Club.

The town is trying to fund the project through combination of Golf Club Enterprise funds and potential lease payments should a restaurant open in that location.

The Municipal Building Committee is scheduled to decide on a renovation or rebuild at its Thursday, Oct. 17, meeting.

Community Center

The plans for the Westborough Community Center continue to develop, with an eye toward the budget and possibly phasing the project.

Joel Bargmann, principal with Bargmann, Hendrie + Archetype Inc. (BH+A), presented an updated schematic design to both the Select Board on Oct. 8 and the Advisory Finance Committee on Oct. 10.

Based on input from the charrettes last month, Bargmann showed a center that could be done in two phases.

The first phase would include fitting up the first floor for the senior center, including offices, a kitchen and a community room. The estimated costs for this phase — $11.75 million, $9.4 million of which would be for the senior center.

The proposal for the second phase would include the buildout of the Recreation Department area on the second floor; the installation of a walking track; roof maintenance and repairs; and renovations to the swimming pool. The estimated cost for this phase is $10.53 million.

Bargmann also included additional “soft costs” for about $1.9 million for items like furniture, equipment, IT, permits, inspections and project management. Add an owner’s contingency cost of $1.15 million, and the total pricetag could grow to $25.3 million.

Bargmann and Town Manager Kristi Williams pointed out that several items, like the pool, could be pulled out of the project and be placed in the town’s capital plan.

There’s also a chance to obtain rebates for other items, like as an emergency generator and HVAC units.

Some members of the Advisory Finance Committee supported the phased approach.

“I’m happy to see they brought in the phased approach,” said committee member Gene McMahon.

“I like that it’s been broken up,” said committee member E. Jane Clapp.

For Town Meeting on Monday, Oct. 21, residents will be asked to approve a transfer of about $1.3 million from the Del Webb/Chauncy stabilization fund to pay for the design phase.

The goal is to have final design, construction and bid documents ready in time for spring Town Meeting in March 2025.

The committee recommended approval by a vote of 8-0.

The Special Town Meeting will convene at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium. There will be a total of 19 items on the warrant.

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