Litigation Finance Providers Can Now Offer Discounted Rates When Disputes Are Decided Via Comprehensive Adjudication
Litigation Finance Providers Can Now Offer Discounted Rates When Disputes Are Decided Via Comprehensive Adjudication
PR Newswire
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 11, 2024
Proper Outcomes to Legal Disputes Are Increasingly Affordable
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Lenders that fund the cost of litigation between legal adversaries are now able to offer financing at much lower rates when the parties agree to utilize a new system, called Comprehensive Adjudication, to decide their dispute. Pioneered in the United States by the legal reform nonprofit, Intelligent Justice, this innovative system provides more expertly analyzed, enforceable decisions, resolving legal disputes at less than half the cost, and in less than half the time, required to litigate those same disputes in court. The entire cost of investigating the facts, researching the law and deciding the dispute is capped at the very beginning of the process.
The significant efficiency improvements provided by the Comprehensive Adjudication procedure allow litigation funders to obtain a much faster profit on a much smaller investment, with far less risk of a legally unjust outcome. The substantially enhanced risk/reward opportunity facilitates the ability of litigation funders to profitably provide financing at significantly lower rates.
The Intelligent Justice “Comprehensive Adjudication” solution is relatively simple, but it effectively eliminates the extraordinary inefficiency of traditional litigation. Instead of legal adversaries each hiring separate sets of attorneys to research the same legal authorities, analyze the same documents, review the same evidence, and examine the same witnesses, they split the cost of a single neutral “Adjudicator” to swiftly find the relevant law and evidence — and efficiently decide which party legally deserves to win. The Adjudicator is jointly selected by the parties from a list of distinguished attorney candidates with specific expertise in the legal field that is relevant to the particular dispute. The jointly chosen Adjudicator then zealously searches for all the law and evidence supporting the claimant and, just as zealously, searches for all the law and evidence supporting the defendant — because the Adjudicator does not represent either party. The neutral Adjudicator’s sole objective is to properly decide the case.
The cost to each party is automatically cut in half because the cost of the Adjudicator is split by the parties, instead of each party paying separate sets of lawyers to do the same work. Additional efficiencies cut the cost even further without sacrificing the rigorous analysis required to properly decide the dispute.
The Adjudication “trial” begins right away with the Adjudicator’s prompt review of the evidence and examination of the relevant witnesses under oath. There is no need to present that evidence and testimony again and again to a public court judge in substantive court motions, or to a jury at an expensive trial several years later. And all the wasteful procedural motions and tactics — that have little to do with the substance of the dispute — are eliminated from the process. The parties obtain a just outcome in a fraction of the time, and at a fraction of the cost, required for a public court trial or conventional arbitration proceeding. More information about Comprehensive Adjudication can be found at , or . An explanatory video can be viewed at .
SOURCE Intelligent Justice
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